Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 168 Snowskin Mooncake

Chapter 168 Snowskin Mooncake
"The Scenery of the Imperial Capital": "When offering sacrifices to the moon on August [-]th, the cakes must be round, the melons must be divided, and the teeth must be staggered, and the petals are carved like lotus flowers. ... Those who have a wife who returns to Ning will return to her husband's house on that day, which is called the Reunion Festival. "

On the second day, it finally arrived at the Mid-Autumn Festival, which has a long history in Longguo.

After eating in the morning, the family gathered in the kitchen to make snowy mooncakes with the mooncake dough that was made yesterday and put in the refrigerator.

Because the freshly made moon cake dough cannot be used directly and needs to be proofed.

You can officially start production today.

Originally, Mama Yang just planned to take the three children to do it, but Papa Lin and Liu Jing also got involved after seeing the novelty.

And Fang Lin, Jiang Baibai and Xueqiu had never seen how this was done, and the princess was running around to join in the fun because everyone was here.

So it directly turned into a family event. The whole family huddled together in the kitchen, and two huskies watched from the table.

Jiang Baibai and Xueqiu also jumped on it directly, and the two big furballs took up a lot of space, and the originally large kitchen became a little crowded.

So the place moved directly to the long dining table, and the family chatted while doing it.

"Tsk, this year's Mid-Autumn Festival feels a bit lively."

Liu Jing fumbled for a while on Douyin and suddenly started talking.

With the improvement of international status in recent years, this year's Mid-Autumn Festival seems to be different from usual.

All the netizens who have been on the Internet have felt a bit of an unusual atmosphere from the Internet.

Early in the morning, all the powerful countries in the world sent congratulatory messages one after another, and most of them were sent by the prime ministers and presidents in person, dressed solemnly and with a sincere tone.

This kind of push can be received by almost swiping a few videos on Douyin in the morning. This kind of posture is not much more convincing than the previous New Year.

While making many netizens feel excited, they also don't understand what happened recently.

Obviously not long ago, information wars and diplomatic wars were still smearing, and suddenly there was a feeling that all nations came to Korea in the past.

Eagle sauce is so easy to swallow?

Except for a small number of foreign parties who feel that this is a normal diplomatic exchange, it represents the peace-loving Western world.

Most normal people are discussing and guessing whether it is some key technology breakthrough of the Dragon Kingdom, and at least these countries have suffered a lot secretly.

And judging from the fact that these countries continue to bully the weak and fear the strong, this loss must not be small.

Under the many official accounts, media accounts, and public accounts, sand sculpture netizens are discussing in full swing, such as orbital laser guns, nuclear fusion, quantum information, and so on. All kinds of guesses.

Even derived a lot of small stories.

The leader of a certain eagle country was preparing to interact with his lover at night, when he turned his head and found that the small umbrella on the table was precisely penetrated by the laser beam, he was so frightened that he gave an order on the spot, [-]
As more and more people saw the news and joined the discussion, the wave of whether the revival has been achieved ahead of schedule is also growing.

However, the official is still as stable as Mount Tai, and only responded with a sentence of thanking all countries in the world for their concern for the traditional festivals of the Dragon Kingdom and their blessings on the occasion of this festival. The Dragon Kingdom has always adhered to the policy of stable and stable development, so it did not mention the real situation .

Moreover, the major domestic media did not know what news they had received, and they were doing programs related to the Mid-Autumn Festival, promoting the excellent traditional culture.

With so many surfers in Fang Lin's family, it is natural that he pays attention to this topic.

Yang Ma put out the prepared bean paste, mayonnaise, and rose sauce one by one, and then continued the conversation.

"I also saw it just now. It seems to be a lot about Mid-Autumn Festival."

"It's not just propaganda, haven't you seen that many countries have sent condolences like the Spring Festival, and I feel that international relations have improved a lot."

"This is a good thing. There have been many technological breakthroughs in recent years. Coupled with the impact of globalization, we have basically become an indispensable part of any technological field, and we can no longer be suppressed."

Father Lin took the bean paste, looked at it and said with a smile, "But we still can't relax our vigilance. There is an old saying that imperialism will never die."

Even Buddhist men are very interested in these topics, and it can be seen that Lin's father's talkativeness is getting stronger.

It's just that next to Dad Lin are two beautiful young women, three children, and four hairballs. He is not very interested in economics and politics, so he can only taste it.

Sure enough, Liu Jing shrugged her shoulders and said excitedly: "Let's join in the fun too. We happen to be making moon cakes. I'll cut it up quickly and try to send it out in the afternoon."

After speaking, I felt complacent, and lamented that I was such a clever little ghost.

This Mid-Autumn Festival is so popular, I feel that Douyin pushes this kind of videos much more frequently, so it can catch a little bit of popularity.

"Okay, I'm actually ready."

Mama Yang dug out a few molds from the cabinet, took them over and said, "Look, I made it for extra money the day before yesterday. There are four Q-version portraits of Kaka, Xueqiu, General, and Princess, and a normal one. pattern."

"We just need to wrap the stuffing into the dough like making dumplings, and then press it with a mold."

"Yesterday I prepared a lot. It is estimated that I can make a hundred mooncakes. Let's taste some and give them to fans."

"Wow, Qian, you are amazing."

Liu Jing happily ran over to post with Yang's mother.

Lin Yuqing picked up the mold and looked at it, then showed it to Fang Lin with a smile: "Look at Kaka, this is you."

Fang Lin was worried, a cute and unrestrained husky with a big head was enclosed in a circle, and there was a pair of sunglasses on his face.

Tsk, I really know how to play.

Fang Lin decided to eat more mooncakes with Jiang Baibai's head printed on them later.

Xiaojie raised his head and asked, "Then how much shall we send out?"

Mama Yang pondered for a while and said, "Let's have four for one person, and it's just a set of four for Kaka, and then draw 10 people. It will be tiring to send more couriers. A little bit of welfare is enough. Fans can't get too used to it."

Fang Lin shook his head while listening below.

Sand sculpture fans are very important, you really have to get used to it, but unfortunately I don't have much right to speak now, or at least one person will get five, right?

"Okay, let's start now, the task is quite heavy."

"Kaka, the four of you will cooperate later. When pressing the mold, put your claws on the pressing rod and look at the camera to pose."


The sky is high and the sea is wide, and in the sea of ​​clouds, a special plane flies straight towards Sucheng.

In the plane, a boy was quietly looking at the sky outside the window in a daze, with some trivial air bangs adorning his sunny face, and sitting beside him was a man with a square face in formal clothes.

The specially hired stewardess came over with two glasses of water, bowed slightly and retreated silently, leaving a completely quiet space.

It looked like he had been instructed and trained in advance.

The man looked down at the watch on his wrist and turned to the boy.

"Xiaoxi, we will arrive in Sioux City around noon, and someone will pick us up to the Special Affairs Bureau."

"The competition between the two of you is scheduled for tomorrow morning, after which there will be normal communication, but I don't know if you will see him there today."

Mu Xi's eyes regained focus, he nodded and replied with some expectation: "Should it be? The child that Zhan Tianjian has taken a fancy to, maybe he is training hard now? I just don't know if he is using it or not. Lance."

The man shook his head: "Not necessarily, there is a high probability that it is a long sword. After all, Deng Jiefu himself used a sword, but it is not necessarily true. Yang Zhen used a Taidao."

"No matter what he uses, I will not lose."

While speaking, Mu Xi's eyes flashed with a strong fighting spirit.

At the age of 15, he has practiced spears for two years, and his spear skills have already touched the threshold of the subtle realm, and his talent has undoubtedly been revealed.

"Nonsense, have you forgotten what I told you before, let the water go when it's time to let it go."

The man couldn't help frowning.

"This time your competition is just a friendship exchange between younger generations, it is to strengthen the connection between my Mu family and Deng Jiefu."

"I have received the exact news that Deng Jiefu has been promoted to A-level in a treasured relic. According to the news that the world was eclipsed at that time, countless thunderbolts were born out of thin air, and the momentum was huge."

"In short, Deng Jiefu is already No.1 in the world. With this level of personal power, I am afraid that the world is so big that he is allowed to roam around. We should all be thankful that he has enough love for our country."

However, perhaps only this kind of person can be so amazing and gorgeous at present.

"Okay, I know the second uncle."

Mu Xi was stunned for a moment and said in a low voice.

The man looked at Mu Xi and sighed: "You don't want to be too horny, you are infused with the resources of your family, you practiced martial arts from a young age, and practiced spears for two years under the guidance of countless famous masters. .”

"And the other party seems to have just practiced not long ago. You should be an instructor this time. Deng Jiefu's level is too high. You may be suitable. Don't be stingy with your own understanding, understand?"

"Good uncle."

The man took a sip of the water on the table and sighed.

"Now you should also understand why I want you to devote yourself to spear skills instead of absorbing spiritual energy to break through the realm all day long?"

"Because the aura has been cut off for too long, most of the people we are currently awakening have only two or three aura cores. It is not easy for you to have four."

"The aura core that appears in our body is actually equivalent to the channel for us to communicate with the outside world, and it is related to our cultivation speed."

"However, even if it is you, the absorption speed is still too slow when the concentration of spiritual energy in the world is insufficient. Why not take this opportunity to specialize in spear skills."

"Whether it is from the example of Deng Jiefu or the ancient books found in the ruins, it proves the importance of mastery of skills."

"A cultivator's martial power is ultimately displayed by techniques, and a person who does not understand techniques will not be able to beat a person who has honed his skills no matter what."

"And sharpening the knife does not cut firewood by mistake."

"Cultivating techniques can enhance your perception of your aura and strengthen your connection with heaven and earth."

"Three realms of technique, basic, nuanced, and powerful. When you reach the state of powerful and can borrow the power of heaven and earth, you will naturally realize your sixth aura core, and greatly enhance your chances of comprehending the seventh core." .”

"And the seventh one is the key to stepping into the A-level. The king, just thinking about it is admirable."

Mu Xi nodded: "Second Uncle, I understand. After my spear skills entered the country, the daily one-hour practice has indeed become faster and faster."

"Aren't you about to break through to D-level?"


"Don't worry, wait until you understand the fifth spiritual energy core and start to break through. Although you are using the most basic skills to mobilize very few spiritual veins, these spiritual veins are extremely universal. .”

"As more and more relics appear, the research institute will inevitably sort out stronger cultivation skills. When the time comes, and you spend time getting familiar with them, the speed of cultivation will definitely increase by leaps and bounds."

Speaking of this, the man said with some regret: "It's a pity that neither you nor I have seen Deng Jiefu's sword at that time, otherwise it should be very good for you."

Mu Xi smiled: "It's okay, Second Uncle, there will be opportunities in the future."

The man snorted twice and said: "Having a leader on the road of cultivation is of great significance. You should seize this opportunity. If Deng Jiefu happens to be there, show it in front of him and see if you can be accepted as a leader." only."


Mu Xi was a little dumbfounded, why did he say that he was about to become a teacher?
"What? You think this is an easy thing? If your father hadn't had a life-threatening friendship with him by chance, he wouldn't have made friends with our Mu family."

"A man with all-powerful force and a huge network of relationships is a scary thing to think about. Fortunately, Deng Jiefu, as the head of the five guardians, has always pursued shallow social relations. In short, you should seize this opportunity. .”

"You have to show your talent and cultivation tomorrow, and you can't hurt his little apprentice's face. After all, he said that he is about the same age as you and just started practicing, so you still have to take care of him."

"I understand Second Uncle, I won't let my senior brother lose face."

"Okay, very spirited."

"Today's Mid-Autumn Festival, uncle, have you seen those blessing videos from other countries?"

"Weasels and chickens have no good intentions to celebrate the new year. They can't fight for the time being and want to paralyze us. Haven't they been doing this all the time? It is said that they have negotiated with the spirit world races on their side earlier than us, and signed a lot of contracts." Outrageous contract."

"Ah? Really? Tell me about Second Uncle?"

"Children should not inquire about these secrets."


At noon, the ingredients for hundreds of ice-skin mooncakes were finally almost finished.

Maybe it's because of Yang Ma's hands-on teaching yesterday, the skin of these snowy mooncakes is soft and glutinous, and the taste is quite good.

In addition, the stuffing prepared by Mama Yang is also the type that the family likes. The family is so busy that there are only more than 60 yuan left on the table.

Think about it too, there are ten foodies here, who doesn't taste two yuan?

Being able to save more than 60 yuan is considered merciful. If Yang's mother hadn't said at the beginning that she would leave some for fans, it is estimated that half of it would not be saved.

Liu Jing licked her mouth and quietly touched a piece of rose-stuffed ice-skin mooncake with Kaka's face printed on it. She was discovered by Yang's mother as soon as she got it.


Mama Yang was a little helpless: "I just finished training Xiaojie, don't you want to give it to the fans?"

Liu Jing withdrew her hand in embarrassment: "But the mooncakes you made are so delicious, they taste better than those sold outside."

Yang's mother rolled her eyes, she still needs to say that.

For making these by myself, Mama Yang buys the most expensive and best raw materials, and the butter used is bought in boxes of hundreds of dollars.

And each one has thin skin and big stuffing, which of course tastes better than those sold outside, but the pressing is a bit uneven due to handwork.

"Why don't we keep 20 and choose five fans? Five is already a lot, if there are more, these fans won't be surprised."

Mama Yang raised her eyebrows in surprise: "Do you know how many fans you have in total?"

Then he shook his head: "Forget it, as long as you are happy, then keep twenty, and you can eat the rest."



The foodies cheered immediately, they didn't eat enough just now, especially Xiaojie who called him the most joyful.

When Jiang Baibai and Xueqiu, who were squatting on the table and staring at D, heard this, they immediately picked up two kakas and began to eat them.

"Hey, don't pick up Kaka and eat all the patterns when you look at them. You won't be able to make up five of them when you send them to fans."

"it's okay no problem."

Liu Jing bit a Kaka and said vaguely: "It's rare, as long as one out of five people has a Kaka."


Fang Lin was a little speechless, wanting to eat himself no matter what.

And this is too ashamed of his fans, right?
Then I'll eat a few of my own avatars, I feel that the ones with my avatars are more handsome and delicious.

Just when Fang Lin was about to ask Mama Yang for one, Qi Ling's gentle voice suddenly came from his mind.

"The emperor's space has been upgraded, please check it in time."

So fast?
He thought he had to wait until tomorrow.

Fang Lin also temporarily put down the idea of ​​eating moon cakes, found a place where no one would be disturbed, and closed his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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