Chapter 155
"Wow, Dad, look, Husky!"



At a landing point at the Flying Eagle Paraglider Base, a little girl who has just unloaded her paraglider is jumping beside her father, and her little finger points to the blue and white paraglider that is circling and landing in the sky.

The little girl is still a little less than the man's waist, and she should be an umbrella jumper with the man. Her little face is chubby and a bit baby fat, which is very cute.

The man blocked the glare of the sun with his palm, squinted his eyes slightly and looked up.

I saw a handsome black and white husky hanging under a little girl's seat bag and slowly approaching the ground. Seeing that the husky was about to land, its four paws began to step in the air.

Do huskies also go paragliding?
A trace of surprise flashed in the man's heart, but he watched with great interest as the husky with a cool appearance landed safely.

The girl reached out and grabbed the corner of the man's clothes, blinking her big eyes and said pitifully, "Dad, shall we raise a dog too?"

The man picked the girl up and scratched her little nose and said, "No way, my mother thinks the dog is dirty, so she won't let me keep it."

"Then can you discuss it with your mother?"

"Dad can't say no to Mom."

The little girl pursed her lips a little aggrieved when she heard this, she turned her head and looked at Fang Lin who was being held and stroked by Lin Yuqing in a daze.

I envy that sister.

Suddenly, the little girl rolled her big eyes, and happily said to the man, "I see!"

The man was a little curious, pinched the little girl's face: "What does my little princess know?"

"Shall we change mothers?"


The man grinned and carried the little girl to the service hall next to the landing point.

"Does mom usually treat you well?"

"it is good."

"Then how can the mother be replaced? We are thinking of other ways?"

The little girl sitting on the man's arm nodded heavily, and a smile flashed in the man's eyes.

"But it's not impossible. Then you go back and discuss this matter with your mother, okay? If mother agrees, father will change."


Fang Lin, who had just landed safely, untied his umbrella with the help of Qi Nan, and went to the lobby with Lin Yuqing.

They floated in the air for about 10 to [-] minutes, and it was really hard to pass the addiction.

The wind in the air was still a bit strong, and Fang Lin felt that his face was a little shaved.

After Qi Nan handed the umbrella to the staff at one side, he also followed, and led the two of them into the service hall together.

The service hall next to the landing point mainly plays a logistical role, such as providing snacks, water, toilets, rest seats, etc.

Tourists who go up the mountain to play paragliding also need to wait for a special car to take them up in the service hall here.

There are five landing points distributed in different directions in the entire base, mainly to deal with different wind directions.

In addition to these, another important function in the service hall is to develop photos.

When experiencing at the Flying Eagle Paragliding Base, you are not allowed to take pictures with your mobile phone and selfie stick.

Because there is a possibility of encountering turbulent wind in the air, in this case, the coach will manipulate the paraglider to deal with it, causing tourists to experience a roller coaster-like weightlessness.

Stimulation is real stimulation, and it is true to say that the phone is dropped.

Just like tourists going to an amusement park to ride a roller coaster, it is naturally impossible for tourists to hold a selfie stick by themselves.

There are cameras on the helmets of tourists, and selfie sticks are also installed on the umbrellas of coaches, so you don’t have to worry about taking pictures, and those wonderful moments will naturally be collected.

There were also scattered tourists on the seats in the service hall, and there were three or four people standing in front of the photo developing counter.

Fang Lin's paws stepped on the marble floor of the service hall, and a cool feeling came from the pads. He looked around and looked at the tourists around him.

Compared with the campground, the number of tourists here is less than 01:30. It seems that 700 yuan is really not cheap to fly in the sky for less than 10 minutes.

Chatting in the hall Waiting tourists saw the combination of Lin Yuqing and Fang Lin cast kind eyes, and some even took out their mobile phones.

Under the nourishment of Fang Lin Yuehua, Lin Yuqing's appearance and temperament have become more and more outstanding. Anyone who sees it will feel bright and sigh the beauty of youth.

Coupled with Fang Linyuan's unique aura than ordinary huskies, the two of them immediately faintly became the focus.

Fang Lin didn't care if he noticed the eyes of the people around him, he was used to it to be reasonable.

Especially when he was surrounded by a group of little bitches at the picnic before, he understood that wherever he goes in this life, he will be that shining star.

No way, so handsome.

But Lin Yuqing was a little uncertain in her heart, and tightly held the rope on Fang Lin's little vest, letting him follow her, for fear that someone would come out and say that Kaka would scare them.

After all, Kaka is getting bigger and bigger now. Although he is getting more and more handsome, the temperament of a sled dog has gradually emerged, and he is no longer as cute and harmless as he was when he was a child.

Qi Nan took Lin Yuqing straight to an empty window in front of the counter, and handed over the selfie stick and the camera on the helmet to start communicating.

Lin Yuqing and Fang Lin were waiting by the side, and standing next to them were the man and little girl just now.


The little girl stared at Fang Lin in her father's arms and laughed happily.

Lin Yuqing turned her head when she heard the movement, and met the little girl's father just in time.

She suppressed a smile at the little girl and the man, then hurriedly stood with her legs slightly apart, pulling the rope to make Kaka squat down.

Lin Yuqing can be regarded as someone who has watched a lot of short videos, especially after having pets at home, he watches videos about pets every day.

She knew that some adults with children were very sensitive, so it was better to keep Kaka away from them.

Fang Lin felt a little helpless under Lin Yuqing's traction.

what does this mean?
Squat yourself under her legs?

I always feel a bit like a shrinking turtle.
When he swiped the video before, he swiped a similar video.

A tall, strong, fluffy and chubby Alas pig, after being provoked by a puppy, tucked its tail between its owner's legs in fear, revealing a chubby butt.

But what is Fang Lin's identity?It seemed like he was being cowardly.

But outside, he still decided to give Lin Yuqing a face, poked his head slowly, slipped through Lin Yuqing's legs and squatted on the spot.

From an outsider's point of view, only the furry back and big tail remain.

Qi Nan didn't notice these details, and after waiting for a while, he called Lin Yuqing to come closer to pick the photos.

Lin Yuqing walked into the counter and looked at the display screen in front of him.

"Qingqing, how about this one?"

Lin Yuqing looked over intently. In the photo, she was holding the safety rope tightly and screaming excitedly. Under her, Kaka's hair was fluttering in the wind, as if she was also screaming with a mouth.

The background is the blue sky and clouds, as well as the beautiful green land, they are like elves dancing in nature.


"Okay, then just wash this kind, and you can pick and choose, and wash all the ones you like."

And Fang Lin, who was caught between Lin Yuqing's legs, was a little unhappy. This was his first time going to heaven, okay?

Emperor Ha also wanted to pick a photo! ! !

So Fang Lin made small movements below, constantly shaking his head and squeezing Lin Yuqing's thigh to attract her attention.


Lin Yuqing and Fang Lin also get along day and night, and are baptized by Yuehua every day, so for Lin Yuqing, she and Kaka have a very tacit understanding, and it is easy to understand what Kaka expresses.

She turned her head to look at the tourists next to her, then rubbed Fang Lin's head with some embarrassment, lowered her head and said in a low voice.

"I'll show you when it's washed out later."

"There is a child next to you, so be good."

The photo was on the display screen. If Fang Lin wanted to see it, he could only stand up like a human being and put his paws on the counter, but with so many people around him, Lin Yuqing didn't dare to let him do this.

Fang Lin curled his lips, isn't his appearance killing all ages?
After picking out the photos, Qi Nan took the photos and took Lin Yuqing and Fang Lin back to the take-off pad by car, and the family started the one-afternoon air gliding session.

Paragliding was really attractive before playing, but if you play too much, you will gradually lose interest in anything.

Although I enjoyed the magnificent nature during the 10 minutes in the air, it was quite a prison, especially Fang Lin, who was hung below and could not move.

The wind is blowing and the sun is still shining.

After playing once or twice, Jiang Baibai, Xueqiu, and the princess also became spectators.

Their 10 minutes in the sky were even more aggrieved than Fang Lin. The thing like a baby bag fixed them tightly, hanging on their chests and unable to move.

Then his face was facing the wind and was blown for a while. When the princess came down, his head felt a little flattened, like a lion cub.

But because of Fang Lin's exceptional popularity, Xiaojie Zhao Hanya, Yang's mother Liu Jing and even Lin's father wanted to take him to play once.

So Fang Lin had no choice but to stay open all afternoon.

The wind direction changed once in the middle, and the family went to another takeoff pad.

Until 05:30 in the afternoon, the energetic family who had been floating in the sky all afternoon stopped the paragliding time in the afternoon.

After the round at the landing point, the smiling Manager Liu took his family into the special car and started heading to the campsite.

Along the way, everyone enthusiastically shared photos and good moods. Both Lin Yuqing and Zhao Hanya took out their mobile phones and prepared to post in the space.

"Kaka, come here~"

Zhao Hanya, who was sitting next to Lin Yuqing, poked her head out of the seat and called Kaka who was lying beside Liu Jing.

Hearing the call, Fang Lin shook his hair and walked along the aisle.

Zhao Hanya patted her thigh to signal Fang Lin to put her paw on it, and then put her face against Fang Lin's hairy head and raised the phone.


After the shooting, Zhao Hanya checked the photos happily.

"Yaya, let's take a picture together?"


So under the "oppression" of the two girls, Fang Lin moved between the two girls and was constantly played with poss.

Feeling the fragrance of the two girls, Fang Lin felt that his mentality was much younger.

I don’t know if there are unicorns in the spirit world, but the unicorns in the novel really enjoy themselves, and they like beautiful princesses.

Fang Lin also thinks so now. Although he has no physical impulse, who doesn't like to stay with beautiful things?

At the campsite at six o'clock, the sun was already hanging weakly on the horizon, and the orange-red sunset dyed a large area of ​​the blue sky red.

You must go to the grassland once in your life. The sky in an open place is different from that in the city.

At a glance, the sky, clouds, and the earth seem to merge into one on the horizon.

And under this beautiful sunset, the whole campsite seemed to become a sea of ​​joy.

Large and small colorful tents have already stood on the green lawn. Couples, adults, children, and pets are all playing leisurely in front of their respective tents, and picnic mats are spread on the lawn one by one.

It was time for dinner at six o'clock, and many families began to prepare dinner.

Some are ingredients prepared from home, such as fried chicken, biscuits, side dishes, sandwiches, etc. The family is sitting around laughing and enjoying.

But most people rented grills and smokeless charcoal from the base, and the aroma of skewers filled the campsite.

This is also normal. It is not expensive to rent a grill, and there is no charge for recycling or the help of the staff.

Seeing the people next to me grilling and eating freshly prepared food with relish, how could I be eating dry food here.

The same is true of Fang Lin's family.

Manager Liu had already made a phone call on the way. Not long after the family arrived at their site, a trolley delivering grills, smokeless charcoal, and food ingredients drove over.

In addition, the staff also brought a large foam box over and opened it to see that there were various drinks wrapped in ice cubes.

It can only be said that Manager Liu really knows how to do things.

It was getting late, and I was hungry after playing all afternoon, so Yang's mother began to prepare dinner intensively, and a bunch of delicacies were put on the hot grill to simmer.

The three children sat on the picnic mat with Liu Jing and watched the video together. They were very interested in the content of Liu Jing's usual video.

Fang Lin and the three hairy kids formed a group of street runners, and they went around to join in the fun.

Father Lin took all the tents and prepared to set up camp.

Father Lin has prepared three tents in total, each of which can actually accommodate 2-3 people, but the personnel have already been allocated long ago.

Xiaojie and Lin's father, Yang's mother and Liu Jing, Lin Yuqing and Zhao Hanya slept in a tent respectively, and Fang Lin's four furry children would sleep in whichever they wanted.

However, Fang Lin reckoned that he should still sleep with the two girls, Lin Yuqing and Zhao Hanya.

Fang Lin rarely went camping before, let alone lived in a tent, so when he saw Father Lin starting to set up a tent, he walked over curiously.

Jiang Baibai asked beside her with graceful steps.

"Are we going to sleep in this tonight?"

"Yes, tents are specially used for camping in the wild."


She used to sneak out to play in the spirit world with the ground as her bed and the starry sky as her quilt, but she never thought of giving herself the entire mobile palace, and if she had a chance, she could go back and ask her father for one.

But you have to think of a good reason, you can't say: "Father, I want to sneak out to play, why don't you give me the whole palace with me so that I can go out to play more conveniently?"

Xueqiu also quietly followed Fang Lin and watched.

"Haven't seen it? I'll show you off."

Father Lin saw Fang Lin and a few hairy children watching forcefully, so he laughed and joked.

However, Father Lin's movements were indeed as proficient as he said.

I saw him first spread out the inner tent neatly, open the tent poles, place them crosswise, then put the two ends of the tent poles into the air holes at the bottom one by one, and hang the tent hooks on the tent poles one by one. After a while, the overall skeleton The build is complete.

Then Dad Lin put the outer tent on the inner tent, and finally fixed the self-adhesive strips of the outer tent on the tent poles, fixed the four corners with tent nails, and a tent was set up.


After Fang Lin and the others were amazed, they abandoned Father Lin and started to change their goals. After all, Mama Yang was having a barbecue!


After coming to Mama Yang, Fang Lin took the lead and wailed, the princess and Jiang Baibai also joined in the fun happily, only Xueqiu snickered a bit shyly and didn't cry out.



Then with two howls and one meow, Mama Yang found the group of four who ran to her side to be courteous.

"Why are you here? It's not done yet, don't come here to make trouble."

"Go! Go! Go."

The Fang Lin people who were driven away were wandering around.

At this time, Jiang Baibai's attention was attracted by the open foam box next to the grill.

"Is there something to drink in this ice?"

Fang Lin took a look and nodded.

Jiang Baibai looked at a can of soda cans with a blue shell inside and was a little curious: "What is this?"

At the same time, he pointed his paw.

"Coke, Pepsi, it's delicious."

"A simple drink that can give people a sense of well-being."

"But I recommend you drink Coca-Cola."

Can it give people a sense of happiness?so amazing?
Jiang Baibai couldn't help becoming interested.

"Which one is Coca-Cola?"

"The red one next to it."

Jiang Baibai looked up at Yang's mother, took advantage of her not paying attention, waved his claws and put the two cans of Coke into the space, and then hurriedly slipped away.

"Hey, go, go, I got it."

Fang Lin's eyes lit up, he hadn't drank for a long time, this ginger is for nothing!
"I'm coming."

(End of this chapter)

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