Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 158 Jiang Baibai: Luckily I'm Bingxue Smart

Chapter 158 Jiang Baibai: Luckily I'm Bingxue Smart (ask for a monthly ticket)
Father Lin was sitting on the picnic mat, slowly peeling a grilled fish for Xueqiu who was squatting beside him. He picked up the snow-white fish meat bit by bit with chopsticks and fed it to Xueqiu's mouth.

Although Xueqiu didn't need his help to eat fish, Dad Lin seemed to enjoy the process very much, treating it as a leisurely after-dinner entertainment.

At this time, he heard the movement and raised his head to find Yang Zhen coming with Manager Liu, so he put the bowl of grilled fish in front of Xueqiu with some regret, and stood up.

"Hehe, are you here too?"

"Well, come to play with my colleagues, I know you are here, so I will stop by to have a look."

Father Lin nodded, then looked at Yang Zhen meaningfully and asked, "Are you all right?"

Yang Zhen returned a reassuring look and said, "It's okay, just a small problem."

While the two were playing charades, Manager Liu carried a foam box from the car, put it on the picnic mat and said with a smile, "Boss Lin, I brought you some seasonal fruits to taste."

Liu Jing's eyes lit up and she asked, "Fruit? What's there?"

She just ate a lot of skewers and felt a little greasy. When she heard that there was fruit, she put down what she was doing and came over.

"There are oranges, grapefruits, kiwis, mangos, etc. I took a little of each."

"Hey, thank you."

"It's all right, it's all right, of course Mr. Lin's family has to be taken care of when they come to play with us haha."

Manager Liu rubbed his hands, glanced at Yang Zhen and pondered for a while and said, "By the way, tomorrow's plan may have to be changed. Our base will be undergoing comprehensive maintenance and renovation starting tomorrow morning, and tourists will leave early tomorrow morning, so .”

Father Lin raised his eyebrows, exchanged glances with Yang Zhen, nodded, and said gently, "It's understandable that it's okay, and of course we can't be special, so we can just leave with everyone tomorrow morning."

"Thank you for your understanding. Mr. Lin, please play slowly. Call me if you have something to do. I will go with the staff to inform other tourists."

"Okay, go get busy."

Father Lin has almost made up his mind by now.

It seems that there should be some problems in this base, so Yang Zhen came here as the director of the Sioux City Special Affairs Bureau.

However, Dad Lin still has some doubts in his heart. Isn't Yang Zhen the director of Sioux City?How did you come to De'an County?
I don't know what kind of department this Bureau of Special Affairs is, but its management is quite wide.

But since Yang Zhen said there was nothing wrong with it and informed him to evacuate early tomorrow morning, he could just follow the state's command.

Jiang Baibai waited at Yang Zhen's feet for a long time, seeing that he was chatting all the time, he was a little impatient, so he jumped up three or two times and jumped onto Yang Zhen's shoulder.


Yang Zhen grinned and was a little speechless. When the dead cat was borrowing strength from him just now, its nails scratched his waist.

So wanting revenge, he was going to flick Jiang Baibai's head, but just as he raised his finger, Jiang Baibai stretched out his claws and knocked it off.

Is this reaction still outstretched?
Jiang Baibai glanced at Yang Zhen with some disdain, then leaned close to his ear and said in a very soft voice: "I have something to tell you."

Yang Zhen nodded slightly. After looking around, he felt that the creek was not bad. Under the cover of night, as long as he turned his back to the camp to block Jiang Baibai and Kaka, there would be no problem.

At this time, Yang's mother by the grill saw Jiang Baibai jumping onto Yang Zhen's shoulder, a little amused: "It seems that the general likes you quite a bit, have you had dinner yet?"

Yang Zhen scratched his head: "No, the food made by my colleague is not delicious."

This is indeed the truth. Now it is not in the Special Affairs Bureau of Sioux City. When performing tasks outside, everything is kept simple. Although the three meals are nutritious and satisfying, they taste delicious.
"Okay, then I'll bake some more for you."

While they were chatting, Fang Lin took the tennis ball from the picnic mat, threw it at Yang Zhen's feet, and kept shaking his head to the stream, as if he wanted to play with Yang Zhen.

Immediately, Yang Zhen pushed the boat with the current, and supported Jiang Baibai with one hand, bent down to pick up the tennis ball and spread it out to Yang's mother: "Then I will play with Kaka first?"

There was a strange look in Yang's mother's eyes, why does this Yang Zhen love to play like a child, even though he is a civil servant, he still feels unreliable.

Liu Jing is divorced now, and as his diamond best friend, I naturally have to help her consider major life events. After all, she is only 29. Well, her life is in the best years of her life.

With Ren Da's lessons learned, Mama Yang already felt in her heart that she should take good care of her.

So Yang Zhen, who had visited with the Chief of Sioux City Police Department before, was already under Mama Yang's censorship.

It is definitely okay to have the chief of the police station accompany Qian Future, but this is nothing to Yang Ma.

It doesn't matter even if Yang Zhen is a junior staff member all his life, she has her help in his life and Liu Jing now has his own career, so he doesn't need a man to support his family.

But now it seems that Yang Zhen is still too young and not mature enough.

Yang Ma shook her head secretly in her heart, and replied with a smile on the surface: "Okay, then go and play with Kaka, and I will call you after baking."

Yang Zhen, who didn't know that he had been passed off from Liu Jing's blind date list, nodded quickly, and took Fang Lin and Jiang Baibai to the creek with the ball.

Xueqiu was also planning to come over to join in the fun, but was stopped by Fang Lin. She and the Princess just happened to help to distract their attention.

By the quietly flowing creek, Yang Zhen sat on the lawn with his back to the camp, while Fang Lin and Jiang Baibai squatted in front of him.

Yang Zhen put his hands on his mouth and asked in a low voice, "What's wrong?"

After Jiang Baibai and Fang Lin looked at each other, they couldn't wait to tell Yang Zhen what they had just heard from two men, one tall and one short.

After finishing speaking, Jiang Baibai said with some pride: "You didn't see that I knocked that short man into the river with a single stone."

After she finished speaking, she pondered for a while and asked Yang Zhen: "Is it okay if I hit him with stones? I control the strength."

Jiang Baibai herself is in a foreign country after all, in her view, she is a citizen who beats other people on other people's territory.

As the saying goes, beating a dog depends on the owner, and the face that should be given must be given.

Yang Zhen waved his hand and said, "It's okay, you are now a citizen of Dragon Kingdom and Kaka's friend, we don't cause trouble but we are not afraid of trouble, if someone bullies you, then you have to give him some color."

As if thinking of something, Fang Lin keenly noticed a trace of coldness in Yang Zhen's eyes.

This made Fang Lin a little curious. He knew that it must have nothing to do with those two idiots, but if Deng Jiefu is so powerful, would anyone provoke Yang Zhen?
Fang Lin asked, "Then what are you going to do?"

After Jiang Baibai helped translate, Yang Zhen came back to his senses and smiled. He touched Fang Lin's head, then looked up at the dark night sky at a 45-degree angle and sighed.

"Kaka, practice hard. When you reach my current stage, you will understand that these are just small problems that are not worth mentioning. Your eyes and thoughts will be focused on those more important things. For example, the normal-level ruins that will be opened next to it."


Fang Lin was a little speechless looking at Yang Zhen's pretending, wondering what Yang Zhen's expression would be when he knew his true strength that day.

However, Fang Lin also understands that what Yang Zhen is talking about is probably not just about strength, but more about the power and influence brought about by strength. It is impossible to expose that Yang Zhen is also the director of a top violent organization.

Fang Lin also wanted to see what Yang Zhen would do if those two came back later.

And Jiang Baibai's attention has been completely attracted by the relics that Yang Zhen said, and his pair of different pupils are in high spirits.


It's all baby ancient ruins! !

My Jiang Baibai decision was simply too correct! ! !
Kaka really has great luck, can't he be the son of luck in the ancestral dog world?Shouldering the supreme glory of the Huskies in the future?

Who can stand it if you can catch up with the opening of the ruins after going out to play, it is simply a chance to hit the face!

It seemed that Yang Zhen was sent to control the situation, Jiang Baibai looked at Fang Lin very expectantly, and wanted him to mention this matter to Yang Zhen.

The relationship is next to him, a disciple of one of the five most powerful people in the Dragon Kingdom, and Yang Zhen are still brothers, wouldn't it be easy to arrange to go in?

At that time, maybe you can pick up some treasures just by bowing your head.

However, Kaka's reaction made Jiang Baibai a little disappointed. Why didn't he move for a long time? Could it be that he didn't know the importance of the relic?

So Fang Lin saw Jiang Baibai next to him blinking at him constantly, a pair of beautiful different pupils twitching crazily.

He couldn't help frowning: "Are you okay?"


Jiang Baibai was speechless, rolled his eyes and complained in words that Yang Zhen couldn't understand: "Didn't you hear what Yang Zhen said about the ruins just now? You should hurry up and ask about the situation and let him take us in for a walk."

Fang Lin understood immediately, and he said why Jiang Baibai suddenly had a cramp in his face just now, it turned out to be this.

He naturally heard the relics mentioned by Yang Zhen, which must be like the copies mentioned in the novel.

But Fang Lin was not in a hurry at all. According to the normal development of the plot, these ruins must be appetizers.

Although Deng Jiefu saw that he was unusual, he knew it when he knew it. Knowing that he has potential in his own thighs must have more advantages than disadvantages.

He didn't want to hide it from Deng Jiefu either, if Deng Jiefu asked about his talent and strength, he could tell him about his other feelings except that he didn't intend to reveal the Great Emperor's Space.

But now there must be too many people exploring the ruins. In the eyes of those people, I am just a husky, so how could I go in with them.

What's more, he has a great reputation, and Kaka Douyin has more than 800 million fans, so how can he take such a risk.

It's best to wait for the supernatural dog's identity to be fully recovered before revealing it. At that time, terms such as spiritual recovery, awakening, and cultivator will definitely sweep the country.

When these topics became hot, he would take advantage of the opportunity to expose the identity of Emperor Ha. Wouldn't it be possible to stand directly in the air and win countless fans without causing doubts?

"It's not suitable for us to go to the ruins now. How can we go with a cat and a dog, unless we reveal that we can practice."

Jiang Baibai was a little unwilling to hear this: "I don't care, there are many treasures in the ruins, all of which are left by the predecessors."

Fang Lin shook his head: "I'm not going to expose it now, you can see for yourself, but don't forget that you still have an identity as a pet general. If you are exposed, you will definitely not be able to stay at home, and you will provoke many unnecessary people." Trouble."

Anyway, this is all there is to say, there are many opportunities, if Jiang Baibai insists on going his own way, Yang Zhen may not necessarily discredit her, but Fang Lin will definitely not agree with her staying at home to disrupt his plan.

Especially now that he knows that the number of his fans will affect the growth of himself and the space.

Fang Lin's words were not serious, but Jiang Baibai froze in place after hearing it.

A pair of amber-like eyes stared straight at Fang Lin with splashes of water, and the cute mustache at the corner of his mouth trembled.

She said intermittently: "You want to drive me away?"

His tone trembled slightly, as if he had been greatly wronged and was about to cry.


Fang Lin was dumbfounded, why did Jiang Baibai react so violently.

"Don't, don't, I don't mean that. I just mean that we don't need to be greedy for such a small gain now. We can walk in the sun when the spiritual energy recovers. The best is yet to come, right?"

Yang Zhen looked at the situation from the side, and quickly interjected: "What's the matter, what are you two talking about? Those two people have nothing to worry about."

Really confused B.

He just pretended to be a B in front of Kaka, why did it seem like there was a quarrel suddenly, and it seemed that Jiang Baibai was going to cry because of Kaka?

Damn, Kaka is really a straight man, he should treat women gently, and he has to teach him a lesson and study hard by himself.

Jiang Baibai said aggrievedly: "We are talking about the ruins."

"Oh, the relic, this relic is only of ordinary grade, and it can produce resources of D grade at most. There is no need for you to go now."

"If there is something really good, I will let you know. How can I forget you."

Fang Lin quickly echoed: "That's right, look, it's not necessary."


Jiang Baibai's expression eased a little, but he still squatted down with his head down, looking like he was being bullied.

Yang Zhen felt that the current situation had nothing to do with him, so he coughed lightly and was about to run away: "Ahem, are you okay? I think the skewers should be ready, I'll go first, and call someone over by the way .”

"I'm not full either, I just went to eat some more."

Fang Lin followed closely and left wagging his tail. For the current Xueqiu and Jiang Baibai, he regarded them as intelligent creatures equal to him.

It's really okay for a woman to cry when she disagrees with him. He was single for more than 20 years before, so it was better to slip away first.

Seeing that Yang Zhen and Kaka had both left, Jiang Baibai breathed a sigh of relief, bit the little tiger teeth in his mouth hard, and then secretly cursed Kaka in his heart.

She just wanted to go to the ruins to join in the fun. As for being so serious, she wanted to drive herself away?
Fortunately, I was clever and pretended to cry, and put myself in a low position of being bullied. Kaka, who had never seen the world, was really fooled and was at a loss.

She hasn't gotten any benefit yet, how can she leave at this time.

Bad Kaka, no pity at all.


Although the output is rubbish, I really want to join in the fun.

Oh, okay, if you don't go, you won't go.

Jiang Baibai sighed, and walked slowly towards the grill, saying that she was not full.

"Old irons, double-click to be careful, I will take everyone to see Kaka now."

"Yes, we are now camping at the Flying Eagle Paragliding Base, and it happens that Liu Jing and the others are also there. Kaka, Xueqiu, the general, and the princess are all very cute. Let's take everyone there now."

"Viewers who like Kaka give me some attention, Liu Jing doesn't live broadcast, I will take everyone to enjoy it."

On the campsite, the short man who had changed his clothes limped and took pictures of himself and the tall man with his mobile phone.

"What's wrong with privacy? They're just playing here. It happens that many viewers want to watch Kaka, so I'll just take everyone to watch it. Don't be kidnapped by morality."

The short man was immediately dissatisfied when he saw a barrage that questioned him for exposing other people's privacy without consent, and after explaining, he quietly banned the barrage.

"It's almost there, look, it's just ahead."

 It's a new month, ask for a monthly ticket, brothers! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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