Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 167 Husky Pig Kaka?

Chapter 167 Husky Pig Kaka?
The city at night always gives people a sense of psychedelic.

If you use an aircraft to look down and shoot, you will see colorful neon lights and tall buildings standing quietly in the dark night, highlighting the superiority of modern civilization in the dark world.

If you blend into it, follow the busy traffic in the city that never sleeps, and look at the street lamps on the side of the road and the lights of thousands of houses in the distance, you seem to feel a kind of surging heartbeat.

Only at night can the vitality of a city be revealed, and Sioux City is such a warm and vibrant city.

The Yunting community is like a landscape garden developed in a busy city. At night, the large area of ​​greening in the community is as quiet as a forest. Residents in twos and threes walk in the garden under the moonlight.

On the balcony of Fang Lin's house, everyone sat around a round table under the dim light. The hot pot was already bubbling, and there was a mobile phone stand in front of the table.

The phone was playing video, and the angle of the camera was just right to capture all the people at the table, including the four furry children beside the table.

Lin's father picked up a piece of meat for Yang's mother while looking at the camera and asked, "Dad, have you eaten yet?"

"As soon as I came up, I asked if I had eaten. Do you have nothing to talk about?"

Hearing Dad Lin's question, Lin Jianguo, who had black hair and a strong body on the other side of the video, replied angrily.

Lin Jianguo was wearing pure black short-sleeved trousers that were simple and slim and made of good material, and the muscles hidden under the clothes could be vaguely seen.

He is still strong in his 50s, with a standard Chinese character face with a resolute expression, which looks very serious at first glance.

Sitting next to Lin Jianguo was a middle-aged woman in a light gray T-shirt with a khaki straight skirt, her ear-length hair was pressed under a plain knitted hat, and she wore a string of small gemstone necklaces around her neck.

The shape is gentle and elegant, and it looks like a middle-aged baby full of femininity.

She also has a nice name, Ren Lanqing, a ray of breeze in the mountains and mist.

Ren Lanqing patted Lin Jianguo on the shoulder in dissatisfaction: "How do you talk to your son? What kind of attitude are you?"

Lin Jianguo frowned: "I am his father, what is my attitude?"

Seeing that Lin Jianguo was talking back, Ren Lanqing quietly looked at him with her arms folded on her chest.

Lin Jianguo keenly sensed that something was wrong, then snorted coldly and did not continue talking. He secretly glanced at Father Lin threateningly.

Father Lin couldn't help laughing wryly when he noticed the attack in Lin Jianguo's eyes. What does this have to do with him?
If you dare not bully your wife, just bully me?

The nervous Xueqiu and Jiang Baibai who were squatting next to Fang Lin suddenly felt a little funny when they saw this scene, and couldn't help communicating with Fang Lin in a low voice.

"Kaka, do you think Papa Lin's fear of Mama Yang is hereditary?"

"Brother, grandpa seems to be very afraid of grandma."

"How can this be called fear? This is love."

Ignoring Fang Lin and the others' bragging, Dad Lin began to think about how to answer.

Years of tacit understanding made him understand the look in his eyes just now. His old man's intention was to help him make things right quickly.

It seems that apart from the incident just now, Lin Jianguo should still have a lot of trouble.

Before he could figure out how to get out of the siege, Yang's mother next to him hurriedly said with a smile: "Oh, mom, you look so pretty, especially this hat, which has a noble and elegant feeling at first glance. I bought it there ?”

Hearing her daughter-in-law's praise, Ren Lanqing could not close her mouth happily and was immediately distracted.

She covered her mouth and smiled, and then introduced: "Didn't your dad and I go to London to play now? The clothes here are quite stylish, so I bought a set when I was shopping. This hat is the same as the royal family according to the clerk. Woolen cloth."

"By the way, now foreign stores can directly buy them by air and return them to China. I also bought several pieces for you. There are more Chanel and other styles here than in China."

Lin Jianguo snorted beside him and said, "Did you buy a set? I bought a suitcase after traveling to these places."

At the beginning, Lin Jianguo still lacked confidence when he spoke, but when he saw the son, daughter-in-law and his grandchildren on the opposite side of the video, his confidence gradually rose.

"Before I came here, I agreed to go shopping, but I ended up going shopping in the morning, shopping in the afternoon, and shopping in the evening. All the clothes I bought were airlifted back in a big box."

The burly Lin Jianguo vomited bitterness in front of the camera, and Lin's father finally understood what his father meant.

Father Lin shook his head in his heart, he can't help with this matter, Comrade Lin, just take it easy.

Ren Lanqing, who was next to him, wanted to say something when he saw Lin Jianguo, so he twisted his waist: "What do you mean, Lin Jianguo? Is it endless? Give you face in front of your grandchildren."

"Besides, didn't I accompany you to all the scenic spots you want to go to? Didn't the person who brought you tea and water along the way didn't make you look good in front of these old foreigners?"

Lin Jianguo muttered in a low voice: "Every time I wandered around for a while, I turned to the mall."

Ren Lanqing:? ? ?

Seeing that the situation was not good, Mama Yang quickly changed the subject: "Uh, Mama, what time is it over there, I think it's dawn behind you."

Hearing what his daughter-in-law said, Ren Lanqing returned in a gentle and gentle manner: "It's only past one o'clock here. Your dad and I just finished lunch at the hotel. He has been lying on the bed since he got up today, and he can't move no matter how hard he hits."

Finding that Ren Lanqing was picking up his old friend, Lin Jianguo signaled her not to talk anymore, but unfortunately he was suppressed by his eyes.

Yang Ma smiled, observed the background in the video and said, "Mom, where are you? It looks pretty good."

"Oh, this is the Kiosk Hotel by Westminster Bridge."

Ren Lanqing looked around the camera, and the whole picture of the suite was shown in the lens.

The location where the two of them are now should be the living room in the suite, with a simple design, a white sofa and a Western-style living room table, and a huge floor-to-ceiling window behind it.

Through the clean floor-to-ceiling windows, you can see the Westminster Bridge in the afternoon and the Big Ben on the other side.

“Trijon Hotel, Westmins Bridge.”

Lin Jianguo next to him interjected.

Ren Lanqing nodded: "Yes, this is it."

Then she stared at the screen and searched: "Stop talking about us, where are my precious grandchildren?"

After Lin Jianguo heard it, he moved beside Ren Lanqing and stared at the screen.

"Grandpa and grandma~"

Lin Yuqing and Xiaojie waved their hands to greet them.

Seeing the two cute children, Lin Jianguo laughed like a flower: "Hey, when grandpa returns to bring you two gifts, did you have hot pot for dinner? Why haven't you moved yet?"

He found that the dishes on the table hadn't moved much.

Father Lin explained: "Isn't this just calling you two?"

Lin Jianguo frowned immediately: "Eat when it's time to eat. We can call at any time. Besides, isn't it the same when we eat and call? There are so many rules when eating. Qingqing Xiaojie, you two hurry up and don't be hungry. caught."

"Stinky boy, wait for me to go back and deal with you."

Father Lin was a little speechless, and he didn't say not to let the children eat.

Anyway, he could see it, and he was sure to be the punching bag today.

ok in that case
Father Lin asked with a smile, "Mom, have you ever been to Paris?"

"After playing for a few days, there are too many scenic spots, so I went shopping with your dad."

"Didn't you go shopping a lot? Chanel, Dior, and YSL are all headquartered here, and Longguo International has a very high status now. They all want to do business with us. The store you mentioned before can be shipped directly by air, which is also a new policy."

"Mom, our family is not short of money. You can go shopping in Paris more, and you can buy it by air, and you don't have to worry about not getting it back."

Ren Lanqing's expression brightened immediately and he nodded repeatedly: "You are right, we will go back in two days."

Lin Jianguo:? ? ?

Ren Lanqing looked at the family who still didn't move their chopsticks and said with a smile: "Okay, you family have a good meal, we two have a good time here, don't disturb your life, hang up."

"Mom, what are you talking about?"

Before Yang's mother could finish talking about the video, she hung up directly, leaving the whole family looking at each other in blank dismay.

"I haven't introduced Kaka and them yet, so I'm too impatient."

Father Lin shook his head: "It's okay, they can play by themselves, let's eat quickly, and when your grandparents see it, you have to hang up again."

So plates of beef and mutton slices, meatballs, vegetables, shrimp paste, etc. were put into the pot, and everyone began to eat dinner under the light of the bright moon above their heads.

Both Fang Lin and Xueqiu heaved a sigh of relief, especially Fang Lin.

Although he got along well with the family and accepted them, he had never had any contact with these grandparents.

However, from the video just now, he felt that the two were quite cute, each with their own demeanor.

It is said that the world belongs to young people, but how does he feel that the two people's demeanor has left young people by how many blocks.

Take Lin Jianguo, who was in his early fifties just now, for example, his natural muscles have knocked out many college students, not to mention Ren Lanqing's ladylike temperament.

He suddenly looked forward to what his grandparents would look like, as if Mama Yang was from the Northeast?

So grandpa and grandma are all from the Northeast?

I can't help but think of a few jokes I've seen before.

[-]. In Sanya, a tourist looked at the delicious coconut chicken and asked, "Hello, is your coconut chicken authentic?"

The eldest sister who sells fruit replied with a smile: "Don't worry, Gaga is authentic."

[-]. It was raining heavily in Sanya, and the news interviewed local residents who looked relaxed and calm.

"You must be a native of Hainan, right?"

"Not bad."

In Fang Lin's impression, people in the Northeast are very cute, and they can be seen everywhere except in the Northeast.

I just don't know what kind of grandpa and grandma are really born and raised in Northeast China.

Yang's mother has already started making video calls, and the family is waiting while eating.

At this moment, Xueqiu shook his big fluffy tail, looked at Fang Lin with a pair of bright eyes and asked, "Brother, do you think grandpa is afraid of grandma?"

Jiang Baibai couldn't help but also looked over.

Fang Lin pondered for a while and said, "It's hard to say."

It seems that the people from Northeast China who have met all point to Jiangshan with their chests: "Wife/Girlfriend? Afraid? I don't know what it means to be afraid."

But he doesn't know what's really going on in private.

Soon the video was connected, and the faces of grandpa and grandma appeared in the video.

Mama Yang's father is Yang Tingxiang. He is 1.8 meters tall, but he is not as strong as Lin Jianguo, but he is not thin either. He looks very capable and wears a simple T-shirt and shorts.

The mother's name is Du Qingfeng, a very standard northern name in the last century, but she looks very kind.

She has a slightly fat body and a round face. With short ear-length hair, her eyes become crescent moons when she smiles, and she attracts children's love at first glance.

In the background, the two seem to be in the bedroom, and there is a strange contrast between the magnificent decoration and the ordinary kang under the two.

The two lived on the mountain in the village. It can only be said that the self-built villa is so capricious.

"Hey, are you eating? It's very lively."

After seeing everyone clearly, Yang Tingxiang said with a smile, his tone made people feel very kind.

"Yeah, we're eating hot pot, and Liu Jing is here too."

Seeing her parents whom she hadn't seen for more than half a year, Yang Ma's mood fluctuated a little, and her eyes were a little red.

Perhaps it is because girls are more sensitive to family since they were young, and the daughter who travels far misses her family more.

When college starts, boys are anxious to meet their girlfriends at school, while cute girls are generally depressed and homesick.

Although Yang Ma's condition allows, it is actually very simple to talk about it, but everything in the world is just talking like that?

The two children have to go to school, Lin's father has to go to work, and he has his own affairs during the holidays. As the logistics supervisor, she can't leave the job without authorization.

Let alone Yang Ma, who is thousands of kilometers away, those who live and work with their parents in the same place, how often do they go back to see their parents?

Such a close distance, do you watch it every day?
Of course it's not realistic.

Mother Yang quickly noticed the strangeness of her daughter, and changed the subject with a smile: "I know Liu Jing, I've been watching your Douyin, a very beautiful big girl."

"Thank you auntie."

Liu Jing quickly responded.

But Yang Tingxiang didn't have such details. He took a sip from the porcelain cup and said, "It's okay, Qian. When you come back during the Chinese New Year, I'll let you try my big goose. This year's iron pot stewed goose is definitely very delicious."

Mother Yang pushed him and said, "Come back for the New Year if you're talking nonsense."

"It's okay, Mom, I will definitely go to your place for the Chinese New Year. My parents will come back from their trip. They should also go there for the Chinese New Year."

Lin's father, who was sitting next to Yang's mother, pressed her hand and said comfortingly.

Compared with Yang Tingxiang, who likes to breed at home, Lin Jianguo and the others can't stay idle and run around, so the family usually goes to the Northeast to celebrate the New Year.

Lin Jianguo and Yang Tingxiang also have a lot in common, and they often go out to break the ice to catch fish and so on.

Moreover, Lin Jianguo was particularly envious of Yang Tingxiang's small villa breeding garden in the mountains.

It was originally in the uninhabited countryside in the Northeast, and it was even more uninhabited on the mountain. Land was built to build roads and houses.

Walking into the huge yard of the villa, you can see sheep, big geese, domestic pigs, free-range chickens, and rhubarb walking around.

Although it took a bit of effort to clean up, Yang Tingxiang, who was already retired and bored, liked this strong pastoral atmosphere, and Lin Jianguo, a southerner, was also particularly interested in it.

When he passed by, he basically took over the work of feeding these animals, and sometimes competed with Xiaojie.

Yang Tingxiang rubbed his hands and said happily: "Okay, okay, no problem, it's best if in-laws come, I miss seeing you for a long time."

Yang's mother rolled her eyes and Yang Tingxiang complained to everyone: "Recently, he feeds those two black pigs every day. They are black, ugly and fat, and they weigh four to five hundred catties and are still being fed."

Yang's mother has a lot of opinions on the two black pigs he raised. She still likes the white pigs, and they look much better than the black pigs after washing.

"What do you know? This Songliao black pig is the quality specially researched by our Academy of Sciences here. It grows fast and has a lot of lean meat."

"Hehe, I don't understand, it's ugly anyway."

Yang Tingxiang became impatient when he saw this, and started to make a small report about Yang's mother.

"You don't know, she dug a big pond at the back of the yard when spring started, and raised some koi that she bought, like a big goldfish."

"When I bought them, they were all weird and weird. Your mother feeds them every day."

"Now all of them are as tall as my two pigs. The ones with big arms and round waists are fat and dull, with no aura at all. They are like koi pigs."

Mother Yang gave him a hammer and told him to shut up quickly.

Then she looked at Lin Yuqing and Xiaojie on the screen and praised: "Qingqing and Xiaojie have grown taller, more and more beautiful and handsome."


"Grandma, happy Mid-Autumn Festival~"

"Hey, you guys are happy too, who is the one next to you?"

Zhao Hanya was a little nervous when she heard her cue suddenly, Lin Yuqing pulled her and introduced: "Grandma, this is the Yaya I told you before, and you have seen her photos."

"Oh, I remembered, Qingqing is a good friend, right? He looks so handsome."

Zhao Hanya was suddenly a little embarrassed.

Lin's father said with a smile: "Dad, four new little guys have come to the family recently. Let's see how they look. Kaka is called Grandpa."


Fang Lin responded to the camera.

The three of Jiang Baibai also stood next to Fang Lin and stared at the camera.

Yang Tingxiang's eyes brightened and he said, "I know him. I watch his videos every day. I didn't expect such a smart husky to be met by you. It's good luck."

As he said that, he looked at it for a while and continued: "He looks good, but he doesn't look strong enough. I will give him a little cooking when I come back from the Chinese New Year."

Mother Yang on the side couldn't stand it anymore and interrupted: "Okay, Wen Shao, don't let him see it, he doesn't understand anything, all he knows is that if he is round and fat, he is well-raised, or he is poorly raised. .”

"At that time, I have to feed Kaka into a pig."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone looked at Fang Lin one after another, imagining in their minds how he would turn into a ball, and couldn't help but laugh.

Even Jiang Baibai and Xueqiu looked at Fang Lin strangely.

Fang Lin: .
Sioux City, Bureau of Special Affairs.

Compared with the quietness and peace elsewhere, the atmosphere in the Secret Service Bureau is still very busy and tense, especially in the Intelligence Headquarters that moved here, and the people inside can't even touch the ground.

However, mooncakes are provided for free in the cafeteria these two days.

On the tarmac in the Special Affairs Bureau, a black helicopter landed gradually with a rumbling rumble, creating huge wind and waves.

Yang Zhen, who was waiting next to him, remained motionless under the strong wind, and in the slightly hot weather, he wore a black windbreaker to wrap himself tightly.

As the helicopter slowly stopped its roar, Xiao Xu, who was sitting inside, looked at the unfamiliar environment outside the window with some nervousness and anticipation.

After joining the army, he went alone to unfamiliar environments and departments several times, and every time he started a new adventure.

As the hatch opened, he jumped out of the helicopter with his bag on his back, and when he looked up, he saw the bright full moon in the night sky.

I don't know how my parents are doing at home now.

The homesickness was fleeting, he adjusted his mood and walked towards Yang Zhen with standard steps like Yang Zhen.

When he arrived in front of Yang Zhen, he saluted a standard military salute and shouted: "Captain Xu Chuze is reporting to you!"

At the same time, he handed over the transfer order he had prepared.

Yang Zhen took the transfer order casually without looking at it, and threw it to Yi Fei who was beside him, and then introduced: "Yi Fei, you have seen it before, my secretary is also one of the leaders of the operation team, what will happen if I am not in the future?" You can talk to her about anything."


Xiao Xu also saluted her.

Yang Zhen waved his hand: "Don't pay respects, I'm annoyed, from now on you don't need to pay respects to anyone except Lao Deng."

"By the way, I have a present for you."

As he said that, he took out a piece of moon cake provided by the canteen for free from his pocket and handed it to Xiao Xu.

"Try it, it's delicious."

Yi Fei shook her head secretly and was a little speechless towards Yang Zhen.

After Xiao Xu took it, Yang Zhen patted him on the shoulder and said, "Come with me, I have a task for you."



"Don't be respectful."


Xiao Xu followed the two into the building of the Sioux City Special Affairs Bureau. He kept looking at the people and buildings around him.

There seems to be more vitality here than there.

Lin Shaohua and the others they met on the road even blinked at him, making Xiao Xu a little confused.

Before arriving at the director's office, Yang Zhen opened the door and stood there smiling at him and said, "Go in."


Yang Zhen didn't answer him, but continued to turn his head to signal.

Xiao Xu, who was carrying the bag, hesitated for a moment and stepped into the office first. After seeing the two people sitting in the office, he froze in place.


The bag slipped from his hand and fell to the floor.


(End of this chapter)

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