Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 165 When?

Chapter 165 When?
At three o'clock in the afternoon, the sun outside the house was just right.

The sky is clear and it is time for vacation. Such days and weather have soothed the tired hearts of many migrant workers.

On the deck chair on the balcony, Jiang Baibai was concentrating on manipulating it with his two claws, while Fang Lin and Xueqiu sat on the left and right to watch.

"Oh, it's so annoying, I lost again."

As the scene of the explosion of the base appeared on the screen, Jiang Baibai threw the phone back into Zhetianling with a speechless face.

"Don't play anymore, this screen is too small, I can't see people clearly."


Fang Lin rolled his eyes beside him.

Are tablets and phones the same?
However, Jiang Baibai's two paws did block the screen.

It seems that tablets are more suitable for spirit beasts, but what about those large spirit beasts?
If things like virtual helmets can't be invented, it is estimated that a large number of ordinary spirit beasts won't be able to feel the charm of the Internet.

However, those beasts, kings and the like will not be affected, they can already control objects in the void, much more flexible than human hands.

Fang Lin looked at the impatient Jiang Baibai and reminded him kindly: "You have no problem with the alignment and so on now, but you still need to pay attention to some details."

"Especially in the later stage, it is shameless to explore the grass. Vision is very important in this game."

Jiang Baibai secretly drooped his ears, and waited until Fang Lin had finished chanting, before erecting them again.

"I know, I know, hurry up and get two tablets from Yang Zhen the day after tomorrow to accompany me in double row. I really don't want to see those passers-by playing wild for a day."

Well, after talking for a long time, I still want to eat ready-made ones.

Fang Lin shook his head in his heart.

But it's better this way, when I realize that my wild father who is full of details will definitely be inseparable after taking care of me.

"Ahem, then what, there is a fee for playing with you."

"To play with?"

Jiang Baibai muttered the word with some doubts, and soon understood what Fang Lin meant.

She rolled her eyes and said, "Do I still owe you this? As long as I can win, everything is fine."

She just lost the promotion match of Silver One just now, she was really speechless.

Especially when encountering the opposite middle and field double row, the game experience is very difficult.
It's hard to hold back.

"By the way, in the future, I will use the spiritual fruit for you and Xueqiu to cultivate once a week. It is best not to eat too much, as it will affect the follow-up spiritual source. The gain is not worth the loss."

Speaking of this, Jiang Baibai slapped his paw on the forehead and hurriedly said: "I forgot, you probably don't have a suitable exercise yet?"

"After awakening, you usually only absorb the spiritual energy instinctively. The speed of mobilizing the spiritual energy is too slow. Good exercises can make you better use your core and get twice the result with half the effort."


And this kind of thing?

Fang Lin felt his body, and the surging aura was attracted by the aura core in his body 24 hours a day, but all of this was firmly hidden by his own hidden talent.

This kind of aura absorption speed shouldn't be too slow, right?

So what's going on with me?

A book of god-level exercises that can be automatically cultivated is hung in the character exercise slot?

Fang Lin asked curiously, "Cultivation technique?"


Jiang Baibai nodded and explained.

"There are complex spiritual veins all over our body, just like the foundation, and the spiritual source is the building above."

"Good exercises can mobilize more spiritual veins, and can also make the spiritual source work better."

Spirit veins?

Fang Lin felt it carefully, and the aura that entered the body seemed to converge to the core of the aura along one route after another, and then fed back to the whole body from the core of the aura.

Tsk, very interesting.

I feel more and more like cultivating immortals in novels.

Fang Lin suddenly became interested when he thought of this, and began to use his mind to control the absorption of spiritual energy and its direction in the body.

In an instant, a kind of enlightenment welled up in my heart.

The complicated direction appeared in Fang Lin's mind like a map, as if a manual was thrown to him.

Under Fang Lin's intervention, the assembly line, which was supposed to run automatically and with extremely high efficiency, was directly reversed by a century and became a manual workshop.

Fang Lin gave up after trying hard for a while.

It is better to leave it to the body instinct than to practice strenuously.

Fang Lin's mind moved, and the aura around him was drawn again at high speed.

Oh, it's so annoying.

My physical talent is so good that I don't even need to do it myself.

While Fang Lin was studying in silence, Xueqiu curiously communicated with Jiang Baibai and asked about the specifics of the exercises.

"Besides the grade, the most important thing about the exercises is whether they are suitable for you. The exercises are divided into four grades, heaven, earth, black and yellow."

"I have a heaven-level and a few earth-level ones here. I'll teach you one by one during this time. You both have to try it?"

The heaven and earth are mysterious and yellow?

Fang Lin froze for a moment when he heard this, this classification is quite classic.

Jiang Baibai then added: "Only the direct descendants of our clan can practice the sky-level ones. I will secretly teach you not to talk nonsense~"




After Jiang finished talking like offering a treasure in vain, he found that Kaka and Xueqiu hadn't responded at all, so he was a little depressed.

"What, don't you guys understand how precious exercises are?"

"These exercises are the crystallization of the wisdom of thousands of people over thousands of years. Good exercises can increase your cultivation speed several times. It's like heaven and earth."

"Apart from one's own talent, exercises are the most influential thing, and heaven-level exercises can be regarded as synonymous with the royal family.

"The top-level heaven-level exercises can even be recognized by the bloodline. After being passed on to the bloodline, the direct descendants can directly comprehend it after awakening, saving months of hard work."

"What I want to teach you is the top-level exercises in my blood lineage, okay? You didn't respond at all!"

"Placing it in the spirit world is enough to start a royal war!!!"

The more Jiang Baibai talked, the more angry he felt, he felt like he was right, like licking a dog.

She is the princess of the spirit world, right?
If it weren't for the fact that the two of them have little knowledge and don't understand anything and have great potential, she wouldn't do this job.

"I'm sorry, Miss Baibai"

Xueqiu glanced at Fang Lin and said hesitantly, "Actually, I seem to have some skills."

Jiang Baibai: "???"

Fang Lin: "???"

Snowball has skills?Why doesn't he know?
Fang Lin sensed his supernatural powers carefully, only to realize that by bestowing Snowball with supernatural powers, it meant giving her enough moon blood.

And the exercises that come with it are just incidental additions.

It is in Fang Lin's hands whether to give creatures such a high talent to choose.

In fact, logically speaking, Xueqiu, who possesses supernatural powers, should not have only six innately awakened spiritual cores.

At least there should be more than seven like those descendants of the emperor.

However, because Fang Lin, the possessor of supernatural powers, was not strong enough, Xueqiu did not cross the boundary of the emperor's bloodline.

"What do you mean?"

Jiang Baibai was a little unbelievable, she hurriedly approached Xueqiu and stared at her: "Where did you get the exercises?"


Jiang Baibai's eager look made Xueqiu a little at a loss.

This seems to be very important?
She knew in her heart that these were brought to her by Kaka, so she hesitated and didn't know whether she should say it or not.

At this moment, Fang Lin interjected, "That's right, where did you get the exercises from?"

Hearing this, Xueqiu looked at Fang Lin, understood that it was a hint, and explained: "I realized it myself when I was awakened, and it should be the bloodline inheritance you mentioned."

Jiang Baibai froze in place, his eyes full of puzzlement.

how could be?

Shouldn't it be?

Could it be that the ancestral land already has an emperor?

And they happen to be Snowball's parents?
Zhuo, how is this possible?

Jiang Baibai was laughed at by her own brain circuit, and she tried the last rescue: "Then is there any other information in your inheritance?"

"There are some simple combat experience and an introduction of my own bloodline."


These words completely shattered Jiang Baibai's last extravagant hope.

It's really a bloodline inheritance!
Heaven-level exercises!

As soon as I boasted about the awesomeness of the sky-level exercises, a new one appeared in front of my eyes.

After Jiang Baibai calmed down for a while, he asked Xueqiu, "How many spiritual sources have you awakened?"


"That's not right."

Jiang Baibai was a little confused.

How did she feel that after she came to the ancestral land, everything challenged her cognition.

Forget about the technology of the ancestral land before, but now even the aura is subverting her three views.

It is common sense that the direct lineage of the emperor can be passed down to the natural mastery of the exercises.

It is also common sense that the emperor can only break through the upper limit of six spiritual sources when he is directly awakened.

But why didn't Snowball break through the upper limit?
This happens only to those in the immediate lineage of the emperor who are not talented.

But the snowball talent is not enough?
It's good to have companion supernatural powers!
Fang Lin looked at the confused Jiang Baibai without saying a word.

I can't tell her it's because I can't do it.

Let Jiang Baibai make up his own brain.

What is the long head for?
Anyway, I can always find an explanation that satisfies me.

as predicted.

Jiang Baibai couldn't help but recall that Deng Jiefu had mentioned the issue of the spiritual source when he was chatting with her.

Although she saw at that time that Deng Jiefu wanted to inquire about the news, she didn't have to be stingy with this kind of common sense question.

After the explanation, Deng Jiefu also revealed that he is realizing his seventh spiritual source.

This kind of five-year-old king only had six cores, so Jiang Baibai had a guess in his mind.

"Well, it may be some kind of restriction before the ancestral land has not fully recovered."

"But it doesn't matter. It's only a matter of time before a talent like Xueqiu understands the remaining core."

Jiang Baibai shook his head to accept this fact.

She is not a narrow-minded person who can't see the good of others.

"Then Xueqiu doesn't need exercises, this should be the most suitable for her."

Turning around, she asked Fang Lin, "Kaka, when will I teach you?"

It would be too tiring to pretend to learn a kung fu
And it's completely useless.

Fang Lin hesitated for a moment and then said, "Actually, I seem to have inherited exercises too."


Jiang Baibai was stunned for a moment, then silently walked to the balcony and stared at the blue sky in a daze.

Is he really the son of luck?

So terrifying.

At this moment, Jiang Baibai suddenly felt that there was nothing special about him, and the talent he was proud of before seemed to be the same thing with Fang Lin.

Apart from practicing 200 years earlier and being rich and powerful, there is nothing remarkable about it.

"Are you OK?"

"It's okay, I want to be quiet."

Fang Lin looked at Jiang Baibai who was watching the scenery from the balcony, but he actually understood her feelings a little bit.

It's like I used to get 99 points in the math test and found that most of the class got 100 points.

But there's no way around it, who made her bump into himself, Emperor Ha.

Fang Lin motioned to Xueqiu and led her away from the balcony.

In the Internet age, although you can't feel much festive atmosphere in the real metropolis, you can get a glimpse of it in the promotions and advertisements of various commodities.

The blessings of various bloggers on Douyin are endless, and the official has also released many interesting and elegant festival promotional videos.

In reality, it is rare to see someone who sincerely asks parents, relatives and friends a happy Mid-Autumn Festival.

Cloud holidays seem to have become a trend.

But Fang Lin's house had a festive atmosphere.

In addition to the pile of gifts piled up at the door, at 03:30 in the afternoon, Yang's mother had already brought the three children to the kitchen.

The three children stood in a row by the table, and in front of them were all kinds of materials prepared by Yang's mother.

After Yang Ma vividly told about the origin of the Mid-Autumn Festival and the national complex, she began to formally teach the children how to make moon cakes.

"What we are going to make is snow skin mooncakes. The soft and glutinous texture is its major feature."

"In front of you are the raw materials we need today, such as glutinous rice flour, sticky flour, clear flour, butter, etc."

"Our task today is to use them to make the skin of snowy mooncakes, and put them in the refrigerator after they are done, and we can make finished mooncakes tomorrow."

"By the way, Yaya, I've talked to your mother, and she agrees that you can go home tomorrow."

"Your mother said that your parents will work overtime tomorrow, and they will come to pick you up after get off work to eat delicious food. Remember to call her at night to report that you are safe."

Hearing that mom and dad will have to work overtime for the Mid-Autumn Festival tomorrow, Zhao Hanya looks a little lonely, and sometimes she feels sorry for them.

"Okay, thank you auntie."

"Damn, kid, what are you being polite about?"

Yang Ma coughed lightly and said, "Okay, let's start the first step now."

"Well, I forgot, wait for me to check."

Speaking of which, Mama Yang took out her mobile phone from her pocket and began to look up the tutorials she had seen before.


The children looked at each other and smiled.

Yang Ma glanced at Xiaojie who was the most jumpy, and patted his head lightly.

"I've never made mooncakes before, so it won't be normal."

She put away her mobile phone and directed: "Now shake out 50 grams of the glutinous rice flour in front of you."

Ningyuan City Special Affairs Bureau, Director's Office.

Compared to Yang Zhen's spacious office, this place is not too big.

A closed book is placed on a solid black solid wood table, and bright flags stand beside the table.

The bookshelf next to it is also full of books, which has a very humanistic atmosphere. .

However, the atmosphere in the office at this time was a bit dignified.

Director Shang sat on the chair without saying a word and looked at Xiao Xu standing in front of him.

A stamped order was clearly placed on the table.

Xiao Xu stood obediently on the spot, staring at his toes without saying a word.

"Tell me, what's going on?"

"When did you hook up with Yang Zhen?"

Hearing Shang Ju's strange aura, Xiao Xu raised his head and glanced at Shang Ju but still didn't say anything.

(End of this chapter)

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