Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 147 Paragliding!

Chapter 147 Paragliding!
Time passed slowly, and the light and shadow of the sunlight in the room also changed angles little by little.

Fang Lin sat by the floor-to-ceiling windows and shook his ears while watching the golden sunset in the sky.

Yes, boring.

He opened his mouth wide and yawned, lay down on the cotton pad by the window, and stretched his head to observe the flow of people in the community downstairs.

Now is the time when adults leave work and children leave school, and the community is still quite lively.

Perhaps it was because today was Friday and the three-day Mid-Autumn Festival holiday was about to usher in, so the children he saw were bouncing around and full of energy.

The kind grandparents who accompany the children with small schoolbags are like the sunset in the sky. Although they are late, they still make people feel warm.

Fang Lin just sat by the window and watched the scenery outside the window quietly. He suddenly felt that this perspective was very interesting.

In the past, I have been living in the dark, and I rarely have the opportunity to take a look at the scenery in such a leisurely way.

After being reborn in this life, the pace of life has also slowed down, and because of this, he has seen many different people and things before, and he has a feeling of real freedom.

No one urged him to work hard, no one urged him to study, no one urged him to go to work.

Xueqiu had just woken up at this time. After waking up today, she ate the spiritual fruit given by Jiang Baibai and ate a lot of meat at noon to ingest sufficient nutrients.

So after an afternoon of deep sleep, she now feels refreshed and walks lightly.

She lightly jumped off the cat climbing frame and looked around. Liu Jing was sitting on the sofa watching a TV series while playing with her cell phone.

After looking around, she finally found Kaka's figure.

The handsome and unrestrained back by the window is particularly eye-catching under the setting sun, and seems to exude a dusty temperament.

Xueqiu shook his big fluffy tail, walked gently to Fang Lin and squatted down.

Fang Lin, who was looking at the scenery, noticed Xueqiu quietly approaching him, so he smiled at her: "Are you awake?"


Fang Lin nodded and didn't say anything else. He continued to turn his head to watch the blue and lofty sky gradually being dyed red by the setting sun and slowly becoming darker.

Snowball's sapphire-like clear and clean eyes secretly looked at Fang Lin's side face, then put his head on the two snow-white front paws and lay down completely.

The atmosphere became unusually harmonious.

Liu Jing on the sofa accidentally saw this scene and her eyes lit up, she took out her mobile phone secretly and took a picture of this loving scene.

After the photo was taken, she became more and more satisfied as she looked at it, and the desire to share in her heart gradually became unbearable, so she turned on Douyin and used this photo to prepare to release the third update of the day.

She edited the picture with a warmer filter and added music.

"I look forward to seeing you again~"

"The sky will be sunny and my heart will be warm~"

"Sunshine between fingers~"

Under the melodious and melodious music, the artistic conception suddenly appeared.

She happily chose to publish.

It was almost seven o'clock in the evening when Mama Yang took Lin Yuqing and Xiaojie back home, and Zhao Hanya came with them, carrying a small suitcase.

Zhao Hanya is wearing a smoky blue hooded sweater, a pair of white straight-leg pants and a pair of white shoes underneath, and a ponytail tied behind her head is very energetic.

Seeing Zhao Hanya, Liu Jing greeted her with some surprise.

"Isn't this Yaya?"

Zhao Hanya's eyes were bent into crescents, and she greeted Liu Jing with a smile: "Hello, sister Jing~"

A bright smile showed his cute little canine teeth.


Liu Jing was very happy when she called her sister. She was used to being called by other aunts and aunts, but now Lin Yuqing and Xiaojie are called godmothers.

She hurried up and took the suitcase from Zhao Hanya's hand.

Yang Ma found her a pair of white slippers that she had bought for Lin Yuqing and changed them into her, and then explained to Liu Jing.

"Isn't she going to go out to play with her tomorrow? I'm going to talk to her mother about it this afternoon. After discussing it, I decided to let her come here directly tonight."

"We'll set off early tomorrow morning. She'll sleep with Qing Qing tonight. Anyway, her bed is pretty big."

Liu Jing nodded and said with a smile, "Why don't you sleep with my sister? My bed is also big."

Zhao Hanya looked at Liu Jing and smiled silly at her, she knew that Liu Jing must be joking.

Yang's mother just rolled her eyes directly: "The other child calls you sister, are you really going along with it? Don't look at the age difference between yourself and Yaya."

"Hmph, it's up to you."

Liu Jing curled her lips at Mama Yang and said to Zhao Hanya, "Go up and play, I'll call you after dinner."

However, to her surprise, the two girls did not go upstairs happily together, but ran straight to the living room to find Kaka and Xueqiu.

Xiaojie went upstairs mysteriously.

It seemed that she was Kaka's little fan again. Liu Jing looked at it for a while and didn't care anymore. She put Zhao Hanya's suitcase aside and asked Mama Yang.

"Where's Lao Lin? Why hasn't he come back yet?"

"Oh, he seems to have something to do with the company, and he worked overtime for a while today."

A trace of surprise flashed in Liu Jing's eyes, Lin Wenshao working overtime for herself?

The sun is really coming out in the west.

Seeing her doubts, Yang Ma shrugged and said: "It seems that some very important technology has made a breakthrough. His company's employees will not leave even if they voluntarily work overtime and deduct money. He has no choice but to stay there for a while. Will be back."

After listening to Yang Ma's words, Liu Jing was stunned for a moment, the world is really big and full of wonders.

In the living room, Fang Lin was sitting on the sofa watching a TV series, and Xueqiu was lying beside her.

Zhao Hanya approached directly with a smile, stretched out her hand and touched Fang Lin carefully.

Now Kaka is a big star in her eyes, although she often played with Kaka when she came to Lin Yuqing's house before, but now she suddenly feels like chasing stars.

"Kaka is so pretty, and Snowball is so cute."

Seeing that Fang Lin and Xueqiu didn't reject her, Zhao Hanya gradually became more courageous, and sat directly between Xueqiu and Kaka, hugging one of them.

Feeling the soft and furry touch on her hands and body, she couldn't hold back her smile, but unfortunately her mother didn't allow her to keep pets.

At this time, Fang Lin suddenly noticed that Jiang Baibai walked down from the second floor slowly. She seemed not very focused. When she arrived in the living room, she jumped onto the sofa and lay down, as if she was still thinking about something.

"Why don't you play anymore?"

"How do they play when they're all back?"

Jiang Baibai looked at Fang Lin with silly eyes, but she used Lin Yuqing's tablet.

Now she has gradually adapted to the rhythm of the game, and has also mastered her own style of play. She is now controlling Thunder and Lightning to score crazy points in the silver segment.

Just now she was having fun using Lu Xian to control the whole process, when she suddenly sensed that Mama Yang brought Lin Yuqing back home, she had no choice but to quit the game, put the tablet away and ran down.

Fortunately, Lin Yuqing didn't come up directly, or else they might have to meet each other.

Zhao Hanya looked at Jiang Baibai curiously and asked Lin Yuqing: "Is this the general?"

"um, yes."

Hearing the two mentioning himself, Jiang Baibai responded by raising his paw.

"Wow! Qingqing, did you see it?"


"The general greeted me just now!"

"Oh, I see. It's nothing. Kaka Xueqiu will also say hello. I usually respond to them when I wake up in the morning."

Lin Yuqing didn't think there was anything strange about this, her family was smart, so there was nothing she could do about it.

Zhao Hanya was interested, she touched Fang Lin's head beside her and said, "Good evening, Kaka~"

Fang Lin glanced at her and responded, "Aww~"


Zhao Hanya happily held Fang Lin's head in both hands and stroked it, thinking about the petting techniques she had heard about dogs like.

She gently hooked Fang Lin's chin with her small hand, as if to say that dogs like to touch it most, and the soft touch of her hand made her very interested.

Feeling Zhao Hanya's movements, Fang Lin's eyes flickered with surprise. This little girl is quite good, did she know how to give him a massage right away?
He's been enjoying massages at home less and less recently.

After all, if you see or use a lot of anything, you will feel accustomed to it.

Yang Ma and Liu Jing would rub his belly from time to time when they were watching movies at the beginning, but now that they have been with him for a long time every day, they just lean on the sofa together for a whole day.

Lin Yuqing now only gives him a massage when he is happy after watching the drama, and doesn't give him much massage at other times.

And she recently finished her math homework at school, and she didn't sit at the desk at all when she returned to the bedroom. He couldn't even lie under the desk like before.

Now that a free labor force is delivered to your door, Fang Lin decides to make good use of it.

If he wanted to get something, he had to pay first. No one could just get something without paying anything. He is now well versed in this truth.

So Fang Lin rubbed his head against Zhao Hanya's little hand while Zhao Hanya was touching her chin.

After Zhao Hanya felt that he liked her and became happy, he ran into her arms and licked her cheeks.

This is the initial contribution, is this shameful?
Not ashamed.

"Yeah~ Kaka! Hehe."

Zhao Hanya felt Fang Lin's enthusiasm, and happily stroked Fang Lin's back.

Fang Lin felt that the heat was almost ready, so he lay down beside her, hooked her hand with his claws and placed it on his stomach.

Zhao Hanya also understood what he meant, and began to rub his stomach.

At around 08:30, Mama Yang cooked the meal and called all the foodies at home, and Papa Lin had returned home not long ago.

After the family was seated at the dinner table, Mama Yang coughed lightly and began to reveal the weekend arrangements to the children.

"We're leaving tomorrow, so we won't hide it from you anymore."

"Our destination this weekend is the De'an Paragliding Base."

Lin's father nodded to Yang's mother and then said: "It's about an hour's drive away from our place. We will leave on time at eight o'clock tomorrow morning and play there for two days. Let's see when you come back on Sunday. How much can you learn?"

Hearing the conversation between Mama Yang and Pa Lin, Lin Yuqing and Zhao Hanya beside him looked at each other and could see the excitement in each other's eyes.

Zhao Hanya couldn't help asking: "Uncle Lin, is it the kind that floats in the sky by itself?"

Father Lin replied gently: "Almost, when the time comes, the starting point will be a very high hillside, and there will be very open plains in all directions."

"There will be a professional instructor to take you to fly together. If you learn quickly, the instructor can let you control it in the sky for a while."

Liu Jing was very interested in this project but also a little worried. She would be afraid when she was riding a roller coaster.

"Will it be dangerous?"

Mama Yang comforted her and said, "This is already a very complete project, and it was opened by a friend of Lao Lin. Those coaches are basically soldiers who have retired from the Dragon Kingdom and have rich experience. You don't have to worry about both men and women."

In fact, this event was mainly arranged for Liu Jing.

At that time, when Mama Yang was discussing with Papa Lin, the friend who happened to open the paraglider base mentioned this to Papa Lin and invited him to join him when he was free.

So Lin's father mentioned it to Yang's mother, and after thinking about it, they thought it was very suitable.

Because Liu Jing's mental state was not very good at that time, many people would choose to go bungee jumping after falling out of love, etc. After this kind of stimulation, it is indeed possible to forget some of the sadness in their hearts.

And paragliding is actually more suitable than bungee jumping. When you are flying in the sky, looking at the distant horizon and the sky around you, you are like a bird in the world, and your mood will suddenly open up. .

There is a saying that you must experience the feeling of flying once in your life, and it is impossible to imagine this feeling without experiencing it.

Moreover, it is the Mid-Autumn Festival, and the two children also have this time, which is also a kind of improvement of their life experience.

Nowadays, many people choose not to let their children go to kindergarten. Instead, they take their children to travel around, to see mountains, seas, deserts, and history. When they need to socialize on the road, such as shopping, they leave it to their children.

It not only enriches the child's vision, but also does not make the child disconnected from the society. It does make some sense when you think about it carefully.

"Paragliding? What's that?"

Jiang Baibai asked Fang Lin curiously, and Xueqiu was also listening carefully, ready to hear what it was.

"It is a tool that people can use to temporarily glide in the sky and achieve short-term flight."


Jiang Baibai suddenly lost interest, she thought it was something, wasn't it just flying?

Now she can fly if she wants to, although the beast master can mobilize the power of heaven and earth to fly with her own strength, but there is a magic weapon for flying in her bell.

The shuttle she used to escape the shadow guards and enter the ancestral land can even cross space.

Jiang Baibai, who grew up in the spirit world, a world with extraordinary power, could not understand the human's longing for the sky.

Helicopters, fighter jets, rockets.
Humans have never given up the idea of ​​conquering the sky.

Fang Lin was very interested.

That's flying!
Who wouldn't want to go to heaven?

It's not impossible to feel it before you can fly in the air.

(End of this chapter)

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