Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 163 Sheep

Chapter 163 Sheep

Lin's father drove away from the base with his family at around 08:30 in the morning.

Maybe it's because the interest in going home is very high. The Mercedes-Benz and BMW speeding on the high speed have a taste of speed.

In the BMW behind with a perfect distance between cars, Lin Yuqing and Zhao Hanya were holding their mobile phones and chatting on twitter.

Fang Lin looked helpless when he was caught between them, his head was rubbed by one of them for a while, and hugged by another in his arms for a while.

"Haha, Kaka, look, they are all praising you."

Lin Yuqing wrapped his arms around Fang Lin's neck and put the phone in front of his eyes.

Fang Lin looked around casually, and it turned out that the two girls shared some photos taken during this trip in the space.

It's the holidays, and students of this age are probably at the time when everyone has a mobile phone to check the dynamics every day, and there will be a bunch of comments soon after talking about it.

The picture is the scene of Lin Yuqing taking Fang Lin in the sky, and a photo of himself and Zhao Hanya on the blue sky, white clouds and green grass.

The comments are all praises, and the taste is very strong.

"Sisters are too beautiful!!!"

"Wow, let's go out to play (compare heart to heart)"

"Rose Rose Rose"

“Kaka and Halal are so pretty~”

Tsk tsk, is this the comment section of the campus goddess?
Fang Lin observed for a while and found that most of these comments were made by girls, and he didn't know where those little boys went.

Don't even dare to comment?
Zhao Hanya glanced at the names of the people below, and found that many of them she didn't know: "Are you familiar with them?"

A pair of eyes blinked and blinked, as if there was something to eat.

"I'm not familiar."

Lin Yuqing put her arms around Fang Lin and rubbed her face against his head and said casually, "Many of them don't know where I got them from. I'll check the number. I think it's a girl, so I agree."

She noticed Zhao Hanya's little emotions and said with a smile: "Yaya and I must be the best."


Fang Lin yawned, the two girls were really noisy in his ears.

He blocked his hearing and broke free from Lin Yuqing's arms, lay down on the seat and planned to sleep.

I guess I'll be home when I wake up.

After shielding the hearing, the whole world is quiet, like wearing earplugs with full sound insulation.

Fang Lin twisted a few times between the two girls, found a comfortable position, put his head on Lin Yuqing's lap, and closed his eyes with the refreshing fragrance.

During this heavy sleep, Fang Lin only felt that he seemed to have had countless dreams.

Light and shadow change, time seems to be passing by rapidly, and the blink of an eye is millions of years.

Numerous pictures appeared and burst like bubbles.

He seemed to see the figure of the old wolf king running on the grassland again, and saw the strange and magnificent world.

He also visited the old wolf king as a guest, and saw the old wolf king's snow-white, gentle and lovely wife.

Before he was envious, the picture began to tear again, and he was placed on top of a magnificent building complex, and he could not see the side when he raised his eyes, and people of all kinds and races entered and exited the building complex.

At the core of the building complex is a huge black stone tablet, engraved with countless complicated lines, as if bearing countless brilliance.

Soon the picture began to change again, and he came to the modern age again, and "heard" countless voices praising and liking "Kaka".

Some voices seemed to be right next to his ears, while others were as thin as mosquitoes.

Sweet words such as Kaka is so cute and I want to post it made Fang Lin blush and heartbeat.


"Kaka, you're home~ It's time to wake up."

With a call, the world in front of him faded away like a tide, and Fang Lin opened his eyes suddenly.

As if traveling to a new world, Fang Lin was in a daze, and shook his head to relieve his heavy head.

I just had a dream all the way?
These dreams are quite interesting, except that the old wolf king is a bit unlucky, everything else is fine.

That magnificent building complex feels no different from the Heavenly Court, and the misty lingering appearance is so high that it is outrageous.

The stele in the middle looks quite familiar, isn't it the scene before the Great Emperor's Space?

Regarding these sudden strange dreams, Fang Lin thought for a while and blamed it on the space being upgraded, and asked when Qi Ling woke up.

At this time, Mama Yang looked at Fang Lin, who was a little dazed after being woken up, from the rearview mirror, and couldn't help complaining.

"This lazy dog ​​can really sleep all the way, and won't wake up after resting in the service area."

She drove for nearly three hours straight, and her waist was a little sore.

When he returns to his hometown in winter, he must let him experience what it feels like to pull a sled.


Fang Lin replied dissatisfied, why don't you let people sleep?

Lin Yuqing rubbed Fang Lin's head and said with some regret: "It's a pity that Kaka slept so soundly that she didn't drool, otherwise I would have photographed it and kept it."


You thick eyebrows and big eyes actually have such small thoughts?
Fang Lin glanced at Lin Yuqing next to him, planning to find an opportunity to secretly take some ugly photos, but Lin Yuqing slept quite honestly.

Especially after being baptized by the moonlight, she slept motionlessly until dawn.

Fang Lin looked out the window, and saw that the BMW car had already driven to the gate of the community. The gate of Yunting Community was somewhat luxurious, which reflected the expensive housing prices of the community.

Single-family villas in the city center are too scarce. Many wealthy people in Sioux City have chosen Yunting District. There are only four buildings with few owners, but the green area is scary and the environment is beautiful.

There is quite a sense of leisure and comfort in the middle of the hustle and bustle, which has led to the continuous rise of housing prices in Yunting Community, which has reached [-] to [-] flats and there is no market for the price.

There is no way, the housing stock is too scarce, there are four buildings in total, and each building has only six floors.

Maybe because tomorrow is the Mid-Autumn Festival, several security guards at the gate are busy hanging banners.

Fang Lin stepped on Lin Yuqing and squeezed to the window, and saw the banner read:

I wish all owners of Yunting Community a happy Mid-Autumn Festival!
Next to the security room was a pile of boxes and a table beside it, where many people were joining in the fun.

Tsk, it's quite interesting.

Although this banner is a bit rudimentary, don't tell me, it really feels like a festival when you come back from playing outside and see the welcome words.

In modern society, apart from the Spring Festival, other festivals are gradually getting a little lonely, even worse than Valentine's Day.

"Sister Yang, are you back from playing? I just saw Mr. Lin go in."

Seeing the license plate, the security captain at the door came over to greet him.

Yang Ma put down the car window, answered with a cry, looked at the crowd not far away and asked curiously: "What are you doing?"

"Isn't this the Mid-Autumn Festival? Our property is sending a box of mooncakes to each owner, which is a kind gesture."

"The goods have just been delivered here. After each building is divided, I will send it to you."

Fang Lin looked at the busy figures of the security guards over there, and felt that the property in Yunting District was indeed quite good.

Except for being able to meet people when collecting property fees for my wronged property in the past, it is as if the world has evaporated at other times.

Mama Yang nodded knowingly.

When Liu Jing, the co-pilot, heard that there were mooncakes being delivered, she couldn't help but leaned her head towards Mama Yang and asked, "What are the fillings for?"

The security captain scratched his head and said, "Well, there should be various types, such as date paste mung bean paste, white lotus seed paste, matcha tea, roses, etc., and they will be sent randomly at that time."

As he spoke, he quietly approached the car window and said in a low voice, "If you have anything you want to eat, I can leave a special box for you."

Hearing this, Liu Jing was overjoyed: "I want to eat roses, please please~"

The security captain made an OK gesture to express his understanding.

While Mama Yang's BMW was staying at the door, the crowd not far away also noticed Mama Yang sitting in the car and said hello.

A very energetic young woman in sportswear with a ponytail came over bouncingly: "Aunt Yang~"

Yang Ma looked in the direction of the voice and laughed: "Yaoyao? What are you doing here?"

"Hey, I have nothing to do at home, so I came here as a volunteer to help share the mooncakes. There are not many things and it's almost finished."

"Besides, Lala gets bored easily at home, so I just took her down to play."

"Where's Lala?"


Following the position of Yaoyao's finger, Mama Yang saw that Lala was tied to the leg of the table next to her, watching the busy crowd walking back and forth as the supervisor, as if this was her own territory.

Yang's mother couldn't help being happy with the little man with his head up and his chest up: "Is Lala much better now?"

"Yeah, I have to thank Kaka, Lala is no longer guarding food, I brought her here."

Speaking of which, Yaoyao trotted over to pull Lala over again. When this small Pomeranian was brought, she still looked reluctant to part with it, and softly barked at the crowd twice to signal not to be lazy.

After coming over, she saw Mama Yang in the car window and was a little frightened. She remembered that she was from the Devil's family.

But at random, he thought that the owner was by his side and the scary husky was not there, so he turned from cowardice to madness, and yelled at Mama Yang twice in disdain.

Coincidentally, at this time, the rear windows of the BMW were also lowered, revealing Fang Lin's handsome face.

He heard Xiao Bomei's movement and wanted to say hello to her, after all, he hadn't seen her for a long time.


Unexpectedly, the little Bomei who saw Fang Lin was a little panicked, and quickly shrank behind Yaoyao's legs with her tail between her legs.

"Alright Kaka, don't scare Lala."


Fang Lin was a little speechless, it was a big festival, he just wanted to say hello.

Yang's mother smiled and said to Yaoyao: "Then you are busy first, I won't be stuck here, there may be people coming in and out later."

"Okay, goodbye, Aunt Yang~"



Fang Lin also stretched out his head to say goodbye to Yaoyao and Lala.

The spiritual world, a seaside on the edge of Jin Yan's holy lion territory.

The scenery is beautiful and sunny.

Perhaps it was nourished by the aura of the spirit world, the sky here is unusually blue, the sea water is clear and under the sunshine, you can see the clean sandy beach, just like the scenery in the animation.

However, the atmosphere on a plain by the sea is unusually dignified.

A black cat with a crescent on its head and a fluffy goat with snow-white fur are facing off against a group of lions.

Each of these lions is huge in size, and the luxuriant mane between their necks is golden yellow, surrounded by faint golden light.

The leading one exuded a strong coercion, and the air seemed to be stagnant.

"Nangongwang, what are you doing so big?"


Hearing the goat's complaints, the lion's figure gradually shrank to a normal lion size and came before Jiang Xuan and Gongsun Heng, but it was still taller than the two by more than one head.

Nan Gongwang said proudly: "The human race is insidious and cunning. Seeing how powerful our race is, they will be weaker in the first place."

Gongsun Heng smiled and said: "Really? Why do I feel that you have nothing to do with the ancestors?"

"If it weren't for the realm limit of the channel, I would have flattened the ancestral land."

Jiang Yuan shook his head and said, "The Dragon Kingdom, the most powerful human kingdom in the ancestral land, already has a king, and the aura of the ancestral land has only recovered for five years."

"The reunion of the ancestral land and the spiritual world is an unstoppable historical trend. Before the ancestral land has no emperor, even if the passage is completely opened, we cannot enter."

"And the treasured relics of the ancestral land are gradually being opened up. Only cooperation can achieve a win-win situation. We did the same thing thousands of years ago."

Hearing this, Nangongwang's mouth twitched. He stared at the goat dissatisfied and said, "Gongsun Heng, you also sent your girl there just now? Aren't you afraid that the human race will use this to blackmail you?"

Gongsun Heng grinned back and said, "You should think about yourself, the big clans in the east of the spiritual world are only you and those stupid tigers and humans fighting fiercely."

"My people told me that although the Dragon Kingdom loves peace, it holds grudges very much. When the time comes for us to cooperate with the Dragon Kingdom for a win-win situation, you can wait for their rise to take revenge."

Nangong Wang frowned: "Their Beast Master level powerhouses are too ferocious, obviously my clansmen suffered heavy casualties."

Jiang Xuan nodded in agreement and said: "In the records, the human race does always have many amazing and brilliant leaders of the times, after all, it is a race of innate enlightenment."

"When the ancestral land fully recovers and is baptized by the waves and those cherished relics, I guess their emperor will be born unexpectedly early."

"Let's stop early. Everything can still be discussed now. The reunification of the two worlds is also an opportunity for us. Don't you feel that the road ahead of the emperor is suddenly much clearer?"

Hearing Jiang Xuan's last words, Nangong Wang's pupils shrank, and he has also been deeply touched by this recently.

For so many years, the ceiling of the spiritual world seems to be the emperor. No matter how rare the bloodline or the gifted spirit beast, after reaching the emperor, they cannot go any further.

At this time, the old goat rolled his eyes and stabbed the knife directly: "Isn't it just that he was used as a mount before? What's so annoying about this, doesn't it just mean that you should be a family?"


Nangong Wang's golden eyes burst out with anger: "Stupid sheep, don't think that I really dare not beat you."

"Tsk tsk tsk, I'm so scared."

"Okay, that's all I can say. I heard that the West has already started to contact the country of the ancestral land. Even if we can't unite the front at this point, we don't want to fight internally. Let it go."

As soon as the voice fell, the shadow suddenly enveloped Jiang Xuan and Gongsun Heng and gradually disappeared.

"Jiang Xuan, don't forget that it is because of your daughter that our clan took the initiative to cease fighting with the human race so that you can negotiate with them."

A faint chuckle came from the shadows.

"I see."

The shadows dissipated, leaving only a group of Jinyan Shengshi people with cool appearances who must be SSR mounts in the game.

Nangongwang gazed at the boundless sea level in the distance with majestic eyes for a long time without saying a word.

"Gah, this isn't tasty, I'll take you to something delicious."

"Really? Okay, okay~"

In the imperial capital of the Dragon Kingdom, a blue-haired parrot was standing firmly on a lamb's horn in a research institute with a high level of secrecy.

This lamb is not big, about the same size as Fang Lin now. It has beautiful and lovely curly hair, and a pair of small curved horns on its head.

The pure black and translucent small eyes revealed a lively atmosphere, the two small ears turned out to be pink inner circles under the light, and the small nose and small mouth were unusually harmonious and endearing.

"This way, this way, yes, yes, B-12 airtight compartment."

"Xiao Liu, what are you doing in a daze, open it quickly, you don't have any eyesight at all, you deserve to be a low-level scientific research dog after working for so long."

The blue-haired parrot is spreading its wings and directing the lamb from a transparent airtight chamber for cultivating spirit grass into a chamber full of fruit trees.

Xiao Liu, who was cueed by him, was wearing a white research uniform and asked Academician Lu not far away helplessly with his eyes.

Academician Lu nodded with a smile.

Xiao Liu had no choice but to go to the door of the training barn to brush his face, fingerprints, pupil lines, and voice to open the barn door, and then said distressedly: "Brother Lan, just eat the fruit, don't move the branches and leaves of the spirit tree."

Standing beside Academician Lu not far away were Deng Jiefu and Xia Chenglin.

Xia Chenglin rubbed his chin and sighed, "I didn't expect sheep to be so cute."

Academician Lu said with a smile: "I've already collected some of her hair for research, the question now is where should I arrange her?"

Deng Jiefu pondered for a while and said: "She has a father who is called the Emperor of Craftsman in the spiritual world, and I hope to send her to Jiang Baibai's side so that she can have a companion."

"Is this using our place as a nursery?"

Xia Chenglin pouted.

Deng Jiefu shook his head and said: "It should be because of our relics, but it doesn't matter, when have we ever been stingy with our allies, it's a win-win situation."

At this time, Academician Lu had a funny smile on his face: "Then what should we do? Are we really going to send her to Kaka's house? How can we make a family treat a sheep as a pet without revealing the information?" BBQ ingredients?"

"That Liu Jing should be able to do it, she is more honest and kind-hearted."

Deng Jiefu recalled the scene in the park and continued: "Leave it to me. It shouldn't be a problem for Kaka to cooperate."

"Okay, then I don't care, I still have a few experiments to do here."

"If you still want to visit, ask Xiaolan to take it with you."

Deng Jiefu glanced at the blue-haired parrot who was having fun with the lamb and shook his head: "Forget it, let's go first. I don't worry if she is here with you. I will pick her up when the time comes."

After speaking, he took Xia Chenglin and left the research institute.

(End of this chapter)

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