Chapter 164
"Finally home."

"worn out."

"Change shoes, change shoes!"

As soon as Father Lin opened the door, the children rushed in and rushed directly to the sofa.

The three-hour long journey made them all a little tired, even if the car was a BMW and Mercedes-Benz, it didn't help.

Because Fang Lin, Jiang Baibai and Xueqiu were awakened, apart from being a little aggrieved, they were fine.

It's just that the princess is a little sluggish, and the originally lively and active husky has become quiet, matching her cute appearance with a kind of cute and pitiful feeling.

Most of the dogs are actually a little motion sick, and the princess's physical fitness is already considered good.

"Oh, my poor princess."

Liu Jing knelt down and picked up the Princess and rubbed her head.

The princess rubbed Liu Jing's chin and rested her head on the cushion.

She is really tired.

At this moment, Mama Yang came in and closed the door and said with a soft snort, "Why is no one pitying me, I have driven for more than three hours, and I still have to cook for you."

When I got home, it was eleven o'clock again. With so many mouths at home, Mama Yang couldn't catch her breath. She had to continue cooking.

Lin's father, who had put away his clothes at the door, hurriedly came behind Yang's mother, and gently squeezed Yang's mother's shoulders to relax him.

While massaging, he suggested: "If it doesn't work, let's just order takeaway. Now takeaway is so developed."

Yang's mother rolled her eyes when she heard this: "What takeaway do I order at home? It's all waste oil."

She stood there enjoying it for a few seconds and then pushed Dad Lin's hand away, ready to wash up and start cooking.

In fact, Mrs. Yang's gutter oil or something just said it casually.

Cooking for the family has become a habit over the years.

Moreover, for Yang Ma, who is usually materially rich, cooking and doing housework are actually a kind of spiritual sustenance or spiritual entertainment.

Over the years, apart from going out to eat some high-end dishes that she doesn't know well, the family has hardly ordered takeaway once.

Now Yang's mother is too lazy to shoot videos, and it's really uncomfortable not to do anything other than daily exercise and watching TV during the day.

It can only be said that money cannot buy all happiness, and meaningful labor is the highest spiritual enjoyment.

Mama Yang suddenly turned her head to Liu Jing and said in the middle of walking, "Go and give Kaka and the others a bath, go out and go crazy all day, I don't know how many times I got rolled on the grass."

"Okay, what about the general and Snowball?"

"Rinse, too, with warm water and slowly."

Then Mama Yang came to the sofa in the living room and urged the three children who were already lying on the sofa watching animation.

"Go take a shower and change your clothes first, hurry up, wash up and have fun, and then eat."

Xiaojie squirmed a few times on the sofa, reluctantly stood up and went upstairs.

Zhao Hanya held Lin Yuqing's arm and whispered in her ear mysteriously.

Judging by Lin Yuqing's flushed face and slightly resisting movements, it is estimated that there is some color.

Liu Jing put the princess in Fang Lin's nest beside the sofa and said: "You and Kaka have a rest first, don't go on the sofa."

Then she came to the side of Xueqiu and Jiang Baibai who had already jumped onto the sofa, each holding them in her arms and walking towards the bathroom.

"Why? I'm not dirty."

Jiang Baibai resisted a little.

And things like taking a shower are very private, okay?
"Hey, don't disturb the general, be obedient."

Liu Jing found that Jiang Baibai was meowing and trying to escape, she rolled her arms and squeezed her against her chest, and ran into the bathroom and closed the door.

Fang Lin looked at her leaving back and shook his head.

What he likes most now is to take a shower, where he closes his eyes and enjoys it, and it's over. The warm water flow and the comfortable massage, it costs money to go out, okay?
Kittens don't know how to enjoy.

While waiting in line, Fang Lin decided to go to the kitchen to see what Mama Yang was going to cook, so he walked over slowly wagging his tail.

In the kitchen, Mama Yang was beating eggs with an egg beater when she suddenly felt someone staring at her and turned her head to look.

It turned out that Kaka was poking her head out of the wall and looking at her.


"The meal isn't ready yet, don't worry, let me have a snack for you first."

Mama Yang put down her things and came to the cabinet in the living room, took out a pack of beef jerky, opened it, and handed it to Fang Lin.

In the past, Fang Lin didn't like beef jerky very much. Although it was delicious, his teeth were always gritty, but now he likes this kind of snack very much.

After Fang Lin finished eating the beef jerky and watched the scenery for more than 20 minutes, the sound of the blower finally came from the bathroom.

Dude, it's finally done.

Fang Lin took the initiative to wait in front of the bathroom.

After a while, the door opened.

Liu Jing walked out holding Jiang Baibai and Xueqiu, who were fluffy and soft, and put them on the ground.

Jiang Baibai shook his body with a relaxed expression, it really felt a little comfortable to be served by someone.

"Kaka, princess, come quickly~"

Hearing Liu Jing's call, the princess lying in the nest got up and ran to this side quickly. She felt much better after sleeping for a while, and she also likes to play in the water.

"Next, it's time to give Kaka and the princess a bath. I don't know how your family is doing. Kaka and the others are very good."

"The most important thing is to be gentle. Many cats and dogs get nervous when they take a bath."

Liu Jing took out her mobile phone to record and closed the door.

At 12:56 noon, the restaurant.

"I'm done eating. I'm going to edit the video now and try to send it out in the afternoon."

At the dining table, Liu Jing rubbed her belly and began to speak boldly.

A huge plate sits on a long dining table, with several side dishes.

Yang's mother made a big plate chicken on a whim at noon today.

The big plate chicken originated from the Western Regions, where people put a whole or half chicken on a big plate with ingredients.

Served with a special sauce, a whole plate of large-plate chicken that is about the size of a table is bright and delicious, and it is generally popular in the north.

The big plate chicken is the most suitable food for the family, because the steaming and fragrant big plate has a great visual impact and naturally has a lively feeling.

Yang's mother made two local chickens, half of which were eaten up by Fang Lin's foodies.

Mama Yang took out a tissue and wiped her mouth: "Aren't you going to take a nap?"

"Don't sleep!"

Hearing Liu Jing's words, Lin's father added with a smile: "Okay, then I will go to the study to sleep."

Yang's mother glanced at Lin's father and said nothing. After a few seconds, she seemed to think of something and looked at Liu Jing and joked.

"You are already a millionaire, why are you still working so hard?"

"Ah, Qian~!"

Liu Jing blamed with some embarrassment.

During the live broadcast yesterday, she mentioned that she can earn 100 million advertising fees for a video in order to prevent fans from swiping gifts.

Since yesterday was Liu Jing's first live broadcast, and it was so topical, the popular official accounts took action one after another.

This video clip was released after being edited in various ways, which caused quite a stir.

The constant persuasion of Liu Jing in the video is in stark contrast to the fans who are crazily consuming impulsively. The more Liu Jing said, the happier the fans were, until finally Liu Jing was speechless and downloaded the broadcast.

The fans were very happy to hear this, and all kinds of nicknames were given to Liu Jing, and the millionaire rich woman was just the comment with the highest number of likes under the major videos.

There are also all kinds of praises of Liu Jing's simplicity and kindness.

However, there will naturally be no shortage of trolls and rational customers on the Internet.

Some people began to question whether Liu Jing would donate half to the military dog ​​base. After all, Liu Jing received a lot of advertisements this month, and half of it was a lot of money.

In addition, this is also the first time that an Internet celebrity with nearly [-] million fans has disclosed his income.

Under the guidance of some people with ulterior motives, the income of major Internet celebrities on Douyin has also been calculated by these people using Liu Jing as a benchmark.

The clichéd topic of Internet celebrity attracting money has become hot again.

However, under the action of an invisible hand, those videos with ulterior motives against Liu Jing disappeared quietly.

Therefore, Liu Jing's honest image of daring to speak was immediately established on the Internet.

But the real fans are more concerned about the character of Liu Jing as a "beautiful rich woman", and there are more private messages calling her mother.

"Oh, you have to be more careful in your words and deeds in the future."

Liu Jing didn't expect that her casual words would cause such a big disturbance.

Father Lin nodded in agreement: "That's the bad thing about public figures."

Father Lin considered this a long time ago, and had completely delegated power before Ruisi Technology took off.

Apart from these employees at the headquarters and the senior management of the branch, the outside world is most familiar with the CEO selected by Papa Lin.

(parallel world setting)
"Oh, by the way, I've also contacted that guild for you, and the legal counsel who will be in touch with you will come to you directly."

"Okay, then I'll edit the video."

"Ha~ Qingqing, are you sleepy?"

Zhao Hanya yawned and asked Lin Yuqing beside her.

"A bit."

Hearing the conversation between the two sisters, Xiaojie was also infected with the sleepy bug and hiccupped.

After a long journey in the morning, I returned home and took a comfortable shower. I ate such a delicious lunch at noon, and I was basically sleepy when my blood sugar rose.

Mama Yang saw that the whole family was a little tired, so she concluded: "Okay, let's all go to take a nap. When I wake up, I will take you to make mooncakes, okay?"

After the children answered in unison, the lunch was completely over here. Except for Yang Ma and Lin Pa who stayed to sort out the mess, everyone went back to their rooms.

Seeing this situation, Fang Lin was about to go upstairs to Lin Yuqing's bedroom to take a nap, when Jiang Baibai leaned over to him in a daze.

"follow me."


"You just have to come."


Fang Lin glanced at Lin Yuqing who had already gone upstairs and followed Jiang Baibai's butt helplessly, and Xueqiu followed closely beside him.

The three of them came to the French window in the living room. Jiang Baibai looked around and took out something from the Zhetian bell and put it in front of Fang Lin.

"Mobile phone?? Where did it come from?"

Fang Lin was a little surprised when he looked at the smartphone with a black casing in front of him.

He flipped through it with his paws but couldn't figure out what brand it was.

"Hey, Yang Zhen and I secretly asked for it yesterday. He removed the card and gave it to me. He said that the special machine that was issued is very safe and can play games."

Good guy, have you confiscated Yang Zhen's phone?

Yang Zhen really fed him?

But maybe you want to get a new one.

"Help me play that game, when the time comes, we will be in duo."

Fang Lin took a look at the phone. Although the screen was relatively large in a smart phone, he couldn't control it at all.

Putting one of his paws on it takes up more than half of the screen, and only Jiang Baibai's little paw can operate it.

"You can play this, but I can't."

Speaking of which, Fang Lin put his paw on the screen, and sure enough, more than half of the screen was covered.

"However, you can play this first for the next two days. I will use Lin Yuqing's tablet. I will ask Yang Zhen to change to another tablet after seeing Yang Zhen in two days."


After Fang Lin helped Jiang Baibai download the game, he suddenly thought of a picture.

On a dark and stormy night, he was in Lin Yuqing's bedroom, while Jiang Baibai was upstairs at Liu Jing's.

A cat and a dog sneaked across two floors.

Tut tut, that's interesting.

Sioux City, Bureau of Special Affairs.

Yang Zhen had also returned to his office at this time. After the core of the relic was sealed, he and Yi Fei brought it back by helicopter and handed it to Wen Yu.

Now he is sitting shirtless on his boss chair, with Xiao Xu's slightly messy bandage wrapped around his upper body.

"Dong dong dong."


Yang Zhen quickly reached out to pick up the coat that was draped over the boss's chair, ready to put it on.

"Me, secretary."

"Oh, come in."

Hearing that it was Yi Fei Yang Zhen heaved a sigh of relief, and put his clothes back on.

After Yi Fei opened the door and came in, Yang Zhen urged, "Close the door quickly."

"Oh, I see."

After closing the door, Yi Fei was speechless: "Isn't it just hurt? What's wrong with being seen by them?"

Yang Zhen shook his head: "That's not okay, what if I get injured after going out to perform a mission, I'm the soul of the Su City Special Affairs Bureau."

"Besides, it's not serious, it's all skin trauma."

"Yes, yes, soul, why does your bandage still have a bow?"

Yi Fei was curious after putting the medical kit in her hand on the table in front of Yang Zhen.

"Xiao Xu bandaged me."

"Xu Chuze?"


While chatting, Yi Fei came to Yang Zhen's side, pulled the chair and dragged him to her side, and began to untie the bandage for him to re-bandage one side.

After Yang Zhen was inspected, Deng Jiefu sent him to Yi Fei. When the two of them went on a mission and Yang Zhen was injured, Yi Fei also bandaged him in the same way.

"Hiss, take it easy."

"I know, don't move."

As the bandages were removed, Yi Fei saw the wounds on his body.

"Tsk, so miserable?"

"You don't know, that stone beast's claws are very powerful."

"By the way, what happened to what I asked you to do?"

"what's up?"

"The two things about Xiao Xu and his parents."

"Oh, the materials have been submitted for confirmation. When he receives the transfer order tomorrow, he should be able to meet him."

The work of digging the corners of the wall must be done quickly, and it must not be procrastinated, otherwise changes will occur if it is delayed.

So Yang Zhen immediately asked Yi Fei to submit a report to the Southern Provincial Headquarters.

At the same time, Yang Zhen knew that Xu Chuze hadn't returned home for more than two years because of the confidentiality of his work, so he directly sent someone to pick up his parents.

When Xiao Xu comes over tomorrow, give him a big surprise.

In this way, Xiao Xu will definitely be devoted to himself.

The corners of Yang Zhen's mouth curled up when he thought of this.

Shang Ju, buddy didn't do it on purpose, you are a good person.

"What are you thinking? Laughing so strangely."

"It's nothing, take it easy, it's not gentle at all."


"Hiss! Hey, I was wrong, Miss Fei!"


 Alas, I didn't fall asleep and took the phone button in the middle of the night. Tomorrow is normal at 12 o'clock

  The work and rest in the past two days have been very irregular, and I am a little confused. I will adjust as soon as possible.

(End of this chapter)

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