Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 174 I'm a Good Cat

Chapter 174 I'm a Good Cat
As if traveling through space, jumping and churning in the long river of time, Jiang Baibai's consciousness suddenly came to a place with clear sky after going through extremely complicated and dazzling pictures.

She seemed to be suspended in the air with a camera-like perspective and could not move. She could only look at the magnificent building complex shrouded in clouds and mists from a distance.

Creatures in strange costumes entered and exited the building brimming with spirit. From a distance, she could feel the obscure law fluctuations from many people.

She only experienced this feeling from her own father.

Before she could think about it carefully, the picture in front of her suddenly shattered, and she appeared in another world in a trance.

This time, an unprecedented sense of reality hit her, the four paws suddenly touched the ground, and the whole body returned to control.

This is where?

Jiang Baibai looked around curiously.

Above the head is a gloomy, abyss-like sky, and it seems that there are countless terrifying creatures hiding in it and disturbing the situation.

Looking up from all around, there are ruins and ruins that can't be seen, and the bricks and tiles are full of traces of history and full of decay.

Soon Jiang Baibai's attention was attracted by the huge black stone tablet beside him.

This stele.
How come you look familiar?

She thought about it for a while, and found that she seemed to have seen this stele in the previous picture.

Jiang Baibai confirmed his thoughts after repeated observations.

So, the dilapidated buildings around are actually those buildings that I have seen before?
Could it be that this is the relic space left by the great powers in ancient times?At that time, emperors did not seem to be very scarce.

It really has a sense of time.

Looking at the surrounding scenery, Jiang Baibai couldn't help sighing. She soon discovered the Yantian Room and Wudao Pavilion around the stele. The two buildings with strange shapes and full of mysterious atmosphere quickly attracted her attention.

All the buildings in this place have become ruins, only this black stone tablet still exists, which shows that it must be unusual.

The two buildings next to it must also be very special places, maybe there is some kind of inheritance.

Thinking of this, Jiang Baibai gradually became excited. She looked at the empty and quiet place next to her, coughed lightly and shouted tentatively.

"anyone there?"

anyone there?

Her voice echoed in the space, and slowly spread to the distance, as if she was the only living creature in the quiet and gloomy world.

Seeing this, Jiang Baibai couldn't help shivering, feeling a little hairy.

This place is like seeing a ghost.

Jiang Baibai muttered something in his heart, and walked slowly to the front of the black stele.

She thought about it for a while, and saluted the stone tablet very solemnly, her noble aura was undoubtedly revealed.

Jiang Baibai said solemnly to the stone tablet: "This junior is the daughter of the patriarch of the Nine Nether Black Cat Clan in the spiritual world. After coming to the ancestral land, she came here by chance."

"The Nine Nether Black Cats have always been friends of the human race. Seniors, please rest assured. If the younger generation gets the treasure, it will definitely help the revival of the human race in this world."

"The human race is immortal!"

Just when Jiang Baibai was probing seriously, Fang Lin, who was hiding, almost died of laughter.

As the owner of the Great Emperor's Space, Fang Lin's form here can actually be in any shape, everything in the world or in fantasy can change, just like before Qi Ling.

Because in fact, like Fang Lin and Jiang Baibai, both souls came here, but Jiang Baibai's appearance was locked and he had no authority.

At this time, Fang Lin was floating above the sky in the shape of a black cloud. As the master of the Emperor's Space, he was commonly known as the authority dog.

Coercion with the help of space is nothing more than a piece of cake.

His original plan was to use his cool appearance to pretend to be a comparison, and then as a big boss, he would naturally retreat behind the scenes, let Qi Ling come forward to guide, and just watch it from the sky.

But seeing Jiang Baibai like this, he suddenly had a whim.

So with a thought in his mind, the black mist above Jiang Baibai's head began to move.

In front of the stele, Jiang Baibai, who vowed to die for the human race, suddenly raised his head when he felt the change in the top of his head.

I saw that abyss-like elusive black mist surged violently, and at the same time, an astonishing power that pointed directly at the heart began to appear with the movement of the cloud and mist.

Jiang Baibai was startled, and quickly mobilized his spiritual power to resist this power.

However, all my efforts seemed to be non-existent, and the surging black mist sank down towards her overwhelmingly, as if the sky had collapsed.

It was as if a supreme existence was hidden in it, and the coercion that shocked her soul made her unable to move, as if the superior was overlooking an ant.

Fortunately, the power gradually weakened quickly, and in the end it just made people feel arrogant. Jiang Baibai was able to move freely.

A trace of awe flashed in her pair of different pupils, is this the once strong human being?Perhaps until now, there is only one out of ten strengths.

Jiang Baibai observed the overwhelming black mist, and a thought suddenly popped up.


This wouldn't be the former demon powerhouse of the human race, right?

It seems that it is recorded in the classics that, in addition to the righteous and powerful, there are also some anti-human heresies who practice very evil skills.

This black mist looks more and more like it,

Now that I have come to someone else's territory, I said what I just said
Sure enough, the black mist suddenly churned up, and the same unfamiliar language echoed in the space astonishingly.

"I have struggled under this black abyss for hundreds of millions of years, and I finally see the light of day again!"

"The harm done to me by those sanctimonious hypocrites in the past is still so painful!"

"I no longer regard myself as a human race. I have sworn countless times in the hundreds of millions of years that I will definitely turn the human race upside down."

The words of coercion mixed with a megaphone hit Jiang Baibai's ears. When she was dumbfounded, Fang Lin continued.

"I didn't expect that the first person who strayed into the black abyss was actually a cat who made good friends with the human race!"

"Tell me, what method should I use to torture you?"

In the end, Jiang Baibai's heart was startled by the slightly plain words.

She rolled her eyes and said quickly, neither humble nor overbearing: "Wait a minute!"

"The seniors don't know, but the juniors are also hostile to the human race."

"The younger generation just thought that this place was under the control of the human race, so they had to say good things."

"Predecessors clearly learned that the race of this junior is the Nine Nether Mysterious Cats, which is not a good thing if you hear it, so you don't tend to be human race."

After speaking, Jiang Baibai sincerely looked at the black mist floating above his head, quietly waiting for the follow-up.

And Fang Lin almost fainted from laughter.

Isn't the Nine Nether Mysterious Cat a good thing?
Tsk tsk, this Jiang Baibai is pretty good at talking, is it true that a gentleman should not stand under a dangerous wall?
He withdrew his coercion with a secret smile, and with a thought, the huge black stone tablet beside him began to emit a light blue halo.

A warm and friendly feeling emerged in Jiang Baibai's heart.

When she was a little stunned, the black stone tablet began to flicker with light and shadow quickly like a projection screen.

Magnificent and bright buildings, boundless shadows, battles without light from the sun and the moon, and the shocking sword to open the sky.
Under the integration of Fang Lin, various elements are integrated into one, showing an epic chapter of the human race fighting bloody battles against the enemy.

After reading these, Jiang Baibai was a little confused, the plot seemed not quite right? ? ?

Soon, a faint sigh resounded throughout the space.


This sigh seems to carry the dust of thousands of years of history, thick and sad.

"Back then, the human race suffered a sudden catastrophe, and the enemy came fiercely. We will fight bloody battles to defend the human race."

"This war lasted for thousands of years, exhausting the heritage of the human race for hundreds of millions of years."

"In the end, for the last ray of hope for the human race, the top leaders of the human race held a meeting and decided to divide the mortal world with supreme mana, leaving countless fires to wait for the future to recast the glory of the human race."

"And the advanced combat power of the human race will stay and perish with the enemy."

"I'm just a stealthy survivor who was chosen to be sealed in this space because of my serious injuries back then."

"Now it seems that they have won, and the mortal world has begun to recover, and this space and I have gradually awakened."


"I just met you, a kitten who wants to be the enemy of the human race."

Jiang Baibai: "."

I really tied Q! ! !
How can the boss tease the children?
Her little white claws couldn't help scratching the ground in embarrassment.

"Hehe, after so many years of loneliness, I really have too much to talk about. Why are you talking about this?"

While speaking, the aura gathered again, as if accumulating strength to crush her.

Jiang Baibai gritted her teeth and decided to be thick-skinned to the end, anyway, she is good in herself!
"Senior, wait!"

"Listen to the junior, everything the junior said at the beginning is true!"

"The latter is just a lie compiled by the younger generation in order to preserve their usefulness and help the human race regain their glory because of the test of the seniors."

"Oh? You mean to blame me?"

"Junior dare not."

Black Mist pondered for a while and continued.

"So, you have a good relationship with the human race?"

"It's true."

"Then the name Jiuyouxuan cat is also a kind race?"

"It is necessary, you can see that my hair is all white, just like my clear and kind heart."

After the words fell, Jiang Baibai found that the black mist suddenly seemed to twitch. She thought that the senior was thinking, so she squatted obediently on the spot.

And Fang Lin was already convulsed with laughter.

All right, stop teasing her.

"Hehe, well, I'm just kidding you because I've been alone for too long and I'm getting bored."

"I can see that you have a heart of integrity."

Jiang Baibai nodded repeatedly.

"This space that was sealed into the mortal world with me back then is the most important treasure, containing all the painstaking efforts of the human race back then."

"Since you have this predestined relationship, let's explore it slowly."

After the words fell, the black mist rose up like a giant dragon and returned to the clouds, and the sky once again became black mist shrouded in darkness.

Just when Jiang Baibai didn't know what to do, Qi Ling appeared.

The fairy-like spirit slowly appeared in front of Jiang Baibai's eyes, and his aura contained all the expectations for a fairy.

"Hello, intruder intertwined with fate, I am the tool spirit of this space, and I will guide you."

Jiang Baibai looked at the beautiful fairy in front of him, his eyes lit up.

Facts have proved that both men and women like good-looking.

"Hello hello, what should I do?"

Qi Ling smiled slightly and slowly floated to the front of the stele and said to Jiang Baibai: "Although the space holder has confirmed your qualifications, as an intruder, you still need to carry out necessary tests to ensure that you will not cause damage to the human race. "

"Ah? How to measure it."

Jiang Baibai shook his tail, and couldn't help but stand taller.

"Please sit in front of the stele and close your eyes. The brilliance of the stele will test your mind. If your heart is full of extremes and evil, then you will not be able to pass."


Jiang Baibai walked slowly to Qi Ling, squatted down and closed his eyes.

The black stele immediately shone with blue light on Jiang Baibai.

After a long time, just when Jiang Baibai was about to open his eyes, Qi Ling spoke.

"Congratulations, little princess of the Nine Nether Mysterious Cat Clan, you have passed the test of the space, so may I ask if you really want to be the patron of the space."

"After becoming the caretaker of space, you will enjoy the crystallization of the hard work of the human race and obtain the most precious resources, but you will bear a heavy responsibility."

Jiang Baibai responded with a serious face: "It is my duty to recast the glory of the human race."

Firm like a real human being.

"Very good, caretaker, may the starlight on the road ahead bless you."

After the words fell, a ray of light projected from the black stone tablet and shone on Jiang Baibai.

Under the light, Jiang Baibai felt unusually warm, and a small silver moon suddenly took shape in front of her, surrounded by countless mysterious runes.

This silver moon slowly shrunk and merged into her chest, like a badge hanging on her chest.

The light loomed, and Yinyue disappeared.

Jiang Baibai raised her paw and touched her chest. There was nothing unusual. She raised her head curiously and asked, "This is it?"

"Career, this is the mark of the space. You can use this to apply to enter the space to use various facilities at any time. Please ensure your physical safety before entering."

Outsiders like Jiang Baibai come here as souls and not entities and not masters of space, so they need to go back and digest the insights gained in the Yantian Room or Wudao Pavilion.


Jiang Baibai nodded thoughtfully, she hesitated for a moment and said with some embarrassment: "Sister Qi Ling, can you tell me about the facilities?"

"Of course, come with me."

With fluttering clothes, Qi Ling led Jiang Baibai to the performance room, and introduced by the way.

"As you can see, the space carries the last hope of the human race. It was damaged in the division of the world, and it lost its energy support in the endless years and slowly decayed."

"If the emperor hadn't sacrificed the origin to maintain it, the space might have ceased to exist."

"Fortunately, when the emperor was about to be unable to support himself, the aura finally began to recover."

Hearing this, Jiang Baibai couldn't help feeling a little respect.

"The two remaining facilities in the space are Yantian Room and Wudao Pavilion."

"There are data of countless living beings in the studio, where patrons can choose opponents for real-time battles in various situations, 100% restore real battle scenes for you to test your fighting skills, test your fighting ideas, and die in it to start all over again. "

"Wu Dao Pavilion can help patrons understand techniques, supernatural powers and even laws. Everything can be understood."


Jiang Baibai felt that he had heard it wrong, did he realize the laws of supernatural powers?
"Can you also understand your own spiritual source?"


Jiang Baibai took a deep breath, and finally understood what kind of opportunity he had encountered.

Compared with humans, spirit beasts are born with longer lifespans, outrageous physical bodies and even bloodline talents.

However, what the human race lacks the most, and what the human race is best at, is understanding.

This kind of thing is very strange, obviously there are many people full of great wisdom in spirit beasts, but it just takes longer to comprehend supernatural powers, comprehend skills, comprehend the source of spirituality, and comprehend the law.

And what is important may not be the spiritual source, but the law.

Jiang Baibai thought in his heart that things like laws represent the living beings' comprehension of the world, and only the beast master can see the threshold.

She calmed down and asked, "How can I experience it?"

Qi Ling smiled: "The space is in a very dangerous situation now, so in addition to the self-repair of the space, it also needs the help of the caretakers."

"Favourites can experience each facility for one hour, and then need to spend energy to obtain permission."

"Spiritual crystals, treasures, spiritual fruits, pills, etc., everything that contains spiritual power is fine."

In the sky, Fang Lin, who was observing all this, couldn't wait.

The 1 beast spirit level that Jiang Baibai gave himself before can replace the 24-hour on-hook training.

But this is Fang Lin's, and normal people only have one-tenth or less of the absorption rate.

Now after the expansion and strengthening of various treasures, Fang Lin still needs a month or two to break through, it depends on what kind of treasure Jiang Baibai can give.


(End of this chapter)

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