Reborn I am Erha

150 Chapter 1 while playing

Chapter 150

Because of the sound of the Lamborghini just now, Ruan Yun's appearance has a kind of playful temperament, coupled with the fact that he is surrounded by female companions and managers, many tourists in line are actually looking at him indifferently or enviously.

However, they didn't expect that Ruan Yun would be so enthusiastic about Papa Lin who was queuing with them, and they all looked at Papa Lin and Mama Yang in amazement.

But Lin's father and Ruan Yun didn't care much about the gazes around them, they walked slowly towards Liu Jing and the children while chatting.

Ruan Yun was by Papa Lin and Mama Yang's side, and his girlfriend and manager followed behind and listened curiously to the three of them talking.

"You didn't say hello in advance when you came here to play, what if my dad sees you two when you go back?"

"Ask me, if I don't know anything, then I'll be out of luck."

Father Lin laughed a little, waved his hands and said, "Not really."

Seeing what Ruan Yun wanted to say, he took the initiative to start the conversation: "Your dad's paragliding base is not bad. When I came, I saw a lot of tourists. Although it was newly opened, it has already become famous."

Ruan Yun smiled and straightened his casual suit and said, "Uncle Lin, you've been mistaken. I opened this paragliding base. From the beginning to the end, my dad did nothing but collect money."

The manager at the side noticed the opportunity and hurriedly joined in the fun with a smile: "Mr. Lin, our paraglider base is under the guidance of Mr. Ruan from planning to site selection to construction to publicity."

Hearing this, Papa Lin's eyes flashed with surprise, he looked Ruan Yun up and down carefully, raised his hand and patted him on the shoulder from the side to encourage him: "Not bad, not bad, young and promising, and he is also a good-looking talent, Better than your dad and me."

Ruan Yun couldn't close his mouth when he heard Papa Lin's praise, mainly because Papa Lin's status in his heart was too high.

Ruan Yun's father's name is Ruan Jingshan, who opened a supermarket chain like Ren Da from the beginning, but unlike Ren Da's small business, Ruan Jingshan's offline comprehensive supermarket is well-known throughout the southern province.

However, under the impact of the Internet industry, no matter how powerful the traditional entity is, it will be affected. Before cooperating with Dad Lin, it has been losing money for years and gradually closing its stores.

At a dinner party, Ruan Jingshan met Papa Lin by chance and wanted to have a good chat. It happened that Ruisi was developing Internet + industry layout in Southern Province at that time, and Papa Lin recommended Ruan Jingshan to the person in charge he chose. From then on, Ruan Jingshan Jingshan took off directly.

At the same time, having tasted the sweetness, he brazenly continued to follow Dad Lin to invest. Whatever industry Ruisi wanted to set up, he also followed behind to drink soup, and he has been thriving recently.

After finishing his mood, Ruan Yun asked Father Lin: "Uncle Lin, are you and Aunt Yang here to experience paragliding this time?"

Mama Yang took the conversation and said, "Yes, we plan to spend two days at your place, and then camp at the campsite at night."

She pointed in the direction of the children and said with a smile, "The whole family has come to support your business."

Ruan Yun was not happy when he heard this: "Could it be possible to collect money from you when you come to me? Old Liu."

The manager at the side quickly stepped forward to respond: "Hey, Mr. Ruan is here."

"Mr. Lin is going to play with us these two days. You take good care of me. You treat Mr. Lin just like my father. Do you hear me?"


"Then assign the position you reserved for me in the campsite to Boss Lin, and Coach Qi will also let her work overtime these two days."

After speaking, Ruan Yun glanced at the number of people and added: "Find a few more professional and responsible coaches from the teaching class, and tell me, Mr. Lin's umbrella will be arranged first in these two days."

Coach Qi is also one of the coaches at the Flying Eagle Paragliding Base, but she is a woman who served in a paratrooper unit in Longguo before retiring.

There are not many female coaches, especially those with rich experience. At the beginning, Ruan Yun asked Coach Qi to transfer his class because of his girlfriend's paragliding. He didn't want those rough male coaches to take his girlfriend to fly.

The manager asked hesitantly, "Then what should you do? Recently, the camp and the coaches have been quite nervous, so you won't be able to play these two days."

Ruan Yun secretly praised Lao Liu in his heart, and said in a nonchalant tone: "Don't worry about me, just follow my arrangement."

Father Lin frowned when he heard this and said, "Little Ruan, we can do whatever we want, there is no need to trouble yourself."

"What are you talking about? When can't I play here every day?"

Don't allow Lin's father to refuse Ruan Yun and continued: "Okay, Uncle Lin, your family is having fun, so I won't join in the fun here, and Lao Liu will have some snacks."

"do not worry."

After saying goodbye to Lin's father and Yang's mother, Ruan Yun and his girlfriend walked towards the parking lot without looking back, apparently planning to go straight home.

"Hey, how did this go?"

Seeing Ruan Yun leave suddenly, Liu Jing couldn't help but muttered strangely.

Just now she watched Ruan Yun walking towards Mama Yang, and after exchanging pleasantries there for a while, she came towards her, who knew that she left halfway.

"Are you not queuing?"

When Papa Lin and Mama Yang walked in, she asked curiously.

Mama Yang nodded and replied, "No need, this is Manager Liu, he has made arrangements for us."

Manager Liu, Liu Jing and the children briefly said hello, and then followed Father Lin to the parking lot to drive.

After a while of tugging and tugging, he and Pa Lin finally sat on the co-pilot carefully, and Pa Lin drove to the base, Xiaojie had no choice but to sit in the back seat.

So Mercedes-Benz G63 and BMW drove into the gate of Flying Eagle paragliding base one after the other.

Manager Liu pointed to the road while chatting with Dad Lin: "Boss Lin, I'll take you to the campsite first, and it's already eleven o'clock.

"I'll prepare the oven and ingredients for you. Your family will have a picnic and have a good rest. I'll take you to experience paragliding in the afternoon?"

"Okay, just listen to your arrangement."

"Got it."

"We have now entered the Flying Eagle paragliding base, and are now heading towards the camp."

"Because it's almost noon, I guess Kaka is hungry hehe."

Liu Jing on the BMW behind was filming with her mobile phone.

Fang Lin sat in the back seat and poked his head out of the window, observing the surrounding scenery.

After entering through the gate, there is an open space. Two roads are derived from here, one leads to the skydiving site and the other leads to the camping site.

Fang Lin can clearly feel that the scenery here at the campsite seems to be more beautiful, while the plains on the other side of the skydiving are a bit like the smell of wild growth.

The campground here obviously has a lot more people flow, and many private cars are also driving back and forth to the destination, and there are also special sightseeing cars in the base to receive tourists who do not come by car.

Fang Lin's hair was blown backwards by the wind, and his sharp eyes were fixed on the front, like a wolf king running on the plain with hair fluttering in the wind.

It's just that this wolf king is sitting on a BMW now, but the final effect is the same.

Because Fang Lin poked his head out, it was more conspicuous, so the windows of the private car behind him also opened, and a little girl stretched out her hand to greet Fang Lin with a smile.


Fang Lin turned around, turned his head to look behind him and made a face at the little girl.

Finally, after about 10 minutes of driving, the car drove into a plain. As soon as Fang Lin entered the plain, he felt that the whole environment was different.

This plain was like being in a valley, the air became much fresher after entering, and an endless lawn appeared in front of Fang Lin.

At the same time, a clear stream meanders through the middle of the lawn, making the whole scenery even better.

The fresh green grass looks fresher under the sun. There are colorful tents scattered on the lawn, and there are also paved picnic mats.

Adults, children, and pets frolicked on the lawn, and besides, some people even flew kites.

Noisy and cheerful voices came into the car from the open window, and the whole group looked out the window with some excitement.

Liu Jing poked her head out of the co-pilot's window and looked around: "The environment is really good, and the space feels very large and open."


Mama Lin nodded approvingly and said, "I just don't know where we will be arranged."

The princess also stepped on Lin Yuqing's arms eagerly, and looked out the window with her head stretched out.

She had already seen a lot of friends running and playing on the lawn, and she immediately felt a little itchy, and wanted to rush out for a couple of laps immediately.

Dad Lin led the way and slowly drove into the parking lot next to the lawn. Manager Liu specially arranged two special parking spaces for Dad Lin. This location is very close to the lawn, so you can walk less to get things.

However, after getting out of the car, the group discussed and decided to rest up the tent first.

Because the three children couldn't wait to experience paragliding, Dad Lin decided to take a picnic mat to have lunch first, and then go directly to paragliding after lunch.

The entire lawn was divided into many small pieces, each with a small sign marked 12345.

This is also to leave enough private space for each camping tourist, and there will be no situation where one family is next to another.

After getting out of the car, Manager Liu took out his mobile phone and started contacting, and then took the family straight across the lawn to an open space by the creek.

A small silver sign next to it marked 06.

This open space is about [-] to [-] square meters. It is just at the corner of the stream and surrounded by the stream. You can still feel the rustling sound of the stream if you listen carefully.

Curious, Lin Yuqing brought Fang Lin to the edge of the stream. The water in the stream was very clear, and her and Fang Lin's faces clearly floated on the water.

The creek is about one or two meters wide, and I don't know where the water is drawn from.

Fang Lin got closer and stretched out his paws to slowly dip into the water, and a cool feeling came from the pads immediately, which lifted his spirits.

"Let's take a photo~"

When Lin's father and Yang's mother were preparing things and laying the bedding, Liu Jing held up the camera and said to the four children.

Manager Liu took the initiative to take the camera, so Liu Jing asked the three children to stand together, she stood in the back, Xiaojie and the four furry children headed by Fang Lin stood in a row in front of them.

The busy figures of Lin's father and Yang's mother can also be clearly seen behind, blue sky, white clouds, green grass, streams, and playful tourists.

These beautiful scenes are frozen together with the pressing of the shutter.

"Okay, I'm working here and you're taking pictures?"

Mama Yang laid out the mat and greeted Papa Lin to come over, and the family took another family portrait.

After the photo was taken, the family scattered and started activities. Mama Yang asked Fang Lin to take care of the Princess and the two cats before preparing lunch.

She brought some sandwiches and was going to make some pads first. Although Manager Liu said that he had arranged for someone to move the grill for them, he didn't know how long it would take.

Xiaojie sits next to the two sisters on the cushion and looks at the tablet, and looks up at the sky from time to time.

Fang Lin was squatting on a grass field and posing in the distance, a melancholy and elegant demeanor emerged spontaneously.

Ever since Fang Lin knew that the number of his fans affects his comprehensive impact factor, he has been thinking about how to increase his fans.

He now understands why many celebrities have idol baggage, what if there are fans of him among the tourists around?
With a click, it was posted on the Internet, "Kaka under the lens of passers-by."

If some scenes of him committing crimes were photographed, wouldn't it just collapse the house?

Fang Lin has always felt that his fans are his fans, and he likes his intelligence.

Jiang Baibai was lying on the lawn not far from Lin Yuqing and Zhao Hanya, looking at them with some resentment.

Lin Yuqing really brought the tablet here, and she still wants to follow variety shows here! ! !

Jiang Baibai said that he couldn't understand, what is the purpose of coming out to camp?Let's play tablet! ! !

But coming out to play is for fun, Jiang Baibai can only look forward to extorting a few tablets from Yang Zhen in a few days.

When did Jiang Baibai feel this lack of something?
She has already started to think in her heart whether she should exchange some human currency with Yang Zhen with the spiritual fruit magic weapon she brought over.

She knows that online shopping is the most popular thing in Longguo now, but it's a pity that she doesn't have a mobile phone and can't read well.

However, after exchanging some human currency, Kaka can help her with shopping. She also wants to see what online shopping can buy.

And this form also interested her very much. She has always experienced face-to-face exchanges and purchases. This feeling of being invisible and intangible is quite novel.

Xueqiu lay beside Mama Yang and looked around, looking at Kaka's back from time to time.

"Come here, don't run around."

Fang Lin silently greeted the princess who was walking further and further away.

The princess was still by Yang Ma's side at first, and then she lowered her head and sniffed slowly, smelling some treasures as she walked.

She was dangling like she was about to walk into someone else's tent!
Hearing Fang Lin's call, the princess raised her head and responded with a whimper, and ran towards Fang Lin with a cheerful face, her four paws flew up and her tail flicked.


"Go! Go! Go."


"I didn't ask you to come and play with me, but to play by yourself."


(End of this chapter)

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