Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 162 Tickle

Chapter 162 Tickle

Early the next morning, Fang Lin was woken up by the sounds around the tent.

When camping overnight in an unfamiliar place, few people feel safe enough to last until dawn.

In addition, Manager Liu notified one by one yesterday that all the tourists had to withdraw before [-]:[-] in the morning, so the people around simply got up and started preparing breakfast.

The noise of walking back and forth woke Fang Lin directly, and he opened his sleepy eyes and looked around.

The two girls, Lin Yuqing and Zhao Hanya, were still sleeping peacefully. Their soft hair scattered on both sides gave a messy aesthetic feeling, and their ruddy faces seemed to be sleeping quite well.

But Jiang Baibai has disappeared.

slipped back?

Just as Fang Lin was thinking, the zipper of the tent was suddenly pulled open.

The bright sunlight instantly shone into the somewhat dim tent.

Fang Lin narrowed his eyes, and Mama Yang's smiling face appeared in front of his eyes, with the green grass and blue sky behind him.

"Get up, lazy pigs."


Jiang Baibai and Xueqiu poked their heads out from Yang Ma's feet to greet Fang Lin.

"Brother, it's morning."

"Good morning."

Fang Lin stretched his waist and replied, "Morning."

Zhao Hanya groaned lazily and opened her eyes.

"Hello Auntie."

"Get up, both of you, after washing up, it's time for breakfast."


However, Lin Yuqing was still motionless, so Yang Ma leaned in and grabbed her sleeping bag with both hands and turned it over.

The sudden weightlessness of the body made Lin Yuqing wake up in an instant, and shouted in a panic: "Hey~!!!"

"Hmph, like a dead pig."

After finishing speaking, Yang's mother patted Lin Yuqing's overturned butt, then happily touched Fang Lin's head and left.


Lin Yuqing got herself out of the sleeping bag with a bitter face, and rolled her eyes at the eyes watching the jokes: "Kaka, next time Mom comes in, you will stop her at the door, and you don't know how to protect me at all. "

Fang Lin shook his tail and didn't move at all, just kidding, of course a person like him who understands righteousness will unswervingly support Mama Yang.

Zhao Hanya next to her also looked at Lin Yuqing with a smile, a little envious in her heart.

She is very envious of the happy and active family atmosphere in Qingqing's house.

Zhao Hanya's parents are considered elite, but to put it bluntly, they are high-level migrant workers who earn more than ordinary people.

Bitter and tired and have to work overtime.

The middle level of the company is the most difficult, and everyone has to work hard.

Ordinary employees would resign if they encountered bad things, but these middle-level leaders could only grit their teeth and endure it.

You don't want to work overtime?
Please, you are the middle-level leaders of the company, the future of the company is your future, do you want to pay dividends?Do you want a year-end bonus?Still want to get promoted?

Therefore, when parents are extremely busy at work, the atmosphere at home is always a bit dull.

Fortunately, Zhao Hanya is very sensible, and she has always been the one that makes her parents proud and not worried about her studies and life. Thinking of her can always give them some comfort.

But Zhao Hanya is still a child after all, although she has no complaints in her heart, sometimes she still longs for the company of her family, to go out and play together like now.

But fortunately, with Lin Yuqing as a good best friend, she can come to play with her from time to time, these times are always happy and beautiful.

Thinking of this, Zhao Hanya's smile became even brighter.

However, in Lin Yuqing's eyes, this was obviously gloating, so she snorted and rolled up her cuffs to reveal her fair skin, and then said with a "gloomy" smile: "Okay, Yaya, look at my joke, right? Look at my tiger downhill~"

As he said that, he rushed towards Zhao Hanya, and Zhao Hanya was accidentally crushed by her.

Lin Yuqing, who was in the upper hand, resorted to a trick, and kept scratching Zhao Hanya's waist with her small hands.

It just so happened that Zhao Hanya's itchy flesh was extremely sensitive, and she was trembling and writhing uncontrollably when she was suddenly attacked.

"Hahahaha, don't, don't scratch~"

"Hahaha, Qingqing! I was wrong, please don't scratch me."

"Ah! I'm ticklish, you'll be angry if you tickle me again!"

"Woooo, I was wrong, stop scratching, hahahahaha."

Fang Linxueqiu and Jiang Baibai on the side watched the melee between the two girls with relish.

Perhaps it was because Zhao Hanya's itchy flesh was so sensitive that she almost turned into the hands of a clock and turned around in the tent.

Zhao Hanya found that begging for mercy was fruitless, so she decisively started to look for opportunities to fight back. Lin Yuqing was also ticklish, so she held back her strength and succeeded in a sneak attack.

Taking advantage of Lin Yuqing's trembling, he broke free from under her.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Lin Yuqing hurriedly planned to truce: "Haha Yaya, stop making trouble, it's time to eat!"


So the two started tickling each other again.

Because both of them were wearing one-piece T-shirts, their clothes were unavoidably messy in this bloody tickle battle, and even the clothes inside were beginning to appear.

Fang Lin walked out of the tent slowly while feeling the vitality of youth.

He could already smell the aroma of Yang Ma's roasted meat.

When Lin Yuqing and Zhao Hanya came out together in a mess, the whole family looked at them with smiles.

The laughter and screams of the two just now were extremely penetrating, which aroused a little curiosity in the camp next door.

Liu Jing smiled and took the mobile phone to record the two of them and asked, "Who won?"

The two looked at each other, smiled and did not speak, it seemed that they were evenly matched.

Satisfied, Liu Jing finished recording the screen and enjoyed it by herself. She just recorded the whole process of the battle outside the tent.

Although she wasn't going to send out this video, it was a good memory.

Of course it has to be recorded, after all, it's not like the two of them will never grow up.



The two girls noticed Liu Jing's movements, and they went to pester her to see what she had taken. If it was a black history, it would be best to delete it.

But Liu Jing couldn't get what she wanted, so she stuffed the phone into her trouser pocket and started the mobile phone defense battle.

Lin Yuqing and Zhao Hanya looked at each other and started to scratch Liu Jing's itch.

And Liu Jing, a beautiful young woman, hasn't had this kind of experience for a long time, and she was immediately scratched and begged for mercy.

A young woman with a perfect figure and two youthful and beautiful girls, this tickling scene immediately attracted a lot of attention.

The women in the surrounding camps tried to punish their boyfriends and husbands by pulling their ears.

In the end, the farce ended under Yang Ma's strong intervention, and the video was finally retained.

There are clean and tidy toilets built next to the campsite to provide tourists with washing and solving personal problems.

The whole family is very satisfied with the hygienic standards of the high-speed railway station, but there is a queue for handwashing stations during peak hours.

After the whole family finished washing, Mama Yang had already prepared breakfast.

Because I ate too much barbecue yesterday, except for Fang Lin's four furry children, everyone else was a little tired this morning.

In addition to the barbecue specially prepared for Fang Lin and the others, Mama Yang took the prepared bread, jam and milk from the car. Manager Liu also came early to deliver fresh fruit.

Father Lin took a sip of milk and asked the children with a smile, "Did you have fun?"

The three replied in unison: "Happy."

Not only the three children, Fang Lin was also very satisfied.

The trip was perfect camping except for a few hiccups.

Zhao Hanya nodded again and again, her little face turned into a flower with a smile.

The most common bad things that ordinary tourists encounter when traveling are nothing more than those kinds, queues at scenic spots, poor accommodation, bad and expensive restaurants, and being bullied by people.

For Zhao Hanya, this trip not only experienced the fun and exciting paragliding, but also carried out the long-cherished field camping, watching the starry sky and the moon.

I just slept too hard and didn't watch the sunrise.

Manager Liu arranged all kinds of matters in the middle of the trip clearly, which was simply a heavenly experience.

"Hehe, that's good. I originally planned to continue playing for another day, but the base needs to be maintained, so we can only go home first."

After finishing speaking, Dad Lin looked at the children a little disappointed and said with a smile: "But it's okay, we can still play when we go home."

Yang's mother nodded and said, "Yes, it's Mid-Autumn Festival tomorrow. After I go back today, I'll take you to make mooncakes. Yaya will also be with me. I'll ask your uncle to send them back to you after dinner."

"Or if you want to stay for one more day, you can go back tomorrow. I'll just talk to your mother."

Hearing this, Lin Yuqing hurriedly tugged Zhao Hanya's arm, signaling her to play with him for one more day.

Zhao Hanya said with some embarrassment: "Okay."

Although it was very tactful, Yang's mother also understood what she meant, and planned to call her mother soon.

According to her understanding, Zhao Hanya's parents are still working overtime these two days, Yaya might as well play here for a while when she goes back alone.

On the other side, the core area of ​​the ruins.

The gloomy sky is purple-black, giving people an infinite sense of depression.

Yang Zhen and a group of exploration team members were lying on a huge platform with some exhaustion. This platform seemed to be located in front of a huge palace, surrounded by dozens of steps.

In the distance is the road that a group of people walked on when they came. Looking far away, the purple mist is transpiring. There are caves and passages that are as complicated as a maze, and some corpses are distributed among them.

The entrance to the magnificent stone palace in front of the platform is a huge stone mouth, like the head of a ferocious lion.

And a huge stone beast was lying beside Yang Zhen's group. This stone beast looked like a lion or a tiger, and it was so huge that it was almost as tall as a two-story building.

Yang Zhen and his party paralyzed beside him were like little ones.

Yang Zhen's originally cold and handsome combat uniform has now turned into a tattered suit, with a huge scar on his waist and back.

All ten people were also wounded. The exoskeleton of the fireman had long been damaged and was thrown aside, and the huge machine gun was flattened from the middle by heavy objects.

The best situation was Xiao Xu. As a long-range firepower, he was well protected by everyone.

He is now walking around anxiously, treating everyone's injuries with emergency medicine kits.

"Ju Yang, you are hurt"

Yang Zhen, who was leaning over there, grinned at the corner of his mouth and waved his hands: "It's not a problem, it looks like it's a skin trauma."

"Hiss!! You fucking lighten up."

As he spoke, he patted the head of Xiao Xu who was bandaging him with some dissatisfaction.


The movements of Xiao Xu's hands became lighter, but Yang Zhen's body still twitched continuously when the medicine powder was sprinkled on the bloody wound.

Not far away, the burly fireman who was paralyzed gave Yang Zhen a thumbs up: "Ju Yang, you are really like this, I am really convinced."

The other team members also responded.

Unexpectedly, this relic is really an experience relic, and its level is already close to the rare level.

The relics that are gradually opening up now are like the successors left by the great powers of the human race in the past, and there are various types.

There are small world type, herb garden type, casting type, etc.
The main purpose of the experience-type relics is to provide experience for the children of the race, and those great powers of the race thousands of years ago can be said to have done their best.

All kinds of organs and puppets along the way, up to the "final boss" who came out of the stone palace just now, tortured the group quite enough, but fortunately nothing went wrong.

These relics that have been banned and rebuilt for an unknown number of years have their own cores, which are generally located in the core area of ​​the relics.

The person who gets the core first has the right to control the relic, which is equivalent to the key to a small world.

After being taken to the core, this experience-type relic will automatically eject everyone and then close it. It will reset after automatically absorbing and replenishing the aura of heaven and earth, similar to a CD.

The entire ruins are like a very high-level magic weapon, and the research of the Longguo Research Institute has not yielded much until now.

Maybe one day, when researchers can reach the level of those who created it before, they will understand.

The final core of this ruin is in the Stone Palace.

To be fair, if Yang Zhen hadn't offered to follow this time, the ten of them really couldn't do the last huge stone beast, the sense of shock and oppression was too terrifying.

But having said that, if Yang Zhen wasn't around, the ten people wouldn't have thought that they would come here in such a reckless way.

Xiao Xu took off Yang Zhen's combat uniform little by little, revealing his delicate upper body, and then wrapped it with a bandage, like a mummy.

"Your method is too ugly."

Yang Zhen looked at the bandages on his body and couldn't help complaining.

Xiao Xu: "."

He is not a professional medical staff, the real team doctor is lying there. Unfortunately, the shock wave of being trampled by the stone beast before probably caused a bit of fracture, but fortunately, the problem is not serious.

Yang Zhen tried to stand up with his hands on his hands, but his arm muscles were so weak that he almost couldn't stabilize himself.

The stone beast just now had the power of a thousand catties in a single blow, and he almost couldn't hold the knife anymore.

"Xiao Xu, you did a good job, thanks to you calmly crushing his energy core."

As he said that, he looked at the stone beast, and there was a huge gash on the ferocious head that was very conspicuous.

The stone beast's actions just now are too powerful. Except for him who has reached the D level and can use his strength to deal with the stone beast, other people will be injured if they are rubbed.

At this time, Xiao Xu took his exaggerated sniper rifle and hit the same [-] special armor-piercing bullets consecutively when Yang Zhen was fighting with the stone beast, which ended the battle.

At this moment, Yang Zhen felt that his sword skills were not good enough. If Lao Deng casually swiped his sword here, the stone beast would be cut in half.

At the D-level stage, the current thermal weapons can still play a role. When it comes to C-level, B-level or even A-level, the practitioner's own skills are very much needed.

However, this weapon technique requires too much time and effort. Even if he is practicing the ground-level sword technique that the research institute has compiled from the ruins, it is still at the basic level of sword technique to have a better bonus to the practice of knife technique.

The three realms of techniques are too mysterious, and the foundation and nuances of the first two realms have stopped many people.

The basics are very broad. Taking the knife technique as an example, the requirement is to at least practice each of the nine basic forms summarized by the research institute hundreds of times and thousands of times every day for several years.

In the end, all the thirteen styles will be integrated into the bones, and the foundation will be considered solid only after they are truly mastered.

It is a hundred times more difficult to get into the subtleties. First of all, the cultivator is required to have absolute control over the body, the strength should be firm and soft, and it must be perfectly coordinated with the weapon. "Man and gun in one" and so on.

After all, it is difficult.

And the power of the third realm is even more ethereal and boundless. Borrowing the power of heaven and earth can already be said to be beyond the ordinary, unpredictable.

Among the five amazingly talented B-levels, only Deng Jiefu has reached this level.

He still remembers the unforgettable scene a year ago.

One sword, the sky falls apart.

With one sword, the monsters give their heads.

The name Zhan Tianjian can be regarded as being passed down from then on.

Yang Zhen couldn't help shaking his head when he thought that he was still at the basic level after practicing hard for more than a year.

"Let's go, we'll leave after we get the core. This ruin is estimated to be able to train a lot of people in the future."


Everyone also supported each other to stand up from the ground, and some players with broken bones were lying here waiting to be ejected by the ruins.

"Go home~"

"I'm going to take a good shower and watch variety shows when I go back!"

"Hey, okay, we'll be together then."


Lin Yuqing looked at Zhao Hanya who raised eyebrows at her with a shy expression, and decisively rejected her.

"Hey, why is there a roadblock here, Dad?"

Xiaojie's puzzled voice came from Liu Jing's phone.

Everyone poked their heads out and looked forward, and the heavily armed soldiers were standing at the roadblock and slowly let them pass one car at a time.

"Tsk tsk, I knew it would be bad to see Yang Zhen."

"Hey Qian, don't say that. After all, he belongs to a special department. It's normal for him to be dangerous at work. If there were no them."

Yang's mother pinched Liu Jing's soft cheeks while waiting for the parking card.

"Okay, okay, I'll just complain, don't read it."


Yang Ma looked thoughtfully at Liu Jing who was whimpering.

(End of this chapter)

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