Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 170 Tsk, It's Real

Chapter 170 Tsk, It's Real

In the Great Emperor's Dimension, the sky is still the eternal gloomy darkness, as if it is like the abyss shrouded in mist.

When you stare at the tumbling black mist, a kind of unnecessary panic will arise spontaneously.

Surrounded by ruins that have gone through countless years, these historical memories separated by air walls are like bones sealed in amber, which can only be touched from a distance.

When Fang Lin's four paws stepped on the ground in this space again, the scene in the dream that day could not be restrained and kept replaying in his mind.

In the dream, the majestic giant city like a fairyland, the blue sky, the lingering white clouds, and the countless high-spirited races coming and going, all showed amazing vitality.

But how did it become like this?

The dilapidated scene in front of him overlapped with the fairy city in his mind, which made Fang Lin sigh.

He suddenly had the feeling of playing a farming game, and inexplicably wanted to restore his Great Emperor Space to its former appearance.

But this idea was fleeting in his mind, and he was still far from such a goal.

At this time, an ethereal voice appeared in his ear.

"Dear space holders, the fire seed of the era, the emperor's space has been upgraded, please check."

After the words fell, a message quietly appeared in Fang Lin's heart.

Fang Lin is almost used to this method of information transmission. Specifically, space is like a very high-level magic weapon. As the holder, there is naturally a connection between the space of the emperor.

First of all, Fang Lin can now freely imprint any creature with a mental mark. If the creature wants to enter the space, it needs to be approved by Fang Lin in real time.

With Fang Lin's consent, the facilities in the Emperor's space can also be used.

As for the space upgrade this time, the biggest change is the new building in front of Fang Lin, which is located next to the Yantian Room.

If Fang Lin remembers correctly, the location of this building should have been isolated by an air wall at first, but it seems to have expanded a lot.

The name of this building is very concise and easy to understand, Wudao Pavilion, it sounds like a place to help you understand something.

But its appearance is a bit strange. At the bottom is a huge bronze-like disc, above which there are suspended rings of similar materials depicting runes.

There seems to be no connection between these rings and the base, as if these rings are floating there out of thin air, operating according to certain laws.

This Enlightenment Pavilion does seem to have a mysterious and mysterious feeling. When Fang Lin approached and sensed it, he was teleported to a cliff in a blink of an eye.

This cliff seems to go straight into the sky, with fine green grass growing on it.

The clear sky and the floating clouds seem to be right in front of you, but when you look up, you can see the endless plains underground, and there seem to be various animals living silently.

However, because the cliff is too high and dangerous, the plain looks a bit unreal.

Fang Lin walked to the highest point of the cliff, closed his eyes facing the vast and endless time, and felt the high-altitude wind blowing on his lush and fluffy hair.

Everything in the world seemed to gradually become clearer, he seemed to feel the pulse of the world, and his mind became more and more active.

Tsk, what a place.

Fang Lin opened his eyes and sighed secretly.

The function of the Enlightenment Pavilion is to help the incoming creatures to comprehend techniques, supernatural powers and even the laws of comprehension. Everything can be enlightened.

According to the amount of energy input, the rate of improvement ranges from twice to no upper limit, and it is not impossible to reach 100 years in one day.

It's just that the energy consumed by this magnification is not something ordinary people can bear.

This kind of energy can be anything, such as the aura that the space automatically captures every moment, Fang Lin's unique influence factor, and even some treasures.

According to Fang Lin's current level, the space can automatically afford a multiplier of 24 times the comprehension speed 10 hours a day, and additional investment is required to increase it.

But Fang Lin is not very satisfied with this thing, because he has a stone tablet.

When he realized his supernatural powers, the help provided by the black stone tablet seemed to be far more than this Enlightenment Pavilion.

Fang Lin felt more and more that the space was encouraging him to take in younger brothers.

Just like the studio at the beginning, it contains so many skills and exercises, and can provide real combat practice.

Fang Lin can't learn so much by himself, can he?

And there is another Enlightenment Pavilion, which seems to overlap with the function of the black stone tablet.

Does it mean to let yourself build an Erha sect?

But it's not necessary, in a safe environment like Longguo, Fang Lin has thighs, and he has a promising future, so he needs a younger brother.

However, Fang Lin thought about it carefully. If this kind of thing is used well, it seems that it can save a lot of resources.

He can appear in the space in any form, or even not appear, with a feeling of only hearing the sound but not the person.

Shape the space as a treasure similar to a relic, so that people who come in feel that they have encountered a great opportunity.

Moreover, both the effect of building use and the resources consumed to open it are opaque. He can charge a high price and give a [-]% and [-]% effect.

For example, in the newly-appeared Enlightenment Pavilion, the space can comprehend ten times the speed without pressure, and one day can be used as ten days, but he can double it, and he can double it after paying the genius treasure that satisfies him.

The more Fang Lin thought about it, the more he felt that he was a little genius. Now he only needs to practice resources to advance by leaps and bounds.

Now that he has strengthened and expanded his aura core many times, the second core is almost 30.00%, and under the influence of the snowball magical power day and night, it will take about a month or two to upgrade to C-level.

According to Jiang Baibai's description, those who have just awakened and started to absorb spiritual energy are called spirit beasts.

After the first aura core is lit, it enters the D-level, the second and third are the C-level, which is the domain of the beast envoy, and the fourth, fifth, and sixth are the B-level beast masters.

Light up the seventh and step into the ranks of kings.

And after every three cores are lit, they will interact with each other to produce a more powerful effect, which makes the leapfrog challenge more difficult.

Fang Lin snapped his paws and calculated, why did he feel that he still had such a long way to go to become the king?
According to the fact that the spiritual energy cores in his body are getting bigger and more gorgeous, even if the spiritual energy is fully recovered in the future and the cultivation speed is advancing by leaps and bounds, it will take two or three years.

Can it take two or three years to become a king through normal cultivation?

so slow.

Fang Lin suddenly became a little Buddhist. Fortunately, he practiced it automatically, otherwise he would really have to wait until the year of the monkey.

He was more fortunate than ever to have such a physical talent for on-hook training.

Well, that's right.

Fang Lin suddenly realized that he had missed a feature.

As the master of the space, Wudao Pavilion can collect the user's use information. During the user's use, whether it is the perception of techniques, magical powers or even laws, Wudao Pavilion will back up the whole process.

As long as it does not exceed Fang Lin's upper limit of perception, he can enlighten himself if he wants. Although it is not as terrifying as 100% copying immediately, there is still [-]% to [-]% instant.

In other words, Fang Lin seems to have countless skills. He is indeed a little envious of Deng Jiefu's golden eyes, and Jiang Baibai's racial talent seems to be quite useful.

But he hadn't tried it, and he didn't know if something with blood, such as racial talent, could be replicated.

However, even if Wu Dao Pavilion collects the level of kings and emperors like laws, Fang Lin will not be able to comprehend them in advance for the time being.

Fang Lin withdrew from the Enlightenment Pavilion after almost understanding it, and he had no desire to comprehend anything for the time being.

You can practice while lying down, and now you can become stronger by "collecting rent", which is really unnecessary.

Seeing Fang Lin come out, Qi Ling talked with Fang Lin about his world impact factor.

A simple summary is to encourage him to continue to expand his influence factor. Recently, spiritual activities have become more frequent, the interference between the two worlds has become more and more serious, and the power of the world that Blue Star has generated and dissipated has become stronger.

As mentioned before, the power of the world is like the light from the sun. When the source energy of the world begins to recover, the power of the world will continue to emerge and act on all things in the current world, giving them the source of growth. Therefore, a rapidly growing In the world of the world, the power of the world possessed is endless.

At the same time, the power of the world is constantly being generated and dissipated. When Fang Lin's comprehensive influence factor in the current world increases, the space can borrow more of these dissipated world powers.

Seeing these dissipated powers of the world, Qi Ling felt very heartbroken, wishing to put all of them into the space.

"All right, I'll work hard."

Fang Lin helplessly raised his paw and Qi Ling to guarantee it.

Why is this weapon spirit still chasing after its master to work hard?

It's a bit like the stalks about graduate students that he had read before. As a big brother, he urges his tutor to make progress every day, and plans for him to become an academician tomorrow.

Fang Lin looked at the empty space of the Great Emperor, and suddenly said, "Qi Ling, don't you have a body?"

After a while, Qi Lingyouyou's figure appeared in Fang Lin's heart.

"My lord, Qi Ling doesn't have a real body, but if you like, you can transform into something."

While speaking, a cloud of mist floated down from the sky and landed in front of Fang Lin.

Soon the cloud began to change.

There are snow-white little rabbits, lively and lovely elves, honest and honest treants, and even fiery fire elements.

Fang Lin looked a little funny, and he had seen some of the looks in the battle in the studio before, which may have come from the data provided by the old wolf king.

Maybe the space itself also carries a huge amount of information. It turns out that this universe is quite interesting. I don’t know if there will be a chance for interstellar travel in the future.

But among the changes in the spirit of the weapon, he was only interested in the elf.

"Ahem, what, I don't like these very much."

"Oh? My lord, you can imagine the appearance you want in your mind and let me accept it."


Fang Lin excitedly thought of a few beautiful textures he had seen in a wallpaper engine before and passed them to Qi Ling.

"How, can it be changed?"


The cloud and mist in front of Fang Lin fell silent, and the mist continued to move and shrink in small ranges, as if it was very restless.

Soon, Qi Ling's ethereal and melodious voice came out slowly.

"My lord, I didn't expect you to have some special preferences."

"Can it be changed?"

"...if you're desperate, you can."

"Let's change."


After a little silence, the cloud and mist changed rapidly, and soon the image in Fang Lin's mind was clearly displayed in front of him.


It's a little irritating.

In the past, this kind of appearance was only seen in the hands of painters, but I didn't expect to see it with my own eyes one day.

Fang Lin walked up curiously and touched it with his paw, the soft touch was actually very real.

Qi Ling took half a step back abruptly and disappeared in front of Fang Lin.

"Someone is calling you, you should go out."



With a muffled sound, Fang Lin's head hurt and was sent out.

Time is like a shy elf, it will slip away from your fingertips if you don't pay attention.

More than half of September has passed in the blink of an eye. According to the previous calendar, August in the lunar calendar is in the middle of autumn, which is the second month of autumn. It is called "Zhongqiu", and August [-]th is in "Zhongqiu", so It is called "Mid-Autumn Festival".

However, this solar term doesn't seem to be suitable for Sioux City.

Thanks to the sunny weather in recent days, the temperature has gradually risen again, and today's highest temperature once reached 32 degrees.

Perhaps only in October, Sioux City, a city that has been a paradise since ancient times, will truly enter autumn.

As an international metropolis with a perfect combination of modernity and classicism, Sioux City has formed its own unique temperament in the development and fusion of history.

As the saying goes, "There is heaven above, and Suzhou and Hangzhou below." The water towns, ancient towns, and gardens of Suzhou City can make people linger and forget to return.

Moreover, as an important economic center, Sioux City has the status of being the leader of a prefecture-level city.

The Tassel District is the most prosperous district in Sioux City. It is different from the tranquility and leisure of the Qingshui District where the Special Affairs Bureau is located. The Tassel District has a variety of modern buildings and cultural landscapes one after another.

It is here that the exclusive residential area for the rich and busy, such as Yunting Community, is located, and the schools of Lin Yuqing and Xiaojie are also nearby.

However, where there is sunshine, there must be shadows.

Just near the elementary school where Xiaojie studied, there is a small building with a sense of time in between.

This is a small building with six units and the highest six floors, and it has a history of more than 20 years.

At first, it was a family building of the Sioux City Education Bureau. However, with the reform of the urban structure of Sioux City, the Education Bureau moved out, and this small building gradually became a three-way area.

Originally, there were several rows of small alleys with a sense of history in front of this small building, but it was a coincidence that it was annexed by an expanded one more than ten years ago, leaving only this small building alone. Here a strange T is formed.

The T character is this small building. Behind it is a shopping plaza with dozens of floors. On the left is a small building, and on the right is a very modern residential area.

Residents in the small building have to walk through a long and narrow passageway of more than 100 meters if they want to get out.

This kind of leftover problem in the planning, with the continuous change of office, no one has the guts to touch it. The buildings on three sides have built walls to isolate themselves from the small building.

Liusu District can only do its best to ensure the hygiene and appearance of this small building. The narrow and long passage is shaded by the cool shade of trees, which has a sense of tranquility similar to Yunting Community.

It's just that the buildings seen after the winding path are a bit old and dilapidated.

However, such a dilapidated small building still has a high price of nearly [-] yuan. In the final analysis, it is because of this superior geographical factor-school district housing.

One unit in the old community has six floors, and the two houses opposite each other are of different types, one is nearly 100 square meters, while the other is less than 60 square meters with two bedrooms and one living room.

The living room of a 60-square-meter room is very small. A TV cabinet, a table, and a few stools occupy the living room. People sitting inside even need people outside to go out first.

Li Rui lived in this 60-square-meter room.

Thanks to a comrade-in-arms of Li Rui's father before he retired from the army, he almost bought this house at the price of cabbage 20 years ago, but that almost emptied all his family assets and owed a butt of debt to his relatives.

But now, Li Rui's parents are over 40 years old, and they paid off the money a few years ago.

It stands to reason that Li Rui's life should not be a big problem. The house is worth about 180 million, and there is no pressure on the loan.

Unfortunately, Li Rui's father was not well-educated, so he could only do chores like security guards in a metropolis like Sioux City.

The mother just gave birth to another child and is taking care of the child at home.

For the education of their two children, they gritted their teeth and lived in Sioux City instead of selling their house and returning to their hometown.

 Thank you Dalin brother for rewarding the lord!
  Boss atmosphere Boss healthy!

  Alas, what can I do.

  The helmsman Jiageng still owes it. . .

  I will grit my teeth and write more tomorrow, but I will not brag too much
(End of this chapter)

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