Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 156 Big Gallbladder

Chapter 156 Big Gallbladder

As time passed, the sky gradually dimmed.

By the meandering creek, two huskies and two little white cats formed a group furtively.

Because Fang Lin and the princess were the biggest, Fang Lin and the princess sat side by side, with their backs facing the camp.

Jiang Baibai let go of the sensor and looked around, then quickly took out two cans of Coke, one blue and one red.

For a moment, all four pairs of eyes looked at the two cans of different colors of Coke standing on the lawn.

"Is this really good? Does it look weird?"

Fang Lin rolled his eyes, someone questioned that Coke was not good, and it was iced! ! !
Even if you say that Pepsi is not good, he can still reluctantly agree, but he can't bear to question the two brands of Coca-Cola and Pepsi all at once.

"It must be delicious, I have told you that it can bring people happiness, especially when you are very hot and tired, drinking a sip of iced and cool Coke and then lying comfortably on the sofa is simply amazing. "

"Tsk tsk, is it so magical?"

Jiang Baibai looked at the two soda cans, and the tip of his pink nose twitched twice, but he didn't smell anything.

She still doesn't believe in Kaka, it's too mysterious, it's just an ordinary drink in the ancestral land.

As the princess of the royal family in the spirit world, Jiang Baibai has never tasted delicacies from mountains and seas, and she is almost tired of eating all kinds of delicious spirit fruits and spirit wine before.

"Compared with the spirit fruit and monkey wine I gave you earlier?"


Fang Lin thought about it for a while. Although the spirit fruit was unexpectedly sweet and delicious, it was still a fruit. How could it compare with the fat house happy water with iced buff?
What's more, he doesn't like to eat fruit very much, and he doesn't like to drink alcohol.

But he couldn't just say that the taste of your special products is not as good as mine, so he said vaguely: "It's about the same, you will know after a taste."


Indeed, just try it.

Although Kaka is very talented and has good luck, but for him now, his knowledge is still short after all.

Even if it doesn't taste good later, I have to praise him, lest he feel inferior.

After Jiang Baibai made up his mind, he glanced at the busy mother Yang, retracted himself into Kaka's shadow in front of him, and quickly said, "How do you open Kaka?"

"Hold it and fix it, and I'll drive it."

Hearing Fang Lin's words, Jiang Baibai stretched out two small white claws, and gently placed the pink and tender meat pads on both sides of the cold blue jar.

Fang Lin raised his eyebrows when he saw that Jiang Baibai was going to open Pepsi first: "Why don't you drink Coca-Cola first?"

"Hey, the blue one looks good, hurry up, the skewers will be ready in a while."

After Mama Yang finished baking a batch, the whole family would gather around to have dinner together, so they would be too obvious.

So Jiang Baibai signaled Fang Lin to act more sloppily, and now she really wants to taste the drink that can bring happiness to people.

Fang Lin didn't hesitate either. After Jiang Baibai fixed the can, he opened the can of Pepsi by hooking up the tab of the can with his nails.

With a pleasant sound of pulling the ring and the sound of bubbles, the Coke was opened.

"Hey, it's interesting."

When the drink was opened, she actually felt a little cool.

Fang Lin unfolded his senses and scanned the movements of other people around him, making sure to remind Jiang Baibai that someone noticed this place at the first time.

And Jiang Baibai picked up the jar with his paws, and poured a little into his mouth tentatively.

Jiang Baibai's face changed suddenly as soon as he took the iced and cool cola!
Xueqiu, who was staring eagerly at the side, was a little curious when he saw this: "What's the matter? Isn't it delicious?"

Fang Lin shook his head: "How is it possible?" Halfway through, he suddenly hesitated.

Although he has enough confidence in the iced fat house happy water, what does Jiang Baibai's expression mean?
Is it because of the body structure that Jiang Baibai can't appreciate it?

Shouldn't it?

Just when Fang Lin had some self-doubt, Jiang Baibai continued to hold the cold soda can with his small paws and poured another sip into his mouth.

This time it was a bit bigger, and some Coke was sprinkled on the snow-white hair on her chest.

As the cola entered his throat, Jiang Baibai breathed a sigh of relief, and replied to Xueqiu: "No! It's really delicious!"

Thinking that she was still slandering Kaka in her heart just now, she suddenly felt a little blush.

A pair of beautiful different pupils looked at Fang Lin and said with some embarrassment: "I was wrong."

At first, she thought that Kaka was short-sighted and hadn't tasted the real delicacy, but now she finally understood that it was herself who had never seen the world!

This iced cola is simply the first-class delicacy in the world, comparable to any drink she has ever drunk.

As soon as the sweet and clear Coke entered her mouth, she felt as if there were countless bubbles dancing in her mouth, and the countless taste buds on the tip of her tongue were opened at this moment, and even the sense of taste seemed to be magnified. The ultimate deliciousness!
In this September weather, after drinking this coke, she felt as if a mouthful of sweet spring flowed from her mouth to her limbs, and every pore in her body revealed comfort.

Fang Lin didn't care much about her submissiveness. The natives of other worlds are indeed like this. He still has to be considerate and considerate of Jiang Baibai.

Seeing that she was holding the can for a long time without moving it, she seemed to be still thinking about it, so Fang Lin hurriedly reminded her: "Have you finished tasting? It's up to someone else."

He also wants to drink Coke, okay, it's been a long time!
However, the snowball on one side has already eagerly approached, and the pitiful Fang Lin said: "Brother, do you want to drink? Then you drink first, and drink after you finish the snowball."

After speaking, Xueqiu squatted in front of Fang Lin with a well-behaved and sensible appearance, his sapphire-like eyes seemed to be full of Fang Lin's thoughtfulness and concern.


Fang Lin felt a little helpless looking at Xueqiu's appearance, so how could he taste it first?

Snowball has learned badly too!
Fang Lin sighed secretly in his heart.

However, Fang Lin is just like this, who doesn't like a gentle and sensible sister?

What's more, it's just a can of Coke. Go back to Yang Zhen and ask him to store more in Jiang Baibai's storage space, so that he doesn't have to steal it from the refrigerator to avoid revealing his stuff.

"Go ahead, little slick."

As he spoke, Fang Lin stretched out his paw and patted Snowball's head.


Seeing this, the princess seemed to have opened up her spiritual wisdom at this time, and kept rubbing her two front paws in front of her body, looking at Fang Lin expectantly.



"Okay, then you are okay, I am last."

These three foodies on the stall are really terrible.

Fang Lin waited for his sip of Coke while watching the whistle.

However, the development of the matter was beyond Fang Lin's expectation. As soon as Xueqiu finished drinking and put down the can, Fang Lin felt two strange men walking towards him across the next camp.

When the two of them had stepped into their campsite, Fang Lin stretched out his claws without hesitation and knocked the can of Pepsi to the ground, and the remaining Coke flowed down the spout on the lawn.

"Hey! What are you doing?"

Seeing Kaka's behavior, Jiang Baibai just wanted to stop it, but she also sensed a strange aura and stopped her movements.

Two men, one tall and one short, gradually approached and stopped in front of Fang Lin and the others.

The short man said, "Haha, brother Ming, let me tell you that I read it right, it's Kaka, next to it is Xueqiu and the general is the princess."

The man called Mingo wore jeans and short sleeves, and his hairstyle looked a bit like a spirited guy.

Jiang Baibai looked at the Coke flowing on the lawn with some heartache, and said to Kaka angrily: "Is this your fan? Then you are responsible, and drink less of this can later."


Fang Lin rolled his eyes: "When the time comes, just ask Yang Zhen to store some in your storage space. There are just too many Cokes."


After dealing with Jiang Baibai, Fang Lin looked at the two men, feeling disgusted and repelled for no reason.

After the awakening of his blood, he can feel people's hearts to a certain extent, and he usually stays at home with positive energy every day.

Now the peculiar smell on the two of them really annoyed him a little, it was a peculiar smell full of various desires.

The short man approached Brother Ming and said in a low voice: "Recently, Kaka has become very popular on the Internet. I heard that Liu Jing also launched a live broadcast today. Many bosses are swiping gifts, and the highest swiping is more than 30."

Brother Ming was a little jealous, but still a little puzzled: "What does this have to do with me?"

"Brother Ming, this is all traffic. Hasn't it been a long time since your TikTok fans have not increased?"

"Wouldn't it be better if we bring something good and start a live broadcast later?"

"You don't know how popular Liu Jing's live broadcast is today, and now it's all over the Internet."

"However, grandma's one was broadcast in less than an hour, and it's a waste of money to leave more than 20 viewers there. We can take a tenth of it."

Brother Ming was obviously a little moved when he heard the short man's words. He rubbed the hair of his spirited boy and said, "But why did they let us rub?"

"It's okay, we'll start the live broadcast later, these big Internet celebrities in front of the camera will have to save face."

"And that Liu Jing seems very soft-hearted. As long as they don't drive us away, we'll just stay there. She has nothing to do with us."

The two conspiring in a low voice noticed Yang Ma's gaze and even put on a smiling face and nodded.

However, they did not expect their words to be heard clearly by Fang Lin on the side.

Listening to the words of the two, Fang Lin kept suppressing the blood in his body that seemed to be boiling to avoid his impulsiveness.

Jiang Baibai frowned and stood up, squatting down a little away from the two of them with a gloomy expression on his face, Fang Lin said: "These two fools really made me laugh, Kaka, is there such a person in Longguo?"

"When the forest is big, there are all kinds of people. Longguo has good law and order in this world. Although they are disgusting, at least they haven't committed crimes."

Fang Lin glanced at the two of them, and the smell became stronger. He added, "But it's really disgusting."

Xueqiu was a little angry, her small face wrinkled into a ball: "Brother, what should we do now, Liu Jing might really not chase them away."

At this time, the two men took a look at Fang Lin and the others, and walked in the direction they had come. They should be preparing to start a live broadcast.

Fang Lin was about to mobilize the pressure of the blood to scare the two idiots for two days, but he stopped temporarily when he noticed Jiang Baibai's movement.

"I can't take it anymore."

Jiang Baibai said to Xueqiu with a grin, "Just look at mine."

As she spoke, she found a thumb-sized rock from the ground, aimed at the short man who made her sick the most, and slapped it hard with her paw.


After being hit by Jiang Baibai, the small stone flew through the air and hit the short man's back knee precisely.


The short man let out a cry of pain, and his center of gravity was unstable, and he fell directly into the stream next to him, splashing water all over the place.

"Brother Ming! Help me, Brother Ming!"

The short man immediately panicked after falling into the water, the pain in his legs and the panic of suddenly entering the water, he kept thumping in the stream and calling for Brother Ming.

For a moment, everyone around looked at the past, and the tourists pointed and laughed at the two of them.

Brother Ming looked around and felt that his old face was hot for a while. He was a little annoyed: "You fucking stop making trouble, the water doesn't even reach your knees!"

The short man finally calmed down after hearing Brother Ming's words, turned over and climbed onto the shore.

With some disgust, Brother Ming helped him limped away.

Yang's mother also came to Fang Lin's four hairy children at this time, looked at the direction where the two were walking away, bowed her head and said to Fang Lin: "Kaka, do you know that the three younger sisters should not be too far away from mother? I don't think those two Like a nice guy."


Fang Lin raised his head and responded.

"Okay, let's eat, the skewers are ready."

After speaking, Mama Yang walked towards the grill.

After Yang's mother left, Jiang Baibai happily showed off to Xueqiu, "Hey, how is my head?"

"Sister is amazing."

"Haha, that's right. Let me tell you, if I didn't want to keep a low profile, I wouldn't want that short man's legs just now."

Fang Lin stood calmly on the spot, stared at the direction where the two left, took a deep breath silently, and adjusted his mentality.

With a sharp blade in his body, he will kill himself.

What's more, now that someone actually wants to bully me, it's like eating a bear's heart and leopard's courage.

Pierce the legs?

He almost wanted to tear them apart.

Fortunately, he now controls his bloodline very well, and the things that are about to get out of control like before will not happen.

But gas is real gas.

Fang Lin couldn't help being a little depressed, he still couldn't see the light.

If the chief of the police station is here, who would dare to deal with it like this?

Hurry up and completely revive your spiritual energy, the rules of the world will also change, and immortal cultivators with personal power will undoubtedly gain a higher social status after they truly show their power.

Now in front of ordinary people like this, unless the chief of Sioux City Police Department flatters Yang Zhen in front of everyone, otherwise Yang Zhen, the powerful chief of the Special Affairs Bureau, is not known to ordinary people and no one cares.

Xueqiu was a little worried: "I don't know if they will come again."

"Don't worry, they don't have any good fruit to eat when they come again, just watch my performance."

"Well, there's me and Jiang Baibai, it's fine."

Xueqiu nodded reassuringly, and Fang Lin said, "Brother, let's go eat."

"it is good."

Hearing Xueqiu's words, Fang Lin took the lead and walked towards Mama Yang.

Jiang Baibai, who was behind, looked around and saw that no one was paying attention. With a wave of his claws, he put the two soda cans back into the Zhetianling, and followed Fang Lin with graceful steps.

By the quietly flowing creek, there is only a pool of Coke that is gradually soaking into the soil.

 I tried some writing methods in this chapter, but I feel that there are some small problems, Xiba woo woo.

(End of this chapter)

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