Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 160 What are you doing?

Chapter 160 What are you doing?


After Xiao Xu got up quickly and saluted, he was ready to pick up his sniper rifle from the table and follow Yang Zhen out.

The sniper rifle looked almost as long as his height, and looked a bit like the world-famous Barrett, but it was bigger and more exaggerated than Barrett, and it looked like customized special equipment.

The huge, pitch-black gun barrel seems to be glowing with cold light under the light, killing indifferently and in a low-key manner. Looking at its huge muzzle, one can imagine how the bullets fired from it severely tore the target apart.

However, Xiao Xu, who easily manipulated him, turned out to be a big boy who would blush in front of Yang's mother. This sharp contrast made Yang Zhen shake his head.

"It's not a mission, just put the gun here."

After Yang Zhen finished speaking, he walked straight out.


The members of the exploration team who were making preparations around asked curiously, and Xiao Xu waved his hand and signaled to his teammates with a confused expression.

They had heard of Yang Zhen's name a long time ago, not only because he was an unattainable D-level powerhouse, but also because he was the apprentice of Zhan Tianjian.

Because Deng Jiefu was too deified in the hearts of members of the Southern Provincial Special Affairs Bureau, and even Yang Zhen carried a lot of brilliance, so the team members looked at Xiao Xu who followed Yang Zhen out with some envy, and were attracted by this future big Didn't the guy take off if he liked it?

But Xiao Xu felt a little uneasy in his heart. According to the legend he heard before, Yang Zhen was also a ruthless character. He dared to go to the deputy director's office to overturn the table during working hours in order to bring his seniors.

He imagined it for himself, if he dared to go to Shang Bureau's office to make trouble during working hours.
According to Shangju's personality, it is estimated that tens of thousands of words of inspection and confinement are indispensable, and ideological education must be carried out after he comes out. After all, Shangju's political commissar for the past ten years has not been done for nothing.

Xiao Xu came to his senses and found that Yang Zhen had already gone a long way, so he hurriedly walked out of the command center and followed behind.

The atmosphere on the side of the base near midnight became more and more serious, forced by a feeling that the storm was about to come before the war.

For this relic operation, the main force is fully in charge of the Special Affairs Bureau, and the Longguo army who signed the non-disclosure agreement was dispatched by the way to do some chores of security and defense. After all, according to this level of secrecy, it is impossible for the police to come. do it.

Two soldiers were holding guns and standing guard at the gate of the command center like sculptures. From the corner of their eyes, they noticed Yang Zhen coming out, and they neatly adjusted their gun postures with the muzzles facing down to salute.


The action is neat and tidy.

Yang Zhen nodded briefly and continued to walk out unhurriedly. Xiao Xu looked at the two soldiers in field uniforms and quickly saluted and responded.

After Yang Zhen passed, the two fighters quickly adjusted their postures and continued to look like sculptures at the beginning, as if they could not be shaken even if the sky collapsed.

Although the two soldiers ignored him, Xiao Xu was still full of emotion when he looked at the familiar military uniforms on the two of them.

He has been a bit introverted since he was a child, and he belonged to the kind of player who was not noticed by anyone in school since he was a child. His academic performance was not good and he was not able to enter the university.

Just when he was about to go to vocational school and face the imminent future, Xiao Xu's dull father betrayed his old face and found a classmate whom he hadn't seen in decades. Successfully registered for the conscription quota.

After that, Xiao Xu's life seemed to be different. At the age of 18, he successfully passed the medical examination and became a soldier of the Dragon Kingdom, and his innate shooting talent was quickly displayed. .

The somewhat introverted Xiao Xu met the squad leader who treated him like a family member. While helping him to change, it also made his talent show more vividly. The number one in various competitions and his potential talent made him successfully selected by the special forces. Not a year later, under the influence of the tide of spiritual energy, he was successfully awakened and entered the special affairs bureau.



Xiao Xu shook his head and put aside the distracting thoughts in his mind, he looked at Yang Zhen's back and quietly rubbed his face with his hands.

I don't know why tonight, my thoughts are always very complicated.

He looked up at the bright moon hanging quietly in the sky, and the figure of his mother seemed to gradually overlap with the moon.

"Have you been home for a long time?"


"I said, how long have you not been home?"

Yang Zhen walked slowly in the quiet open space outside the command center. The surrounding low hills surrounded them like dormant beasts in the dark.

Xiao Xu pondered for a moment and said, "More than two years."

Hearing Xiao Xu's answer, Yang Zhen just nodded and did not speak again.

The two continued to walk one after the other on the plain under the night, and the soft evening wind gently blew past them.

Xiao Xu didn't know where Yang Zhen was taking him, but he didn't ask and continued to follow the chief silently.

Finally, Yang Zhen stopped at the edge of the small hill, and Xiao Xu took advantage of the opportunity to stand beside him, his eyes constantly scanning the surrounding environment, looking for the best shooting and counterattack locations.

This is actually a game, a game that he has to play every time he goes to a new place. He learned it from the instructor of the special forces.

"I heard you are a sniper?"


Hearing this, Xiao Xu nodded affirmatively, a touch of self-confidence emerged from him.

Yang Zhen noticed this momentum and was very satisfied.

"miss home?"

"Do not want to."

"Your chief is not here, answer me honestly, are you homesick?"

Xiao Xu was silent for a while and said: "Think"

He hasn't been back home since he joined the Special Forces, and it took him a long time to contact his family, especially when he entered the Special Affairs Bureau.

Yang Zhen sighed and patted Xiao Xu on the shoulder and said, "It's impossible. You should understand that most of the spiritual awakeners are from the military. Although I don't know why this is the case, this situation As a result, the Special Affairs Bureau is a bit like a more special special forces, and the management is stricter."

Xiao Xu nodded affirmatively, he understood all of this.

At first, he would be very homesick, but gradually he got used to hiding this feeling in his heart. His identity made him have to abandon some things that are necessary for ordinary people, so as not to have weaknesses.

He still remembers when he was formally selected into the Special Operations Brigade, the instructor told him that if they died unfortunately in the future, their names would not be on the tombstone.

But so what?

Some things have to be done by someone, and some things have to be borne by someone.

"But you should be able to go home and have a look soon."


Xiao Xu didn't respond.

"You all should have heard some gossip that the spirit energy will be fully recovered soon, right?"


Xiao Xu nodded embarrassingly. It stands to reason that they shouldn't talk about gossip in private.

"Although I don't know why the vast majority of spiritual awakeners are currently produced in the army, but once fully recovered, this situation will inevitably be broken, and awakeners will even become a new profession to help us communicate with the spiritual world Fusion."

"In this way, the current form of the Special Affairs Bureau will naturally not be established. We must recruit more talented fresh blood."

"Most of these new blood will be produced among ordinary people, and the highly militarized management of the Special Affairs Bureau will naturally be unreasonable."

When Yang Zhen said this, he looked at Xiao Xu who was a little confused in front of him and sighed in his heart.

There are many children like Xiao Xu, and their mortal bodies have taken on too many things that ordinary people cannot understand.

In the final analysis, the army is a war machine, and there are so many epic stories hidden behind the four words of military order like a mountain.

Human nature naturally seeks advantages and avoids disadvantages, and these are anti-human nature.

In the university, many youthful students will be very resistant to the orders of the military training instructors, which makes them feel that they have lost their individuality and have no rights.

However, for Xiao Xu and the others, a military order is life, and even if an order is issued, even if they know it is death, they will have no regrets.

This difference caused the Special Affairs Bureau to change, and the five B-ranks headed by Deng Jiefu were also willing to cooperate in promoting these changes, even if it would jeopardize some of their own rights.

It has to be said that those favored sons of the Dragon Kingdom who emerge at critical moments always make people feel sincerely reliable.

"Are you a little confused, why should I tell you this?"

Xiao Xu hesitated and nodded.

Yang Zhen showed a kind smile and continued: "I can't tell you the specific reform plan now, but you will see it within a month at the latest."

He pondered for a while and said his ultimate goal: "I admire you very much, you are very suitable for my eyes, so I would like to invite you to do things with me in the future."


Xiao Xu was stunned for a moment.

This... Is this trying to dig yourself away?
He suddenly panicked, and couldn't help but look back at the temporary command center, afraid that Shang Ju would be standing not far away and staring at him.

Seeing Xiao Xu's reaction, Yang Zhen was a little dissatisfied, and turned him back with his hand and said, "I have a lot of talents under my command, but I only lack a long-range firefighter like you."

He recalled Lin Shaohua waiting for a group of bulls and horses, shook his head and continued: "This time the change is very big. If you follow me, don't say anything else. No one can bully you except me."

Yang Zhen also had no experience of poaching. After he finished speaking, he always felt that what he said was weird, and there was an inexplicable feeling in his heart. What's going on? ? ?

However, he didn't care about these details. Lao Deng repeatedly hinted that he would put more burdens on him during the reform, and he had no choice but to find some reliable people for himself.

However, Xiao Xu didn't know what to do when facing Yang Zhen, and he had no experience of being poached like this!
Always feel very strange there is not!

On one side was Shang Ju who took good care of himself, and on the other side was Yang Zhen who fell from the sky. The somewhat introverted him had experienced such a thing, and he was suddenly at a loss.

Yang Zhen frowned on purpose, seeing his character, and asked, "Why? Disagree? It's fine if you look down on me, but you can't look down on Deng Jiefu, right?"


Xiao Xu was dumbfounded and said quickly: "No, no, I didn't mean that."

"Then you agree, that's fine, you don't have to worry about other things, just do whatever you want when you go back, and leave everything to me."


Yang Zhen put on a kind face before waiting for Xiao Xu's reaction after finishing speaking: "Have you ever been to the ruins before?"


"Don't worry, I'll go in with you later, and I'll make sure you come out intact."

He patted Xiao Xu on the shoulder and walked towards the command center with a happy face.

Xiao Xu looked up at the full moon in the sky with some helplessness, and sighed silently in his heart, is he being pried away?

What should we do when we meet Shang Ju?
Fortunately, Ju Yang said that he didn't need to take care of it, so he would pretend that nothing happened later.
In the temporary command center, Shang Changyu was still mobilizing ten soldiers before the battle, and chatted with the soldiers about their daily life.

After many years of working experience as a political commissar, his working ability has long been no longer limited to false words, and the moist things are silently hidden in the chat, which arouses the enthusiasm of the soldiers.

Even soldiers with iron will will be vulnerable sometimes, and at this time, a gentle and delicate political commissar is needed.

This is also a set of effective rules that Long Guo has summed up over the years, and Shang Changyu was able to become the director of the Special Affairs Bureau because of his sufficient leadership experience.

While chatting, he found Yang Zhen walking in, so he smiled and greeted: "Ju Yang, are you back?"

Seeing Shang Changyu, Yang Zhen coughed and went over to pat him and said, "Shang Ju, I really admire you. In the short time we have been together, your work ability has impressed me. You have done so much work in an orderly manner. Much stronger than me."

Hearing that Yang Zhen suddenly praised herself fiercely, Shang Changyu raised his eyebrows a little strangely.

However, he was very happy that a D-level powerhouse like Yang Zhen recognized him so much.

"Where there is, the stupid bird flies first. I have accumulated work for many years. Yang Ju is the pillar of the future. Let's learn from each other."

"it is good."

Yang Zhen nodded and invited him, "Then let's talk about the ruins exploration plan later?"


Shang Changyu followed Yang Zhen and walked slowly towards the sand table. He looked at Yang Zhen's sideways and couldn't help sighing in his heart.

Yang Zhen has become a D-level strongman at a young age and has the background of Team Deng. He is young and ambitious but not frivolous. He is still so humble, and his future is limitless.

Yang Zhen is a nice person, able to deal with him.

Shang Changyu secretly praised Yang Zhen.

So Xiao Xu also walked in at the same time, watching Shang Ju who had gone far away from Yang Zhen heaved a sigh of relief and hurried back to the team.

At one o'clock in the morning, the campsite.

At this time, the campsite did not have the lively atmosphere before. After all, many people still need to sleep, so the campsite was also very quiet.

The silver plate-like moon is getting higher and higher and has already hung above the head. Thanks to its location in the outskirts, the night sky above the campsite is exceptionally clean, without the gloomy haze in the city.

Countless stars are dotted beside the bright moon, which is very harmonious.

Kant said that there are only two things in the world that I am in awe of, one is the brilliant starry sky above my head, and the other is the lofty moral code in our hearts.

Faced with such a pure starry sky, those who watched the moon all night also admired it quietly. Everyone stared at the starry sky with very pure eyes, as if they had been baptized.

However, Fang Lin's family had no plan to watch the moon all night. Everyone sat around and told stories until it was almost twelve o'clock, and the camp gradually became quiet.

The family also stopped their activities and sat quietly with each other looking at the starry sky.

This sense of security with each other makes everyone feel very happy.

Especially Fang Lin, who was lying on Liu Jing's lap and almost fell asleep peacefully.

However, this sense of happiness can't offset the growing drowsiness and the increasing goosebumps on my body after hearing ghost stories.

I didn't feel it when there were so many people, but now everyone sits quietly and doesn't speak, and the camp is silent.

The black shadow of the mountains in the distance and the night wind that suddenly blew across their necks made the hearts of the children tremble.

Lin Yuqing happily contributed a ghost story that he found before, but now the more he recalls, the more afraid he becomes, so now everyone has returned to their tents to rest.

Fang Lin naturally walked into the small tent with Lin Yuqing and Zhao Hanya. His body was lying across the door, which made the two girls feel extra at ease.

The two of them came to hug Fang Lin and hid happily in their sleeping bags, chatting quietly.

In the small space of the tent, Fang Lin felt a little strange.

This kind of wild camping experience made him very excited. What he saw was a small space, but his ears sensed the vast world outside.

What was it like for those armies who marched during the day and rested in tents at night?

Will you be very worried and frightened?
Thoughts slowly drifted away, and the sounds in my ears became less and less, and finally the tent fell into silence, and one after another fell into sleep.

At 02:30 in the morning, there was a sudden scratching sound from the entrance of Fang Lin's tent.

After failing to enter, a shadow appeared in the tent out of thin air.

Soon the shadow dissipated, and the snow-white Jiang Baibai stepped on Fang Lin's back directly.

Fang Lin opened his eyes speechlessly, turned his head and looked at Jiang Baibai silently.

Get ready to hear how she explains her shameful act of disturbing other people's sleep.

 Thank you to the rudder owner of Anlushan Standard Chartered Awards, and thank you boss, boss, and boss for your good health.

  In the future, the rudder master will add a chapter of 2000 words, and add it tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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