Chapter 157
The setting sun in the sky slowly set and disappeared, but the atmosphere on the campsite became more and more lively as the night darkened.

The flames of the barbecue grills walk on the vast lawn like dots of starlight, and tourists enjoy the comfort away from the city.

Someone even moved out of the car to look at the stars with an astronomical telescope, causing nearby tourists with children to gather around to join in the fun.

Yang Ma put a bunch of grilled chicken wings that were charred on the outside and tender on the inside into the kaka bowl, looked up at the crowd gathered there and said.

"Unfortunately, we should have brought one too."

Father Lin certainly has astronomical telescopes, but he put them together with the camera in a villa in the suburbs.

Father Lin stuffed a piece of roast mutton into his mouth and said vaguely: "I really didn't expect it, but I still have to go there to get it, it's too troublesome."

Liu Jing was holding a small bowl of barbecue and playing a game of catch with the princess, and Lin Yuqing was holding up her mobile phone to help her take pictures.

"Auntie, do you usually take videos with Kaka like this?"

Zhao Hanya asked curiously from the side.


As Liu Jing spoke, she picked up another piece of juicy barbecue meat from the bowl and threw it to the princess. The princess leaped into the air and accurately caught the piece of meat.

Lin Yuqing said with a smile: "Hey, the princess is really accurate. I remember that there seems to be a Douyin blogger who lost his dog for hundreds of days without successfully catching it once."

"That's right, that's right, I remember that one. Her videos are all about her dog catching food. One type keeps shooting. Auntie, let's take one for Kaka and the others, right? Just shoot them taking turns catching food?"

Hearing Zhao Hanya's suggestion, Liu Jing smiled and said nothing. She also knew that blogger, and chatted with her two days ago. It would be bad if I posted a close-up of Kaka and they took turns to catch her.

At this time, Mama Yang finished grilling a large bunch of skewers, put them all on a plate, and then invited several people to come and eat.

"Come on, if you don't come again, Kaka will eat up everything."

"Mom, I want a Coke!"

"Let's drink, let's drink, get one for all the sisters, let's clink glasses together."


"Wen Shao, where is Manager Liu? Why don't you come and have some food?"

"Oh, he said half an hour ago to get us fruit, but there is no movement now, do you want me to call?"

"Forget it, maybe he has something to go home, and he can't stop him from getting off work."


At 19:47 at night, Flying Eagle Paragliding Base.

Compared with the laughter and laughter on the campsite, the other side of the base is extraordinarily solemn.

The entire base was set up with roadblocks three kilometers from the entrance to restrict access, and tourists were not allowed to enter. At the same time, secret posts were quickly set up to prevent certain foreign infiltrators from approaching.

Under the cover of night, military vehicles drove into the base's thousands of acres of plains from the gate of the base.

The service hall next to a landing point on the plain has been requisitioned. Personnel wearing uniforms of the Special Affairs Bureau are busy back and forth. Various instruments, maps, and sand tables have been placed. A temporary command center takes less than 10 minutes to complete. already put into operation.

In front of the temporary command center, a black off-road vehicle stopped at the door, and the people who had been waiting at the side hurried forward to greet it.

The car door opened, Yang Zhen and Yi Fei got out of the car with his face darkened.

In the C position of the people next to him, a kind-hearted man approached and stretched out his hand first and said.

"Ju Yang, I have known you for a long time. I heard that you were promoted to D rank two months ago. You really have a bright future."

"I'm Shang Changyu, the director of the Special Affairs Bureau of Ningyuan City under the jurisdiction of De'an County, and you will be in charge of the ruins this time."

Yang Zhen quickly reached out his hand and shook Shang Changyu politely, "Don't say that, learn from each other."

"Yes, let's learn from each other, Director Yang, please."

With that said, Shang Changyu walked into the temporary command center facing Yang Zhen.

On the way, Yang Zhen sighed in his heart and secretly glanced at Yi Fei helplessly. Yi Fei covered her mouth and laughed when she noticed his eyes.

Seeing Yi Fei's gloating face, Yang Zhen sighed inwardly, adjusted his mentality and walked in together with Shang Changyu.

Originally, Yang Zhen just wanted to see Kaka, after all, there were relics in the place where he camped, and Yang Zhen was a little worried.

But who would have thought that Wen Yu would actually tell Deng Jiefu the news of his coming, and Deng Jiefu who knew the news would directly ask Yang Zhen to be in charge to direct the exploration of the ruins this time.

Because from the perspective of aura fluctuations, the scale of the ruins this time is not large, or very small, and it should be opened in advance due to the strengthening of the interference of the two worlds.

And the entire Southern Province is actually very short of manpower, and with the recent two new emergencies, there are no more than 10 D-class people.

This has led to the fact that in addition to the economically important towns in the entire southern province, the directors of the special affairs bureaus in many cities are only at the level of spirit beasts in the spirit world.

So when Deng Jiefu knew that Yang Zhen was coming, he didn't mobilize other D-levels, and simply threw the job to Yang Zhen, just as the situation was going to change a lot, let him take this opportunity to exercise.

Yang Zhen, who was forced to add drama, followed Shang Changyu to a huge sand table. The sand table was a topographic map of the Flying Eagle paragliding base that was prepared urgently after receiving the news.

After the data is collected by the most advanced stereoscopic image acquisition satellite, it is made by 3D printing technology.

Next to the sand table, Manager Liu rubbed his hands and waited with a worried face.

After the members of the Special Affairs Bureau brought him here, they went to work on their own affairs, which caused him to wait here since the establishment of this temporary command center.

Seeing the busy men in black with serious faces around him, he had only one feeling, that life was like years.

30 minutes ago, he suddenly received a call from Mr. Ruan. Mr. Ruan very eagerly told him that the Flying Eagle Paragliding Base would be taken over by the special department of Longguo, and repeatedly told him to obey the command and not to think carefully. .

This gesture really surprised Manager Liu. After carefully inquiring about the situation with Ruan Yun, Ruan Yun told him that the Governor of Southern Province personally sent someone to call his father to talk, and then asked his father to inform him.

It is said that there are higher leaders above the governor who are in charge of this matter, Ruan Yun made a vague mention and hung up the phone.

Governor of Southern Province?And higher leadership?Isn't that.
Manager Liu, who was in shock, realized after reacting that he still didn't know anything about what happened.

Mr. Ruan just told himself that this matter is a big deal, and he must cooperate well, but what is the big deal.
After a flash of curiosity flashed in Manager Liu's mind, he dismissed his thoughts. Some things are better not to know than to know.

Members of the Special Affairs Bureau told him to wait here for the chief to come over, but now that he saw Yang Zhen walking towards him surrounded by crowds, he hurried up to meet him.

Shang Changyu introduced from the side: "This is the person in charge of the Flying Eagle Paragliding Base, Manager Liu."

Hearing the words "person in charge", Manager Liu's face turned green and he said hastily.

"Uh, I don't dare to be the person in charge. I'm just a part-time worker. Hello leaders, just call me Xiao Liu."

Yang Zhen nodded and said, "Hi Manager Liu, my surname is Yang, you can call me Bureau Yang."

"Yang is good, Yang is good."

"Hehe, Bureau Yang, come on, let me introduce the current situation to you."

Shang Changyu said as he brought Yang Zhen to the side of the sand table and spoke.

"The specific location of the incident has been detected and will occur on a plain one kilometer away from the command center."

Shang Changyu clicked on a place and continued.

"After I came here, I found that the structure of the Flying Eagle Paragliding Base is very good. On one side is the campsite, and on the other side is the thousands of acres of paragliding field."

"The two places are separated from the entrance, and there are hills and forests in the middle as a natural partition."

"So, in order not to cause panic, we cordoned off the entire base, but that didn't alarm the hundreds of tourists at the campsite."

"We plan to ask Manager Liu to announce that the campsite will be maintained and ordered to evacuate these tourists tomorrow morning, and we will announce to the public that military exercises will be held within three kilometers of the paragliding base. It doesn't matter what these tourists think as long as they leave the blockade area. gone."

"At the same time, all electronic signals except the campsite have been accurately blocked, and air traffic control has also taken effect."

Manager Liu on the side suddenly felt a little weak in his legs. What about the blockade and military exercises?

Where did the incident happen?
What event?There will be no terrorists, right?

In addition to these men in black wearing standard uniforms, there were also many military vehicles carrying the Dragon Kingdom army with guns and live ammunition.

"Is there any problem? Manager Liu?"

Manager Liu, who was caught by Shang Changyu's cue, was stunned for a moment and hurriedly replied: "No problem, no problem. I will go and inform the tourists about the maintenance work tomorrow morning first, and give them a notice."

"In addition, the vast majority of tourists only book camps for one night, so there should be little resistance."

Yang Zhen nodded and patted Manager Liu on the shoulder and said with a smile, "You are doing very well, Manager Liu, don't be too nervous, you are not a bad person, why are you nervous?"

"Uh yeah, I'm not nervous."

"Yi Fei, take Manager Liu outside to have a rest. I'll talk to Bureau Shang."


Manager Liu saw that Yang Zhen was going to talk about confidential matters, so he followed Yi Fei out very obediently, even a little impatiently.

After watching Manager Liu leave, Yang Zhen pondered for a while and said to Shang Changyu, "Shang Ju, tell me about the ruins."

"Okay, as soon as the De'an ruins fluctuated, the information was uploaded to Academician Lu of the research institute through a dedicated channel."

"Not long ago, the research institute replied that this time the ruins should only be of ordinary grade, maybe some D-grade materials, or some low-risk puppet monsters, etc. will be produced."

"Has the specific opening time been predicted?"

"It's around three o'clock in the morning, and the fluctuations won't be too violent. If everything goes well, we can finish exploring and get the core at noon today."

Yang Zhen nodded and said with a smile: "Shang Ju, your professional ability is much better than mine. This time, you have full command. Just let me know if you need to fight hard."

Shang Changyu was a little surprised when he heard this: "Ju Yang, Team Deng personally informed me that I would cooperate with you."

"You don't understand that."

Yang Zhen patted Shang Changyu's shoulder with an inscrutable face and said, "The general will not be accepted by the emperor, not to mention that I didn't say that I would quit the job, right?"

"Yang Bureau"

"It's settled like this. I have friends who happen to be camping at the campsite. I'll go and hang out with them. If you need me, just let me know."

At this point, Chang Yu finally understood, co-authoring Yang Zhen wanted to be lazy and find friends to play with.

He said with a smile: "Do you still have friends playing here? It's a coincidence. All right, then go and do your work. I'll keep an eye on it for you."


Yang Zhen nodded to him and walked out.

Outside the temporary command center, Yi Fei was taking Manager Liu to rest on a pile of green ammunition boxes.

These are all distributed to the staff of the Special Affairs Bureau who participated in this operation, and they will be temporarily stored here and will be distributed soon.

Yi Fei rested comfortably, and was very happy that she had found a place to sit. Under normal circumstances, except for the temporary command center, there were no seats in other places, either on patrol, on guard, or on missions.

However, Manager Liu was in a bad situation. Looking at the skulls marked on these ammunition boxes, his liver trembled a little while sitting.

Normal people have seen these things.

Just when he was fidgeting, Yang Zhen came out, looked around and walked towards them.

Manager Liu quickly stood up: "Leader, Director Yang, do you think there is anything else I need to do?"

Although he said it nicely, Yang Zhen saw another meaning on his face: If there is nothing wrong, I'll just slip away first?
Yang Zhen smiled and said, "It's nothing serious. I'm going to the campsite now. Some friends happen to be camping there today. I'll ask them to have fun."


"The director is still watching the things here, I just happened to be lazy, you can show me the way."

"Okay, just follow me."

It's fine to be lazy, as long as you don't let yourself stay here.

Manager Liu heaved a sigh of relief, and left with Yang Zhen and Yi Fei.

The staff at the Flying Eagle Paragliding Base at the campsite have not been dismissed, such as providing grills, ingredients, and so on.

So after the exchange, Yang Zhen went over there to pay for some fruit, and drove to the campsite with Manager Liu in a small dedicated sightseeing car.

As soon as he arrived at the campsite, the joyful atmosphere infected Manager Liu, and he became happy when he was away from the blockade.

Manager Liu asked Yang Zhen with a smile while controlling the steering wheel: "Director Yang, is it convenient to ask what your friend's name is? Every tourist here has their own place, and I will take you to their place."

"The surname is Lin, and the name is Lin Wenshao. I don't know if you know it. They are a big family and they have four pets."


Manager Liu turned to look at Yang Zhen in shock.

"what happened?"

"Are you talking about Mr. Lin?"

"Uh, yes."

Hearing Yang Zhen's affirmative answer, Manager Liu's heart suddenly began to be overwhelmed.

When Ruan Yun called him just now, he was very concerned about the importance of this matter, and it was the governor of the Southern Province and it involved higher leaders.

He also saw it with his own eyes, and the guns and ammunition belonged to the army. In his mind, Yang Zhen, who was in charge of all this, must be a very big official. After all, he has the command of the army. How terrible is this?
Although he calls himself the bureau chief, who knows what bureau it is?
It's not like he hasn't read those second-year novels about dragons and phoenixes in the past.

But he didn't expect that such a big leader is also a friend of Mr. Lin, and the importance he attaches to Mr. Lin in his heart has once again raised a level.

Today Mr. Ruan told him that Mr. Lin must take good care of him as a friend of his father, but now it seems that Mr. Lin has more relationships than this!

It's not that he doesn't know Mr. Ruan's father. Although he is powerful, he is just a businessman from the Southern Province.

Now Yang Zhen represents real power. The so-called scholars, farmers, businessmen, and businessmen, in the tradition, the most important thing is power.

When I go back, I must talk to Mr. Ruan, and I need to pay more attention to Mr. Lin.

Manager Liu was relieved after recalling in his mind whether there was any poor hospitality for Mr. Lin today. Fortunately, he did a good job.

"I know, I'll take you there."

"Don't call me Bureau Yang later, just call me Old Yang."

"Ah good."

Great leaders are low-key.

In the campsite, a family was happily eating skewers when a small car drove over slowly.

Seeing the person coming, Mama Yang's eyes lit up: "Manager Liu, you are here, and you still want to have something to eat with us."

Speaking of which, she saw Yang Zhen in the car, and immediately raised her eyebrows: "Why are you here?"

"Ahem, I'm also here to play, and I just happened to catch up."

When Jiang Baibai heard the movement and saw Yang Zhen, he patted Fang Lin and Xueqiu excitedly: "Yang Zhen is here!!!"

"What's the hurry,,, I can't ask for a tablet now."

"What, isn't he official? If those two people come later, won't they be easy to catch?"

After speaking, he ran towards Yang Zhen.

(End of this chapter)

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