Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 153 Take Off

Chapter 153 Take Off

Jiang Xuan played the last card with a wave and ended the game.

The white goat's face darkened immediately, and reluctantly took out two pure black soft armors and handed them to the two.

"No, no, no, it's boring."

Hearing the goat's complaint, the old turtle laughed a little: "Gongsun Heng, this is also a bonus you proposed after winning a few games. This game called poker only has 54 cards in total. Can't you remember this change? "

The goat's face turned even darker, and he didn't know what to say after holding back for a long time.

He always feels that he has been tricked, but he can't admit that he is stupid, right?
Jiang Xuan's black tail swayed, and the silver playing cards in front of the three of them suddenly began to be randomly arranged, and after the shuffling was completed, they were suspended in front of the three of them one by one.

"Then just play casually, without any prizes."


Hearing that there was no prize, Gongsun Heng became happy again.

This game called poker is quite interesting. There are no entertainment activities in the spirit world, and he usually panics when he is idle.

It's just that when I think of the two sets of Serie A that I lost, I feel a little stuck. When I get familiar with it again, I must win it back.

While adjusting the order of the poker cards floating in front of his eyes, the old turtle asked casually, "Jiang Xuan, are you sure you want to form an alliance with that Dragon Kingdom?"

"Why not?"

As Jiang Xuan finished speaking, a color photo appeared in front of the three of them.

The photo shows the scene in Yangzhen's office at that time. Jiang Baibai, Fang Lin and others are all satiated on the sofa after eating and drinking.

Gongsun Heng looked at this photo and became interested: "This thing is interesting, it can be directly imaged, but it seems that Baibai is having a good time there."

"Hmph, she doesn't have any motherly temperament."

The old turtle shook his head: "Okay, then let's discuss the follow-up carefully."

"How does this place feel?"


Fang Lin and Jiang Baibai stood on the edge of the take-off platform, looking into the distance and talking.

Most of the time, climbing a high mountain and looking far away is to want this kind of open-minded feeling, but the vision is always not so clear when climbing many high mountains and looking down.

Looking down from the high slope of more than 700 meters, the boundless plain can be seen at a glance, and the creatures can always feel a sense of intimacy in front of nature.

Jiang Baibai felt it carefully and said: "And this place seems to have a much higher concentration of aura than other places."


Hearing this, Fang Lin also let go of his senses. The area of ​​the Flying Eagle Paragliding Club is indeed [-] to [-] percent higher than other places.

However, Fang Lin felt a little strange in his heart. Every time he encountered an increase in the concentration of aura, some wonderful things would happen. I hope this time it will be normal.

"Look everyone, this is the umbrella we will wear later, and this thing is the seat bag."

"When it's in the sky, the seat bag will lie down like a sofa."

"We are waiting for the wind now. Look, the colored one over there is the weathervane."

"When the wind comes, we will go against the wind."

Liu Jing held up her mobile phone and patted herself chatting with netizens, but the attention of netizens was completely lost.

"Sister Jing is so big, no, so beautiful."

"In the field, I'm the sit bag (sluggish)"

"By the way, does Sister Jing have a boyfriend? Can the sex not be so rigid?"

"Where's Kaka? Look at Kaka."

Since becoming a video blogger, Liu Jing has done a good job of psychological construction, especially when facing many comments and barrage.

She pretended not to see those messy bullet screens that boasted about her figure.

What annoyance, she deliberately wore a looser pullover today, but unexpectedly, it seemed that this pullover had a very subtle chemical reaction with her bust, making her appear fuller.

When she saw someone questioning Kaka, she cut the camera to the edge of the cliff.

Fang Lin was sitting there side by side with Jiang Baibai, the blue sky became their background, and the flawless white clouds seemed to be floating above their heads.

"No, Kaka and the general are over there. I dare not go there. I'm afraid of heights."

She just took a closer look and felt a little weak in her legs.

"Ah, it feels so good."

"Is it possible between cats and dogs?"

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible!"

"What are you all talking about? Isn't the princess cute?"

"Snowball is yyds!"

Seeing the sand sculpture netizens making a fuss, Liu Jing smiled and turned the camera to herself.

Lin Yuqing next to him has already put on a full set of equipment with the help of Qi Nan, this time it is much more solemn than the training set below.

Helmets and protective gear are all available, and Lin Yuqing was pleasantly surprised to find that the helmets here can also choose patterns. She chose a pattern of blue and white clouds.

Everyone unanimously decided that Qi Nan would play with Jiang Baibai and Kaka first, and Fang Lin was also called by Qi Nan to start wearing an umbrella at this time.

The wind has come.

The wind vane on the side of the take-off pad floated high, pointing directly to his side.

Lin Yuqing saw that she was about to take off from Qi Nan's more frequent reminders, so she suddenly became nervous and her heart was beating non-stop.

When she was a child, she had dreams of falling from a high altitude many times, and every time she woke up with fright.

When talking about it to Yang's mother the next day, Yang's mother would smile and tell her that it was a sign of her growing taller, but she always had an inexplicable fear in her heart.

So far, whether it is traveling or going to an amusement park, the most exciting project I have played is the pirate ship.

But she found that she seemed to have grown up recently, and her fear of heights was no longer as strong as before. On the contrary, she had a faint sense of expectation.

My life seems to have gotten better since Kaka's arrival.

"Because you are sitting on the bag, you can sit still later and leave it to me and Kaka for the take-off run-up."

"Grab the seat belt next to you while you're in the air and relax."

Qi Nan took off his sunglasses, and looked at Lin Yuqing with bright and expressive eyes: "Believe me, this is very safe, enjoy the sky."

Lin Yuqing's little hand grasped the safety buckle on her body and nodded.

At this time, Fang Lin also put on his umbrella with the help of Qi Nan. The complicated safety buckle on his small vest was connected with Lin Yuqing's seat bag.

"Kaka~ How do you feel?"


Fang Lin groaned at the camera, he was not afraid at all.

An awesome airborne soldier like Qi Nan is here, he is worried, and as long as he doesn't fall straight, he feels that nothing will happen to him if he has a little buffer and slows down.

As if to echo Lin Yuqing's helmet, the paraglider prepared by Qi Nan is also blue and white.

On the take-off pad, a huge paraglider was placed behind Lin Yuqing like an unfolded quilt.

Qi Nan had also put on a professional suit and stood behind Lin Yuqing, while Fang Lin stood in front full of energy.

"You can take off!"

The coach next to the weather vane gestured to Qi Nan, who nodded and began to check the safety buckle on Lin Yuqing's body for the last time to make sure everything was safe.

At an unobstructed height of more than 700 meters, the wind was still strong, and Fang Lin felt as if he was flying in the wind.

Lin Yuqing silently took a deep breath to ease her emotions.

And the family members were not far away shouting to encourage her.

"Come on sister!"

"Come on Qingqing!"



Xiaojie screamed the most vigorously, jumping up and down with a vivid atmosphere group.

A sound of encouragement entered Lin Yuqing's ears along with the sound of the wind. She turned her head and nodded to everyone, showing a sweet smile.

"Wow, Qingqing looks so cute!!!"

"Did you know? It was shown in the old account before."

"Hey, if my sister looks like Qingqing, I'll give her any snacks."

"Come on!"

Qi Nan had already put on his cool sunglasses, and his demeanor became inexplicably serious.

"are you ready?"


"3, 2, 1, run."

As Qi Nan pushed forward, the huge paraglider lying behind them suddenly rose and swelled under the action of the wind.

Compared with the spectacular paraglider above his head, Lin Yuqing is like a little guy.

The resistance brought by the huge umbrella made everyone stagnate, and immediately began to slow motion.

Especially Lin Yuqing.

Because she is a seat bag, when Qi Nan stood up and was affected by the huge resistance on her body, she directly hung her feet in the air and started space walking, and she simply sat on the seat bag without her feet touching the ground.

The wind pressure and weight directly acted on Qi Nan's body, and she worked hard to maintain stability without saying a word.

It is the most dangerous time for paragliding to take off. If neither the tourists nor the coaches have a good balance and are blown by the wind, they are likely to be blown directly off the takeoff pad.

The run-up at the beginning is always the most difficult, but the experienced Qi Nan has already mastered the balance and is running forward slowly.

Fang Lin hesitated at first when he heard Qi Nan's words, because he didn't know how hard he was going to push.

But now feeling that Qi Nan was struggling, he finally spread his legs and ran forward feeling the direction of the wind.

As Fang Lin ran, Qi Nan felt a huge force acting on his waist.

Bing Wang cursed secretly in his heart, in order to keep up with the speed, her two legs began to alternately move forward rapidly.

And Fang Lin always remembered Qi Nan's advice to him, keep running and don't jump.

Therefore, even though he had already reached the edge of the cliff and was about to hang his front feet in the air the next second, he still took firm and steady steps.

The paraglider quickly slid across the take-off pad, and finally successfully began to soar in the sky.


"come on!!"

"Goodbye sister!!!"

Hearing Xiaojie's shout, Yang's mother gave him a dissatisfied blow on the head.

Because the paraglider has already entered the gliding posture, the next thing has nothing to do with Fang Linlin Yuqing.

Lin Yuqing, who was sitting on the seat bag, tightly grasped the umbrella bag beside him, and looked at the surrounding scenery curiously with a pair of clear eyes.

Qi Nan is worthy of being the trump card. The paraglider is extremely stable in the air. Even if some turbulent and chaotic winds are constantly blowing, the whole parachute is still stable.

Compared to Lin Yuqing, Fang Lin was not so comfortable.

He was directly suspended in mid-air. Fortunately, the point of force was his whole body, otherwise it would be a bit strange.

But a little physical discomfort still couldn't stop the enthusiasm in Fang Lin's heart.

You can hardly imagine the thrill of conquering the sky, the wind blows across your face, the clouds seem to be right in front of you, and the picturesque land is at your disposal.

It will be the top of the mountain, and it will be nothing more than that.

"how do you feel!"

Qi Nan shouted loudly behind Lin Yuqing.

Lin Yuqing said hard: "Very good!"

After receiving Lin Yuqing's response, Qi Nan wanted to tease this quiet-looking girl, and she shouted: "Girls should have a heroic spirit, come on, howl loudly."


Lin Yuqing was a little shy: "I dare not."


"Yes, just like Kaka."

Lin Yuqing hesitated for a moment and shouted cautiously: "Ah!"

However, the voice still didn't let go, it was still a little quiet.

Seeing this, the corner of Qi Nan's mouth twitched into a smirk, and the umbrella ring in his left hand was pulled down immediately, and the whole paraglider immediately began to circle downward.

A violent weightlessness hit Lin Yuqing, and under the stimulation of adrenaline, she immediately shouted: "Ahhh~!"

Qi Nan nodded in satisfaction, and then randomly controlled the paraglider. After all, Lin Yuqing seemed to be quiet, so he couldn't go too far.

However, Lin Yuqing's happy shout appeared in her ears.

"Can I do it again? It's so exciting!"


There was a flash of surprise in Qi Nan's eyes, he did not expect Lin Yuqing, a quiet girl, to be quite wild in her heart.

But who stipulates that girls can only be soft and weak?
He can still descend from the sky in a heroic manner and hold a machine gun in his hand.

So Qi Nan directly manipulated the paraglider to hover in the air and played tricks. Lin Yuqing's shouts echoed continuously in the blue sky.

Sioux City Special Affairs Bureau, the small building of the Southern Provincial Intelligence Department Headquarters.

In Wen Yu's office, people kept sending pieces of information to her, and she couldn't help frowning when she saw the gentle and elegant intelligence that seemed to be radiating light.

Yang Zhen, who was lying on the sofa with his legs crossed, was a little curious.

In the past two days, because of Kaka's duel practice after the Mid-Autumn Festival, he has been running to Wen Yu's office to pester her, trying to get some information that he doesn't know.

And from these two days of contact, he has become familiar with Wen Yu a lot, and he is not as timid in front of her as before.

The title has also gradually changed from Sister Yu-Shiniang to the simple word sister now.

There was no way, although even he could see Wen Yu's attitude towards Deng Jiefu, but neither Deng Jiefu nor Wen Yu seemed too embarrassed to mention this matter, and they usually deal with business affairs.

After he called his teacher for a day, he was directly put on shoes, and he was caught on the spot while playing games at work one day, and his salary was deducted for two months.

However, Wen Yu is quite satisfied with the title of sister, and Yang Zhen sees her acquiescing and maintains it.

At the same time, he also admired Wen Yu's ability to work, the whole southern province was as transparent as her.

Seeing that Wen Yu was frowning now, Yang Zhen couldn't help asking: "Sister, what happened?"

"There are signs of the opening of the ruins in De'an County."

"Ruins? That's a good thing, is it in a densely populated area?"

Wait, Dean County?

A flash of astonishment flashed in Yang Zhen's eyes, it couldn't be that paragliding club, could it?

As if reading Yang Zhen's mind, Wen Yu nodded and said, "It's near the place where Kaka went to travel. The specific type of relic is not yet clear. I have already sent the surrounding Special Affairs Bureau to set off."

"I am coming too!"

"what ever."

(End of this chapter)

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