Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 148 My Car

Chapter 148 My Car (Daily Wan!)
Xiaojie looked at the sliced ​​boiled meat on the dining table that was a little far away from him and sighed, then reached out and took a lamb chop as the next best thing.

Because of Zhao Hanya's arrival, Xiaojie's position was directly taken over by Lin Yuqing.

Originally, Xiaojie was sitting next to Lin Yuqing, but of course Lin Yuqing wanted to sit with her when his good sister came.

Since Xiaojie wanted to sit and eat with his two older sisters, he directly sat in the fourth seat.

Xueqiu was also asking Fang Lin for some details. She hadn't seen a paraglider in her short life.

And she is a little afraid of heights, but she still wants to try when she hears that she can fly in the sky.

However, Fang Lin had only seen it on video before, how did he know the specific details?
After dealing with Xueqiu casually with "confidentiality", "sense of anticipation", "see you tomorrow", Fang Lin was also thinking about it.

It seems that the paragliding he has seen on the video before is at most two people together, the instructor pulls the umbrella behind to control the direction, and the tourists in front are responsible for watching the scenery and screaming, and that's it.

He thought that if the situation allowed, Yang's mother would definitely agree with him to take a paraglider too.

But I just don't know what kind of form he will appear on the paraglider. If Jiang Baixueqiu is so small, I guess he can just put a bag on his chest to hold him. What should he do?

But those flight instructors should also be well-informed, and the huskies should have a solution to the sky.

And the two girls also realized this problem when they got together to communicate in a low voice.

Lin Yuqing glanced at Xiaojie who was still eating lamb chops and quickly seized the opportunity to say to Yang's mother, "Mom, I want to fly with Kaka at that time."


Hearing what his sister said, Xiaojie was stunned, and the lamb chops in his hand were no longer fragrant.

Why didn't he expect to be able to fly with Kaka!

Yang's mother nodded: "Yes, I have asked your dad to call the customer service, as long as the combined weight does not exceed [-] kilograms, you and Kaka add up to [-] to [-] kilograms."


Lin Yuqing happily shook Zhao Hanya's arm next to her, not noticing the trace of envy hidden in her eyes.

She also wants to play paragliding with Kaka, who can refuse a husky like Kaka?
But Zhao Hanya is still very sensible. If Lin Yuqing's mother and her mother hadn't argued hard, she probably wouldn't even have the chance to come out to play.

Regardless of the fact that it is the Mid-Autumn Festival holiday, her parents don't take a day off and work overtime all the time.

This is what it's like to be a middle-level leader in an enterprise. You have to deal with the leader at the head and a bunch of subordinates below.

If you have further ambitions, you should work harder than others.

Father Lin glanced at the expressions of the children, he smiled and said, "Don't worry, we don't just play once, it takes two days, everyone has a chance."

"Yaya and Xiaojie can also be with Kaka."

Father Lin knew that Kaka was not only popular on the Internet, but also at home.

As Father Lin expected, the eyes of Zhao Hanya and Xiaojie lit up as soon as he finished speaking.

With no competition, Xiaojie happily discussed with his two sisters.

Isn't paragliding charged per view? After playing paragliding for two days, I can only say that it is Lin's father.

The economic base determines the superstructure, Fang Lin now feels that the superstructure under his feet is extremely stable and comfortable.

Seeing that the children were very happy, Mama Yang smiled and announced another news.

"The paragliding base also has a campsite, and we can camp there when we arrive tomorrow, paragliding during the day and camping in the wild at night."

The dinner table was quiet for a moment and then immediately lively.



"Yeah! Camping and eating barbecue~"

Xiaojie and Lin Yuqing immediately cheered, and Zhao Hanya, who was constantly being pulled by the happy Lin Yuqing, was also infected, but it was at someone else's house, and she didn't dare to be too active.

But Zhao Hanya's big Kazilan eyes are also full of anticipation.

Paragliding during the day, and eating barbecue at night when you are tired from playing, camping in the wild, watching the stars and watching the sunrise.

She unconsciously played with her ponytail a few times, and looked at Lin Yuqing and Xiaojie who were bickering between her and felt a little excited.

Since she was a child, her time has been tightly arranged, and there is basically no free time after school. The most common sentence she hears is that she can relax after the college entrance examination.

In addition, parents are busy, not to mention going out to play for two consecutive days and camping in the wild, even the number of times they go out for picnics during the day is only a handful.

Seeing that Zhao Hanya was stunned, Lin Yuqing woke her up by shaking her small hand in front of her eyes, and began to discuss with her what to bring tomorrow.

You must be well prepared when you go out to play.

Although Jiang Baibai is not interested in paragliding, he is interested in camping and barbecue in the wild.

She also considered her spiritual and entertainment life in the past two days, so she asked Fang Lin: "Do you think I should secretly take Lin Yuqing's tablet with me?"

"Why bring a tablet?"

"I played the game secretly while they weren't paying attention. As soon as I was promoted to Silver, can you bear it if I don't play for two days?"


Fang Lin glanced helplessly at the internet-addicted girl, thought for a while and said, "It's possible, but maybe Lin Yuqing will bring the tablet with her."


Jiang Baibai felt a little regretful, then patted the ground with his paw and said regretfully: "I should have asked Yang Zhen for two of these tablets, why didn't you remind me then?"

Can this be my fault too?

"Let's talk about it next time we meet. Anyway, we have to go there after the Mid-Autumn Festival. Just remember to mention it when the time comes."

Fang Lin only remembered to ask Yang Zhen for his ID number this time, but he didn't expect to ask Yang Zhen for two mobile phones and tablets.

This is mainly because he doesn't have space storage equipment like Jiang Baibai, so he doesn't have this kind of awareness in his mind.

Subconsciously, you will feel that there is no place to hide if you want a tablet.

"it is good."

The more Jiang Baibai thought about it, the happier she was. She smiled and said to Fang Lin: "You can also play with me on the two tablets at that time. I think the ranking mode can be double rowed."

"It just so happens that the jungler helped me catch it. Every time I encounter a mentally handicapped jungler, the whole game is very uncomfortable."

Fang Lin watched Jiang Baibai's indignant expression when he mentioned the mentally handicapped jungler, which was a little funny, and suddenly he remembered a very interesting sentence.

Both career and love can come late, only junglers can't.

"You have to pay for playing with you."

Facing Fang Lin's ridicule, Jiang Baibai waved his snow-white paws indifferently, saying it was okay.

She was already fantasizing about the Kaka jungler acting as a dog in the middle, and she could finally get rid of the mentally retarded jungler.

However, she didn't know that Fang Lin had already constructed a sinister plan in his mind.

Playing with you is tiring, right?

Not only to win the game, but also to plan the jungle route specifically for the boss, so the fee for each tier must be different, is this reasonable?
Silver and gold can't have the same price, can they?
There must be a difference between gold and platinum, the master of platinum and diamonds.
Fang Lin grinned at the thought of this, Jiang Baibai must be inseparable after experiencing his jungle service.

I didn't expect to be a husky in this life and I would be able to play games and earn money one day.

Really good fortune.

At this moment, Xueqiu touched Fang Lin with his paw and asked weakly, "Brother, can I have one too?"

"Why, do you want to play together too?"


Although Xueqiu's tone was weak, his eyes were full of firmness.

How could she let Fang Lin and Jiang Baibai play games together and watch by herself?Although she can't, she can learn.

"Okay, no problem, when the time comes, you can practice by yourself first, and I will teach you by the side."

"Thank you bro~"

"Yes, this game is a bit complicated, you can practice first."

Hearing Fang Lin's words, Jiang Baibai finally breathed a sigh of relief. At first, she thought Fang Lin was going to row with Snowball.

Although she wants to increase her intimacy in Xueqiu, points are also very important. If there is an extra Xiaobai, what if Kaka can't carry it and rolls over?
After dinner, Lin Yuqing and Zhao Hanya went back to the room together.

Liu Jing also rarely took an evening nap in the living room, but went upstairs alone. She was leaving tomorrow morning and she still had a lot of things unprepared.

Yang's mother has all the tents and things needed for camping here, so she doesn't have to worry about these problems, so she is going to go back and organize some simple daily necessities, clothes, and snacks.

In addition, she had to bring the things needed for video recording, especially the small camera that Dad Lin got. She planned to install one on Kaka's forehead at that time.

Yang Ma was also busy upstairs and downstairs.

This time I went out to play for two days and one night. Because I need to go camping without taking a shower, I can bring less toiletries. Everyone also needs to bring an extra set of clothes to prevent any accidents, such as getting dirty.

There is also food for the four furry children. I need to bring some dog food and cat food, but I don’t need too much. It’s good to have a little barbecue together, and the campsite there sells these meats.

It seems that there is nothing to prepare, but Yang Ma has been working on it for a long time. This is because she has a plan for everything.

There is no way, the things that need to be prepared are very complicated when there are more people in the family.

Dad Lin was sent to prepare tents and other items needed for camping. He moved the things from home to the trunk of the G63, and checked the fuel of the two cars.

Because there are three adults, three children, and four pets on this trip, there is definitely not room for one car, and Mama Yang will have to drive one.

Mama Yang's BMW V12 engine can drive at high speed with ease.

And Mama Yang showed them a cartoon before packing up, so the group of four Moyu headed by Fang Lin lay on the sofa enjoying life in a row.

It wasn't until ten o'clock in the evening that we went back to our homes to end our wonderful day.

Lin Yuqing's bedroom.

In the pink room full of princess and girly feel, Lin Yuqing and Zhao Hanya are lying on the bed watching variety shows with their feet up.

Lin Yuqing has already changed into her cute Winnie the Pooh pajamas, and Zhao Hanya also seems to like this dress very much, playing with her pajamas hat next to her.


Fang Lin jumped up and opened the door, and Xueqiu walked in one after the other. After Xueqiu came in, Fang Lin closed the door with his hind foot.

Now there is a tacit understanding between Lin Yuqing and him. After Fang Lin was driven back to the room by Yang's mother, she knew it was time to go to bed at 10 o'clock.

Lin Yuqing reached out and tapped the screen to call up the time, glanced at it and muttered, "Well, it's 10 o'clock."

"Does Kaka usually open the door by herself?"

A trace of surprise flashed in Zhao Hanya's eyes.


Lin Yuqing felt that there was nothing surprising about this, she put away the tablet and said, "It's nothing difficult, you will know when you raise it yourself."

Zhao Hanya nodded firmly, she must raise a husky for her work and life in the future.

"Let's go to bed, we have to get up early tomorrow."

Speaking of which, Lin Yuqing got into the quilt and yawned lazily. The two girls had finished washing, and a pillow was added for Zhao Hanya beside her.

Lin Yuqing's bed was very big, and she and Zhao Hanya slept more than enough.

Fang Lin and Xueqiu also jumped onto the bed one after another. Xueqiu went straight to lie down between the two pillows, and Fang Lin slept at the end of the bed as usual.

Seeing this scene, Zhao Hanya's heart almost melted, Qingqing is usually too comfortable, she is accompanied by Xueqiu and Kaka every night.

She looked at Fang Lin, who was lying quietly at the end of the bed, feeling overwhelmed with security. Fang Lin was now only a small circle smaller than an adult husky, and he had begun to have the sharp temperament of a wolf king.

Especially the eyes that are different from the usual Erha, brought the whole temperament to a higher level again.

Zhao Hanya was stunned when she looked at it.

"Yaya, go to sleep."


"You want to change"

Before Lin Yuqing finished speaking, Zhao Hanya began to undress.

She took off her smog blue hoodie first, revealing a pure white T-shirt with no pattern inside, and her chest had begun to take shape.

After Zhao Hanya put the hoodie on the bedside, she took off her white straight-leg pants, and her slender, straight legs immediately appeared, delicate and fair.

Fang Lin took a look and quickly looked away, closing his eyes and resting his mind.

boy, sky blue
Why don't you wear pajamas?
At the same time, Lin Yuqing also had this idea.

She was lying on the bed, completely covering her face with a small quilt, only revealing a pair of pure eyes like lake water.

It's just that there is a hint of shyness in these pure eyes now.

Yaya's legs are pretty.

Lin Yuqing hurriedly shook her head to expel this thought, and said muffledly with her mouth covered by the quilt: "Come in."

"it is good."

However, after Zhao Hanya folded her trousers by the bedside, she reached out and began to take off the only white T-shirt left on her upper body!
Lin Yuqing was anxious, and rushed forward to grab her hand with a blushing face: "What are you doing!"

Zhao Hanya was a little puzzled: "Take off your clothes and go to sleep."

Seeing Lin Yuqing's blushing face, she understood her thoughts, put her mouth close to her ear and whispered, "I usually sleep naked at home."


Lin Yuqing didn't expect her best friend to have such a habit, she hurried back to wrap herself in the quilt and said, "Well, okay."


Zhao Hanya didn't tease her anymore, since Lin Yuqing was shy, she could just wear a T-shirt.

She stretched her arms into the T-shirt and pulled out a white bra after a while, then slipped into the quilt with ease, and patted Xueqiu's head by the way.

Lin Yuqing was curious when she saw Yaya took off a white dress: "Have you started wearing that?"


"That's it."

"Oh, yes, aren't you wearing it?"

Lin Yuqing stopped talking immediately.

Fang Lin, a maternal solo player, has been greatly impacted since Zhao Hanya started changing clothes.

Can't be sour!
Seeing that the two girls continued to chat about private topics, he directly blocked his hearing and prepared to sleep.

At this time, he suddenly received a reminder from the Space Artifact Spirit, and suddenly appeared in the Great Emperor's Space with a flick of his mind.

As soon as he came here, he felt that the space was a little different from before. The dilapidated and gloomy atmosphere seemed to be a little weaker, and the black stone tablet also emitted a faint white light.

"Dear space holders, the studio has been fully charged."

A look of surprise flashed across Fang Lin's face: "Is it so fast? Didn't you say it would take a month?"

"Because your comprehensive influence factor in the current world has increased, the Great Emperor's Space has absorbed more world power to replace the source energy, and the Great Emperor's Space has met the upgrade requirements."

Increased influence?Power of the world?

"What do you mean?"

"Comprehensive factors include personal strength, ethnic status, popularity, etc."

"After the recovery of the source qi, the power of the world in the current world will begin to grow vigorously, so when your comprehensive influence factor increases, the Emperor Space can borrow more power of the world to repair the space and assist your growth at the same time."

Fang Lin was thoughtful after listening, and the setting of the comprehensive impact factor is quite interesting.

This thing can probably be understood as the impact he can have on the world, just like an ordinary person can't make a big wave no matter how hard he tries.

Although those presidents and prime ministers are not necessarily strong, but because of their high status and attention, what he does will indeed have a great impact on the world.

But the comprehensive impact factor has increased?
But his strength has not improved much, so it seems that there is only one possibility that his fans have increased.

"Can the power of the world explain it again?"

"Okay, the power of the world is like the light from the sun. When the source energy of the world starts to recover, the power of the world will continue to emerge and act on everything in the current world, giving them the source of growth."

"And creatures with a larger share of world power are like having more wages every month, and can grow faster in various ways."

"The power of the world nourishes the creatures of the world, and at the same time the growth of the creatures themselves will feed back the world, thus generating more power of the world."

"So in a rapidly growing world, the power of the world is endless."

"At the same time, the power of the world is constantly being generated and dissipated. When your comprehensive influence factor in the current world increases, the space can borrow more of these dissipated world powers."

The more Fang Lin listened, the more he felt that this thing was similar to the luck that Jiang Baibai said.

People with luck can grow rapidly, and when they grow up, they can also feed back the world and become stronger.

But in this way, the comprehensive impact factor is not right.

Qi Ling said that because his comprehensive impact factor has increased, he can "borrow" more power from the world to repair himself.

In that case, wouldn't those stars also have more power in the world, which means a lot of luck?
After Fang Lin asked Ji Ling his question, he quickly got an answer.

"The comprehensive impact factor is the exclusive treatment given to you by Emperor Space. The higher your comprehensive impact factor is, the more power the space can borrow for you."

"And the world power of a local creature is doomed from the very beginning, unless it is acquired by other creatures, but this kind of possibility is also difficult to happen because of the scarcity of its innate world power."

Hearing this, Fang Lin felt comfortable.

It is equivalent to saying that the comprehensive impact factor is another cheat of him, and other people's luck or innate talent is definitely difficult to change.

And because of their lack of luck and talent, it is difficult for them to have the opportunity to meet noble people.

But there are also silver linings, such as Snowball.

If Xueqiu hadn't met Fang Lin, he might have been an ordinary competition-level cat who spent ten years carefree after being bought by someone and didn't know anything.

But now after encountering Fang Lin's variable, everything is possible.

"What did you just say about meeting the upgrade conditions?"

"The emperor's space has absorbed enough power of the world, so it can restore some functions. It will take about three days. During this period, you will not be able to enter the space temporarily, and I will also fall into a dormant state."

"Would you like to start repairing?"

Fang Lin was a little curious: "What function will be restored?"

"The information is unknown, looking forward to your exploration."


Fang Lin was a little speechless. There was no instruction manual in the Great Emperor's Space, and he had to encounter everything before mentioning it.

But he didn't hesitate, the sooner something beneficial to him starts, the better, anyway, he can see it after he recovers.

Fang Lin turned his gaze to the endless ruins outside the air wall, and a glint of anticipation flashed in his heart. What will this place look like in the end, his own small world?

"Start repairing."

As Fang Lin's words fell, the Emperor's Space seemed to wake up from the ancient silence, and the dark sky seemed to be surging with dark tides.

"Repairs will begin shortly, and you will be leaving soon."

"Dear Space Holder, you will eventually become the hope to protect everything."

The misty and ethereal voice of Qi Ling rang in Fang Lin's ears, and in the next second his eyes became black and he returned to the bedroom.

In the dark bedroom, Fang Lin was stunned for a moment, pondering the voice of Qi Ling.

Don't say it, it really sounds good.

The next time you enter the space, you have to ask if it can be transformed into a whole body, and then give it a name, preferably one with a sense of immortality.

At that time, you will be considered as the landlord class, right?

Fang Lin, who had a little YY, didn't think about these things anymore, but began to think about his Douyin career.

In the past, he used video shooting as a source of income for future living expenses. After all, after the spiritual energy is fully recovered and the whole family is awakened by him, coupled with the changes in the whole world, Mama Yang and the others must be able to easily accept the fact that he is also awakened.

At that time, it will be a matter of course if he has his own bank card and can buy whatever he wants. To be reasonable, he also wants to try to reward the female anchors. He is looking forward to their reaction when they find out that their eldest brother is Emperor Ha.

But now it seems that after there is room for him to open the plug-in, he has to show a higher attitude when shooting videos, after all, it is related to his own growth.

When he read Xianxia novels before, the sentence that touched him the most was that all saints are ants.

You need to be hard on your own to make iron, and there is no such thing as a peaceful life without invincible strength?

This statement applies equally to individuals as to nations.

Playing paragliding this time is also an opportunity. He seems to have never encountered a husky playing a paraglider.

At that time, we have to see if we can improve the effect of the program, improve our attitude, and try to make another popular video to increase fans.

After thinking about the business, Fang Lin slightly stretched his body and was about to go to sleep, when he suddenly heard soft rustling voices.

He looked in front of the bed, and it turned out that Zhao Hanya was still staring at the ceiling in a daze with her big eyes open in the dark, occasionally moving her body slightly.

What's going on here?
Recognize the bed?

Lin Yuqing and Xueqiu next to each other can be regarded as sleepy kings in comparison. They fell asleep as soon as they touched the pillow, and now they are probably dreaming sweet dreams.

In Fang Linyoulan's eyes, Zhao Hanya seemed to be a little insomniac, occasionally peeking at Lin Yuqing and Xueqiu who were sleeping beside her, probably because she was afraid of disturbing them and did not dare to move around.

Very interesting girl.

If Lin Yuqing is the kind of campus goddess who is gentle and lovable in the eyes of outsiders, Zhao Hanya is the other extreme of that kind of enthusiasm and vitality.

It's hard to imagine that two girls with such different personalities can become such good friends.

After the awakening of his blood, Fang Lin became more and more sensitive to people's hearts, and he could feel the emotions deep in people's hearts.

Fang Lin suddenly understood why the unicorn in the novel loved the innocent and kind princess, and he felt the same way now.

When he faced Lin Yuqing and Zhao Hanya, he could deeply appreciate the youthful kindness and vitality of the two girls, like a flawless piece of jade in the rough.

In addition to the two girls, Mama Yang, Papa Lin, Liu Jing, and Xiaojie, he can more or less feel the truth, goodness and beauty in their hearts.

This is also the reason why he likes this home more and more, without those dirty things.

Zhao Hanya still didn't fall asleep, she occasionally moved her little feet under the quilt to find a comfortable position.

It's a pity that Yuehua can't use it now, otherwise Yuehua will fall asleep after a while as soon as Zhao Hanya is illuminated. These small and small functions of Yuehua are also abilities that many people dream of.

Fang Lin could only wish her a good night's sleep in his heart, and he slowly closed his eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

At seven o'clock the next morning, Yang's mother started to call the big lazy and small lazy downstairs to get up and eat.

Fang Lin opened his eyes when he heard the movement, and glanced at the pink Disney clock on the wall, only to realize that he slept until seven o'clock. It seems that Yang's mother didn't do morning exercises because she was going on a trip today.

"Hmm~ Excuse me."

Lin Yuqing groaned a few times and slowly sat up from the bed. She rubbed her sleepy eyes and yawned.

"Good morning, Kaka."

She greeted Fang Lin lazily who was already squatting on the bed, and smoothed out her frizzy hair casually.

Zhao Hanya was still sleeping on her side with Snowball in her arms, showing no sign of waking up.

Lin Yuqing couldn't help reaching out and pushing her to wake her up: "Yaya, wake up, it's time to go."

She didn't expect that Zhao Hanya, who had always been a good student, would stay in bed. Looking at Zhao Hanya's appearance, Fang Lin guessed that she slept quite late yesterday.

At this moment, Zhao Hanya finally woke up and opened her eyes in confusion: "Should I go?"

"Yeah, get up and wash up and eat."

"it is good."

Lin Yuqing started to get out of bed to change clothes, Zhao Hanya rubbed her head and sat up as if she hadn't woken up yet, she took the underwear next to the pillow and was about to take off the T-shirt and start putting it on.

Fang Lin felt that it was not suitable to stay here, so he jumped off the bed, opened the door and walked out, then closed the door with his paw.

Walking downstairs, he found that Liu Jing had brought Jiang Baibai and the princess over.

The princess seemed to know that she was about to go out, and her whole body became lively, walking around with people.

Because it takes more than two hours to drive on the highway, Yang's mother prepared clear porridge, hot and sour potato shreds and eggs in the morning to prevent people from getting too full and motion sickness.

Papa Lin is also helping to move the suitcase down. Mama Yang has prepared two suitcases to carry various things. Papa Lin already put tents and the like into the trunk yesterday.

Soon Lin Yuqing and Zhao Hanya washed and changed their clothes and came down, followed by Xiaojie.

The whole family at the dining table seemed a little excited. Liu Jing was tinkering with the small camera while eating, and at the same time happily said to Yang Ma: "Have you prepared your selfie stick? You must record it when the time comes."

Yang Ma smiled and said, "Of course I brought it, but I saw that the instructions of the paragliding base said that selfie sticks are not allowed when flying. The coach will bring it, probably because he is afraid that you will lose it."

"Ah, all right, but it would be nice to be able to take pictures."

Fang Lin found that Jiang Baibai beside him was in a daze while eating breakfast, so he couldn't help asking, "What's wrong? You've been in a daze?"


Jiang Baibai reacted, glanced at Fang Lin, and replied casually: "I'm sorting out the things in the bell, such as healing medicine, satiety pills, magic weapons for escaping in danger, and counterattacking."

"When you go out, you must prepare in advance, lest you can't find it when you get it."

Fang Lin raised his eyebrows with some doubts: "Is there a lot of space in your bell?"

"if not?"

Jiang Baibai shook his head, as if sighing that Fang Lin had never seen the world.

As expected of a rich family, Fang Lin didn't care and continued to eat breakfast.

"Now we're leaving~"

In front of the Mercedes-Benz G63 and V12 BMW, Liu Jing happily took a selfie with the video, and at the same time recorded Fang Lin and the princess who was leading by herself, and Jiang Baibai sitting on Fang Lin's small vest.

Snowball was carefully held in Zhao Hanya's arms.

Before setting off, Mama Yang originally planned to carry two cat bags, but Jiang Baibai proved her reliability with practical actions.

She bribed Fang Lin with two spiritual fruits, then lay on Fang Lin's back and made Fang Lin run around Yang Ma twice without moving.

The main reason was that the cat bag was too aggrieved, she didn't want to stay in the cat bag for the whole journey, and Xueqiu also found a coolie, and jumped directly into Zhao Hanya's arms.

Seeing that the two cats really didn't want to go into the cat bag, Mama Yang didn't force her anymore, and there were still cards stuck in it.

Ever since Jiang Baibai ran away at the pet hospital last time but was found by Fang Lin, Yang's mother was not very worried about the safety of the fur children at home.

In the end, Liu Jing sat in Yang Ma's co-pilot, with Lin Yuqing, Zhao Hanya, and Fang Lin in the back seat, while Lin's father took Xiao Jie, Xueqiu Jiang Baibai, and the princess in the back seat.

Soon the two cars drove out of the community one after the other, and then entered the high speed after a journey of three to ten minutes.

Liu Jing was afraid that Xiaojie would be bored there alone, so she turned on the video on her mobile phone and called Xiaojie, and the two cars that were speeding one after the other interacted on the highway.

Usually Liu Jing seems to have a feeling of social terror, but now she is a lively atmosphere controller, and from time to time she plays two familiar songs and sings with the children on both sides.

Moreover, she is very familiar with the current popular music because she often plays Douyin, so basically Xiaojie, Lin Yuqing and Zhao Hanya can all sing, and the atmosphere is very active along the way.

Fang Lin watched the fast-moving scenery through the car window and suddenly wanted to stick his head out of the skylight.

He has seen this kind of picture in many videos, and he really wants to try it.

However, he thought about it for a while and dismissed the attention temporarily. It would be fine after a while when he got off the highway, and Mama Yang would definitely not allow him to mess around like this at such a fast speed on the highway.

Finally, after nearly two hours of driving, and after a 10-minute rest in a service area, the two cars finally got off the expressway and entered De'an County.

De'an County is a relatively remote county in Southern Province. The surrounding terrain is flat and there are small hills, especially the wind here is very good, which is very suitable for paragliding.

(parallel world)
So the owner of Flying Eagle Paragliding Base in De'an County quickly confirmed the investment after inspection, and soon landed here.

G63 whizzed past on the flat road in De'an County and headed for Flying Eagle Paragliding Base.

"This paraglider base covers an area of ​​nearly 3000 mu, of which the take-off site covers an area of ​​more than 8000 square meters, with an altitude of 740 meters."

"It can lay more than 30 paragliders to take off at the same time, ranking among the best in the country."

Father Lin's voice was transmitted between the two cars through the video call.

Fang Lin poked his head out of the skylight as he wished, and Liu Jing even installed a selfie camera on his head.

The paragliding base is of course in the suburbs of De'an County. Now there are patches of green plains on both sides of the road near the base. Fang Lin doesn't know whether the patches of ground are grass or something else.

But the weather was fine, as clear as a piece of blue paper, with a few thin white clouds floating slowly with the wind, as if they had been melted by the sun.

Fang Lin opened his mouth wide, and the oncoming air poured into his mouth, making his mouth like a bag blown by a blower, and his tongue was also floating in the air.

The originally handsome and ruthless Emperor Ha really looked like Erha for a while, and this scene was also captured by the camera.

Liu Jing, who received this scene on the co-pilot through her mobile phone, laughed directly, and quickly shared it with the two children in the back seat to watch together.

However, Mama Yang frowned looking at the traffic flow around her, and there were quite a few cars driving in the direction of Flying Eagle Paragliding Base along the way.

Yang's mother knew that this kind of paragliding base could actually receive a limited number of people in a day. After all, there are only so many paragliders and only so many coaches. If it is really overloaded, you will have to queue up.

Moreover, the camping area at the Flying Eagle Paragliding Base is also limited. Mama Yang has seen that site.

The entire camping area is a huge lawn surrounded by a stream, with limited places and even more limited good locations.

Thinking of this, Mama Yang couldn't help complaining to Papa Lin in the G63 car through Liu Jing's mobile phone: "Lin Wenshao, this person looks quite a lot, I told you to contact the boss here."

"He invited us, what do you mean by not telling him?"

Father Lin's gentle voice was uploaded from the mobile phone: "I don't want to trouble others, and I didn't expect that there would be so many people in this base not long after it was built."

"Don't worry, I'll just call him if it doesn't work when the time comes, and if I go out, can we lose our place?"

"Well, anyway, if this trip goes wrong, you'll be held accountable."

"Okay, I'm responsible, don't worry."

With Papa Lin's gentle explanation, Mama Yang's anger also dissipated.

In fact, Yang's mother also knew that things were not bad for Lin's father. Who wouldn't want the family to travel more smoothly?

It's just that sometimes people are irritable, and at this time they need another person to tolerate and comfort them, that's how life is.

Soon, Mama Yang and Papa Lin drove the car to the temporary parking lot outside the base, where many cars had already been parked.

The rules of the Flying Eagle Paraglider Base are as follows. Tourists who come to play paragliders first park their cars in the parking lot outside to buy tickets.

If you want to camp at night, you can pay an extra fee to buy a ticket, and then you can drive the car directly in.

A huge parking lot is also built next to the campsite. It is very convenient for tourists to put up their tents in the campsite and put any valuables in the car not far away.

"Lin Wenshao, I think you may have to call, there are quite a few people here."

While Mama Yang was speaking, several private cars drove in at the gate of the paragliding base, and these were the people who had already bought tickets.

Now there are a few less positions.

Mama Yang had seen a picture of the campsite before, and she had a few favorite spots, all of which were near the stream, but at a certain distance.

The worst location is actually the center of the campsite. There are tents in all directions and the noise is noisy at night, but the Flying Eagle Paragliding Base is said to have perfectly controlled the area distribution.

Therefore, there is generally no situation where tents are crowded with tents, and each family has enough space, but this also shows that camping sites are limited.

There are many entrances to the parking lot, and a lot of cars have already been parked, so Mama Yang and Papa Lin made an appointment to meet at the ticket gate after parking the cars.

So Yang Ma drove along the road in the parking lot looking for a parking space.

At this time, she found an empty space and was about to drive there, and a black Panamera opposite also spotted this space and drove towards this side.

Just when Mama Yang was about to evade and find another place for herself, the windows of the Panamera rolled down and she waved for Mama Yang to drive in.

Mama Yang was a little surprised by this operation, but she still accepted the kindness and put down the car window to thank her.

Palmerari was a man in his twenties, and the co-pilot was a woman in a sexy dress.

The man poked his head out and said with a smile to Mama Yang, "Is this the V12 model? How much did you get it for? More than 300 million?"

Yang Ma nodded and said with a smile, "Almost."


The man stretched out his hand and gave Yang Ma a thumbs up, then rolled up the car window.

Fang Lin could still see him showing off to his female companion who didn't understand.


My car, what are you showing off?

(End of this chapter)

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