Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 169 Am I Eating Less Melons?

Chapter 169 Am I Eating Less Melons?
The bright sunshine at noon shines into the spacious and tidy house through the floor-to-ceiling windows and balcony.

The simple style still can't conceal the elegance and extravagance coming from the house, and the complicated lighting hangs on the roof to emit cold light.

Although this nearly 2000 million house is a dream home in the eyes of ordinary people, they are willing to fight for it all their lives.

However, in Yang Ma's eyes, what it brings is loneliness and desolation.

At least, it was like this before Kaka came.

Once upon a time, after a short bustling breakfast at seven o'clock in the morning, the family seemed to suddenly lose its spirit.

This feeling of loneliness was particularly evident when Yang's mother returned home alone after sending her two children to school, opened the door and entered the 300-square-meter room.

One or two years, I can still bear it, exercise, watch TV series, go out to buy groceries, and chat with those aunts, and the time will pass.

However, it has been seven years since I moved here.

Seven years.

Yang's mother watched the two children grow up to be two outstanding teenagers from babbling little ones.

For seven years, Mama Yang has been repeating this kind of life day after day. If Liu Jing didn't come to sit with her for a while every morning, she might not be able to persist.

Everyone in the family plays their own roles. For the family, Mama Yang is the head of logistics.

Basic necessities of life, food, shelter, transportation, eating and drinking, sickness, sadness, happiness, everything in the family is handled by Yang Ma in an orderly manner.


Yang Ma can choose to go to work or start a business by herself, keep herself busy and create her own different life values.

Father Lin can also choose to stand in front of the stage and take care of everything, enjoying the attention of the world and letting the whole family stand in the spotlight.

But in this way, can Lin Yuqing and Xiaojie, who have been facing nanny since childhood, still thrive as they are now?

It is true that the family has such a harmonious and beautiful life now, relying on the wealth created by Lin's father, but Yang's mother's own sacrifice is absolutely indispensable.

As Yang's mother turned [-], the psychological pressure brought by age made the loneliness during the day gradually unbearable.

So at this time, Mama Yang came up with the idea of ​​buying a cat, to accompany her during the day, and she could also accompany her.

Although the final result was somewhat unexpected, my family suddenly had four new members.

Fortunately, history has proved that his choice is extremely correct.

Looking at the happy family sitting in front of her, Ma Yang couldn't help but smile.

Since Kaka came, I seem to be a lot younger, and my life seems to be more meaningful.

The feeling of loneliness disappeared the moment Kaka arrived at home, and I even had someone to accompany me in my morning exercises, okay?
Although she forced it at first.

Mama Yang's eyes were looking back and forth around.

Father Lin and Xiaojie were discussing the robot while eating mooncakes. After playing for three days, Xiaojie planned to start working.

Liu Jing was holding her mobile phone for a while, and there was only half of the "Kaka" left in her hand. The plump rose filling and white ice skin were extremely attractive.

Lin Yuqing was whispering to Zhao Hanya, and peeking at herself from time to time, Yaya's fair face was a little red.

This made Yang's mother a little curious, what were they whispering about.

Sensing Mama Yang's gaze, Lin Yuqing coughed lightly and stopped whispering.


Lin Yuqing has also grown up, she is no longer the little padded jacket who talked to herself about everything.

If you don't want to stay in a female university, you might as well be as caring as your own Kaka.


Lin Yuqing noticed that Yang Ma suddenly looked at him with disgusted eyes, not understanding what happened.


Zhao Hanya poked Lin Yuqing lightly, and asked in a low voice, "Did you offend Auntie?"

"Where is it?"

Lin Yuqing secretly glanced at Mama Yang again, just in time to meet her gaze.

So she quickly squeezed out an innocent smile, who knew that Mama Yang left the seat with a sigh.

"It's over, I seem to have really made my mother angry."


But Yang Ma got up and looked at the time, it was already past eleven o'clock at noon, and it was almost time to cook.

She went to the cabinet and took a pack of beef jerky and began to look for Kaka, planning to feed Yishou Baobao before cooking.

In the end, she saw Fang Lin in front of the French windows in the living room, and saw a husky lying on his side in the sun, motionless, only his slightly undulating belly showed that he was still alive.

"This kid knows how to sleep all day long, he's so lazy."

Mama Yang sighed, and after a round of calculations, there was no one to worry about.

She opened the beef jerky casually, took one and put it in her mouth, then shared the remaining two with Jiang Baibai and Xueqiu who were lying on the sofa after eating the mooncakes.

Seeing the beef jerky, the energetic princess who was running around quickly wagged her tail and started to swing around Mama Yang, her fluffy tail almost catching up with the propeller.

She had no choice but to open another bag for her.

And at the table,

Zhao Hanya flicked her short black hair, looked at Lin Yuqing with big bright eyes and said with embarrassment.

"Too many, forget it."

Before Lin Yuqing could reply, Dad Lin who was next to him keenly caught this sentence, and smiled gently: "What is too much?"

Zhao Hanya quickly replied: "It's nothing." He quietly tugged on Lin Yuqing's sleeve.

And Lin Yuqing rolled her eyes, taking advantage of Zhao Hanya's unpreparedness and said loudly: "Yaya wants to bring mooncakes to Li Rui!!!"

In an instant, the atmosphere at the scene froze.

"Ahem, who is Li Rui?"

Yang Ma casually threw the bag of beef jerky into the trash can, trotted over and asked.

Years of experience watching dog blood TV series told her that there seemed to be melons to eat.

"no no no"

Zhao Hanya quickly explained: "I want to bring it to my parents."

However, her lack of confidence and her murderous gaze towards Lin Yuqing completely exposed her.

Everyone at the table looked at each other and sat upright, looking at Zhao Hanya expectantly, making it clear that they didn't believe her words.

Jiang Baibai and Xueqiu also jumped off the sofa out of curiosity, and ran to the dining table to listen.

One of the two didn't understand what love was at all, and the other wanted to hear how this little human girl fell in love.

Only Xiaojie showed a hint of envy in his eyes, of course he envied the one named Li Rui.

Are junior high school students easier to fall in love than primary school students?
Maybe I matured too early.

Alas, there is nothing like a sharp weapon to tear a wound,
Liu Jing originally planned to start editing the video, but she put away her phone and looked at Zhao Hanya sincerely.

Then he comforted her with a persuasive tone: "It's okay, Yaya, don't be nervous. Things like puberty are normal and beautiful. I still miss my youth."

Later, in order to prove the credibility of her words, she made up a nonsense: "You see, Uncle Lin looks serious, but he also fell in love in junior high school."

After finishing speaking, he winked at Lin's father and Yang's mother, signaling them to cooperate with him.

However, as soon as these words came out, the atmosphere on the table became even weirder.

Father Lin: "???"

Mama Yang: "???"

Lin Yuqing and Zhao Hanya: "???"

Father Lin was immediately shocked, how did he eat melons and eat himself?
When did he say that he was in love in junior high school?
Could it be exposed?
How did this come to light?I don't have any hobby of writing a diary, do I?

He and Yang Ma met in college, and he told Yang Ma that he was his first love, because Yang Ma was also his first love at that time.

After the young Mama Yang finished speaking shyly, she looked at Papa Lin expectantly. Papa Lin thought about it for a while and said decisively that she was also her first love.

But the truth is not much different.

At that time, although he secretly had a relationship with a girl, it was only limited to sending letters on paper.

He usually pretended not to know each other in class, and he didn't even hold hands with his mother. In the end, this relationship ended without a problem after he transferred to another school.

Father Lin turned his head quickly and then calmed down. This Liu Jing must be talking nonsense.

So facing Mama Yang's questioning eyes, he coughed lightly and gave him a calm look.

However, Xiaojie directly exclaimed and said, "Dad, have you been in a relationship since junior high school? You are so amazing!"

There was a gleam of admiration in Xiaojie's eyes.

"Cough, it's okay."

"Then who did you fall in love with, is it your mother?"

Father Lin: "."

Seeing that Dad Lin didn't answer, Xiaojie wanted to continue asking, but he suddenly felt several murderous auras attacking him, so he shuddered and quickly closed his mouth.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Liu Jing quickly changed the subject: "Then what. Yaya, I mean everything is very good at your age, and it will be a very good memory when you look back."

"It's sweet every time I think about it, right?"

She foolishly asked around.

Mama Yang said with a half-smile: "Hehe, it's really beautiful."


Liu Jing pondered for a while and began to use her ingenuity to remedy it.

"Although you, Uncle Lin, were in a relationship back then, you didn't do anything. Usually... Yes, you usually send letters with notes."

"We were very strict back then, and the society was not as enlightened as it is now. Puppy love was severely punished. Your Uncle Lin never held hands until the end."

Zhao Hanya seems very interested in the stories of adults.

Slowly relaxing, she turned her head and asked Father Lin, "Uncle, is it true?"

Father Lin's hands on the table crossed and rubbed each other, he was a little undecided now, how could Liu Jing have a nose and eyes? ? ?
"I asked you something, didn't you hear me?"

Mama Yang calmly applied pressure from the side.

Father Lin bit the bullet and replied: "Yes."


And Liu Jing hurriedly continued: "So you don't have to worry, and you are young and tell us, we can also give you advice, right?"

"We won't tell your parents, don't worry."

Hearing this, Zhao Hanya hesitated for a moment, looked at the curious eyes around her, gritted her teeth and began to tell the story between herself and Li Rui.

There is nothing unusual about this story. The seats in the normal opening row were all lined up together, and they were attracted by Li Rui, who was a little thin but looked very bookish.

The lively and cheerful Zhao Hanya happens to like this type.

White sneakers, white shirt, and well-polished glasses.

Although he is not that handsome, but he is clean, and he would blush when talking to her at first.

This is too poignant for Zhao Hanya.

After getting to know him better, she had an even better impression of Li Rui.

The family conditions are not very good, and it seems that there is a younger brother, but he is kind, studies hard, and has excellent grades.

As a girl and at the same table, she quickly discovered various details about Li Rui, especially his unusually sensible frugality.

A desire to protect arises spontaneously in Zhao Hanya's heart.

Moreover, the two dared not talk to each other in reality, so they had to confirm their relationship on Knockout, which is usually what Liu Jing said.

I haven't even held hands!

Sometimes when Zhao Hanya wants to secretly hold hands when they go home together after school, Li Rui keeps a safe distance like a dog.

However, the thrifty Li Rui would occasionally bring her some snacks, which made Zhao Hanya even more satisfied.

So this time it happened to be the Mid-Autumn Festival, and I made handmade mooncakes here again, so I asked Lin Yuqing just now if I could bring two pieces to Li Rui.

Lin Yuqing directly said that it would be good to take twelve of them home. The four Kaka's avatars were exactly the same, and their parents, Li Rui, were perfect.

But Zhao Hanya refused because she thought it was too much, and then there was the above scene.

After hearing all this, everyone understood the situation clearly.

Father Lin and Mother Yang looked at each other and nodded silently.

As adults, the two are naturally very concerned about Zhao Hanya, a good friend who grew up with Lin Yuqing.

If Zhao Hanya really didn't matter, they would definitely intervene. After all, if the children don't understand, don't they understand?

If something happened, she would definitely regret it in the future.

But now it sounds like it's not bad?
Zhao Hanya and Li Rui are more like partners in life and study, helping and promoting each other, and Li Rui is still No.1 in the class.

The two have been ranked first and second for a long time, but before Lin Yuqing's math improved,
Yang Ma looked around and decided to speak first.

She coughed lightly and said, "It sounds like Li Rui is a pretty good classmate. I remembered that he was No.1 in the weekly exam before, right? Yaya is the second."


"A good boy."

As she said that, Mama Yang glanced at Lin Yuqing, her disgust was almost overflowing.

Lin Yuqing said indignantly: "Mom, I must have improved this week!!!"

"Ah yes yes yes."


Zhao Hanya hurriedly spoke up: "Qingqing's mathematics has indeed improved a lot recently. Apart from mathematics, she is very good at other subjects. Now that she is good at mathematics, she may surpass me next time."

"hope so."

Lin Yuqing: "."

She snorted softly, planning to get the report card next week and slam it on Mama Yang's face, with her hands on her hips to make her widen her eyes and see where she got in the exam.

Father Lin smiled and said, "Yaya, the two of you are getting along very well, uncle thinks that you are helping each other improve."

"True love should be like this, instead of dragging each other down and falling together."

"I hear what you mean, it seems that Li Rui's family conditions are not very good? Qingqing, you usually take care of everything."

Lin Yuqing stuck out her tongue: "How embarrassing is that?"

Father Lin waved his hand: "I know what you mean. You have very strong self-esteem at this age. You can handle it well, and take care of others' hearts while helping others. This is a science."

Jiang Baibai who was next to him couldn't stop nodding his head when he heard these words, as if he had realized something.

But Lin's father thought about it and said: "Well, Yaya, you can privately see if you can find out what the parents of this child do."

"If you don't have a job or are not stable, uncle can help arrange it secretly, so that Li Rui won't find out."


Lin Yuqing's eyes lit up, yes, this is the best.

Zhao Hanyan has experienced this kind of situation, did he arrange the work when he said that he arranged the work?

Although it was a little strange, she really thought it was a good thing. She usually wanted to help Li Rui, but she didn't know what to do.

"Thank you uncle."

Liu Jing was laughing foolishly beside her, and couldn't help raising her eyebrows at Zhao Hanya, meaning that she didn't lie to her, right?Speaking out not only satisfies everyone's gossip, but also is a good thing.

"Okay, then I'll bring you three mooncakes. You go back and bring them to your parents. You can eat the rest of the mooncakes yourself. You can just bring them to him when school starts tomorrow."

"Ah, no, there are too many, auntie, just bring two. My parents don't like mooncakes, so they can just eat one."


Yang's mother couldn't help laughing: "You are quite a filial child. It's okay, take it with you. If you don't have enough fans, I'll just do it when the time comes."

"Isn't it normal for the Mid-Autumn Festival to draw prizes a week after the Mid-Autumn Festival?"

"Okay, thank you, Auntie."

"By the way, Yaya, your mother told me yesterday that she would pick you up at six o'clock today, and then take you to eat barbecue haha."

"Really? Hehe."

And Fang Lin, whose consciousness sank into the space next to him, didn't even know that he had missed a delicious melon.

(End of this chapter)

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