Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 161 You are a good man

Chapter 161 You are a good man

in the tent.

Jiang Baibai looked at Fang Lin looking at him with embarrassment.

The two front paws stretched unconsciously, and the pink pads stepped on Fang Lin's back.

How do you say this?

She's always embarrassed to say it's because she couldn't fall asleep after listening to ghost stories, right?
"It's all your fault."

Jiang Baibai held back for a while and said in a low voice.


Blame me for what?
Fang Lin was dumbfounded, it suddenly appeared on his back this night without sleeping.

If he hadn't sensed Jiang Baibai's breath the moment he emerged from the shadow, wouldn't he be scared to death?
Jiang Baibai looked away and stopped looking at Fang Lin, his eyes were erratic.

This can not blame her.

Telling ghost stories at night was scary enough, but Fang Lin just added some cold knowledge to her.

For example, places where women gather are very cloudy.

She looked at the wilderness and mountains in the early morning, the plains and hills in the darkness, and felt that the yin energy was about to explode, okay?

Moreover, she slept with the two girls Xueqiu and Lin Yuqing, she didn't have any masculinity at all, and the wind was still whistling.

The two girls and Xueqiu both slept soundly, and she didn't understand why they slept so well.

Jiang Baibai, who was sober alone, stayed there more and more uncomfortably. She had no choice but to sneak to Fang Lin first.

"You come down first."

Fang Lin looked back at Jiang Baibai who was trying to make excuses on his back, feeling a little tired.


Only then did Jiang Baibai react, and landed next to Fang Lin with a light jump.

Near the opening of the ruins, the campsite can also feel the increasing concentration of aura nearby.

Aware of this, Jiang Baibai coughed lightly and began to change the subject: "Do you feel it? The concentration of spiritual energy is getting higher and higher, should we really not join in the fun?"

Come at night because of this?
Fang Lin moved his head and yawned and asked casually, "Haven't you seen the ruins over there?"

"The relics are actually small worlds with different functions. The ones on my side have been divided over the years. I have a lot of them at home, but they are no different from going to the park. It's not interesting."


good fan.

Fang Lin looked at Jiang Baibai and found that she had a casual look on her face, and understood that she did not pretend to be aggressive on purpose.

Sometimes this is the case, and the huge gap in money and wealth is reflected inadvertently, such as the house, car, clothing and even Fang Lin's food that Liu Jing inadvertently showed in the video.

In fact, I didn't deliberately reflect these things, but things like wealth will be reflected in every detail of life.

People always desire and like beautiful things, which naturally include the quality of life brought by money.

Perhaps this is one of the reasons why the accounts of Kaka and Xueqiu became so popular. There are too many elements in the video.

Clever, cute, handsome and handsome pets, Liu Jing Yang's beautiful appearance and perfect body, inadvertently reflect the quality of life far beyond ordinary families, coupled with the official push.

Each of these can actually become a big Internet celebrity, but Kaka and Xueqiu have all of them in their accounts.

When he came back to his senses, Fang Lin didn't care that Jiang Baibai, a princess from another world, had more "money" than her. After all, those spiritual fruit magic weapons were the result of the hard work of many ancestors.

For a confident person like Fang Lin, hatred of the rich does not exist. The richer Jiang Baibai's family background is, the better. It is a beautiful thing to have a wealthy friend.

When Lin Qianqian devoted almost his entire life to playing an mmorpg game in the virtual world, he happened to actually make a rich friend.

Just two years after graduating from university, I am 24 years old. My family runs a company, and I play games at home every day.

What impressed him most at the time was the first post he saw when he opened this friend's circle of friends.

"I went for maintenance today, and the 4S store gave me a 200 gas coupon (smiley face)"

The picture below is more than 200 million black McLaren sports cars.

Although Fang Lin was a little envious at the time, he soon became indifferent. There is no one in the world that he needs to care about. What does it matter if money is not money?As long as you can survive.

Perhaps because of this mentality, he and this netizen have become good friends. They play new games together every day. Many games are even given away by the other party, including pass skins and the like.

It's strange to say that such a rich friend seems to have few true friends. Every time he plays games, he is called to come, except for accompanying his girlfriend, he probably spends most of the time playing with Fang Lin himself.

Thinking of this, Fang Lin suddenly wanted to chat with friends again.

It's a pity that modern people would pay attention to other people's V-signal deduction, unless he checked his previous account, but the risk would be too great.

Jiang Baibai noticed that Fang Lin was stunned suddenly, raised his paw and waved in front of his eyes: "What are you thinking?"

"It's nothing."

Fang Lin came back to his senses and moved Jiang Baibai's dangling claws aside: "I have never been to the ruins, but I will definitely have a chance in the future, so don't worry."


Jiang Baibai nodded naturally, pretending to agree, this was just her excuse, she hadn't thought about this ruin for a long time.

She found an open space next to Fang Lin that could accommodate herself, and lay down comfortably.

Here she feels much less yin, hehe.

The tent is like a closed small world, peaceful and peaceful, while the outside is full of unknown wilderness, and occasionally a few words of low-pitched conversations of tourists and the whistling of the night wind can be heard.

Camping in the wild is indeed a wonderful experience that one should have in one's life.

Fang Lin looked at Jiang Baibai who was lying on the side and thought she couldn't sleep and wanted to chat at night, so he opened the topic casually.

"How did you get in just now, was that shadow just your magic weapon or something?"

"Oh, that's the unique racial talent of the Nine Nether Black Cat Clan. It will be automatically obtained after C-level. It can hide your body and pass through walls, but different individuals have different strengths."

Racial talent?It's quite interesting.

Fang Lin inadvertently had an idea in his mind, and he asked, "Can you bring someone else along with your talent?"

"It depends on the level of development. If you master it well, it will definitely be fine."

"Can you?"


Jiang Baibai suddenly stopped talking.


Fang Lin shook his head regretfully. If Jiang Baibai could do it, he would be able to hide in the shadows with him and it would be very invisible visually.

At the same time, his talent for concealment can perfectly cover up all auras, which is a perfect match.

Although his hidden talent can't affect others at present, he has the space of the emperor, and the stone slab inside will definitely help him solve this problem.

Jiang Baibai, who was lying next to her, felt a little anxious when she saw Fang Lin's face. She snorted softly and said, "If you want to bring others with this kind of talent, you need deep understanding and research. Only ordinary beasts can have this kind of talent." This kind of perception, I have already touched some tricks."

While speaking, a shadow suddenly appeared out of thin air, wrapping Jiang Baibai inside like a layer of clothes, and immediately her figure disappeared, as if she had never existed at all.

Then the layer of clothes began to grow slowly again, and it worked hard to spread over Fang Lin's body.

Soon Fang Lin's head was shrouded in shadow, and Fang Lin looked at the outside world through the shadow, as if wearing sunglasses.

However, when the shadow spread to Fang Lin's waist, he stopped. After the last pumping effort, he stopped trying and retreated like a tide.



Jiang Baibai replied angrily, feeling a little embarrassed.

"It's okay, it's probably because I'm too big, and it should be a success if I change it to one size smaller."


Jiang Baibai doesn't want to explain too much, shadow coverage is just a simple first step in all the steps of interfering with other creatures.

Anyway, I don't know if I don't talk about Kaka.

Jiang Baibai thought for a while and said, "I have another talent."

Fang Lin suddenly became interested again, staring carefully at Jiang Baibai's changes.

Under his gaze, Jiang Baibai's whole body gradually disappeared as if shrouded in a halo, and at the same time, an inexplicable throbbing appeared in Fang Lin's heart.

What kind of talent is this?How can I have a kind of intimacy?

When Jiang Baibai's figure reappeared, Fang Lin asked, "What kind of talent do you have? It feels similar to your previous one. Is it also your racial talent?"


Not knowing if it was his own illusion, Fang Lin suddenly felt that Jiang Baibai was a little depressed.

"This is left to me by my mother, she belongs to the Xueyueying cat clan."

"I really like your talent, it makes me feel good."

"Thank you."

Fang Lin wanted to continue asking, but he found that Jiang Baibai didn't seem to want to continue the in-depth conversation, so he changed the subject sharply.

"Hey, will humans also awaken their racial talents?"

Hearing this, Jiang Baibai shook his head: "Humans don't have it. The greatest racial talent of the human race is spiritual wisdom and their own understanding."

"Just like these people who are now awakened with aura, although they usually have very few aura cores at the beginning because of the blood of their ancestors, they soon realize that the efficiency of the new core is much higher than that of our spirit beasts."

After speaking, Jiang Baibai looked at the direction of the moon outside the tent above his head, his mood became more and more depressed, and there was even a trace of fatigue in his brows.

She curled herself into a ball and said softly, "Let's go to sleep, I'm a little tired."


"Good night."

"Good night."

After Jiang Baibai finished speaking, he slowly closed his eyes.

In the quiet and dark tent, only Fang Lin was left staring with puzzled eyes.

Did you sleep when you said sleep?

And really don't go back to sleep?
Fang Lin looked at Jiang Baibai who was sleeping next to him, thought for a while and decided not to disturb her, let's talk about it tomorrow morning.

As for how Jiang Baibai ran from another tent to this tent, if Mama Yang found out, it would be one of the unsolved mysteries in the world.

How can there be so many understandable things in the world?
At three o'clock in the morning, the temporary command center.

Just now, the entrance to the ruins has appeared on the plain three kilometers away from the temporary command center, and the Long Yuan II signal shield newly developed by Dragon Kingdom has been deployed.

All unauthorized signals and smart devices within the scope of action will fail, and any hostile satellites in the space and space system will not be able to detect what is happening here.

The army has formed a protective circle around the periphery to prevent accidents, and the exploration team has also assembled at the entrance of the command center.

Judging from the weapons they are equipped with, the division of labor is extremely clear. The burly warriors wearing very sci-fi exoskeleton devices have a huge machine gun hanging beside them.

The gun body and ammunition box of this machine gun are suspended on the exoskeleton, which will not cause any burden to the soldier himself.

In addition to the eye-catching firepower, the equipment of a member of the action team next to Xiao Xu is also very interesting. In addition to various observation equipment, he also carries a small radio on his back, dreaming back to 100 years ago.

The exploration team members stood in front of Shangju with serious faces, and Shangju was in the final mobilization.

He had a dignified expression, and his fiery eyes met everyone's gaze.

"Comrades, the time has come for the motherland and the people to test us!"

"Our goal is the core of the most important relic, and all action planning must be carried out around the core."

"This mission can only succeed and not fail!"

"Have no confidence!"


The mighty and loud roar echoed among the hills.

"It's just an ordinary ruin, don't be so nervous."

Yang Zhen walked out of the command center slowly, different from the previous idlers. At this time, he was wearing a black combat uniform, with a slender knife hanging behind his back, with some thunder patterns engraved on the scabbard.

When he got serious, Yang Zhen actually had the demeanor of a strong man, like a seasoned general.

Seeing Yang Zhen's outfit, Shang Changyu frowned: "Ju Yang, who are you?"

"I went in with ten of them, and my combat power is the highest to ensure their safety."

As he spoke, Yang Zhen secretly winked at Xiao Xu.

Xiao Xu, who was standing next to him, noticed that his eyes were calm on the surface, but he was a little flustered in his heart.

He could feel the curious eyes of his comrades-in-arms around him, and wondered if Shang Ju had noticed.

For a while, Xiao Xu complained a little, and Yang Ju was too bold.

Why are you secretly eyeing yourself in public? What should you do if someone finds out?
Shang Changyu obviously noticed the look in Yang Zhen's eyes, he glanced at Xiao Xu in surprise and didn't think much about it.

He said to Yang Zhen earnestly: "Director Yang, you are the commander-in-chief, and you never let the commander-in-chief take the lead in marching and fighting."

"I don't know the situation of the ruins now. It may be an experience-type ruins, so there are many unknown risks. You'd better."

Yang Zhen waved his hand: "It is precisely because of this that I should go in with them. If it is an experience-type relic, I will definitely go in in the end. Instead of letting them increase the wind direction of casualties, it is better for me to go with them from the beginning."

"Okay, it's decided."

Seeing Yang Zhen's resolute attitude, Shang Changyu shifted his gaze to Yi Fei who came out with him, but Yi Fei, who was also in a combat uniform with a heroic figure, shook her head helplessly at him.

"Okay, Bureau Yang must be careful. If the situation is not good, he must withdraw. At present, Nan Province cannot bear the consequences of losing a D-level."

"Do not worry."

Yang Zhen patted Shang Changyu on the shoulder and said seriously: "You are a good person."


Where is this going?

 The rudder owner has added a new G, tomorrow will be sure.

  This week's monthly ticket funder's milk tea event is going on normally, and it was distributed in the group on the tenth of the last two months.

(End of this chapter)

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