Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 175 Thanks Jiang Baibai

Chapter 175 Thanks Jiang Baibai

Hearing Qi Ling's words, Jiang Baibai raised his eyebrows and felt a little strange.

Do I need to bear the cost of using this facility?
But it's not a problem when you think about it carefully. After all, Qi Ling also said that the current situation in the space is relatively bad, and it's not a problem for the user to bear some.

But the key is to bear it yourself?

As the royal family of the spirit world, the Nine Nether Mysterious Cat Clan naturally has some valuable places to assist in cultivation, such as a training room that can create a higher concentration of aura.

Even if this kind of thing can't be compared with the two facilities in this space, the materials consumed are astonishing, and it is difficult for a family to afford it.

And I feel that what the space needs more should be spirit crystals, right?

Although I have a lot of training aids, but I don't have many spirit crystals.

Lingjing is a kind of mineral vein formed after thousands of years of deposition in places with rich aura, with a hard shell.

Although the aura content in it is very rich, a piece of high-grade spirit crystal the size of a basketball has a huge amount of aura, but this kind of spirit crystal is generally used as energy for training facilities, formations, etc., and is rarely used for cultivation.

Because the aura shell of the spirit crystal is very tough, unless it mobilizes the power of heaven and earth to destroy its structure, it is difficult to be used.

Moreover, the spiritual energy will spread after the spirit crystal is broken, and the utilization rate of self-cultivation is extremely low.

Jiang Baibai touched the small bell around his neck, and looked at the spirit crystal ball with a diameter of about one meter lying quietly in the portable space, and couldn't help feeling a little worried.

The aura room in the clan that allows many clansmen to practice at the same time basically takes so much to open once.

How much did the more advanced Yantian Room and Wudao Pavilion cost in that space?

Unexpectedly, one day she, the princess of the royal family, would be troubled by not having enough spirit crystals.

She twitched and said to Qi Ling: "Sister Qi Ling, how much energy does it cost to use it once?"

Qi Ling pondered for a moment and said: "In fact, the purpose of the space is to help the human race regain its glory and cultivate more and better people, so what you pay is actually equivalent to a ticket, and you will not be allowed to fully bear all the energy consumption. .”

"It's just like the bus or subway in Longguo in the outside world. Although the bus costs millions, it only costs one or two dragon coins per person."

Jiang Baibai understood when he heard this, but it's okay, he must be able to afford it.

At the same time, Qi Ling, who had been instructed by Fang Lin, continued to speak with a smile.

"At this stage, the aura has just recovered. Considering that the patrons at this stage are cash-strapped, the price of the tickets will fluctuate and gradually increase, and finally return to normal levels. The patrons can submit the tickets first, and I will proceed according to your submission. specific assessment."

The implication is that, considering that people who have just recovered are poor, the price of space facilities is actually very low now, and will gradually increase and return to the final level.

At first glance, it is a very humanized consideration, and it is extremely considerate to users.

However, in fact, the price is what I say, and the price will continue to increase in the future, and it is up to me to judge how much time you give the thing is worth.

Fang Lin had communicated carefully with Qi Ling before.

The most important source of energy for Wu Dao Pavilion and Yantian Room has changed from absorbing spiritual power independently in space to absorbing world power.

These are higher and more original energies than Reiki.

Fully affordable to run both buildings and still have a deposit ready for the next upgrade.

So these tickets are completely a small treasury prepared by Fang Lin for himself.

Speaking of it, what made Fang Lin most depressed was this, such an awesome space, why Wudao Pavilion played Tianshi.

It's just that there is no place to speed up his cultivation. What he needs most now is to upgrade his cultivation. Otherwise, those who need to work hard will just use something for nothing.

Jiang Baibai was a little hesitant after listening. There is no clear standard, which makes it very difficult for him.

Will getting less will make Qi Ling and the boss feel that they are disloyal to the human race and wear small shoes for themselves?

After all, I just said that I am a princess of the clan.

But if you give too much.
Forget it.

Gritting his teeth, Jiang Baibai took out the entire spirit crystal from the bell.


A large lump of spirit crystals fell to the ground, shining with crystal blue light.

Qi Ling couldn't help but her eyes lit up when she glanced at it, she waved her hand calmly, and the whole spirit crystal flew out of thin air and slowly merged into the black stone tablet.

Fang Lin, who saw this scene in the sky, hurriedly asked via voice transmission: "Why was it swallowed by the stone tablet? Didn't you say that it would be a good rake?"

Just now, the big lump of shiny Eastern and Western forests seems to be very rare, okay?

"Don't worry, my lord. This thing is the crystallization of the source qi of this world, but you can't use it directly now. The space can extract pure source qi for you, which is enough for you to light up the next source qi core and there is still a surplus."

Fang Lin almost scolded his mother when he heard that he couldn't use it directly, but fortunately, the space has this function.

He muttered to Qi Ling in his heart: "I don't want to be in a hurry, who made you so big that you don't even have the function of providing spiritual cultivation."

Qi Ling ignored Fang Lin's complaints, and said to Jiang Baibai who was waiting with a smile.

"Favourite, this Genesis Qi crystal you provided is enough for a period of time, I will remind you in advance when your balance is exhausted."

"Now you can freely choose facilities to experience, just use telepathy."

After she finished speaking, she paused, and then added: "Favourite, thank you for your support of the space, the emperor will never forget your contribution."

"May the starlight on the road ahead bless you."

Qi Ling's melodious and ethereal voice made Jiang Baibai very happy. Fortunately, she gave a lot on purpose. It seems that the boss is quite satisfied.

Although it is a bit uncomfortable not to see your usage balance, it is good to be able to use it.

Such a powerful boss would definitely not cheat himself, right?
Jiang Baibai sorted out his mood and went straight to the Enlightenment Pavilion that he valued most.

Standing in front of Wudao Pavilion, according to sister Qi Ling's statement, she disappeared in place with a thought.

After Jiang Baibai disappeared, Fang Lin couldn't wait to appear in front of the stele.

Qi Ling seemed to understand what Fang Lin was going to ask, and said directly with a smile: "My respected emperor, you can go out to practice now, and the space will automatically provide the extracted source qi."


Fang Lin exited the space without hesitation.

The space changed, and in Lin Yuqing's bedroom, Fang Lin lying on the bedside opened his eyes in the darkness.

The husky on the bedside couldn't help grinning, it seems that the harvest this time is not small.

Originally, he thought it would take him a month or two to break through, but now he probably took off directly.

Lingjing, it sounds like something like a spirit stone in a novel. I don't know how much the speed of practice can be improved after space extraction.

And it seems that Yang Zhen said that today he will take him to a friendly exchange.

Alas, if I accidentally broke through, would I be bullying the small?

With this breakthrough, I have advanced to C-level. The chief of Yangzhen, a first-tier city, is only D-level. If it is exposed, I will not be a major.
Well, I don't know if the Special Affairs Bureau has a military rank.

Major huh?
Sounds okay, and doesn't feel like it's overdone.


Fang Lin shook his head and stopped thinking about it, calmly and carefully sensing the cultivation in his body.

Where is the Great Emperor Space?

In a world of different dimensions?
Fang Lin didn't understand,

But when he practiced, it was as if the space was in the spiritual core of his body.

A high-grade spirit crystal with a diameter of one meter can provide dozens of people in the Jiang Baibai tribe with a practice environment with two or three times the concentration of spiritual energy, and it contains a lot of spiritual energy.

And when Fang Lin began to issue instructions in his heart, the abnormally turbulent tide of spiritual energy was immediately sent to Fang Lin's spiritual core by the emperor's space.

If the current speed of normal people's cultivation is compared to a toothpick, Fang Lin's cultivation speed is like a round toothpick box.

When others were struggling to sense the aura, Fang Lin saw a starry sky in front of him.

However, at this moment, the violent aura tide is like a concrete pier under the high-speed rail track!
The spiritual energy kept pouring in, and the spiritual core was continuously absorbed. The spiritual core in Fang Lin's body was already operating at full capacity, but some still couldn't bear such a huge amount of spiritual energy.

Fang Lin felt like he was going to be fucking overwhelmed.

The first spiritual core is also sending part of the spiritual energy to all parts of the body with all its strength, further strengthening Fang Lin's body.

The unique physical talent appeared again, and countless mysterious runes began to shine in Fang Lin's body.

Fang Lin had a rough feeling. The speed at which the aura was absorbed was almost two or three hundred times faster than usual, and a massive amount of aura poured into Fang Lin's body crazily in a short period of time.

At this time, Fang Lin's own supernatural powers also started to take effect automatically. The spiritual core, which was originally impacted by hundreds of times of spiritual energy, was affected by the moonlight and gradually withstood the pressure, feeling a bit like a lubricant.

And the spiritual core has also become more tenacious in this baptism.

Slowly, a balance was formed in Fang Lin's body. The spiritual energy gushed out, the spiritual core was absorbed, and part of it was sent to the body, and the spiritual patterns strengthened the physical body.

One hour.
Two hours
Three hours
four hours
The progress of two months of cultivation was directly completed in just four hours.

When the last progress bar of the second core was filled, Fang Lin's body suddenly began to mutate.

Awakening is just the beginning. In the spirit world, it is even called a spirit beast. If it is less than ordinary, it cannot be more ordinary.

D-level is just on the road of cultivation, although a body of spiritual power can bless one's body to achieve the effect of a little superman, but on the whole road of cultivation, he is just a new recruit.

C level is a dividing point, the beast envoy can already go out and take risks alone in the spirit world.

Now Fang Lin is about to step into the C-level gate, the spiritual core in his body is shining brightly under the nourishment of spiritual energy, and the golden light seems to show the extraordinary quality of the spiritual core.

The second spiritual core was also completely lit up, and a bright star path was built between the two spiritual cores, and the phantom of the third spiritual core gradually turned into substance and began to emit dazzling light.

And the interior of the spiritual core also undergoes drastic changes, and the spiritual energy stored inside begins to be slowly compressed, gradually turning into a liquid state.

The quality of liquid aura is stronger than before, and the talent is gradually emerging at this moment. On different individuals, one serving of liquid aura can be equivalent to three, five or even ten parts.

However, what followed also represented an increase in the difficulty of cultivation. In the future, the spiritual energy used to fill the new spiritual core will be in the form of liquid.

Fang Lin only felt a pain in his head when he felt this scene.

It doesn't matter if my spiritual core is big and round, why is this spiritual energy compressed into a liquid state? ?
After calculating the gold content of his liquid aura, he felt a little tired.

No wonder C-level and B-level are so rare at this stage. Judging from the current concentration of aura in the outside world, the aura in the body is a bit different from the outside, right?

What kind of monster is Deng Jiefu? ?
Could it be that he has the same hook as himself?

Regardless of Fang Lin's wild thoughts, the spiritual energy conveyed by the space is still pouring into Fang Lin's body in an endless stream.

The stock in the spiritual core, which had become scarce due to the change of form, gradually began to expand again until it was full.

Fang Lin's body has started the next stage of evolution because of the advanced stage. At this time, he no longer needs the talent of Yuehua to help him deal with the turbulent aura tide.

Those mysterious spirit patterns in the body absorbed the spiritual energy hungrily, and Fang Lin's body began to be strengthened again.

Monday, six o'clock in the morning.

Fang Lin finally opened his eyes again, and the light in the sapphire-like pupils was fleeting.

He exhaled lightly, slowly got up from the bed and jumped onto the floor to stretch his body.

After a night of training, he has completely completed his transformation and achieved stage victories on the path of Emperor Ha.

Under Fang Lin's own vision, the entire body seemed to be glowing, and the bones of the whole body were thoroughly tempered, engraved with complex lines.

He felt that without mobilizing his aura, his physical strength seemed to be as strong as before. He really wanted to mobilize his aura
Bullet, really tickle, right?
Artillery is just ass beating.


The physique of the divine beast is much stronger than that of humans, no wonder Jiang Baibai said that the greatest talent of human beings is their own understanding.

It's a pity that my understanding seems to be quite strong.

Moreover, under the continuous supply of massive spiritual energy, his third core has already made a small progress, and the cultivation speed of several hundred times is really good.

Realizing that it was time for Yang's mother to call him for morning exercises at six o'clock, Fang Lin temporarily stopped the transmission of spiritual energy in the space. Although he can hang up 24 hours a day, he still needs to keep an eye on such a violent transmission of spiritual energy.

As soon as the transmission of spiritual energy was stopped, the cultivation speed returned to the past again, but because of the star road link of the three star cores after breaking through, the cultivation speed was increased a bit, but it was still far from the hundreds of times.

Suddenly there was a sense of emptiness in my heart.

I can't go back.

Accustomed to such intense spiritual energy absorption, Fang Lin felt that his usual cultivation speed, which was already stunned in the eyes of others, was too weak.

Jiang Baibai, what a comrade! ! !

When Fang Lin was sighing, the door opened slightly, and Yang Ma poked her head in and looked at Fang Lin on the floor, smiling and beckoning to Fang Lin.

After Fang Lin came out and closed the door, Mama Yang joked lightly, "Did you suffer from insomnia last night? Woke up so early?"


Yang's mother rubbed the dog's head, and took a breath easily: "Let's go, morning exercise!"




Monday represents a new start to a new journey.

After the three-day vacation, the children looked very good in spirit.

At seven o'clock in the morning, the family was already sitting at the dining table enjoying the breakfast made by Yang Ma.

Today's breakfast is milk emperor buns and meat floss porridge, as well as the regular breakfast at home boiled eggs and side dishes vinegar potato shreds.

Because Yang's mother is from the north, she often had rice soup and shredded potatoes for breakfast when she was a child.

I wake up groggy in the morning, and my mouth is dry and tasteless. At this time, I took a mouthful of sour and crisp vinegar potato shreds, and the whole taste buds were immediately activated.

And the method of vinegar potato shreds is also very simple, Yang's mother often makes Xiaochou as a side dish.

Lin's father has also been brought into Amway's pit for so many years, and sometimes he often said that he was very good when Yang's mother didn't do it.

Zhao Hanya also washed up and sat next to Lin Yuqing to eat breakfast. Her schoolbag and suitcase had been tidied up.

At that time, the box will be temporarily placed here, and Yang's mother will help bring it there when she picks up Lin Yuqing at night.

Lin Yuqing seemed to have something on her mind, she was lost in thought while eating, and suddenly she turned her head and asked Zhao Hanya worriedly.

"Yaya, what about your homework?"

Zhao Hanya said indifferently: "I have taken a few subjects, and the rest can just be told to the teacher."

Yang's mother glanced at Lin Yuqing, shook her head and added: "He is the first and second in Yaya's class. If he says he forgot his homework, he forgot it. Do you think he is the same as someone?"

Lin Yuqing: "???"


Who else could it be?

After Yang's mother finished speaking, she smiled and said to Yaya: "Just explain the situation to the teacher. If there is any problem, let the teacher call auntie."

"It's okay, auntie, our teacher is very understanding."

Lin Yuqing curled her lips, is she understanding?
Before, the math teacher could catch her talking about her homework every day.

Hmph, but 30 years in Hedong and 30 years in Hexi, I, Lin, will be shocked by the results of this weekly test! ! !
"Hehe, yes, when my aunt was the first in the class, the teacher was so gentle. It's a pity that someone has never experienced this feeling."

Lin Yuqing just kept his head down and concentrated on eating, so she didn't need to bring up this topic.

When she comes back today with the report card, she will be slapped in the face.

Xiaojie was enjoying himself while watching a play, and it was a lot of fun to watch her sister slump in front of her mother, especially when she was still eating, it was even more comfortable.

Liu Jing, who was sitting opposite the children, seemed to be in a good mood as always. She stuffed a mouthful of shredded potatoes into her mouth and ate them, curiously asking Lin Yuqing and the others.

"Why do you look so energetic on Monday? I was very uncomfortable on Monday that year."

The three children smiled and didn't reply.

Zhao Hanya's nature doesn't matter, she also gives positive feedback every day in school, her grades are good and she is good-looking, the teacher praises her classmates and envies her.

Lin Yuqing was waiting to send out the report card at school today, which shocked everyone, so she was naturally very energetic.

As for Xiaojie, he is also preparing to talk to Chenchen about this trip when school starts, and he also wants to talk to Chenchen about the changes in the invention competition, although Chenchen is just a pendant.

He has already discussed with Lin's father, and for the time being, he will make a part of the robot to realize a simple function.

Xiaojie usually thinks of the alarm on the robot when he sees the flashing light on Ultraman's chest, so he plans to make a second smoke temperature alarm under the guidance of Dad Lin.

The specific goal is to make a single-chip microcomputer. When the sensor detects that the smoke concentration exceeds the standard or the temperature exceeds the standard, the buzzer will automatically send out an alarm.

In the later period, at most one more networked alarm push will be added, such as sending a text message to the mobile phone.

When everyone at the dinner table started chatting again, Fang Lin stretched his waist slightly and stretched his body.

During the morning exercise, he had a preliminary feeling of his own strength. Now, to be honest, he was a little swollen.

He looked at him in a daze, Jiang Baibai coughed lightly and spoke up.

"Jiang Baibai, what's wrong with you? Can you be in a daze even after eating?"

Jiang Baibai came back to his senses, and quickly said: "It's nothing, nothing."

After finishing speaking, he secretly glanced at Fang Lin and felt a little apologetic.

This opportunity might really belong to Kaka, after all, he was favored by the luck of his ancestral land, and the boss of this space said that he just woke up.


Jiang Baibai felt a little embarrassed, in the past she always gave things to others, but this time she took Kaka's chance
However, she heard from Qi Ling that it seemed that there was more than one patron, after all, the ticket was not the property of one person.

In the future, I can ask if I can let Kaka come with me.

Jiang Baibai pondered for a while and opened his mouth to Fang Lin and said, "Kaka, how is your cultivation going now? I will cover all your cultivation resources from now on."

Fang Lin raised his eyebrows: "So good?"

"Hey, aren't you going to find Yang Zhen today? After you get the tablet, just remember to lead me to win."

"Is it because of this? All right, you can score as you like."

Fang Lin looked at the serious Jiang Baibai, and couldn't help shaking his head.

At eight o'clock in the morning, Yang Ma and Liu Jing were watching a TV series in the living room. They didn't have any new movies, so they just watched the soldiers assault.

The naive Xu Sanduo made the two beautiful young women laugh from ear to ear.

At this time, Mama Yang's phone rang, Mama Yang glanced at the caller, answered it casually, turned on the speakerphone and put it on the coffee table, while she leaned on the sofa and continued to kowtow melon seeds.

"Hello? I'm Yang Zhen."

"Something to say."

"Cough, I'm downstairs at your house, and I'm here to pick up Kaka and the others for a formal physical examination."

"Oh, I almost forgot about it, okay, come up and take them away."


On the sofa, Fang Lin couldn't help turning his head when he heard the conversation, but there was no crackling sound like in the movie.

Are you going to compete?

That yourself.
 6000 words, good start ^^
(End of this chapter)

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