Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 146 Love My Chapter~

Chapter 146 If You Love Me~
Fang Lin followed Deng Jiefu to a closed conference room.

The meeting room is a tan solid wood table with two rows of chairs next to it, and there is a projection at the front of the room with flags hanging around it.

It looked like a classic meeting room at first glance. Fang Lin felt a slightly serious atmosphere when he walked in, a bit like being called to the principal's office alone before.

After Deng Jiefu waved his hand to partition the room with aura, he walked to the conference table and pulled out a chair and sat down. At the same time, he put a chair in front of him, and said to Fang Lin gently, "Sit down."


Fang Lin hesitated for a moment, jumped onto the chair opposite Deng Jiefu and squatted down.

To be fair, I haven't had such a one-on-one chat with human beings since I was reborn. This kind of eye-to-eye contact and very formal look is indeed a little embarrassing.

"Kaka, don't be too cautious."

Deng Jiefu smiled and reached out to pat Fang Lin's head and said, "I haven't had a good chat with you, have I?"


He nodded and began to recall: "Five years ago, the aura just appeared in this world. At that time, the aura was even weaker than it is now, but gradually some people found that they could feel the aura. These people are called practitioners."

Fang Lin couldn't help nodding his head. He was just in college at the time, right?
"There was a small accident at the time, but the Federation quickly discovered this matter and quickly established the current Special Affairs Bureau as a transitional agency to absorb and train those who were accidentally awakened throughout the Dragon Kingdom."

"It took five years for the Bureau of Special Affairs to slowly develop into what it is now, and it has made a lot of achievements."

Deng Jiefu's tone was very calm, and Fang Lin was also interested in what he was talking about, so he gradually relaxed.

"However, the Secret Service will soon be called the past tense."

Fang Lin was a little puzzled when he heard this, past tense?

"Yes, strictly speaking, the Bureau of Special Affairs is a relatively deformed temporary product."

"For example, he has the power to override all federal violent institutions, but he is in the hands of a very small number of people with personal power, and of course he also obeys No. [-]."

"However, in the provinces under the charge of the four B-level awakeners, the centripetal force of these members of the Special Affairs Bureau is relatively strong, because they have led their respective members through many life and death, which is also human nature."

The province where the four B-level awakeners are located?

Doesn't that also include the Southern Province?
Noticing Fang Lin's gaze, Deng Jiefu nodded and said, "Yes, including me."

"The current model is too dependent on the top powerhouse's own sense of belonging to the Dragon Kingdom, so reform is imperative and will be implemented soon."

"But you don't have to worry, as long as the color in your heart doesn't change, no one can bully you, I have everything."

Immediately afterwards, Deng Jiefu stared at Fang Lin and said: "In fact, our lineage is all about eye relationship. My situation back then was similar to yours now. It was also a coincidence that I fell in love with Yang Zhen."

"In fact, I have been observing you for so long. I can feel that you have a sense of belonging to human beings and Dragon Kingdom in your heart. Yang Zhen believes in you, and so do I."

He suddenly had the feeling of two big men confiding in each other, which was a bit weird.

He didn't know how to reply, so he shook his tail and said nothing.

Deng Jiefu didn't continue to speak, and the two of them looked at each other face to face in the quiet conference room.

The atmosphere became subtle for a while.

Just when Fang Lin was restless, Deng Jiefu paused and said, "I know you are not simple."


Why did you hold back such a sentence for a long time?

"Snowball's awakening and supernatural powers have something to do with you, right?"


Fang Lin's eyes changed for a moment, but he soon calmed down.

Although he didn't know what Deng Jiefu saw, but he believed in the induction brought by his blood, Deng Jiefu had no hostility towards him.

Moreover, Fang Lin believed in his supernatural powers, how could his concealment, which was comparable to Yuehua's supernatural powers, be seen through.

Deng Jiefu didn't continue to play tricks, he paused and said: "My eyes awakened a magical power when I was promoted to B-level, and whether it was luck or the protection of world consciousness at that time, anyway, it hadn't dissipated at that time. "

"Can you understand what I mean? I can see through many things, but I can't see through you alone."

"I can feel that you are covered by a layer of fog, blocking my sight."

"Until now, my supernatural powers have never failed, except for you. The fog on your body is actually higher than my supernatural powers."


Depend on.

It turned out to be the case.

According to Deng Jiefu, his supernatural power level is not enough to see through his own supernatural powers, but because his supernatural powers are also very powerful, he can see that there is a cloud of fog covering his body.

"In this era, everyone has their own opportunities. Your opportunities seem to be better than mine. Try not to tell others about you until you have enough ability to protect yourself."

"But you don't have to worry, I should have enough qualifications to protect you before you grow up."

"You, Yang Zhen, Xueqiu, I am looking forward to your future growth. The future will definitely be unprecedentedly exciting. Only by doing what you want to do at ease can you be worthy of this era."

After finishing speaking, Deng Jiefu fell silent again and did not speak again.

Seeing Deng Jiefu's appearance, Fang Lin felt a little strange. Why did he feel that Deng Jiefu didn't seem to know what to say?

Thinking of the way he gets along with Yang Zhen, it seems like two people who obviously care about each other but are very formal in terms of address.

What's the matter with being majestic on the outside, but being a bit reserved to the apprentices in the new department, and being inexplicably cute?

Just when Fang Lin was thinking wildly, Deng Jiefu coughed lightly and said: "Let's go, everything will be fine as usual after you go back, it's not time for you to be exposed, and when the aura is completely recovered, you can bloom your own without any scruples." Glorious."

After speaking, he led Fang Lin away immediately.

After Deng Jiefu took Fang Lin back to Yangzhen's office, he told Yang Zhen that he had to come back before four o'clock and asked him to drive Fang Lin's two cats and two dogs home.

When Yang Zhen took Fang Lin and the princess and took Fang Lin home with two cat bags, Liu Jing was the only one at home.

After Liu Jing said goodbye to Yang Zhen, she asked Kaka curiously: "How is it? Isn't it fun there?"


I don’t know if it’s fun or not, but it’s delicious anyway.

It is now 03:30 in the afternoon. As soon as he got home, Xueqiu climbed onto his cat climbing frame, found a place to lie down and closed his eyes.

She just woke up today and ate very full at noon, and now she is almost sleepy.

She had been embarrassed to sleep in Yang Zhen's office just now, and now she didn't want to wait a second when she returned to her home.

And Jiang Baibai made a small calculation after observing that Yang's mother was not at home.

Watching him play games at Yang Zhen for more than an hour just now, she just wanted to have a good fight in the canyon.

"Are you staying with Liu Jing in the living room?"


Fang Lin was a little surprised, why did he mention this all of a sudden?
"Hey, I'll go up first~"

While talking, Jiang Baibai made an operation gesture with two small paws while Liu Jing was not paying attention.


Fang Lin nodded at her speechlessly, and Jiang Baibai, who got Fang Lin's response, ran up the second floor quickly and silently.

While Liu Jing was already sitting on the sofa and started vibrato, Fang Lin jumped onto the sofa and sat down beside her.

Liu Jing hugged Fang Lin and waved her mobile phone to show off to him: "I am very diligent today. The video has been edited and uploaded just now. I can have fun this weekend."

As she spoke, she picked up her phone and continued to look at it.

Fang Lin leaned his head to see what videos she had posted. Liu Jing took a lot of interesting videos in her life recently, and Fang Lin felt that all of them were quite interesting.

Oh, this is the video of the princess demolishing the house.

He was immediately interested.

Fang Lin was very curious about what these netizens would say when they found out that the princess would also demolish the house, and Liu Jing just opened the comment area to browse.

Many netizens finally got excited when they saw a "normal" husky in the accounts of Kaka and Xueqiu.

"After watching Kaka for a long time, I thought that the huskies in the world would not tear down their homes."

"Tearful eyes, I finally saw one at Sister Jing's house that is the same as my Erha."

"Only when I see a blogger's house being demolished, will I feel a little bit of balance in my heart."

Fang Lin couldn't help grinning when he saw this, and the reactions of netizens were exactly as he imagined.

Huskies are really comfortable watching other people raise them, especially when they see other people's huskies tearing down their homes.

At the same time, some comments found the sandal Yang's mother showed to the camera.

"My god, these sandals belong to Chanel!!!"


"How much?" was asked below the comment.

Then the landlord replied: "More than 1", many netizens began to be friends of Aite under this comment.

"More than 1 (cover your face and cry) (cover your face and cry)"

"Why don't we stop raising it, I'm afraid I'll beat it to death then."

Many people complained when they saw Kaka being beaten for this.

"Kaka is too miserable. He will also have to be beaten when the princess demolishes the house."

"Moving Longguo, if only I had a husky like Kaka."

Fang Lin continued to look at the rest, and they all praised him and Snowball in the same way, and some of them were cute by the scene of a bunch of furry children surrounding Yang's mother during the commercial time.

After watching Fang Lin for a while, he lost interest. In fact, he wanted to attract fans by relying on his strength rather than his appearance. Unfortunately, his appearance was too outstanding.

After Liu Jing picked a few replies, she didn't continue to watch her own video, and turned to Douyin. She is almost used to so many people's comments and attention now.

So I didn't keep watching and refreshing like I did at the beginning, watching the comments and reactions of netizens.

Fang Lin hadn't closed his eyes since morning, so he lay down beside him and took a nap.

"If you love me~"

"Give me an answer~"

"My love, love, love, there is no time difference~"

Not long after Fang Lin fell asleep, he was awakened by a burst of singing. He opened his eyes in confusion and found that Liu Jing was singing while watching the video.

She saw that Kaka woke up, so Fang Lin, who was very enthusiastic, said, "Kaka, this is very popular now, shall we take a picture of this too?"


Before Fang Lin could refuse, she leaned over and put her arms around Fang Lin's head and turned on the phone camera.

Liu Jing looked at the handsome Kaka in the camera and blinked herself and said, "Sing the words you love me first~ and then leave it to me, okay?"

"I'll teach you."

"If you love me~"

Seeing Liu Jing's expectant look, Fang Lin sighed in his heart, and was about to be forced to perform again.

"Sing, sing, love me~"

Fang Lin opened his mouth grumblingly: "Ah, ah, ah~"

"Kaka, be more emotional."

Fang Lin: .


This time Fang Lin raised his head next to Liu Jing and howled along with the rhythm, not to mention that he was really in tune.

"That's right, that's it, now it's officially started."

Liu Jing cleared her throat and clicked on the record button on the phone screen.


"If you love me~"

"Give me an answer~"

"My love, love, love, there is no time difference~"

"Stay is the price I pay for you~"

In the video, when Liu Jing sang, her bright eyes kept staring at Fang Lin, and Fang Lin also sat there quietly listening, with a special charm.

Unexpectedly, Liu Jing sang very well, Fang Lin wagged his tail and leaned over to watch the video effect.

Liu Jing was very satisfied after playing one side, so she directly opened the Douyin APP, edited the start and end time a little bit, and sent it out.

With the looks of Liu Jing and Fang Lin, there is no need for any post-beauty P pictures or the like.

In the video, Liu Jing is wearing a white T-shirt and black shorts at home, which just echoes the color of Fang Lin on one side, revealing her plump figure and a very special vitality.

Coupled with the fact that Fang Lin, who is in charge of good looks, is next to him, the visual impact of the whole video is very strong.

Coupled with her clear and melodious voice and the sweetness of the lyrics itself, the people who saw it were touched both visually and auditorily.

After Liu Jing sent it, she began to refresh the comments. Her current number of fans has exceeded 800 million, and soon there will be comments below.

"Two videos a day!!! Sister Jing suddenly treats me so well, can't it be that she has a crush on me?"

"Help! Kaka can really sing!"

"Ah, I want to take this picture with my Alas pig too!"

"I'm so touched, this is the best I've ever seen in this genre."

The comments that came out immediately were basically die-hard fans, so all the positive comments made Liu Jingxi smile.

She is also worried that fans think her singing is not good.

But a comment suddenly appeared in front of Fang Lin.

"Sigh, the most regrettable thing in this life is tone deafness."

This touched Fang Lin a bit, the beautiful pictures and melodious music do sometimes hit the soul directly.

He used to like singing, but he seldom listened to or sang after college.

Because many songs are late-night emo types, the more I listen to them, the more I suffer.

There is still a chance in this life. After the spiritual energy is fully recovered, I guess I can speak at the C level. I don’t know if anyone likes to record a video of Emperor Ha singing.


 Bi She has a headache from work, and he can finally rest tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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