Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 171 Goodbye Mom

Chapter 171 Goodbye Mom
In this [-]-square-meter two-bedroom house, the walls seem to be white paint that has been painted for a long time, because the traces of time are slightly yellowed.

Most of the furniture is wooden and crude. In the living room, a huge color TV is placed on the TV cabinet, and the big butt behind it looks like it has been a few years old.

Although the whole is a bit shabby, it is very clean and full of the breath of life.

There are two bedrooms, one is the sunny master bedroom, in addition to a large bed, there are also several cabinets and a crib.

The other room is a bit narrow and only nine square meters in size.

A bed occupies almost 70.00% of the square room.

Entering this bedroom from the door, the bed is almost on the left foot.

There is a cabinet on the right hand side, and the distance between the cabinet and the bed is just enough for one person to pass.

If two people are walking towards each other, one of them must turn sideways to pass.

A small desk was placed in the limited space at the end of the bed, which happened to occupy the last bit of space.

The chair can't be put down, and you have to sit at the end of the bed if you want to use it.

But it is quite comfortable, more suitable than ordinary chairs, and many people deliberately put a table beside the bed when decorating.

At noon on the Mid-Autumn Festival, Li Rui was sitting in front of his desk, previewing his homework.

He was wearing a small blue vest and a pair of big pants, his complexion was very fair but his body looked a little thin.

The weather was a little hot, and a small fan on the bed was whistling.

Li Rui looked focused, his piercing eyes fixed on the book in front of him.



Sound insulation in the old residential area is a big problem, and a cry came clearly from the living room.

Li Rui quickly jumped onto the bed, turned off the fan, and dragged his slippers into the living room.

There was a pink baby carriage on the aisle of the dining table in the living room, and next to it was a pink and tender little one in a white cotton coat who was crying on the ground.

"Mingming, why are you lying on the ground?"

Li Rui walked over helplessly and dragged his younger brother up from the ground.

His younger brother is more than one year old and has just learned to walk. He probably fell down while walking.

"Hey, don't cry, let brother see."

Li Rui squatted down and helped his younger brother to check carefully, and then heaved a sigh of relief.

Although the younger brother's big eyes were full of water, but fortunately there were no scars, he must have been frightened.

He stood up and dragged his younger brother up and put him in the stroller next to him with all his strength, then teased him to cheer him up.

At this time, Li Rui's mother opened the kitchen door and came out, and a smell of food mixed with oily smoke wafted out.

"what happened?"

"Li Ming fell down just now, but I checked and found nothing wrong."

Li Rui's mother quickly came over and checked it carefully, and then she was relieved.

Li Rui, who was standing by the side, looked at his mother's tired face, and his heart suddenly twisted.

His parents gave birth to him relatively late, and he is now 42 three.

Compared with Yang's mother who is still young and beautiful, the traces of time are very obvious on Li Rui's mother.

She explained with some guilt: "I watched him walk just now, and I remembered that there was something stewing in the pot, so I took a look."

Li Rui didn't care about this at all, he said quickly: "Push Mingming to my room, I can take care of him when I study."


Unexpectedly, this sounding very good suggestion was decisively rejected by Li Rui's mother.

"Just study hard, take a rest when you're tired, don't tire yourself out, you don't have to worry about things at home."

Speaking of which, Li Rui's mother saw that Li Rui hadn't moved, and urged: "Go back to the house, there seems to be something wrong with the range hood, just rest for a while and eat right away."


"Go quickly."

Li Rui had no choice but to walk back to the room slowly and sit back at the desk.

However, his hand holding the pen seemed to be firmer.

At noon, Yunting District.

As noon approached and it was a holiday again, the atmosphere in Yunting community became more and more relaxed.

Just under the arrangement of the property, the security guards gave each household a box of mooncakes with random flavors.

Although the gift was small, it represented a lot of heart. Of course, the two boxes given to Fang Lin's family were not random.

At this time, the two boxes of mooncakes were disassembled and placed on the coffee table in the living room, one box of rose fillings and the other box of matcha fillings.

"Emmm, it doesn't seem to be as delicious as ours."

Zhao Hanya took a piece of rose stuffing and tasted it, smacking her mouth and complaining.

Lin Yuqing took a sip and nodded in agreement.

The two girls were sitting on the sofa with Fang Lin and watching the TV series, the third episode of the first season of Game of Thrones.

For this TV series that he had watched several times, Fang Linquan regarded it as a way to pass the time, lying on Zhao Hanya's lap and squinting for a while.

Jiang Baibai and Xueqiu also lay beside and watched casually.

And Xiaojie and Lin's father are studying the robot together in Xiaojie's bedroom. After communicating with Xiaojie before, Lin's father and Xiaojie found that although Xiaojie has some language programming knowledge reserves, he is still relatively unfamiliar with microcontroller programming.

Intelligent robotics is a very complicated subject. In general, participating in such competitions in universities requires students of computer science or software engineering to cooperate with students majoring in integrated circuits to complete it.

Some complex circuit components involved in it are still difficult for students in the computer direction.

So Lin's father discovered this and is adjusting the plan for him. He plans to make a simple and basic one this time, such as a part of the robot, and increase the difficulty next time he has the opportunity.

Zhao Hanya touched Lin's head above her legs, and when he looked over, she pinched a small piece of leftover mooncake and gestured at him twice.

"Kaka, do you want to eat?"

Fang Lin shook his head resolutely. He said it was not good, would he still eat it?
Of course, Emperor Ha's quality of life must be high, and the mooncakes with high-quality raw materials made by Mama Yang are more delicious.

Fang Lin wondered if the individual cost would be more than ten yuan, right?
But it is not the material he bought, and the specifics are not clear.

Seeing that Kaka was not interested, Zhao Hanya shrugged and threw a small piece of mooncake into her mouth and ate it.

Lin Yuqing looked at the two boxes of mooncakes on the table, and turned to ask Jiang Baibai and Xueqiu next to him: "Do you two eat? Matcha and rose fillings."

Jiang Baibai, who was watching a TV series, turned her head to look at Lin Yuqing gracefully, then turned her gaze away very indifferently, and ignored her again.

Xueqiu responded symbolically, but also showed no interest.

I have eaten better mooncakes, why should I experience worse ones?
Both noble cats and cats expressed their dislike for these free moon cakes.

Zhao Hanya asked strangely: "Didn't they like eating mooncakes just now? They asked me for several times, and I broke a lot for them."

"The two little princesses are too high-sighted to look down on these things."

Lin Yuqing picked up another piece of matcha and ate it: "I think it's okay, but it's a little tired after eating too much, and the rest is okay."

At this moment, Mama Yang came over from the kitchen and put away the two boxes of mooncakes.

"Sit here and watch a TV series and eat all the time. It's time to eat soon. Look at her Yaya."

Yang Ma said as she lowered her head and opened the mooncake box to look at it and said, "There are only six in a box, I don't know how to save some for your godmother."

Lin Yuqing looked at each other helplessly with the snickering Zhao Hanya, and then fell flat on the sofa, acting like a dead pig is not afraid of boiling water.

After the soft body squirmed a few times to find a comfortable position, he stretched out his hand and pulled Xueqiu into his arms and lay down on his side.

Seeing Lin Yuqing swaying, Yang Ma walked over and gave her buttocks lightly.

Amid Lin Yuqing's painful cries, she turned her head to Fang Lin and said, "Kaka, go ask Xiaojie and the others to come down for dinner, and your godmother."

After speaking, I took the moon cakes and went back to the kitchen.

Fang Lin slowly got up from Zhao Hanya's lap, jumped off the sofa, shook his body, and went upstairs.

Zhao Hanya glanced at the time, took out her mobile phone and operated a few times to type.

Lin Yuqing, who was lying on the sofa, saw this scene, quickly sat up and leaned against her, and asked with a smile.

"Let me be healthy, who are you messaging?"

Zhao Hanya blushed pretty, and said in a low voice, "For Li Rui, he should finish his studies and eat soon."

"Tsk, do you understand so well? What did you post?"

Lin Yuqing moved her head to the side and looked intently, and found that Zhao Hanya sent a few pictures of snowy mooncakes that she had taken before, and the Q-version portraits of Kaka and the others were very clear.

Soon Li Rui replied.

Goofy: "It's cute (smiley face)"

Zhao Hanya: "I made it myself."

Stupid: "Awesome (thumb)"


Lin Yuqing noticed this remark keenly, and said with goose bumps in a mess, "Are you an idiot? This remark is quite special."

Zhao Hanya pretended to be stupid and continued to chat without saying a word.

Lin Yuqing pouted and continued to watch, then said casually, "Is he working so hard? He also studied all morning on weekends."

"Well, he worked very hard, or his grades are better than mine?"

"I thought it was because he was smart."

"Qingqing, you can't simply use talent to wipe out other people's hard work."

Lin Yuqing stuck out her tongue and said, "Okay, I know."

Immediately, he rolled his eyes and began to find fault: "No, does he also look at his mobile phone while studying?"

"Don't look at it, his phone seems to be quite stuck, except for calling and chatting, it seems that he can't play games."

"Then how did he get back to you in seconds?"

Zhao Hanya turned her head and glanced at Lin Yuqing, and said with some embarrassment: "I am very concerned."


Lin Yuqing immediately had an expression of eating shit.

I really owe it to myself, I have to rush to eat this dog food.

She put her arms around Zhao Hanya and pouted and said, "You can't chat behind my back, just chat in the small group of the three of us, anyway, you don't say anything nasty."


Zhao Hanya asked suspiciously: "How do you know that I don't talk to him about these things?"


Lin Yuqing froze immediately, and changed the subject very bluntly: "I guessed it, by the way, my stomach hurts suddenly, so I go to the bathroom first."

Just wanted to get away.

Are you going to tell Yaya that you peeked at her chat history when she was camping when she wasn't prepared?
She was still proud of her acting skills before, so she deliberately pointed out the remark of idiot to make her think that she hadn't seen it, but she missed it all of a sudden.

Lin Yuqing kicked her bear slippers and hurriedly stood up from the sofa.

Zhao Hanya put down her mobile phone and stared at Lin Yuqing expressionlessly.


"Oh, no, I'm leaving first."

Seeing Lin Yuqing slipping away, Zhao Hanya reluctantly picked up her phone and continued to send messages.

"My parents are going to take me to eat barbecue tonight, hehe."

Stupid: "(Sahua)(Sahua) Are your parents going to work today?"

"Yeah, they're so busy, oh, but it's very satisfying to be with me at night."

Stupid: "My dad is also working overtime. My mom has cooked dinner. I'm going to eat first. Let's talk later?"

"OK (wink)"

Stupid: "bye"


At five o'clock in the afternoon, the sun had lost its edge and became calm, and the weather outside was not so hot anymore.

However, the 24-hour intelligent constant temperature central air conditioner in the room keeps the indoor temperature from being affected by the outside world, and it is always comfortable.

Liu Jing had already edited the video and sent it out. She was sitting on the sofa looking at her phone with Fang Lin, and the two girls joined in the fun.

Zhao Hanya has packed her suitcase and is ready to go home anytime.

"Hey, Kaka, your profile picture is very popular, they all want to eat you."


Fang Lin glanced at Liu Jing and shook his head in his heart, your wording is very wrong.

However, the mooncakes with their own avatars seem to be quite popular. Netizens started to learn about the mooncakes pressed by Kaka and others in the video.

All kinds of sacrifices to friends' life, wealth, and love luck emerge in endlessly.

At the same time, Liu Jing's behavior of smoking five people was also complained by fans.

Mama Yang asked someone to design and customize the pattern, which is really very beautiful. Fans are very excited and feel that the five places are too few.

In just one hour, there were thousands of comments.

According to the level of the normal Fang Lin account and the comment lottery environment, at least this video has tens of thousands of comments, maybe it can break the [-] mark.

Five in [-], one in [-] chance! ! !

It's not easy to have a related fan of Kaka Xueqiu and others, and they are so cute, which is too rare.

Many die-hard fans have begun private messages to Liu Jing to buy a batch, but Liu Jingquan pretends not to see it.

Liu Jing watched the endless complaints from the fans, and asked Yang's mother beside her with some lingering fear.

"Qian, do we have enough stock for 20?"

"Enough, you didn't eat much afterwards, except for what you brought for Yaya, it just so happens that I don't have to do it again, it's quite troublesome."

"Is the one with Kaka enough?"

Don't expect the one in [-] fans who won the lottery to wait happily for several days for the delivery, and then opened it to find that there was no Kaka's avatar.

If this is posted on the Internet, she will have to make another fire.

"That's enough. I already knew that you guys would stare at him. I purposely pressed a lot of Kaka's avatars."

While showing off her foresight, Yang Ma smiled and said to Zhao Hanya next to her.

"Yaya, have you brought everything? Your moon cake aunt has packed it for you and put it in a box. She even packed a gift box for your male classmate~"

Yang's mother prepares a sealing machine at home, and sometimes she also makes some small biscuits by herself, and puts them in small transparent bags, and then seals them with a sealing machine.

It's like buying it from outside and bringing it to the children. After all, it's safer to make it yourself.

The mooncakes brought to Yaya were also sealed in bags, so they looked good when taken out, and a gift box was prepared for Li Rui by the way.

Zhao Hanya blushed: "Thank you, Auntie."

"Haha, it's okay, hell, or you don't go back, just eat at Auntie's house, Auntie stewed abalone at night, it's very fresh."

Zhao Hanya refused with a smile, she was thinking about it after not seeing her parents for two days.

Moreover, the parents are so busy, the number of times the family goes out for activities is actually very small.

Mama Yang also saw her wish and didn't force her anymore.

After everyone watched the TV series and waited for more than ten minutes, Mama Yang's phone rang.

Yang's mother took a look at the phone and said to Zhao Hanya with a smile: "Your mother, here, you can pick it up."

Zhao Hanya happily picked up the phone and connected the call.

"Mother! Where have you been?"




"You guys pay attention to rest."

"Goodbye, Mom."

Zhao Hanya handed the phone to Mama Yang, then nestled herself on the sofa and fell silent.

Mama Yang picked up the phone a little restlessly, glanced carefully at Zhao Hanya, got up and walked aside to continue talking on the phone.

Everyone in the living room almost guessed what was going on.

Looking at each other for a while, I didn't know how to speak, so I had to quietly accompany her.


Jiang Baibai jumped onto her shoulder and stood firmly, trying to comfort her.

She kind of empathized with this scene.

(End of this chapter)

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