Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 166 Hot Pot

Chapter 166 Hot Pot
"I don't think you are quite capable? Why don't you talk now?"

"I can't see it, so you have a lot of ideas?"

After Shang Ju's continuous fire, Xiao Xu couldn't help but raised his head and muttered: "Ju Yang forced me to go there, what can I do?"

After speaking, he glanced at the transfer order from the headquarters on the table, as if to say that there is nothing you can do?


Shang Ju snorted coldly and fell silent. After a while, he sighed: "What are I talking about with you kid?"

He looked at Xiao Xu seriously and said, "It's fine to go over there. Recently, there have been some rumors about the Special Affairs Bureau, and it seems like it was blown out on purpose. It's raging."

"Oh, of course you may not be aware that these matters have been discussed among the senior officials of the Secret Affairs Bureau recently, but you don't have to pay attention to them, these matters have little impact on you."

Hearing this, Xiao Xu hesitated to speak.

Seeing his appearance, Shang Ju raised his eyebrows: "What's the matter, tell me."

"I know something about this. Director Yang told me about it."


Shang Ju felt his temples throbbing.

The relationship turns out to be a happy chat and hit it off?
Yang Zhen, you have thick eyebrows and big eyes, so you are this kind of person!

He said angrily, "Okay, as long as you know."

"Yang Zhen is a disciple of Team Deng, and he has good talent, and he treats his subordinates well. He takes the lead, which is a bit like Team Deng."

"It will definitely be better for you to develop after you go than to stay in this corner."

Speaking of this, Shang Ju couldn't help sighing: "Iron battalion and flowing soldiers."

He was the political commissar of Xiao Xu's regiment before. At that time, whenever the special operations brigade came to pick people, he would feel this way now.

Unexpectedly, after he gave up the treatment there and resolutely entered an unfamiliar system, such poaching would still happen.

In the final analysis, you still need to be strong to have the confidence to dig people.

When Xiao Xu heard Shang Ju's words, he quickly said: "Director, you are also very good at managing our Ningyuan Special Affairs Bureau in an orderly manner."

"You boy, did my political commissar do all these years for nothing?"

Shang Ju smiled and said, "You don't understand, times are changing, and personal might will become an important factor affecting personal status in the future. This is an unavoidable reality."

Speaking of this, Shang Ju's expression was a little heavy.

"I don't know what turmoil this will bring to our society, but I believe that the dragon will handle the relationship well."

"Xiao Xu."

Shang Ju stared closely at his eyes and said, "Your talent is good, the future is yours after all."

"But I hope that no matter where you are, what rank you have or what official title you have, you will never forget the oath you once made under the red flag."

Xiao Xu's eyes turned solemn and he replied loudly, "I swear to defend the motherland to the death!"

Shang Ju nodded in satisfaction and waved his hand: "Okay, take the transfer order and pack up."

"It says that you can go there by helicopter today, but if you want to spend the Mid-Autumn Festival here, I can decide to let you go tomorrow."


Xiao Xu scratched his head and said embarrassingly: "I promised Director Yang that I would go there tonight, and he said that there is a task for me to arrange."

Shang Ju rolled his eyes, pushed the transfer order forward and waved his hands: "Scroll, I'm too lazy to see you."

As he spoke, he turned the chair around and gave Xiao Xu a back view.

Xiao Xu waited on the spot for a while and saw that there was no movement from Shang Ju, so he had no choice but to go forward and pick up the transfer order and walk out step by step.

When he reached the door, he turned around and saluted Shang Ju with a standard military salute, then left the office silently.

As the door closed, the office fell into silence again.

a long time,

Shang Ju turned his chair and looked at the ceiling and sighed.

I don't know if it's right or wrong to come here.

The recent changes in the situation have become more and more confusing and somewhat unclear.

The wind was raging, and various gossips were flying all over the sky, and there was a feeling that a storm was about to come.

I don't know if the news of the upcoming change was released on purpose by the high-level. There are all versions, but no authoritative explanation has been seen for a long time.

It's like the collective silence above, sitting and watching the clouds rise and fall.

But the confusion was only for a moment, and Shang Ju, as a soldier of the Dragon Kingdom, quickly adjusted.

Don't understand if you don't understand, just follow the order.

Wasn't it the same when the Dragon Kingdom's army crossed the red water four times in times of crisis?
Although the soldiers are also confused, it is enough for those who understand.

Thinking of Shang Ju's mood, he looked at the red flag on the table and hummed softly.

"My motherland and I cannot be separated for a moment~"

Some clumsy singing echoed in the office for a long time.

In the evening, Yunting District.

The sunset glow hangs in the sky like gorgeous silk and satin, and the sunset is trying hard to bloom the last ray of brilliance.

Fang Lin lay by the floor-to-ceiling windows quietly watching the scenery that he had often overlooked before.

He found that he liked the floor-to-ceiling windows at home more and more. There were not so many high-rise buildings in the community and nearby, so that the vision would be clear and good.

Just like now, on the clear sky, the setting sun in the distance gradually overlaps with the high-rise buildings, and the high-rise buildings that are all black glass glisten in the afterglow of the setting sun, which is very harmonious.

If the high-rise buildings in the community make up for it, I really can't see this kind of scenery.

In the living room, Lin Yuqing, Zhao Hanya and Xiaojie were watching the TV series together, with extremely focused expressions, while Xueqiu and Jiang Baibai were also watching motionlessly beside them.

"Jon Snow is going to the Night Watchman. The Night Watchman looks very dangerous. Will he die?"

Looking at the picture on TV, Xiaojie couldn't help asking, but Lin Yuqing immediately looked at him with a frown and made him shut his mouth.

"Concentrate on whether it's good or not."

Lin Yuqing said in dissatisfaction, these are all subtitles, if you don't pay attention, you will miss the plot.

Zhao Hanya smiled at Mimi and said to Xiaojie: "How is it? Are your cartoons good?"

Under Lin Yuqing's strong suppression just now, Xiaojie gave up his idea of ​​seeing bears.

The two of them also listened to the classmates discussing this TV series recently, so they decided to see what Quan You, who was blown up by the classmates, looked like.

Just watched the second episode now.

Ignoring the stubborn Xiaojie, Fang Lin slowly stood up from the floor-to-ceiling window and jumped onto the sofa.

He has watched Game of Thrones two or three times, except for the unfinished last season, everything else is pretty good.

He asked Jiang Baibai and Xueqiu next to him: "Do you like watching this?"

Jiang Baibai can now recognize most of the commonly used characters.

She said casually: "It's okay, the plot is quite tight, it feels like the records about the ancestral land I saw in ancient books before."

"Look at their poor life as a commoner, and the extravagance of the royal family. It's okay for the little and short prince to be ugly, and he's still in the daylight."

Jiang Baibai paused and still didn't say the word, which violated her noble temperament.

Xueqiu also nodded approvingly, a little thankful that the environment she lived in was beautiful. She had just seen a stray cat in a TV show, covered in mud.

"The feudal society used to be like this, but here there is a superhuman race called dragon, which is quite handsome."


Jiang Baibai suddenly became curious: "Is there a dragon? What kind?"

"Uh, it's covered in scales and has wings that look a bit like a large lizard. It can breathe fire with great power, but it will be shot to death by humans with huge crossbow bolts."


Jiang Baibai was a little speechless, she said that in these TV dramas with weird face shapes and hair colors, orthodox dragons actually appeared.

She has only seen it once in 100 years in the spirit world, and it was her father's birthday, and a five-clawed golden dragon she befriended came to congratulate her.

It turned out to be really a western tuatara.

But even if it is really those big lizards, what the hell is it to be shot down by these ordinary humans with crossbow arrows.

The number of dragons is extremely rare, but because of the noble bloodlines, once they reach adulthood, they will be at the level of Beast Venerable, and the outstanding ones can easily become kings.

The Beast Master, who can mobilize the power of heaven and earth, can overturn rivers and seas, and stop the flow of big rivers.

Not to mention the king who has comprehended the rules of heaven and earth, and low-level creatures in his own domain will not even think about standing up. This kind of terrifying suppression is a crossbow arrow.
Jiang Baibai suddenly lost interest, lying lazily on the sofa, staring at the screen casually to pass the time.

Seeing her disdainful look, Fang Lin raised his eyebrows and didn't care. After all, these are just human fantasies.

Now that the myth has truly appeared in front of him, he is also very curious about what he will grow into in the future.

At this time, Liu Jing went downstairs humming a song, greeted Yang Ma and Lin's father who was busy in the kitchen, and ran to sit next to Fang Lin.

"Are you watching Game of Thrones? It's not good, you are too young, Qian~"

Liu Jing looked at the picture on the screen a little strangely, so she turned her head and called out to Mama Yang in the kitchen.

Yang's mother heard the movement and responded: "It's okay, this is a cut version, not the one you saw."

Liu Jing: .
Lin Yuqing said helplessly to Liu Jing: "Godmother, we have all grown up."

"Okay, okay, I don't care about you."

Seeing Liu Jing coming down, Zhao Hanya asked curiously, "Auntie, have you finished editing the video?"

"Yeah, it's all sent out."

Hearing this, everyone on the sofa paused the video and surrounded them, huddled together.

They all know that this video is about this play, and as one of the participants, they are very curious that Liu Jing cut those clips and uploaded them.

Especially Zhao Hanya, as a die-hard fan of Kaka, was able to watch the video with Kaka for the first time, which was already full of experience.

Under the gaze of a pair of big eyes, Liu Jing opened the video.

From the perspective of Liu Jing, the video tells about the departure from the beginning, the scenery along the way, arrival, camping, paragliding experience, night scene and so on.

For a total of seven or eight minutes, some scenes that Liu Jing thought were beautiful were edited, especially the appearance of her and Kaka flying in the sky.

This kind of duration is considered too long in Douyin's average 3-[-] minute video, but even so, Liu Jing still feels that many things have not been cut into it.

The figures of several children also flashed by, without giving too many pictures, but in the limited pictures, the youthful vitality of Lin Yuqing and Zhao Hanya has been fully displayed.

Many of the comments are praising the two children for their good looks, and they will have a daughter in the future.

Liu Jing found that many people were attracted by the paraglider in the video and asked for the price below, and then she remembered that she forgot to advertise for Manager Liu.

In the past two days, Manager Liu has been very considerate in her service. She hurriedly pinned the comment to the top of the comment area and posted a small advertisement to mention the price.

Fang Lin looked at the comment area and praised him as usual, which was a little bit of a snack. Now that the number of fans is related to his own space for growth, he cares very much.

But after the initial fan frenzy, the growth of fans has gradually slowed down, and now it is only about 900 million.

It seems that it still needs a few waves of hot spots.

While everyone was talking, Mama Yang had already prepared the meals and began to invite everyone in the living room to eat.

The foodies rushed to the restaurant and found that the place to eat tonight was actually in the garden on the balcony.

Lin's father put the round table in the middle of the open space, and Yang's mother took out the small stool from the storage room.

In the center of the round table is an induction cooker, on which there is a large mandarin duck pot. The bright red spicy pot and the white bone broth are bubbling harmoniously.

There are sliced ​​meat and various vegetables on the side.

"Wow, are you having hot pot tonight?"

Liu Jing was so happy when she saw this scene that her saliva was about to flow down.

"Yes, Yaya said she wanted to eat, and we haven't eaten for a long time."

Father Lin came over with two buckets of iced drinks and said with a smile, "The ingredients are in the kitchen, go and make them yourself."

Jiang Baibai, who came with him, saw this scene and immediately remembered the scene of eating hot pot in Yang Zhen's office before, and couldn't help but jump for joy.

Hearing Papa Lin's words, she jumped onto the kitchen table with her small bowl in her mouth and squatted beside the small material, followed closely by Xueqiu.

Two white fur balls almost filled the empty space on the table.


Jiang Baibai looked at Lin Yuqing next to him and pointed to sesame juice and chili oil.

Xueqiu hesitated for a moment, and only pointed to the sesame juice.


Zhao Hanya was stunned when she saw this scene, her eyes lit up like little stars.

"Qingqing! Are the general and Xueqiu usually this smart? So cute!!!"

"Uh, more or less."

Lin Yuqing understood Jiang Baibai's meaning, she subconsciously took the small bowl from Jiang Baibai's mouth, and then got tangled up.

Sesame juice is actually sesame juice, this should be fine, let’s forget about chili oil and chili.

Lin Yuqing put some sesame juice in Jiang Baibai's bowl and said to her, "Chili oil is not allowed, is this enough? I'll bring it to you."


"Snowball Snowball, let me serve you~"

Zhao Hanya hurriedly took Xueqiu's magical and cute little bowl, and smirked to help add small ingredients.

"Sit down as soon as you get it, and I want to make a video call with your grandparents and grandparents. I haven't seen you for a long time."

Mama Yang told the children after she sat down, then she looked at Fang Lin who was squatting by the table and staring at the hot pot, and said with a smile.

"Kaka, I will say hello to my grandparents later, and I will take you back to see them during the Chinese New Year."


Liu Jing held up her mobile phone and said, "Kaka, you have to be good when you go back. Grandpa and grandma will cook dog meat if they see that you are not good."


Fang Lin stared at Liu Jing and the camera and rolled his eyes.

Do you say stew?

What kind of grandparents are these?

Fang Lin didn't bother to answer Liu Jing's words like teasing a child, and the old man would definitely like him to death by then.

Who doesn't like smart and handsome fur kids?
(End of this chapter)

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