Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 151 The King of Soldiers Is My Fan

Chapter 151 The King of Soldiers Is My Fan

The princess, who was driven away by Fang Lin, entertained herself in the open space, running to Liu Jing's side, and then to the busy Yang Ma.

When I came to such an open lawn, there were tourists laughing and playing nearby, and the princess laughed so hard that she didn't even close her mouth.

"Don't run to other people's side."

While Fang Lin was staring helplessly at the princess who was having fun all around, Manager Liu finally drove over slowly from the lawn in a dedicated car with someone.

The campsite at Flying Eagle Paragliding Base is specially established for picnics and camping in the wild.

Barbecue is available, but you must use the grill and charcoal bucket provided by the base after reporting. Each divided area will also reserve an area of ​​one or two square meters for barbecue.

The staff will send the grill and smokeless charcoal over like now, help to start the fire and leave.

At the same time, you also need to make a phone call after the barbecue is over, and the staff will come to clean up the recycled grill and burnt charcoal.

The reason for this is also to facilitate the management of the environment of the campsite.

The price of renting the grill and recycling service is 50 dragon coins, and the smokeless charcoal is sold at the market price, which is already very conscientious.

If tourists are really allowed to play freely, these lawns will probably be completely changed in a short time.

"Boss Lin, I've been waiting for a long time."

After getting off the car, Manager Liu hurriedly greeted Father Lin, and then directed the staff around him to move the grill down.

At the same time, he also brought a large bag of skewers wrapped in transparent plastic wrap, which seemed to have all kinds of skewers.

"I don't know what the children like to eat, so I took some of each, chicken wings, beef and mutton, squid and some vegetables."

Speaking of which, Manager Liu put the bag on the lawn near the grill: "Don't worry, these are freshly purchased and supplied by us every day. If there is not enough, please call me."

Then he took out a business card from his suit pocket and handed it to Dad Lin.

Yang's mother looked at the bag of meat, and guessed in her heart that it weighed several catties.

She smiled and said, "It's definitely enough. I guess there are so many left over for the night."

Manager Liu waved his hand and said, "What's the matter? If you can't finish eating these, I'll take them away, and I'll get you new ones in the evening."

Before Mama Yang could speak, Manager Liu added with a smile: "This is considered a normal wear and tear, and I just happen to take it home when the time comes."

As soon as these words came out, Yang Ma couldn't say anything, she exchanged glances with Lin Papa and accepted the kindness, although they knew it was just a random excuse.

But these are actually nothing, to Father Lin and Ruan Yun, this is not a favor, it's just an attitude.

Manager Liu helped lead the charcoal and then drove away slowly in a small convertible sightseeing car.

Seeing something delicious, Jiang Baibai leaned over and walked around the package of ingredients twice.

Seeing this, Mama Yang asked a little funnyly, "How about the general? Are you satisfied?"



Jiang Baibai also responded in a serious manner, and encouraged Mama Yang to let her cook. After that, Jiang Baibai came to Lin Yuqing's side to see what they were doing with the tablet.

Xiaojie saw that the princess was a little bored playing alone, so he took a tennis ball and started to play a game of pitching with the princess.

The grill had already been filled with charcoal, and Dad Lin and Mom Yang started to take out the ingredients and start grilling them. Mom Yang prepared cumin, chili, oil brush, etc. at the beginning, she also planned to rent a grill here to buy. For ingredients, this is also a service of the base.

Liu Jing was recording the live action on the grill. The fresh meat was sizzling under the charcoal fire, sprinkled with cumin and chili, and the children next door were crying.

She has already thought about it, this video will be posted again in the middle of the night.

Seeing this, Fang Lin happily sat down in front of him. He honestly watched Yang's mother operate, and searched the grill to see if there was anything he liked grilled.


Fang Lin stretched out his paw and pointed to the grilled wings on the grill, signaling to Mama Yang to grill a few more skewers of this delicious food.

"Okay, okay, don't stretch your claws, there are charcoal fires here, and you will be singed."

However, Fang Lin was unmoved. As the saying goes, a crying child has milk, and he has to fight for everything by himself.

The color of the roasted wings that Yang's mother had changed into a flower knife gradually turned golden yellow, and the fragrance also wafted out.

"Sprinkle more."

Fang Lin patted Mama Yang's hand holding the cumin powder and urged her.

"You want more of everything. This is the seasoning. It's enough. It's done. It's ready to bake. Let's eat it quickly."

Yang Ma transferred two skewers of grilled wings from the iron skewers to Fang Lin's bowl, and at the same time reminded: "Be careful of the heat."

Bringing four furry children out to play, their rice bowls are of course a must.

Seeing that Kaka had already started eating, the children stopped what they were doing and gathered in front of the grill, really staring at the ingredients as they matured.

Zhao Hanya stared at all this without blinking her eyes. The present beauty made her look forward to the paragliding in the afternoon even more.

Soon Mama Yang turned into the proprietress of a barbecue shop, and almost became an assembly line, constantly taking out skewers from the bag and putting them on the grill, brushing oil, turning them over, sprinkling seasonings, turning them over, only when she had time in her busy schedule. Send a string or two in your mouth.

Lin Yuqing, Zhao Hanya, and Xiaojie stood in a row directly in front of the grill, without using any tableware, and started to eat the grilled skewers as soon as they were picked up. The corners of the mouths of the two young and beautiful girls were full of cumin.

It may be that the atmosphere of the barbecue is better, and the three children feel that their appetites have increased a lot and they ate for a long time.

Of course, Fang Lin, Jiang Baibai and Xueqiu were fishing in troubled waters beside him.

These four or five catties of meat must be enough for Mama Yang and the others, after all, they are not big appetites, but for the three foodies of Fang Lin, it will not work if they let go.

So every time a batch of skewers was baked, they gathered next to them to ask for it, and they changed the order. Mama Yang and the children hardly noticed that one was busy baking and the other was busy eating.

This time Fang Lin picked Yang Ma and got two skewers, next time he picked Liu Jing, and next time he asked Xiaojie to get it for him.

So when Fang Lin and the other three were still restrained, the big bag of skewers was wiped out directly, which made Yang Ma very tired.

Zhao Hanya also knew that there were a lot of grilled skewers in the big bag at the beginning, and she was a little surprised when she saw that they were all eaten up by her own people. She rolled her eyes and said to Lin Yuqing.

"Qingqing, you eat a lot, so many skewers are gone."

Lin Yuqing, who was patting her stomach lightly, rolled her eyes: "I don't eat much, it's all Xiaojie's food."


The barbecue started at 11:30 and lasted until almost one o'clock. Father Lin called Manager Liu and asked him to pack up and prepare to go to experience paragliding.

The laziness of eating and drinking could not erase the anticipation in the heart at this time. The family got on the minibus specially driven by Manager Liu and set off directly singing songs.

The small gray-yellow bus returned along the same road it came from, and walked in another direction from the entrance.

The driver on the bus was driving, and Manager Liu began to tell the family some things.

"Paragliding is like an elegant and gentle cloud floating game in the warm sunshine and in the gentle wind."

"According to the international authority, paragliding ranks 47th in terms of danger, behind road bicycles, even far safer than football."

"So, paragliding is a recreational aviation sport. It cannot be said to be an extreme sport, but there are some "extreme" ways of playing."

"Our Flying Eagle Paragliding Base has teaching classes as well as experience-based classes. For teaching, tourists come here and want to test their pilot licenses, and they want to start from scratch and finally realize flying alone."

"Mr. Lin, your family is an experience type. We will arrange professional coaches to take the flight with you. Then you can just enjoy the feeling of high-altitude gliding, and you don't need to worry about everything."

"The flight instructors I found for Mr. Lin are all retired and experienced. Our Mr. Ruan even specially transferred two female coaches. They are very serious about their professional attitude."

"It's troublesome."

"It should be, I will take everyone to the landing point to experience the umbrella on the flat ground, explain some precautions, and then we will go to the takeoff pad."

Lin Yuqing listened carefully to Manager Liu's explanation, and then asked, "Uncle, can Kaka and the others fly with me?"

Manager Liu said with a gentle smile: "Of course, Kaka can add a safety buckle under your seat bag. As for the other three smaller ones, we have safety bags similar to baby bags. .”

"Just let them sit in there and carry them on your chest."

Hearing Manager Liu's affirmative answer, the eyes of the three children brightened, and they began to discuss with each other who would bring who with them.

Because Lin Yuqing had already occupied Kaka first, and Zhao Hanya chose Xueqiu, so Xiaojie had to be entangled between Jiang Baibai and the princess.

However, Jiang Baibai noticed that Xiaojie walked up to Liu Jing very proudly and jumped on her lap, clearly disliking him.

So Xiaojie finally had to fly with the princess.

Sitting in the front, Father Lin turned his head and looked at the three children and said, "It's okay, we don't just fly once, if you all like Kaka, then everyone will fly with him once."

"Yes, Boss Lin is right, everyone has a chance, hehe."

The minibus drove for nearly 10 minutes on a relatively flat road and finally came to a very open valley, but this valley was not formed naturally, but a landing point constructed artificially. built.

The drop point was huge, and the minibus stopped on the edge of the drop point.

A group of people got out of the car with their things. Because they came to play with parachutes, they basically packed lightly.

Lin's father and Yang's mother didn't bring anything except their mobile phones, and Liu Jing didn't bring anything else except a small camera hanging on her chest.

Because Supplies such as water and the like are basically prepared by Manager Liu at his own discretion.

This is actually the difference between what is relevant and what is not. Take the small matter of drinking water as an example. If ordinary tourists come to experience it, they have to carry it on their own if they want to drink water. They are not allowed to carry it when skydiving.

Except for the mobile phone, everything else is not allowed to be carried with the skydiving, and the mobile phone has to be checked by the coach to ensure that it will not fall out. If there is no pocket with a zipper, you have to spend money to buy a mobile phone case to hang on your chest.

Seeing Manager Liu getting off the car, a heroic woman who had been waiting here came over.

She was wearing military boots and training pants, a black tight short T and sunshade sleeves on her upper body, a front-cut sun hat and sunglasses on her head, and a black ponytail hanging down from the hole behind the hat.

The whole person walks cleanly, and his skin color may be a healthy wheat color due to long-term exposure to the sun.

After she walked over, she nodded to Manager Liu, and then extended her hand wearing black half-finger combat gloves to shake Papa Lin's hand gracefully.

"Hi, Mr. Lin, my name is Qinan, a retired soldier, with all-round experience in high-altitude parafoil armed penetration, low-altitude vertical parachute, powered parachute over-the-point attack, helicopter downhill, night armed swimming, wilderness survival, mountain rock climbing, etc. .”

"Now the flight instructor at Flying Eagle Paragliding Base, I am confident that I can guarantee everyone's personal safety."

Father Lin: "."

Mama Yang: "."

Liu Jing: "(Shocked)"

Following Qi Nan's fluent and tough speech, the atmosphere of the scene was silent for a short while.

The whole group was surprised by the experience she said, and the three children looked at the heroic Qi Nan with curiosity.

Especially Zhao Hanya, her eyes were about to shoot stars, she only had one thought in her mind: Isn't this big sister too cool?

Fang Lin's eyes also twitched.

He can understand wild survival and mountain rock climbing.

High-altitude parafoil armed penetration, low-altitude vertical parachute, powered parachute over-the-point attack, helicopter downhill, night armed swimming? ? ?
what is this?
Can this really be said?
Qi Nan, a retired soldier?
Why did he feel that the words "retired soldier" did not match her?
It always feels like the female version of "The Return of the King of Soldiers: I'm a Coach at the Paragliding Base"?

His eyes sized up Qi Nan's black top, and he was a little curious whether there would be hideous scars under the tight black short sleeves?

Manager Liu smoothed things over with a smile and said, "Our coach Qi is the most experienced coach in the base, and he is very popular because he is a woman."

"However, the qualifications that Coach Qi mentioned just now are generally not disclosed to tourists."

Qi Nan nodded and said: "President Ruan called me just now and explained this matter emphatically."

Father Lin smiled to express his understanding.

After Qin Nan shook hands with Yang Ma and Liu Jing and said hello, he led a group of people to a small open space next to the landing point.

Here she has already prepared the umbrella early.

"Now I will help you put on the umbrella first, and everyone will experience the feeling of the wind on the flat ground first, and at the same time I will explain some technical points to you."

The parachute here looks relatively simple, just a big colorful parachute with a vest-style coat.

If the thickness is ignored, it is the same style as the life jacket.

"Are you Kaka?"

Taking advantage of the family wearing umbrellas, Qi Nan quietly came to Fang Lin who was squatting aside, with a smile on his lips.


"I'm your fan!"


(End of this chapter)

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