Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 149 Lolita Cute Girl

Chapter 149 Lolita Cute Girl
After Mama Yang parked the car, Fang Lin followed Mama Yang out of the parking lot to the gate of the base.

The gate of the base looks like a playground like Fantawild. Next to the entrance is the ticket office, and there are seven red artistic characters hanging above the entrance—Flying Eagle Paragliding Base.

It's just that the ticket gate has been replaced with a hanging pole like the one in the parking lot, and there are special personnel to check the tickets at the gate. If tourists who don't camp and only play with umbrellas check the tickets, they can go in directly through the small gate on the side.

As soon as Fang Lin got out of the parking lot, he felt that the voices of people were much louder. Although there was no scene of crowds of people rubbing shoulders in the scenic spot, it still had the bustling high-speed rail station on weekdays.

At this time, a dedicated bus line also slowly drove into the terminal on the side. This is a bus specially set up by De'an County for this paragliding base, and it goes directly to the center of De'an County.

It was mid-to-late September, the sky was high and the clouds were light, the weather was pleasant and it was suitable for travel.

It happened to coincide with the Mid-Autumn Festival. It seems that many tourists living in the surrounding areas have come here to play. Along the way, Lin saw many license plates from neighboring cities and counties.

People are social animals, and they will be involuntarily happy when they see such a situation where there are a lot of people but not too much.

Who doesn't like a buzz?

Liu Jing helped her own sun hat and happily said to Yang Ma: "There are so many people."

Fang Lin, Lin Yuqing, and Zhao Hanya, who were not worried, also walked around and looked around, feeling the popularity, especially Fang Lin, who hadn't appeared in the crowd for a long time.

Tourists in twos and threes, carrying large and small travel bags and wearing sunglasses, are also communicating with each other.

Occasionally, when Fang Lin saw young couples in pairs, he would curiously use his extraordinary hearing to overhear what they were talking about.

However, Mama Yang looked worried as she walked towards the meeting point. With so many people, there might be a long queue for paragliders.

She also listened carefully to what Dad Lin introduced before. This paragliding base can accommodate more than 30 paragliders to take off at the same time, and it takes more than ten minutes to fly at a time.
Papa Lin's face that seemed to be always gentle and not angry appeared in Mama Yang's mind, and she really wanted to scratch it twice to relieve her anger.

Liu Jing has already taken out the selfie stick, put her mobile phone on it and recorded while walking.

After her cool face wearing sunglasses appeared in the camera, her lively voice sounded.

"We have arrived at the Flying Eagle paragliding base now, we just parked the car, and now we are going to line up to buy tickets~"

"There are a lot of people coming to play, I don't know if they will line up hehe."

After turning around, she squatted down and hugged Fang Lin: "Kaka, say hello to everyone."


Fang Lin responded to the camera, and blinked his eyes by the way, but he didn't know if these fans could receive the electricity he had discharged.

At this time, the surrounding tourists also noticed the four people together.

Although Yang Ma and Liu Jing were both wearing sun hats and sunglasses, they could still see a trace of elegance from the half of their faces exposed underneath.

Moreover, the two wore short T sportswear and white sun protection sleeves on their arms, but their uneven figures still could not be concealed.

Two cute and beautiful young women, two young and beautiful girls with their own characteristics, plus a handsome husky with sword eyebrows and star eyes.

Such a combination has a 100% return rate. After seeing it, many people feel that their mood has become better when they see it, and the sun seems to be shining brightly.

Good things always make people happy.


Not far away, a cute girl in a light blue Lolita dress saw Fang Lin exclaim, and the soft and cute voice attracted the attention of many people.

She ran over wearing black shiny leather shoes, and her boyfriend next to her followed cautiously.

Seeing the two coming, Fang Lin and his party stopped in place.

As soon as the girl approached, she couldn't wait to ask: "Are you Miss Jing?"

At the same time, his eyes were fixed on Fang Lin's body tightly, his big black eyes almost bursting out.

Facing the question from the cute fans, Liu Jing nodded with a smile and said, "It's me. Kaka, it's your fans saying hello."




Fang Lin was dumbfounded.

He greeted the girl as he did to the camera just now, but unexpectedly, the girl in front of him, who was wearing a princess dress with a two-dimensional painting style, also raised her head slightly and groaned back.

And he's cuter than him!

Lin Yuqing and Zhao Hanya stared at the girl curiously, and then at the boyfriend following her.

The cute girl's boyfriend coughed lightly and looked up at the sky, as if he didn't see what happened just now.

Is Two-dimensional social networking so powerful?
Fang Lin suddenly remembered that when he was in college, a popular two-dimensional painting style game held an offline event. Players only need to shout out at the counter: "Meet in another world, share delicious food." You can get exquisite gifts.

Tsk tsk, awesome.

The cute girl started laughing after wailing, she wanted to reach out to touch Kaka, but looked at Liu Jing again and hesitated: "Well, can I touch Kaka?"

"Of course, you can also take a group photo."


The cute girl was very pleasantly surprised, and hurriedly asked her boyfriend to take out the camera hanging on his chest and took two photos with Fang Lin in his arms.

Liu Jing had a good impression of this cute girl, and she took the initiative to open the conversation: "Do you live nearby?"

"Yeah, we live in the city next door, so let's come here for the Mid-Autumn Festival."

Liu Jing nodded knowingly and then asked: "It seems that this paragliding base is quite popular, but are you wearing this for paragliding?"

Hearing Liu Jing's words, the cute girl's head turned into a rattle: "No."

She looked around and said to Liu Jing: "Actually, most of the people came for a picnic. The campsite at this base has a good environment and a big place, and after receiving the coupon, it only costs more than 100 from morning to [-] o'clock in the evening."

The girl pouted and continued: "If you want to experience paragliding, it's 680 per person. If you experience it once, it's fine, how can you play every day."

Hearing what the girl said, Mama Yang and Liu Jing looked at each other and heaved a sigh of relief. It turned out that most of the people nearby came here for a picnic.

But Fang Lin keenly grasped the blind spot, and flew 680 once by himself. There were three adults and three children in the family. According to Lin's father, he had to fly and play all the time for the next two days, and have a picnic at night.

It seems that I still have to work hard to make money, and I will be a free and wealthy Emperor Ha in the future.

Kaka's fame is due to the fact that he has been on several hot searches before. Basically, people who usually like to watch pet videos even if they don't follow Fang Lin's account must have seen it.

So when Yang Ma stayed here, many people also noticed that there were crowds here to join in the fun, and two or three fans came up to ask for a group photo.

After staying here for about 10 minutes, Liu Jing said goodbye to the fans and left in a hurry.

"How does it feel to meet fans in real life?"

"Hey, it's good."

Faced with Yang's mother's teasing, Liu Jing responded with a smile, she really felt good, and her fans were also quite high-quality.

A group of people walked to the front of the ticket office and finally met Lin's father who was waiting there. Xiaojie led the princess and stood beside him and waved continuously, while Jiang Baibai and Xueqiu stood quietly by the side.

Snowball has been very careful ever since he got off the car, for fear that his snow-white hair would touch the ground, so he stood on all fours when he waited for Fang Lin to come over here.

Dad Lin took the lead and walked towards the ticket office while asking, "Why is it taking so long?"

Mama Yang told Papa Lin about the fans she met on the road, and Liu Jing added a special description of the cute girl just now, and she was very happy to have such fans.

There were already several lines of people in the ticket hall on the left side of the entrance, and the family hurried over.

Yang's mother estimated the speed of the line and felt that the line would take about 10 minutes. She asked Lin's father to line up with her, and Liu Jing waited with the children.

So Liu Jing shared the video she just shot with the children and chatted casually, while Fang Lin looked at the surrounding scenery.

There is a large open space in front of the base, surrounded by grasslands and small dirt slopes, like a large area of ​​grassy dirt roads in rural areas.

The vehicles that bought the tickets for camping lined up along the planned route and slowly drove into the base from the gate.

Is this the top paraglider base in China that Papa Lin said?
Without the fashionable and brightly dressed tourists and the fairly grand gate, it would be like an abandoned factory building in the wilderness at night.

He thought it would be the high-end golf course he saw on TV.

But Fang Lin thought about it and felt quite reasonable. After all, if the nearly [-] acres of suburban land were all built into golf, it would feel like the boss would go bankrupt on the spot.

At this time, a green Lamborghini bull stopped in an open space not far away with a sound, and a young man in a casual suit got out of the car.

As for the co-pilot, a woman with exquisite makeup in a black off-the-shoulder dress came down.

The tourists around who were attracted by the sound of Lamborghini started talking in low voices.

Not far from Fang Lin, two boys carrying sports bags chatted with each other.

"Hey, is this a big cow? It seems to be more than 2000 million."

"More than 2000 million people can't park indiscriminately. This is neither a parking lot nor a planned route to enter the base."

"Oh, it's not a problem with such a big open space."

"If you stop in disorder like this, you don't see anything in the way."

A middle-aged uncle heard the words of the two young boys, he smiled and said: "Other cars can't stop like this, have you seen the security guards next to the parking lot and at the gate? Basically, you will be reminded if you park indiscriminately." Yes, this person probably has something to do with the base."

As if to respond to the uncle's words, a staff member standing at the door ran over quickly when he saw the car.

Fang Lin looked at this young man in a suit that looked very expensive at first glance, and became curious. Why is this a bit like the young master in the novel?

Driving a luxury car with a female companion by his side, when he came to a place, someone ran over to receive him.


Fang Lin couldn't help feeling the movement over there carefully.

A staff member dressed like a manager with a sign hanging on his chest came to the young man and said enthusiastically, "Mr. Ruan is here?"

President Ruan?
so young?
Tsk tsk, it seems to be a script about inheriting the family business at a young age, and I probably have read "On the Technical Skills of Reincarnation" by heart.

Mr. Ruan nodded and asked, "How's business going?"

The manager smiled and leaned beside him and said, "Look, there are probably a lot of customers during this Mid-Autumn Festival holiday, and we have to rely on Mr. Ruan's wise leadership, otherwise our reputation of Feiying will not be able to grow."

Mr. Ruan smiled at the corner of his mouth and became serious again casually: "Do you know how to do less flattering and more work?"

"Yes yes yes, hehe."

"Did you save the place you reserved for me?"

The manager glanced at the female companion next to Mr. Ruan and quickly replied: "Of course I stayed, and Coach Qi has arranged for you to transfer her to a special class."

"Okay, let's go."

Mr. Ruan casually threw the car keys to the manager, and walked towards the gate with his female companion.

The manager hurriedly beckoned to the security guard not far away, called him over, handed him the car keys, gave him a few instructions, and hurriedly chased after him.

Fang Lin grinned and withdrew his perception.

It seems that this Flying Eagle paragliding base is opened by this young man surnamed Ruan.

Fang Lin took a look at Mr. Ruan's appearance of 24 to [-] at most. Putting it on a normal person, he has just graduated from college for two or three years. If he is a graduate student, he probably hasn't graduated yet.

Did you drive a Lamborghini and start your own business at this age?

The gap between people feels bigger than both people and pigs.

Fang Lin sighed secretly in his heart, but fortunately, he was neither short of money nor status in his life, and no matter what he found himself, he would have to work as an official in the new special department newly built in the future, and his reputation would not be enough. It doesn't matter.

Then let Yang Zhen salute himself, haha.

Jiang Baibai noticed that Fang Lin had been staring in one direction, and couldn't help asking, "What are you looking at?"

"Look at the rich second generation."

"Fu second generation?"

Jiang Baibai lost interest after looking along his line of sight.

Rich second generation?
What second generation is as fierce as her emperor's second generation?

Not to mention Jiang Baibai's reaction, Fang Lin's eyes were suddenly attracted to Mr. Ruan again.

When Mr. Ruan walked towards the entrance with his girlfriend and manager, his eyes were suddenly attracted by the queue in front of the ticket office.

Seeing Mr. Ruan looking at the ticket office, the manager stopped and hurriedly explained: "Because of your publicity plan, our Flying Eagle's reputation has continued to rise and more and more tourists have come."

"So I set up a few more ticket gates and built sunshades, mainly for tourists to have a good experience."

However, Boss Ruan waved his hands and hurried towards the long line, and the female companion and manager around him hurriedly followed after seeing this.

Under Fang Lin's gaze, Mr. Ruan walked straight towards Papa Lin and Mama Yang, and then stopped beside Papa Lin.

"Uncle Lin!"

Under the crowd watching in line to buy tickets, Mr. Ruan said to Dad Lin with a look of surprise.

Then he hurriedly pulled Father Lin out of the team and said complainingly: "Uncle Lin, I, Ruan Yun."

"Why didn't you tell me when you came here to play? Are you still queuing here?"

"If my father finds out about this, will he beat me up?"

Fang Lin was stunned watching the development of this plot. So Xiaojie and Lin Yuqing are the real second generation?

(End of this chapter)

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