Chapter 152
"Paragliders don't have motors, and when we travel in the air, we rely entirely on the power of the wind."

"Ability to accurately use the wind is the key to whether a skydiver is advanced."

"There is the wind vane over there. Let's run against the wind on the flat ground first to feel it."

Qi Nan stood in front of everyone wearing umbrellas and explained, while the three new coaches also chose targets to teach technical movements.

The new coaches are also two men and one woman, including Qi Nan, there are four in total, two rounds are enough for everyone to fly once.

But now it is said to explain the technical movements, in fact, the main explanation is the running movements when taking off.

Because except for the participation of everyone at the beginning, all the control of the umbrella in the sky depends on the instructor.


Lin Yuqing ran lightly against the wind direction, when the wind suddenly picked up a bit, and the paraglider behind her immediately unfolded against the wind.

The power of the wind was amplified by the paraglider and immediately acted on her.

"It feels like I'm going to fly."

"Yes, yes, that's it, continue to run slowly."

Qi Nan followed her closely and was ready to reach out to grab her at any time. After all, Lin Yuqing's weight was indeed a bit light, and it was possible for his feet to be lifted off the ground temporarily.

Lin Yuqing's face was flushed red, and she looked a little excited.

After running with her for more than ten meters, Qi Nan asked her to stop, helped her remove the umbrella and said with a smile: "How do you feel?"

"Very good, hehe."

"Just run like this when it's time to take off."

"What about Kaka?"


Qi Nan slapped his head to react and asked, "Kaka will fly with you then, right?"

"Yeah, the first time was with me."

"Okay, I'll find him an umbrella."

After Qi Nan communicated with Manager Liu, Manager Liu took out his phone.

Soon the staff at the nearby landing point brought a set of special training umbrellas, because there are often tourists who want to skydive with their pets.

Smaller ones like Xueqiu are easy to talk about, just use a set of safety bags to hang on the owner's chest and you're done.

However, for those who are relatively large like Kaka, they need to install a safety rope connected to a special protective gear under their body. When they are in the sky, Kaka is like a pendant under them.

In this way, Fang Lin also needs to run together when taking off, so when there is a large dog with a qualified weight to experience, the coach will generally experiment with obedience here, and more often he will simply refuse the large dog to follow the skydive.

After all, there is still a little danger when taking off. If the pet runs around when taking off, it is very likely that it will fall with the coach and the owner.

But this time it was Ruan Yun's special explanation, and Qi Nan himself has enough self-confidence to complete this task.

What's more, she often watches Kaka's videos, especially the few videos at the military dog ​​base that directly made her a fan.

Yang's mother and Lin's father were also familiar with the movements accompanied by other coaches, while Liu Jing took out her mobile phone and fiddled with it.

"Auntie, what are you doing?"

Zhao Hanya looked curiously at Liu Jing who was fiddling with her mobile phone. For the time being, the four coaches all had their own clients, so she obediently waited beside Liu Jing.

"Well, I'm watching how this live broadcast works, oh well."

Liu Jing finally smiled happily.


live streaming?

Seeing that Liu Jing wanted to point the phone's camera at her, the little girl blushed and hid behind Liu Jing and grabbed her waist.

"Don't, don't shoot my aunt."


Seeing Zhao Hanya's shy face, Liu Jing suddenly wanted to tease her.

"What's the matter? You are so cute, everyone will like you."

"Hmm~ (humming) No, no, no."

"Okay, Auntie won't take pictures of you, can you go to take pictures of Kaka together with Auntie?"

"it is good."

However, the conversation between Liu Jing and Zhao Hanya has been heard by hundreds of netizens who poured into the live broadcast room.

"Haha, is Sister Jing finally willing to start the live broadcast?"

"Oh my god, I've urged it eight hundred times, and it finally opened, where is my Kaka!!!"

"Sister Jing and whose voice was it just now, so cute?"

Zhao Hanya's voice was not as soft and protective as Lin Yuqing's, but lively and playful.

"Not good! I want to watch! (Crazy) (Crazy)"

"Yes, yes, give us Kangkang!"

However, Liu Jing ignored these sand sculpture netizens at all, and came to Fang Lin with her mobile phone to take pictures of the ground.

The camera immediately focused on Fang Lin who was cooperating with Qi Nan to wear the umbrella.

More and more netizens came in, and soon reached thousands of people. However, they were blocked before they saw Kaka's handsome appearance.

"I almost forgot, Coach Qi, are you also not allowed to be on camera?"

Liu Jing thought of a series of experiences that Qi Nan mentioned in her self-introduction that she didn't understand, and she was a little worried that she was like a special person who couldn't see the light in the movie.

"It's okay, those don't involve non-disclosure agreements, and it's also helping me to promote myself."


After receiving Qi Nan's affirmation, Liu Jing finally let go of her heart. She pointed the camera at Fang Lin again, and Qi Nan beside her was also photographed.

"I finally met Kaka!!!"

"Kaka~my Kaka~(sluggish)(sluggish)"

"Where is the snowball! Where is my snowball?"

"Wow, what a cool sister."

Liu Jing explained while looking at the barrage: "We are now at the Flying Eagle Paragliding Base to experience paragliding."

"Now the coach is teaching us to fight with umbrellas on the ground. He will also teach us some skills while experiencing the experience. Kaka will also go to the sky in a while~"

"By the way, Coach Qi is next to Kaka. I'll tell you secretly that Coach Qi is from a retired soldier. Doesn't it look cool?"

The barrage responded one after another.

"Indeed, this set of equipment looks very powerful."

"Where is this paragliding base? I want to play too."

"Retired soldiers? Paratroopers? Can women skydive too?"

"Fishing, huh?"

"You catch fish, you don't have to."

While speaking, Qi Nan had already put on the equipment for Fang Lin, and Fang Lin felt that he was looking forward to the equipment that looked like a small vest.

Am I about to go to heaven?

It's a pity that I am not the first husky to go to the sky, otherwise I can be like Armstrong in the husky world.

Hey, there should be no records of pets going to the moon in space, right?
I seem to have a chance?The first space husky?

Just when Fang Lin was letting go of his thoughts, Qi Nan patted Fang Lin's head and said to him, "Kaka, when you take off on the takeoff pad, just run in the direction I pointed and don't stop."

"But remember that when you run out of the mountain, don't jump up, but always run forward, understand?"


Hearing Fang Lin's response, Qi Nan was stunned for a moment, she was planning to explain it several times.

Although I knew that Kaka was smart, I didn't expect the communication to be so smooth.

Netizens also raised question marks.

"Do you understand now?"

"I suspect that Kaka is a spy sent by Wang Xing."

"Wow Xing still has spies? Shouldn't cats want to rule the world?"

"Is there a possibility that Kaka is a double agent of Wang Xing and Meow Xing, codenamed Pangolin."

"I can't take it anymore, the old stalker suddenly started attacking me."

In addition to these active netizens, some netizens who watched the live broadcast seriously began to comment.

"One thing to say, Kaka wearing an umbrella is really cool."

"Hehe, do you understand the gold content of a husky's appearance? Kaka is even cooler when she wears a ski suit."

"Hey, can Kaka pull a sled? Like in "The Call of the Wild"?"

"It definitely will. It's all instinct in the blood. Do you know why our Erha looks silly? It's because the temperature here is too high."

"Does it mean that huskies in the Northeast are smarter than those in the South?"

Seeing that the barrage began to develop in a strange direction, Liu Jing hurriedly started chatting to set the rhythm, and the angle of view of her camera was always on Fang Lin and the other three fur kids.

For the others, no matter adults or children, Liu Jing tried not to let them show their faces.

Soon after everyone experienced umbrella fighting on the flat ground, Manager Liu came over and took his family on the minibus again, and started heading to the take-off pad.

On the minibus, Qi Nan, who was wearing sunglasses with a degree of A degree, calmly explained to the netizens in the live broadcast room.

"Because of the wind direction, there will be many take-off pads in the base. We are going to one of them now. The whole journey takes about 10 minutes. The take-off pad is about 700 meters above the ground, and the flight time is 15 to 20 minutes."

Liu Jing, who was sitting next to her near the window, pointed her view out of the window. Netizens could clearly see a winding road up the mountain, with mountains and green trees on both sides.

"It takes 700 minutes to drive 10 meters?"

"What's the composition of the barrage? Do you think the mountain road goes straight up?"

"Coach Qi is so cool."

"Is Coach Qi a paratrooper? At what altitude do you usually parachute?"

Qi Nan, who was sitting next to Liu Jing, saw the barrage of questions and answered: "General training is around 800-1200 meters, and my highest record is skydiving in an unknown area of ​​5000 meters."

Because of her words, there was an uproar in the comment area.

Those who don't understand, those who understand a little, and those who understand a little start arguing with each other. Anyway, there is no threshold for speaking, and it doesn't matter what you say.

"According to the requirements, oxygen inhalation will be required above 4300 meters. The higher the altitude, the thinner the air. The highest altitude on the owl side is only more than 1000 meters."

"5000 meters is still an unknown area, I don't believe it."

Except for these questioning barrages, most of them are praises.

"Niu, Dragon Kingdom soldiers yyds."

"This is why I like Kaka! There is always positive energy around me!"

"Do you understand the gold content of a military dog ​​spokesperson (look back)"

Qi Nan glanced at the bullet screens, and she didn't respond to those who praised her or questioned her, but continued to explain the knowledge.

Liu Jing scratched her head looking at these bullet screens, she never thought that she would always be involved with the army.

When she saw a barrage, she subconsciously read out: "The paratroopers are born surrounded, is it so dangerous?"

There was a strange flash in Qi Nan's eyes under the sunglasses, and she nodded slowly: "Well, I'm afraid I won't be an airborne soldier."

Finally, after three or 10 minutes of chatting and spanking, the group finally arrived at the take-off pad.

As soon as Fang Lin got off the minibus, he was shocked by the scenery in front of him.

Unlike other paragliding bases, the take-off pad is carefully cared for real grass, which is as green as a regular football field, forming a clear contrast with the surrounding colors.

The take-off pad is like a huge unsheltered cliff with a high sky and a wide land.

Standing on the edge of the cliff, you can see endless fields at a glance. From such a distant perspective, the land with blue and yellow horizons is particularly poetic.

This can be regarded as another kind of distance produces beauty, right?
Looking at the unremarkable grass and soil slopes at close range, from a high-altitude macro perspective, the pieces are extremely harmonious.

Today's weather is also very good, the pale blue sky seems to merge with the horizon in the distance.

"Kaka come back, don't stick so close to danger."

Yang Ma called Fang Lin from behind.

But Fang Lin recovered from the nature and realized that he had actually reached the edge of the take-off pad.

The entire takeoff pad is a slope that slopes downward at a small angle, and it will immediately become steeper when it reaches the edge, which is no different from a cliff.

However, Fang Lin got used to this feeling of standing on the edge of a cliff, without a trace of panic, as if he was walking on flat ground.

Fang Lin stood quietly on the edge of the cliff, the wind at an altitude of 700 meters passed by his ears, blowing the hair on his body.


Fang Lin finally couldn't restrain his desire and raised his head to the sky and howled, the piercing howling echoed in the sky.

His vigorous and handsome figure seemed to be integrated with the whole world.

Of course, this scene was recorded by Liu Jing with the camera, and the bullet screen suddenly became a mess.

"I actually heard Kaka's desire for nature."

"Finally exposed? Kaka is the reincarnation of the wolf king! (dog head)"

"Kaka is so handsome!!!"

"My god, why is my husky so dumb, I can't take it anymore."

"Sister Jing, can you borrow a seed from Kaka? I've private messaged you."


"Kaka is still a child!"

At the same time, in the spiritual world, there are hundreds of thousands of waters.

The boundless freshwater lake has golden ripples under the sun, and Jiang Xuan and Chen Ze are sitting in a small pavilion with a snow-white goat on the core island surrounded by many islands.

The pond in front of the pavilion is clear and transparent, and the incense is slowly rising beside it.

The goat hair sitting next to Jiang Xuan and Chen Ze has snow-white hair, and it is the kind of curly hair that looks like it has been carefully trimmed from time to time.

In front of the black cat, the black turtle, and the goat, there are rectangular cards suspended in front of them. These cards seem to be made of some kind of silver metal, and there are complicated patterns on the back. A soaring oriental dragon is entrenched here. .


The goat said casually with a strange accent, and suddenly five cards flew out from in front of him and landed in the middle, and a burst of brilliant light appeared above the cards.

"Wang fried."

With a wave of Jiang Xuan's black paw, two silver cards were activated, and a vivid mushroom cloud made of shadows appeared in front of the three of them.


The goat yelled a little aggrieved.

The old turtle chuckled and said, "You look like a mushroom cloud. I don't know what the lions will do when they see it."

"I don't care about them? Wang Zha, do you want it or not?"

"Why are you fierce? Don't!"

 Thank you for the 500 starting point coins that are not rewarded with random names, thank you for the 133 starting point coins rewarded by Shishi 1500 and Zhonghua Yimin, and thank you for the 5000 starting point coins rewarded by those who have not seen the ancients before and have not seen the comers! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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