Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 172 How Many Babies Are There?

Chapter 172 How Many Babies Are There?
Fang Lin was lying next to Lin Yuqing, his ears shaking slightly.

Even though Yang's mother had already gone to the restaurant and sat down and whispered on the phone, the voices of her and Zhao Hanya's mother were still clearly caught by Fang Lin.

It turned out that the company of Zhao Hanya's parents had a plan for the Mid-Autumn Festival. As middle-level leaders, the two of them needed to be with each other every step of the way, and they couldn't let their subordinates work overtime alone.

Tonight's family dinner was completely ruined, and it would be at least ten or eleven o'clock at night for the two of them to go home.

It happened to be the Mid-Autumn Festival, a night that symbolizes reunion. Zhao Hanya's mother simply wanted Yaya to continue to live in Lin Yuqing's place tonight. She also knew that Yang's mother's house was very lively and lively, and hoped that Yaya could feel better.

The two also prepared holiday gifts for Zhao Hanya and put them at home.

When Yang's mother sighed softly and talked with Zhao Hanya's mother, Fang Lin also shook his head in his heart.

On the sofa, Zhao Hanya was hugging her legs and tucking herself into the sofa, her eyes looking at the screen were lost in thought.

Fang Lin sighed a little when he saw this scene, and suddenly thought of an interesting sentence he had seen before.

"I can't hug you when I lift a brick, and I can't feed you when I put a brick down."

For most families, earning money to support the family and being with their loved ones is indeed a very conflicting proposition.

Parents like Zhao Hanya belong to the first generation of elite families, and overtime work has almost become the main theme of their daily life.

It is their hard work that can provide Zhao Hanya with a good living environment, so that she has never had money troubles.

Of course, elite workers are also workers, so they can't compare with Dad Lin, but the combined annual salary of the two of them surpasses most people in Sioux City.

Zhao Hanya can also buy new clothes at any time, eat the cake she wants at any time, and receive gifts from her parents on birthdays and festivals.

But only without companionship.

Fang Lin turned his head and looked at Zhao Hanya. The clothes on his body, the small chain on his wrist, and the small pendant on his neck all seemed to be of great value.

Although it can't compare with Lin Yuqing's handbags and decorations, it is still several grades higher than her peers.

Fang Lin couldn't help recalling how he was when he was a child.

In my memory, when I was just in junior high school, I seemed to still run around and play in the yard every day, and the clothes I wore were street stalls, and they got dirty once I went out to play.

When the class saw clean and pretty girls like Zhao Hanya, they didn't dare to go up and talk to them when they were unfamiliar.

After playing crazy for a day, either the angry parents twisted their ears and hammered them back home, or they got home and were beaten by their ears.

Anyway, "Father's love and mother's love" has never been absent since childhood, and the buttocks are all proof of love.

Thinking about it this way, it seems pretty good to have no money?

As soon as this thought occurred to Fang Lin, he shook his head hastily.

Forget it, it's better now.

Zhao Hanya's kind can only say that the money is not enough, it's so cool like Yang Ma and Lin's father.

There is no lack of companionship, no lack of materials, and I grow up happily every day. Every gesture is full of self-confidence and expectations for future growth.

On Zhao Hanya's shoulder, Jiang Baibai was still pawing her head gently to comfort her.

The comfort from a cute pet can heal people's soul the most, and Zhao Hanya almost recovered.

But Fang Lin didn't think it was necessary. Zhao Hanya looked like a very sensible child. Fang Lin could feel that she didn't have much resentment in her heart, but more empathy and worry for her parents' tiredness.

I don't know what factors can make a child so sensible.

At this time, Lin Yuqing came to Fang Lin's side and rubbed his head, and when Fang Lin looked over, he pointed at Zhao Hanya and motioned him to go over and comfort him.

Fang Lin glanced helplessly, Jiang Baibai was already there
And coaxing girls is the most boring thing, and he has no such experience.

He was a little lazy to move, rolled around on the sofa and lay down on his side, putting his belly on Lin Yuqing and pretending to be dead.


Lin Yuqing came over and hugged Fang Lin's dog's head and began to rub and shake violently, whispering, "Go, go~"

Fang Lin had no choice but to pull down her hand with his claws, and slowly got up and walked towards Zhao Hanya.

Zhao Hanya was holding Jiang Baibai in her arms with her legs crossed, carefully rubbing her back and smoothing her hair, looking better than before.


I have almost coaxed.

Jiang Baibai squinted his eyes and said to Fang Lin with a smile while enjoying the massage.

Fang Lin didn't say anything, he jumped to Zhao Hanya's side and lay down next to her.

Now Fang Lin has almost mastered some rules. It seems that as long as a cute, handsome and hairy creature takes the initiative to lie down on the human body, many people will fly happily.

There is no need to make any facial expressions or movements at all.

Facts proved that it was the same. When Fang Lin lay down next to Zhao Hanya, he felt the soft hair from his thigh, and Zhao Hanya's eyes lit up.

He immediately put Jiang Baibai aside, stretched out his hand and dragged Fang Lin over.

Jiang Baibai: "???"

She looked at Zhao Hanya in astonishment, she was still giving her a massage to repay her company just now, why did Kaka, a silly dog, throw him aside as soon as he came?
Fang Lin looked at Jiang Baibai and laughed secretly, maybe this is handsome.

At seven o'clock in the evening, the sky has gradually dimmed.

In front of the desk at the end of the bed in the bedroom, Li Rui was seriously taking notes under the warm light.

He has almost finished previewing the next week's lessons this weekend, and the notebook in front of him is full of neat fonts.


After Li Rui closed the cap of the gel pen, he breathed a sigh of relief, with a satisfied smile on his face.

"Finally finished."

He stretched, twisted his body left and right twice, then relaxed, and turned his gaze to a plate of grapes on the table.

On the white plate, the grapes with water droplets are crystal clear and very attractive.

When did mom let it go?
Li Rui recalled it a little bit, it seems that when he was studying seriously just now, his mother washed it and sent it over.

He peeled one and stuffed it into his mouth, a sweet and sour taste filled his mouth immediately, and his body couldn't help shaking slightly.

“a bit sour”

Li Rui is actually not very good at eating sour food. Others may taste sweet and sour just right, but it looks a little sour in his mouth.

But his mother will always wash this fruit and put it next to him.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door, and a middle-aged man with a gentle expression opened the door.

"Rui Rui, your mother's meal is ready, come and eat."

"Okay, I'll go right away."

After speaking, the man nodded and closed the door behind him.

Just when Li Rui was about to get up and go to the living room, the smartphone on the table rang.

Hearing this voice, he quickly picked up his phone and looked it up.

Yaya: "What are you doing?"

When Li Rui saw the news, he quickly typed with both hands.

"My mother just prepared the meal, how about you?"

After two seconds, Zhao Hanya replied the message.

Yaya: "I'm eating too."

Li Rui couldn't help but smiled and replied, "Did your mother take you to dinner? What did you eat?"

Yaya: "My parents work overtime, and they are still at Qingqing's house."


Li Rui thought hard for two seconds, and then sent the message in short order.

"Well, your parents must be really busy, and my father was very tired when he came back, but they must have you in their hearts, so please be happy~"

Yaya: "I know, you go to dinner first, and I'll show you the photo I took with Kaka hehe, let's chat after dinner."

Seeing that Zhao Hanya was not unhappy, Li Rui heaved a sigh of relief, and happily clicked on the photo posted by Zhao Hanya.

In the background of the picture is a spacious and bright living room, where the complex and bright lights complement the surrounding decorations.

A handsome husky is lying on the sofa, and Zhao Hanya is sitting beside him, hugging his head from top to bottom and smiling happily at the camera.

It's just that this husky seems to have a feeling of being forced to do business.

"Quite cute."

"Hey, I think so too, you should go eat quickly."

"it is good."

After sending the message, Li Rui put down his phone and stood up.

He looked up at the simple furnishings around him, and he couldn't help but think back to the glamorous Zhao Hanya in the photo just now and the luxurious looking house behind.

A sense of difference arises spontaneously.

Li Rui looked at the book full of handwriting spread out on the table, and pursed his lips.

He really likes Zhao Hanya, the lively girl who took the initiative to pat him on the shoulder on the first day of school.

But he, who has already begun to understand after entering adolescence, feels a little pressure.

But he doesn't want to complain about the script he got. He also likes his parents and his younger brother.

Work hard, for yourself, for the ones you love.

Adolescence is unavoidable. Some little boys in the second grade cheered themselves up and walked slowly to the living room.

Thinking about things, he walked very lightly, and when he came to the door that was not closed tightly, he couldn't help but hear the words of his parents who were whispering at the dining table in the living room.

"How about your work?"

"Fortunately, the captain and I have a good relationship, so I wasn't fired."

"That's fine, that's fine."

After a moment of silence, the female voice spoke again.

"Baby's father, why don't I find a job too, I'm very anxious at home every day."

"What about the second child?"

"No, let Grandma Ruirui come."

"She can still go upstairs, and come to live there?"

"Sleep with Ruirui."


The voice became a little louder during the conversation, and the two of them stopped immediately and looked around Li Rui's room, listening carefully.

Behind the half-closed door, Li Rui held his breath, not daring to make a sound.

After a few seconds, the man who didn't notice anything hurriedly continued: "Ruirui is so big and needs a private space, how can he sleep with his grandmother? What should the old man do if he wakes up in the middle of the night? The child is studying hard. We can't influence him."

"then what should we do"

The female voice was a little helpless.

"Well, wait a little longer. The captain is my old comrade-in-arms. It is said that the property management will raise the salary recently, which may be more than 6000."

However, more than 6000 is really not worth mentioning in Sioux City, and the costs of water, electricity, food, and Mingming are more than one and a half years old.

Fortunately, there is no rent, otherwise
"Okay, when Mingming gets older, he can go to kindergarten."


After speaking, both of them fell silent.

Yes, after going to kindergarten, it is true that women can have time to work.

However, kindergarten tuition fees.
Li Rui clenched his fists tightly behind the door, and there was already a trace of water in his eyes.

He forcibly held back, and tiptoed back to his chair. After a while, he deliberately got up and pulled up the chair to make a noise.

The conversation in the living room suddenly fell silent.

At nine o'clock in the evening, Yunting District.

"Lin Yuqing, go get me an apple."

"Xiaojie, go get an apple."


Under the bright light, Fang Lin was sitting on the sofa with his family watching the projection.

The atmosphere in the living room is very lively, because the Mid-Autumn Festival party is actually playing on the projection! ! !
It's really strange, there is actually a party for the Mid-Autumn Festival, and this program seems to have just been decided by the above a few days ago, which means that the traditional festivals will be held in the future, and this time it is an early start.

And the focus is to promote traditional culture, so that people who have never known it before can have a specific and beautiful impression after watching the show, showing the demeanor of a great country.

The above sentence, the following will break your leg.

The Longguo TV station, which was crossing the river by feeling the stones, gritted its teeth and "invited" many crosstalk and sketch actors that netizens love, and urgently brought over a few music and dance troupes from military bands and other departments to go on stage after hastily rehearsing for a few days .

The lineup of hosts can also be called luxurious, even more solemn than the Spring Festival Gala, and the veteran hosts in the town are one after another.

But when these people took action, the effect of the show was really good, and they really felt a strong festive atmosphere.

And these comedians who may be urgently called in other crews and variety shows also brought bursts of laughter.

Liu Jing looked at the skit on the screen and laughed, and repeatedly commented sharply: "Why didn't he go to the Spring Festival Gala last year? He should go."

The people next to him also kept nodding their heads.

After eating the dinner carefully prepared by Mama Yang, the whole family sat on the sofa and watched TV together.

Jiang Baibai, who was squatting on the sofa, was also very happy to see this atmosphere. She didn't usually feel the warmth of home in the spirit world.

"I'm going to the bathroom."

Zhao Hanya clutched her stomach and felt a little uncomfortable, so she hurried to the bathroom.

Seeing this scene, Liu Jing quickly took out two small boxes from her pocket and stuffed them into Xiaojie and Lin Yuqing respectively.

"what is this?"

Yang Ma was a little curious.

"I said the gift for the two children before, the Hetian jade pendant, didn't Yaya's parents prepare a gift but didn't see it? She is embarrassed to give it to me."

"Put it away, both of you, and look at it when you go back."

Fang Lin glanced at the two small boxes curiously, planning to go back at night to see what Qingqing's pendant looked like.

He has never seen hundreds of thousands of jade.

Thinking of this, he silently marked Jiang Baibai, planning to quietly pull her into the space at night to see how many treasures she hadn't taken out.

Fang Lin closed his eyes directly, and entered the space to prepare with Qi Ling.

(End of this chapter)

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