Chapter 154 Don't Brush (Cruel)
On the emerald green take-off pad, Zhao Hanya and Yang Ma are wearing paragliders with the help of their respective coaches.

Liu Jing is still holding the mobile phone and broadcasting live. During this time, fans have always sent private messages to her to urge her to start the live broadcast. After a long time of tinkering just now, it has really started.

When netizens saw the paragliders Lin Yuqing and Kaka were riding successfully took off and soared in the air, they all cheered, and the gifts kept swiping the screen.

From a small heart of a dime to hundreds of Porsches, hot air balloons are displayed on the screen one after another.

For other normal anchors at this time, they must take advantage of the victory to pursue better program effects, but Liu Jing is different.

She only plays TikTok by watching videos, she hasn't watched the live broadcast much, and she doesn't know much about these gifts that are constantly flashing on the screen, so she just thanked her casually and didn't bother to care about it.

And from the start on the tarmac to the present, after less than an hour of live broadcasting, Liu Jing felt a little sore in her hands.

There were so many barrages that she felt a little dizzy.

Well, boring.

The excitement of the live broadcast at the beginning was a bit over, and she suddenly felt a little bit in prison.

I have to hold my phone all the time, and I can't chat with Mama Yang and the others.

She was a little dazed looking at the screen and forgot that she was live broadcasting, and used the camera as a mirror to admire her beauty from different angles.

"This Douyin filter is so beautiful."

Liu Jing, who was blinking her eyes and pouting her mouth, muttered in a low voice.

Her already attractive appearance seemed to be ten years younger under the effect of the filter.

The clear and clear eyes like stars, and the somewhat round face full of natural beauty, always give people the feeling of innocence, pure and lovely like a little girl.

However, netizens can see the gentle and attractive young woman's breath from Liu Jing's temperament.

This sharp sensory contrast brought the ultimate visual experience, and the barrage immediately began to swipe the screen.

"Sister Jing is too pretty! My goddess!"

"Da baa da baa! No cuteness!"

"Sister Jing, don't be smug in front of the camera, my heart can't stand it."

"Oh woman, you have successfully attracted my attention."

Liu Jing came back to her senses and noticed that the barrage was commenting on her appearance, and her face flushed a little: "I was in a daze just now, I'm sorry."

As soon as she finished speaking, a technological rocket exploded on the screen, with complicated and dazzling special effects.

Either it was the robot that came with Douyin after delivering the gift, or the netizens who joined in the fun started swiping the screen one after another.

"Boss is confused." "Boss is arrogant~"

"Douyin No. [-], Niubi."

"Sister Jing, run, there is a big brother."

Liu Jing was stunned for a long time before she figured out that someone had given away a Douyin number one.

what is this?
She has never been in touch with Douyin live broadcast, and she doesn't know the value of the gift. She opened the gift interface, found the gift of Douyin No. [-], and counted the digits behind it.

"One, ten, one hundred, one thousand, ten thousand, ten thousand and one dou coins, 1000 yuan."

Liu Jing was a little surprised, a set of sk2 fairy water was ready soon.

She thanked a little happily: "Thank you for the gift from Gentle, who likes you, thank you~ But everyone should not spend money, virtual consumption is irrational."

The big shiny eyes looked at the camera very sincerely.

"Woo, I also want Miss Jing to thank me."

"Hey, it seems hopeless for me who can't afford TikTok No. [-]."

I like your tenderness: "It's okay, Xiaoqian."


"Is this the boss?"

However, the tenderness of liking you has not yet been installed, and five or six fans have sent Douyin No. [-] and swiped the screen directly.

There are still many rich people in Longguo, especially Liu Jing has more than 800 million fans, and the little Douyin No. [-] really can't get on the stage here.

But Liu Jing hasn't thanked each of them one by one. A user whose ID is called Never Drinking Drinks directly swiped 20 fantasy castles.

The majestic castle floating in the clouds as if it came out of a fairy tale directly filled the screen, and colorful special effects continued to emerge.

"Damn it, 20 fantasy castles!"

"This one seems to be 2888 yuan?"

"Sister Jing, hold on, don't be fascinated by sugar-coated cannonballs!"

After looking at the value of the gift, Liu Jing was also a little confused. Why do these people give gifts in the tens of thousands?

She earns 100 million from an advertisement, but she is reluctant to give it away like this?

Are all of them possessed by Yang Nianqian?
She coughed lightly and said, "Thank you for not drinking anymore and everyone's gifts."

"I just saw a lot of people commenting on me in private messages today and asked me to start a live broadcast, so I tried to play it. There is no need for everyone to give me gifts."

"I can make a lot of money shooting videos and receiving advertisements."

However, the more she said this, the more fierce the gift fluttered.

The background of being on the hot search three times and having more than 800 million fans was finally revealed an hour after the live broadcast started. Many loyal fans just knew that Liu Jing started the live broadcast.

After I came in and watched for a while, I saw gifts flying all over the sky before I understood what was going on. The lovely and innocent Liu Jing thought about them, so they started to recharge their money to support them.

"Ah, why didn't you notify in advance about the live broadcast?"

"I just like to give it away, don't worry about it!"

"Sister Wuwu Jing is too gentle, she is still worried about our wallets."

"Brothers, show me! Sister Jing opened the live broadcast and directly made her the number one on the hot list!"

Countless gifts worth hundreds of thousands of dollars kept swiping the screen, Liu Jing was a little helpless.

The more she said don't give it away, don't give it away, the more ruthless these netizens are.

In the end, she rolled her eyes and gave it away.

"Okay, you can give it away if you like."

"I earn hundreds of thousands from an advertisement, are you all worth tens of millions?"

However, these hardcore fans don't care about her at all. If you are capable, you will swipe and I will swipe, and ordinary netizens will start to get together and follow the screen.

"Sister Jing is too cute."

"Sister Jing, don't worry about it, just watch mine."

"666, Sister Jing is the seventh hottest live broadcast room!"

"So there are so many rich people?"

The Internet is so magical, and beauties are so popular, if they don't make money, why are those female anchors twisting and turning here every day?

With Kaka and Xueqiu's almost [-] million fan base, plus Liu Jing's top-notch appearance and figure, coupled with her bug-like innocence and kindness, this is the first live broadcast.

Naturally, those who join in the show are indispensable.

Especially the one whose ID is called Never Drinking Anymore, who doesn't speak in the comment section, and when he sees someone brushing a dream castle, he will brush three, firmly occupying the number one position on the list.

Seeing him show off like this, those second-generation rich and wealthy families were of course not happy, and began to compete with him.

The number on the leaderboard was getting higher and higher. Seeing that the situation was not right, Liu Jing stopped the live broadcast, and the number of people online in the live broadcast room was 23.

No more drinking, the amount on the leaderboard finally stayed at 3 dou coins, which is more than 466 dragon coins.

Kaka and Xueqiu's live broadcast first show was like a vortex, which continued to have an impact. Even if Liu Jing was off the broadcast, the barrage in the live broadcast room was still talking about it.

And those official accounts who stayed in the live broadcast room for the first time also started making videos immediately.

In addition to netizens, Douyin officials and major guilds are also paying close attention to this live broadcast.

Douyin Headquarters, Operations Department.

"Kaka and Xueqiu live broadcast? How's the effect?"

"The effect is very good. The number of peak online users is 25. Just over ten minutes ago, there were nearly 3000 million turnovers."

"Unfortunately, if we are notified in advance, the promotion effect will be better."

In addition to the Douyin official, the leaders of the major guilds are also in contact with each other, which is a pity.

They had been contacting Liu Jing long ago, hoping that she could join the guild.

It is important to know that the share of gifts in Douyin's personal live broadcast is [-]% less than that after joining the guild, and it is directly split with the website.

So meeting a reliable guild is actually a win-win situation.

However, the messages they sent to Liu Jing seemed to have disappeared, and there was no response at all, which made the leaders of the major guilds very puzzled.

Is there really someone who has trouble with money these days?

While Liu Jing was struggling to deal with the live broadcast, Yang Ma and Zhao Hanya had finished putting on umbrellas with their respective coaches.

Paragliding is not like a roller coaster, where one group of people get off and the other gets on and they can drive immediately.

Wind is the only signal.

The one with Mama Yang was also a female coach with short hair and a smile.

After Zhao Hanya put on the umbrella, her mood became more and more empty, and the snowball hung on her chest like it was in a kangaroo pouch.


She saw Zhao Hanya's nervousness, raised her head and stretched out her head to comfort her.

Zhao Hanya seemed to see worry in Xueqiu's big sapphire eyes, she rubbed Xueqiu's head and said, "Thank you Xueqiu, I'm much better."

However, despite what she said, she still politely let Mama Yang fly first, followed by herself and the coach.

Seeing Liu Jing putting away her phone and coming over, Mama Yang smiled and said, "What? No more live streaming?"

Liu Jing was a little helpless: "They keep giving gifts, and I feel a little flustered."

When others heard this, they would only think that she was in Versailles, but Lin's father and Yang's mother looked at each other and laughed.

"It's okay, just get used to it, what's the point of you not stealing or robbing?"

"And don't you still want to buy the house upstairs? It's almost 2000 million."

Liu Jing nodded but was still a little hesitant. She always felt that live broadcasting was different from shooting videos, and it seemed a little too crazy.

"Forget it, I'd better do a live broadcast once in a while for entertainment, just make a good video and receive commercials."

Yang's mother felt a little moved when she saw her good girlfriend who did not forget her original intentions. She liked Liu Jing's different looks, who seemed to be always pure and pure.

Although I have helped Liu Jing a lot, but when I get along with her in ordinary days, I will always be healed and baptized by her in some small details.

"Haha, it's up to you, I'll take off first, see you at the foot of the mountain."

Accompanied by Yang Ma's words, the female coach behind her handsomely made gestures with the lens on Yang Ma's helmet, and led Yang Ma to run towards the horizon.

The paraglider lying on the ground flew high like the wings of an eagle, taking the two of them soaring into the sky.

"Goodbye, Mom~"

Xiaojie jumped up and down and waved with Yang's mother.

"Are you ready?"


After Yang Ma took off, the coach who had already put on the umbrella and stuck behind Zhao Hanya asked her, but she saw that the legs of the earth not far away were weak for a while.

The snowball hanging on her chest shook her head in her heart, and silently put Yue Yang passively on Zhao Hanya.

Suddenly, a warmth from the bottom of her heart emerged from her body, and this warmth gradually swept through her whole body, and she became brave.

"Are you ready?"


After receiving her reply, the coach ran quickly.

After the same cool picture, Zhao Hanya also successfully floated in the sky with the snowball.


The princess saw that Kaka and Xueqiu were both going to the sky, and kept urging Xiaojie beside her. She wanted to go to the sky too!
Jiang Baibai squatted next to Liu Jing boredly. According to the arrangement, she was going to fly with Liu Jing, but she really lacked interest in paragliding.

But soon she was attracted by the concentration of spiritual energy that seemed to be rising a little bit around her, and curiously allocated her energy to feel it.

A total of four coaches were here to accompany them, so after Xiaojie flew past, Father Lin and Liu Jing had to wait for Qi Nan to bring Lin Yuqing and Kaka back.

Coaching resources are indeed lacking, and the selection of four coaches who are on call around the clock is the result of Manager Liu's hard work.

Father Lin saw this, so he wasn't in a hurry. He had played these games before.

If you have to make a sharp comment, you can only say that it is worse than fishing.

When the princess and Xiaojie put on the umbrellas, Dad Lin stretched his body and said to Liu Jing who was looking at his mobile phone next to him.

"I almost forgot about your live broadcast. My company has a subordinate guild. I will ask the person in charge to contact you later. You don't have to worry about it if you hang up below."

"In this way, your usual live broadcast share will be [-]% higher than that in other guilds or yourself."

"it is good."

Liu Jing nodded obediently.

Several people who claimed to be from the guild came to ask her before, but Liu Jing directly blocked them.

In her opinion, this kind of person is a liar at first glance, and even if he has to sign a contract, he might just want to kill her.

But of course she was relieved of Papa Lin's involvement. She was calculating in her heart how long it would take to save enough money for a house.


A happy and lovely smile appeared on the corner of her mouth inadvertently.

In the spiritual world, there are hundreds of thousands of water lakes from the Dragon and Turtle Clan.

"Then it's settled. After the spiritual energy is fully recovered, we will open the passage to the ancestral dragon kingdom."

After Jiang Xuan finished speaking lightly, he took a sip of spiritual tea while holding a crystal clear jade cup with his paws.

"Haha, Grandpa, I have long been displeased with those golden-haired lions. Okay, let's establish diplomatic relations with Longguo and see what they do."

The old turtle next to him shook his head slowly and did not speak.

Although the Xuangui clan has always been a neutral force in the spirit world, no one can ignore their dominance, which is why they have been able to be peaceful for so long.

There is no way, the Xuangui clan has lived for too long, if there is a fight, who knows how many immortal emperors will come out.

The two mustaches on the old goat's mouth trembled, stared at Jiang Xuan and said, "Are you really not worried about being there for nothing?"

Jiang Xuan glanced at him and said, "Don't worry."

"Chen Ze, are you helping him forget it?"


However, when he heard this, the old goat glared directly: "I don't believe it! How about you, why are you two so thoughtful? Did you gain a lot of benefits in the ancestral land for nothing?"

He naturally knew that the recovery of the ancestral land was mostly due to chance, his eyes rolled around twice, and he said to the old turtle with a smile: "You can do the math to my family Yunyun, if she also goes to the ancestral land now Can't we get some chance?"

The old turtle was a little amused, and shook his head: "It doesn't count."

Jiang Xuan's black tail swayed: "There are many opportunities, the famous Carpenter Emperor wouldn't have this courage, right?"

"Grandma's, I will send her there now."

(End of this chapter)

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