Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 159 Are You Ace?

Chapter 159 Are You Ace? ([-]-character chapter)
At this time, the sky had completely darkened, and the thousands of acres of plain centered on the Flying Eagle Paraglider Base was as quiet as a wilderness.

The night wind blows over the hills and grass along the pulse of the earth, bringing the long-lost natural atmosphere in the city.

And the campsite located on this vast plain is still full of laughter.

Whether it is a tourist lying on the lawn quietly looking up at the night sky, or a child chasing and playing, you can feel the relaxation from the heart from them.

This is also the reason why this campsite became so popular once it was advertised. It was originally a desolate plain in the suburbs, but it has been transformed into an ideal campsite with beautiful scenery.

Tourists who have lived in the metropolis for a long time and are physically and mentally exhausted can truly talk to nature here, and finally realize that they are a creature full of miracles from birth.

The dark night is dotted with stars, and the bright and full moon approaching the Mid-Autumn Festival firmly attracts the attention of tourists.

Astronomical telescopes, 4K lenses, and mobile phone rear cameras, people use all available methods to appreciate the moon in the Mid-Autumn Festival.

On Fang Lin's side, Yang's mother was still busy by the grill, and a small table was set up next to it.

There were two plates full of grilled skewers on the table, and Yang Zhen and two members of the local Secret Affairs Bureau in black uniforms sat on the floor and ate the grilled skewers.

The two members are very young and even a little green.

Originally, Yang's mother should have rested a long time ago, because until now, except for the foodie trio represented by Fang Lin, who still eat occasionally, the whole family has already eaten, but then Yang Zhen came.

But it doesn't matter if Yang Zhen has done Liu Jing a lot of help by giving him the whole meal.

As a result, 10 minutes ago, after playing with Kaka, Yang Zhen suddenly said that two colleagues wanted to come and eat, which made Yang's mother roll her eyes.

You said that Yang Zhen came alone, and you brought two colleagues with you. You really think of her as the proprietress of the barbecue shop, don't you?

So he silently made two more notes in his heart, labeling him as a housekeeper, and Yang Ma completely crossed off Liu Jing's blind date.

However, the resentment in Yang Ma's heart dissipated when the two young members of the Special Affairs Bureau arrived.

The two of them are young like children in their early 20s at most. The taller one is about 1.8 meters tall with a vigorous cropped cut, immature face and clear eyes.

It was exactly the same as she imagined Xiaojie when he was in college.

Under Yang Zhen's introduction, they called Sister Yang to Yang's mother. They were very embarrassed and even a little shy when they came to eat, and one of them was not completely tanned and blushed a little.

After understanding the situation, the considerate Mama Yang happily asked Papa Lin to get the small folding table from the car and invited the two children to sit down.

"Come on, grilled wings, is there enough to eat? I'm not enough to make it for you two."

Mama Yang came over with a few skewers of grilled wings and asked with a smile.

The blushing member of the Special Affairs Bureau quickly reached out to take the skewers and put them on the plate: "That's enough, enough, Sister Yang, don't bother."

"It's okay Xiao Xu, you can't do it with such a thin body, eat more long meat."

Because Xiao Xu was wearing the standard clothing of the Special Affairs Bureau, his smooth muscles and abdominal muscles were hidden under the clothes.

As mentioned before, the field members dispatched by the Special Affairs Bureau were all the top soldiers and soldiers of the major military regions before they came.

And the members of the action group are the best ones who can sense the aura after awakening. They don't exaggerate the muscles that affect flexibility like bodybuilders, so it's not obvious when they are wearing clothes.

Hearing Mama Yang's concern, Xiao Xu showed a clean smile on his untanned face: "Okay, sister."

However, although he promised, his hands were still placed on the cross-legged legs steadily, maintaining a standard sitting posture.

"Hurry up and eat, there's still more to eat if you don't have enough."

Yang Zhen looked at the golden roasted wings and said with a smile, "It's okay, if they don't eat it, I'll eat it." As he spoke, he reached out to take a skewer from the plate.

As a result, Yang's mother frowned and slapped Yang Zhen's outstretched hand and slapped him back.

"What are you doing? You are their leader, right? If you don't eat them, you won't dare to eat them? In what era are you still banning dross?"

Yang Zhen was a little helpless, what does it have to do with him if the two soldiers don't eat?
There was no way, he ordered Xiao Xu and the two of them: "Didn't you hear? Eat quickly, if you don't eat, I won't be able to eat."

The two replied in unison: "Yes."

"Why are you so fierce? It seems to scare the two children."

Yang Zhen felt that what he said was wrong, so he simply stopped talking, picked up a skewer of grilled wings and started to eat it.

The two soldiers looked at each other, and each took a bunch of them cautiously and began to taste them. Instead of spitting out the bones after eating, they held them firmly in their hands and prepared to take them away.

This made Yang's mother feel distressed when she saw it. Where did such a sensible child come from?
This made Yang's mother, who was just in her early 30s, sigh in her heart, if only Xiaojie would be so sensible when he grows up.

She put the wet wipes and tissues on the table and said to Xiao Xu and the two of them: "Just throw the bones on the table. Then I'll clean them up together. Wipe your hands and hold them with oil."

Seeing this scene, veteran Youzi Yang Zhen lowered his head a little and continued to eat, lowering his sense of existence so as not to get burned.

And Jiang Baibai looked at the crowd gathered in the nearby camp, asked Fang Lin with some doubts while asking for food from Yang's mother again: "Kaka, why do they keep looking at the moon, can't they usually see it?"

Fang Lin glanced at the excited tourists in front of the telescope at the nearby camp and said casually: "Modern civilization is full of high-rise buildings. People are usually busy and rarely have time to stop and appreciate nature."

"And it's Mid-Autumn Festival, which is the best time to enjoy the moon."

As he spoke, Fang Lin also looked up at the pitch-black night sky.

It seems that from the first day of rebirth, I have formed an indissoluble bond with Yue.

Perhaps the moon in his magical powers is just a synonym for something different from the cold moon in the universe, but this does not prevent him from feeling warm from the bright moon in the sky.

Any native of Longguo will be touched by the moon when he looks up at the night sky at night.

Lines of poems that have been passed down for thousands of years have become an inheritance in the blood that cannot be parted.

Fang Lin looked at the full moon full of intimacy. Under the influence of Yuehua's supernatural power, he only felt that his whole body was full of strength and spiritual energy surging in his body, and his body and mind were comfortable and his body was extremely relaxed.

"Who on the riverside sees the moon for the first time, and when does the river moon shine on people?"

The warm and jade-like moon was reflected in his sapphire-like clear eyes, and the whole person's temperament suddenly became ethereal.

Who on the bank of the river sees the moon for the first time.
Jiang Yue shines on people at the beginning of the year.
Jiang Baibai stared at Fang Lin and repeated this poem in his heart, and was a little lost in thought for a while.

Countless emotions surged in her heart along with this beautiful poem, and she suddenly found that the Kaka in front of her seemed a little different.

It's right in front of you, but it's like you're not in another world. There's actually a sense of isolation.

Jiang Baibai couldn't help being a little puzzled when he saw that Kaka, who was fighting for skewers with him just now, suddenly changed his temperament, and even said such a beautiful poem.

But Fang Lin looked up at the night sky and read out the poem, and then he didn't move for a long time. After a long time, he suddenly sighed: "It's a beautiful life."


Just under the joyful mood just now, he actually made a breakthrough in his hidden supernatural powers, and he couldn't control it for a while.

Is it possible to break through supernatural powers while admiring the moon and reciting a poem?
Who can stand this?

The corner of Fang Lin's mouth couldn't help evoking a smile, even Deng Jiefu probably couldn't see any flaws with his eyes now.

When the hidden supernatural power was in operation, although Fang Lin could be seen in sight, all sounds and breaths were completely isolated from the dimension.

As long as he can solve the problem of sight in the follow-up, not only will he be able to hide his strength, but he will also be invincible when he does bad things.

"Tch, it's a godsend."

Jiang Baibai looked at Fang Lin who had returned to normal and muttered in a low voice.

Just now, Kaka's dusty temperament coupled with the beautiful night scene made her feel a little pretty, and the sudden sense of isolation was just a sensory experience brought about by being too pretty.

Jiang Baibai shook his head to clear the distracting thoughts in his mind. It seems that the handsome creatures are indeed more favored by the world, and he is also good-looking. Why don't you have such great luck.

She took another bite of the meat in the bowl, looked at the crowd enjoying the moon over there, thinking about what Kaka said just now.

The modern city is very busy and has no time to be in touch with nature?

But why does it feel like Mama Yang and Liu Jing are usually quite free, she even has to sneak around playing on the tablet.

Well, if only they had to go to school during the day like Lin Yuqing and Xiaojie.

Jiang Baibai looked around absently, and suddenly frowned.

In her field of vision, two spirited guys, one tall and one short, were walking towards her with their mobile phones, and they were the two people before.

Jiang Baibai glanced at the short man who had changed his clothes and walked with a limp, curled his mouth, it seemed that the beating was still light.

She patted Fang Lin with her little white claw, gestured with her eyes and said, "Look, those two idiots are here again, I'll tell Yang Zhen."

"it is good."

After Fang Lin responded, he lay down indifferently and prepared to watch the play.

After appreciating the beautiful scenery, his magical powers have also been upgraded, so he is in a good mood now, and he is a little too lazy to care about these two idiots, and he is also quite curious about what Yang Zhen will do.

Yang Zhen saw that there was only one skewer of grilled wings and a bunch of skewers left on the plate, and after making eye contact with the two soldiers, he picked up the grilled wings with peace of mind.

Just as he was about to speak, Jiang Baibai jumped onto his shoulder and slapped his face fiercely with his paws, at the same time motioning him to look in one direction.

"Stop, stop, stop fighting."

In the confusion, Yang Zhen finally looked over there, and after confirming, he whispered to Xiao Xu and the two of them.

"It's here, old guys, look, I didn't lie to you, did I? Is Kaka lying on the stomach over there?"

The short man was giggling at the phone, Brother Ming saw the far more than usual number of VIPs in the live broadcast room, and the guilt in his heart disappeared instantly.

Usually, the two of them are the earthy spirit of the boys, and the one who works hard in a year only has more than 2 fans. When they usually want to make money for the live broadcast, the audience is only a dozen or so.

Now with this gimmick, there are hundreds of people waiting to see Kaka. This is the person who has not seen him waiting until now.

Just in order to take a picture of Fang Lin not far away, the camera on the phone's selfie stick was adjusted to an external one by the short man, and Brother Ming took this opportunity to pat him covertly.

The two talked silently.

"Later, you will be thick-skinned and shameless."

"Don't worry, it's within reach."

Then the short man turned the camera to the front again, and then pointed the selfie stick at himself and Brother Ming to enliven the atmosphere.

"Old irons, we have arrived, and now I will show you Kaka."

The two had already walked near the grill at this time, and their giggling voices caught the attention of the whole family.

The short man held his phone with his back to Fang Lin and said, "Look, this is Kaka."

"That woman over there is Liu Jing, right? I didn't lie to you, did I?"

"Don't talk about it, Liu Jing looks better than the camera in real life hahaha she has a very good figure."

"Hey, look at the two little girls, they are really cute, they should be the children of the family, how are you, please smile to uncle"

Originally planning to see what Yang Zhen would do, Fang Lin, who was watching the show for a while, suddenly wanted to laugh. These two bugs are really good at attracting hatred.

With a thought, the absolute coercion from the superior suddenly enveloped the short man.

Just halfway through the short man's words, he felt an extreme indescribable fear attacking him from all directions.

He couldn't describe this kind of fear, but it easily broke through his mental defense, and he froze in place for an instant.

The urge to urinate struck, but the central nervous system that originally controlled excretion fell into a paralyzed state, so it naturally poured out and wet his pants.

Seeing this, Fang Lin put away his coercion. After all, the live broadcast was still on, so it would be hard for him to become a fool directly in front of his eyes.

He also puts his strength back, and the short man will recover soon, but he will be more easily frightened for the rest of his life, becoming short-tempered, moody and neurotic.

Fang Lin didn't think there was anything wrong with this kind of punishment. What he had always pursued was that the kindness of a drop of water should be repaid by a spring.

People respect me one foot, and I respect others ten feet, but when dealing with enemies, you must treat your enemies with an eye for an eye, and blood for blood.

He had seen a case before, a child saw a video of his family being insulted and directly stabbed his enemy with a fruit knife. He only felt extremely happy and even felt that this person should be innocent.

And Fang Lin, who has experienced the death of his parents, cherishes his current family even more in this life. If this short man hadn't started the live broadcast, he would have become a fool now.

Fang Lin never felt that he was a good person, he felt that this scale was just right.

Brother Ming was a little puzzled when he saw the short man standing there suddenly, he shook his hand in front of the short man's eyes: "What are you doing?"

"Uh, huh? What?"

Although the suffocating sense of fear disappeared, he was still a little immersed in it and a little absent-minded.

Brother Ming became a little impatient, stretched out his hand and pushed him, urging him: "Hurry up and talk, the veterans are waiting."

"Why the fuck are you pushing me?"

The short man suddenly felt very anxious, and opened his mouth in anger to spray Brother Ming, which made Brother Ming stunned.

Soon the short man came over and suppressed his inner irritability and said to Brother Ming: "I'm in a bad mood, I'm sorry Brother Ming."

The tone is still agitated.

Brother Ming saw that the short man who had been following him was talking to him like this, and he held his anger in his chest. If he hadn't watched the live broadcast, he would have slapped them both hard.

Yang Ma looked at the two people who suddenly got into an argument, and a trace of disgust flashed in her eyes. She asked dissatisfiedly, "What are you doing?"

Father Lin also walked over frowning.

And Liu Jing said directly: "Are you live broadcasting? Who allowed you to film me?"

The short man said impatiently: "Don't be so stingy as a big internet celebrity, okay? The camera is here. Netizens like you and want to see you. It's your honor, okay?"

Liu Jing, who had known for a long time that people were popular, had made enough mental preparations, never expected to see such two shameless people now, and what they said was not logical at all, and it was obvious that they were deliberately disgusting people.

She suddenly understood why those celebrities hated paparazzi so much.

Those paparazzi were just taking pictures, but these two actually started a live broadcast directly.

Liu Jing was so angry that she was about to argue, but Yang Ma held her back and signaled her not to be impulsive, the camera was indeed here.

At this time, Yang Zhen finished eating the skewers of roasted wings and walked over casually, and gestured to Papa Lin to be calm and calm.

Then he gritted his teeth and approached, patted the short man on the shoulder, and rubbed against him.

"Hey, look at me."

Yang Zhen said as he stretched out his hand to hold the selfie stick and pointed the camera at himself.

A strange thing happened, when Yang Zhen's face appeared in the camera, the words "violation and rectification" appeared in the live broadcast room and immediately went offline.

"What have you done!??"

Brother Ming next to him was a little annoyed when he saw that the live broadcast room was gone.

However, Yang Zhen ignored him at all, gestured to Xiao Xu and the two, and then sat down at the small table to eat barbecue.

The tourists nearby also noticed the movement here and stopped to watch, some even took out their mobile phones to record.

After Xiao Xu took out a small black box from his uniform pocket and pressed the switch, messages were transmitted wirelessly to all the surrounding smart devices through the small black box, and the camera and video recording functions were directly offline and unable to operate.

At the same time, Xiao Xu took out a certificate from his pocket and compared it to the people around him: "The Longguo Security Bureau handles the case, and the camera equipment in everyone's hands will be invalid for a while, please stay calm, and it will return to normal after we leave .”

Yang's mother saw that Xiao Xu took out his ID and said that he was from the Security Bureau. For some reason, she suddenly remembered that Yang Zhen was pretending to be a police officer, and she felt a strange feeling in her heart.

The surrounding tourists also found that their mobile phones, cameras, etc. were indeed unusable. After a little commotion, they expressed their solidarity and understanding.

"It's okay, we understand!"

"Is technology so advanced now?"

"I knew that the country had a lot of hidden things."

Some people even booed and shouted: "Long live the Dragon Kingdom."

But Xiao Xu and the two looked indifferently at the short two and said casually: "You are suspected of illegally obtaining the secrets of the Dragon Kingdom, immediately stop resisting and squat down."

After speaking, the two short guys were still a little confused, but Xiao Xu and the two didn't hesitate at all. They took out the handcuffs from their uniforms and put them on, ready to subdue them.

Just kidding, they are not real police officers, they have to be warned once and twice before they do it for the third time, the Dragon Kingdom violent organization is messing with you.

The leader told them that the two were suspected of illegally obtaining the secrets of the Dragon Kingdom, and they, who were born as soldiers kings, naturally carried out the order without hesitation.

Besides, Yang Zhen was right, Fang Lin, Jiang Baibai, and Xueqiu were indeed Long Kingdom secrets.

"What are you doing?"

"Who are you?"

The two of them were obviously not convinced and prepared to resist, especially the short one, who was very restless and irritable now.

Fang Lin didn't bother to watch the two of them quarrel, so he mobilized the coercion and made them freeze in place.

Xiao Xu and the young member of the Special Affairs Bureau with wheat complexion next to him were a little surprised to see that they didn't resist as expected, but they didn't stop their movements.

They walked behind them and kicked their back knees. The two fell to their knees in unison. Then they were pushed down and handcuffed.

Seeing this, Fang Lin put away his coercion. Xiao Xu and the others pulled up the two men who had regained consciousness, and after a gesture with Yang Zhen, they pressed them away. fist.

The surrounding tourists immediately cheered and kept discussing.

"The Security Bureau is awesome!"

"Are these two spies?"

"It must be. I illegally obtained the secrets of the Dragon Kingdom. Didn't you hear? Maybe they were filming the secrets under the guise of a live broadcast, and they happened to be squatted by comrades from the Security Bureau."


The tourists didn't expect that they could still see such an exciting capture scene when they went camping and admiring the moon during the Mid-Autumn Festival holiday. This is too profitable!
Manager Liu who rushed over saw this scene from beginning to end and didn't know what to say, so he decided to go back and remind Mr. Ruan that he must remind his father to have a good relationship with Mr. Lin.

But here, Papa Lin and Yang Zhen met their gazes, and smiled at him as a way of remembering this favor.

The whole family was relieved to watch. Yang's mother walked to Yang Zhen and asked, "Xiao Xu, have they stopped eating? Just left?"

Yang Zhen bit off a bite of the skewer and shrugged: "Yes, they still want to take him back."

Yang Ma suddenly became curious: "What secrets did they illegally obtain?"


Yang Zhen was a little helpless: "It's all said to be confidential."

"Oh yes, okay, then you eat it well, let's talk about it if it's not enough, I'll bake some more and bring it to Xiao Xu and the others later."

It happened that Manager Liu came over at this time, and Mama Yang waved to him with some joy: "What a coincidence, Manager Liu, what, there is not enough material, can you send some more, they are not full yet."

At the same time, he pointed at Yang Zhen.

Manager Liu looked at Yang who was enjoying the delicious food, the person in charge of special events, the big leader, and Zhen immediately agreed, took out his mobile phone, walked to the side and made a call.

At 10:30 in the evening, by the creek, Yang Zhen was still sitting on the lawn with his back to his family, and Fang Lin and Jiang Baibai sat opposite him.

Jiang Baibai patted Yang Zhen with his paw approvingly and said, "Yes, Yang Zhen, it's really relieved, what are you going to do with those two?"

Yang Zhen said with a smile: "It's really not easy to get the praise of His Highness Jiang. The two of them just need to be detained for a week and released. All their accounts will be cancelled, and they won't be able to pass the Internet review in the future."

Jiang Baibai felt that the result was not too serious, and he was a little dissatisfied: "Is that the case? Then what should they do if they come here again?"

Yang Zhen waved his hand: "No, because of Xueqiu, Lao Deng has been set as a special protection target, and any signs of targeting your family will be wiped out in the bud."

"It will take effect when you go back. Speaking of which, I should be responsible for these two days, and I have solved the problem."

Fang Lin frowned when he heard this, and said, "Will it not be exposed? Don't the others know about Xueqiu?"

After Jiang Baibai translated, Yang Zhen shook his head: "Old Deng only reported the specific situation to the big leader, no one knows."

"But those who are interested can still find clues, after all, they have arranged for someone to come."


After hearing this, Yang Zhen smiled mysteriously and Fang Lin said, "Isn't this yours?"


Fang Lin was a little confused, what does this have to do with him?
"I don't know if Old Deng told you that the Bureau of Special Affairs will soon be reformed, and that it's a secret that he's about to break through. At this juncture, he also wants to see if anyone wants to jump out."

Speaking of this, Yang Zhen was a little curious: "Did you provoke him there? After he met you alone that day, he said that he would add more burdens to you, saying that he can't grow without going through wind and rain. When he breaks through, he will be ready." I officially accept you to enter."


Fang Lin understood after listening, it turned out that he was pushed out to be a brand.

Such a combination of fiction and reality is not impossible, but he is a little worried that it will affect the stable life of the family.

After all, he was exposed only after preparing for the complete recovery of his spirit energy. Now if the higher-ups know about it in advance, I don't know if there will be any changes.

But Yang Zhen quickly said: "But there is no problem. Originally, Lao Deng is the most powerful. Once he breaks through, he will become the world's first A-level. Nothing can stop him."

"And with me here, you can do what you usually do, no one can affect you."

Fang Lin nodded, sighing inwardly.

It turns out that there are so many turbulent undercurrents under the peaceful and stable life, I have to continue to work hard, and take advantage of the recovery momentum to become Emperor Ha in one fell swoop to ensure a long-term peaceful life.

Suddenly, I was looking forward to the changes in my space. It seemed that the upgrade would last for three days, and this was only the first day.

Alas, the first day Qi Ling was away, I missed her.

Jiang Baibai was suddenly a little curious at this moment: "Hey, why did the live broadcast go offline when you showed your face?"

"Oh, you said that."

Yang Zhen smiled and said: "This is a recent technological breakthrough. Once a person with a certain level of confidentiality appears in the live broadcast or released video of any company on the entire network, he will be banned immediately."

"Actually, the two of you are also considered, but considering that you are going to shoot a video and have a natural camouflage, so you didn't record it."

"Tsk, it's very interesting."

Jiang Baibai shook his tail, the Internet is really an interesting thing, but unfortunately there is no such thing in the spirit world.

Near eleven o'clock, Yang Zhen went back with a pack of skewers amidst the family waving goodbye. After this incident, the family's impression of him rose to a higher level.

And the whole campsite is still full of laughter, even though it is approaching midnight, tourists still gather on the lawn and look up at the starry sky.

The full moon on the eve of the Mid-Autumn Festival is so charming. Judging by the posture, many people plan to watch the moon all night.

And Fang Lin's family also packed up their things and sat on the picnic mat for family activities.

The family formed a circle and took turns telling stories under the beautiful night.

This story can be seen or heard by oneself, or it can be experienced by oneself. This activity promotes family harmony and closes the relationship between relatives. Everyone likes it very much.

Fang Lin, Jiang Baibai, Xueqiu and the princess also sat in the middle, and Fang Lin lay on Liu Jing's lap as usual and listened to the story.

At the beginning, everyone talked about funny things. The three children Lin Yuqing Xiaojie and Zhao Hanya also shared some embarrassing things about themselves, and the atmosphere was very enthusiastic.

However, I don't know who started the painting style to change, and the family took turns telling ghost stories! ! !

Fang Lin could feel his thighs trembling slightly, and Jiang Baibai, who hadn't heard many ghost stories, even got into Lin Yuqing's arms and surrounded himself with his tail.

I really want to hear it, but I am also very scared.

The food and love to play are fully reflected.

Different from the relaxed and leisurely camping ground, the other side of the base becomes more solemn with the opening of the nearby ruins, and the checkpoints and patrols become more intensive.

Because I don't know the specific content of the ruins, ten members of the Special Affairs Bureau's operation team will be sent to investigate, and follow-up arrangements will be made after understanding the situation.

Ten members of the action team were sorting out their equipment in the temporary command center, where Director Shang had just given them a lecture.

Maybe he was a political commissar. After he finished speaking, the ten soldiers held their breaths, only wanting to serve the country with a shrouded body in horse leather.

Yang Zhen walked in with a pack of barbecue at this time, and his eyes were immediately attracted by a person.

I saw a fair-skinned member of the action team who was fully armed and was carefully maintaining his exaggerated sniper rifle, and this was Xiao Xu.

Yang Zhen immediately came to the side and said, "Xiao Xu, I didn't expect you to be in the action team?"

Xiao Xu pursed his lips a little shyly and did not speak.

Yang Zhen shook his head, why is this kid like a big boy.

Director Shang came over and said with a smile: "Didn't you see it? Xiao Xu was an ace sniper before, and he has awakened his aura talent. Now he is the mainstay."

"so smart?"

Yang Zhen was a little surprised.

He smiled and said, "Come with me."

 Did not expect to review, speechless.

  Fortunately, I changed the leave note before, otherwise I would lose my full attendance this month.

  Eight thousand words today!
  Ask for a monthly pass!
(End of this chapter)

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