Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 176 Are you confident?

Chapter 176 Are you confident?
Not long after the phone was hung up, Yang Zhen went upstairs smiling and knocked on the door.

However, Fang Lin reckoned that Yang Zhen might even know the password of his own door.

Carrying two cat bags, Yang's mother handed Fang Lin and the princess's rope to Yang Zhen, and teased with her arms crossed.

"Don't give them four to starve, they are all good enough to eat."

Yang Zhen immediately patted his chest as a guarantee: "Don't worry, if you don't believe me, ask them how the food was last time."

Yang's mother looked at Yang Zhen, nodded and asked Fang Lin directly according to his words: "Kaka, tell mom if Yang Zhen gave you food last time?"


Fang Lin blinked. He always felt that the conversation was weird, and he wondered if other people would think he saw it.


Fang Lin responded to Yang's mother, agreeing, after all, the hot pot last time was really delicious.

Especially all kinds of sauces are also enough, Yang Ma still dare not let him eat too spicy, even the grilled chili peppers that he ate at the campsite before.

Yang Zhen grinned and showed his white teeth.

Anyway, this can be counted as a diplomatic expense, after all, the identity attribute of Princess Jiang Baibai is here.

Can be reimbursed, eat whatever you want.

Promoting the improvement of diplomatic relations between the Dragon Kingdom and the Nine Nether Mysterious Cat Clan only costs one meal, and there is no better deal than this.

Mama Yang curled her lips: "Okay, when will you send them over?"

"A set of procedures will probably be in the afternoon or evening. I will personally send them back when the time comes. Don't worry."

"go Go."

Mama Yang waved her hand and drove the four furry children Yang Zhen and Fang Lin out of the door.


After closing the door, Mama Yang let out a breath and immediately felt relaxed.

Although Kaka and the others were quite lonely before when they were not at home, but now, suddenly there is a feeling of sending Lin Yuqing and Xiaojie to kindergarten.

Immediately, I felt that the home was much cleaner and my mind was sober.

Yang Ma beamed and came to the side of Liu Jing who was watching the soldiers assault on the sofa, patted her on the shoulder and said, "Let's go shopping."


Liu Jing asked with some doubts: "Why do you suddenly want to go shopping?"

"I finally got a chance. Of course I have to go out for a stroll. I haven't gone out for a long time."

She picked up the teacup and took a sip before continuing: "The four unlucky ones were at home before, so you can't take them all with you when you go shopping?"

"When I go out, I always worry about what will happen to them at home. It's exactly the same as when Qingqing and Xiaojie were young. I'm so worried."

Although Liu Jing didn't have any children, she still nodded her head appreciatively, and then comforted her, "It's okay, Kaka is so smart and sensible that she can help you take care of them. Look at those demolition houses on Douyin."

"That's right, it's okay, don't mention such an unlucky thing today. Several store managers have been calling me recently to say that there are new bags and so on."

Liu Jing's eyes lit up immediately after listening to it, she hurriedly stuffed a small snack and got up and clapped her hands: "Then what are you waiting for, hurry up, they may be back in the afternoon."

"It's okay. I'll just tell Yang Zhen to send them back later. I think he likes to play with Kaka."


Fang Lin, who was still waiting for the elevator outside, moved his ears and looked helpless.

Yang Zhen had a cat bag hanging on his chest and another on his back. He led Fang Lin and the princess into the car, and released the two little white cats when they got into the car.

At about nine o'clock, the off-road vehicle quickly arrived at the Sioux City Special Affairs Bureau.

Yang Zhen took Fang Lin and the others straight into the office building and came to his office.

When he opened the door, Deng Jiefu was sitting on Yang Zhen's boss chair and browsing something on the computer, Yunyun was standing beside him, and Xiaolan sat obediently on Deng Jiefu's shoulder.

Seeing Yang Zhen coming in, Deng Jiefu stopped chatting and looked at Fang Lin who came in with a smile.

But before he could say hello, he heard the little Yang Yunyun beside him widen her eyes excitedly and bleat.


Then he rushed directly to Jiang Baibai who was sitting on Fang Lin's back.

"Sister Baibai!!! Woohoo, I finally see you!"

Fang Lin quickly jumped to the side with Yunyun's menacing appearance, and Jiang Baibai, who heard the movement, was even more surprised when he heard the movement and looked over to find that it was Yunyun.

"Yunyun?? Why are you here?"

As she said that, she jumped to the ground, and Yunyun also slammed on the brakes and stopped in front of her.

"Woooo, Sister Baibai, my father asked me to come to the ancestral land to find you, you don't know how scared I am to be outside by myself these three days, blah blah."

As he spoke, tears welled up in Gongsun Yun's two small black eyes, making him want to cry just looking at it.

"Hey, it's okay, I'm here, tell me why Uncle Gongsun sent you here."

"Woooo good."

Both of them jumped onto the sofa next to them, lay down and chatted with ease, while the rest of the room looked at each other in blank dismay.

Fang Lin looked at the lamb a little strangely. Did this delicious-looking lamb kebab come from the spirit world?

How can you be so timid?Aggrieved after being away from home for a few days?

Or is it that you can't restrain your inner feelings when you see your loved ones?

Tsk tsk, it is probably another child of a rich family, who is usually well protected.

But it's true, after that man has a daughter, shouldn't he treat her like a princess?

Even if he knew that he couldn't be pampered all the time, his heart melted at the sight of her, and it would not be easy for a poor boy to overwhelm her if she was well-bred.

Don't you see that even Lin's father and Yang's mother are extremely generous to Lin Yuqing's living expenses, and now they are accustomed to luxury bags in junior high school, this kind of food and clothing is not in the same world as ordinary people.

In the future, when those little boys see him, they will have to weigh first whether they can chase after them, right?

The blue-haired parrot flapped its wings and flew straight towards Fang Lin, landing on Fang Lin's head very precisely.

"Kaka, we meet again."

It stretched its wings, moved its paws a few times in a very familiar way, found a comfortable position and asked Fang Lin.

Fang Lin:? ? ?
Oh yes, this is the one I saw at the military dog ​​base last time.

But the voice sounds ugly, it seems to be a stupid male silly bird.

He wasn't used to having males land on his head, so he swung his paws and pulled him down without answering.


Xiaolan, who was pushed down by Fang Lin, spread her wings and flew over Yang Zhen's head, and complained directly in Long Mandarin: "This husky is too rude, how did you teach your junior brother?"

Finally someone was able to cure this bird. He usually runs rampant in the research institute and bullies many scientific research dogs.

And when he went to the research institute, he was also pissed off by this stupid bird. If it wasn't for academician Lu's face, he might have to pluck a few hairs.

Yang Zhen felt relieved and then laughed softly: "Don't just step on other people's heads."

Fang Lin asked Xiaolan with some doubts: "Are you a crow? Why are you quacking?"

Xiao Lan suddenly became furious, jumping up and down on Yang Zhen's head: "You're a crow! Your master, I'm a parrot! The blue-purple macaw is a very rare species!"

"It was killed, right?"


"Okay, Kaka, don't talk about it, besides, my hair will be gone."

Although I didn't understand what the two were talking about, I could feel a thing or two through Xiao Lan Yangzhen who was dancing on his hair.

"All right."

Deng Jiefu stood up from the chair and said with a smile: "You and Xiaolan have met before, he is usually a bit chatty and familiar, his nature is not bad, and he has just awakened not long ago, you two are fine We can communicate."

Hearing what Deng Jiefu said, Fang Lin followed suit.

"Don't mind the joke just now, I think you are quite handsome, especially this feather."

"Hmph, it's up to you to tell me what my uncle looks like? Well, I forgive you."

Xiaolan's nature is not bad, but all the heads in the research institute are his footholds, and he is used to it.

And pick those with thick hair, it is uncomfortable to stand naked.

"Yang Zhen, take Kaka and the others to the training ground. Mu Xi is probably waiting there, so we can talk over there."

As he spoke, he came to Fang Lin's side and explained meaningfully: "Kaka, it doesn't matter whether you win or lose this time. The Mu family and I have some connections, so it's just a friendship exchange between you two."


Fang Lin nodded to show that he understood what he meant, that is, let him go?

Then play a little bit.

When Yang Zhen heard this, he spoke very enthusiastically: "Don't worry, I told Mu Xi yesterday that if he dares to strike hard, I must beat him up."

Deng Jiefu sighed and didn't want to say anything to Yang Zhenduo, so he waved his hand to tell him to go away.

"Brother, do you want to fight with others?"

Taking advantage of Yang Zhen's time to open the door and lead the way, Xueqiu came to Fang Lin with some concerns and asked.

"Who am I, don't worry, don't worry."

At this time, Xiaolan flew above Fang Lin's head, hesitated for a moment and hovered above, saying, "Kaka, Xiao Xizi is quite strong, and his marksmanship feels very powerful."

Fang Lin smiled and said nothing.

To be honest, he didn't know what the significance of this discussion was, was it a way of socializing between the Mu family and Deng Jiefu?

It means to let the juniors communicate more?
Jiang Baibai and Gongsun Yun were still chatting passionately, and Jiang Baibai lay on Gongsun Yun's back and whispered all the time.

Fang Lin Qianqian overheard a few sentences and couldn't help sighing, it's really a fellow townsman seeing a fellow townsman, with tears in his eyes.

The special training ground of the Special Affairs Bureau is located on the first and second floors of the basement. It is a secret facility built in secret, and all regional signals are closed.

In addition to large and small training grounds, there are shooting, training, etc., and the automatic obstacle training in the novel is also here.

After pressing the fingerprint verification, Yang Zhen entered the elevator with a group of attendants, big and small, and turned to Fang Lin and said, "By the way, you can get acquainted with this lamb, and she will go to live with you in the future." .”

Fang Lin: "???"

"Yunyun, he is Kaka, you two get along well in the future."

Gongsun Yun said to Fang Lin shyly, "Brother Kaka, please give me your advice."

"Haha, it's nice to talk about it."

This is an ancient way of greeting. But the voice is quite nice.

I didn't expect that there would be a small mutton skewer in my house, so what should I do if I eat mutton in the future?
Stop eating?
If there is another cow in the future, wouldn't he have to go on a hunger strike?

No, you have to eat what you should eat, and you can avoid her order.

Jiang Baibai, who was lying on Gongsun Yun's body, began to tear down the stage: "What brother Kaka, he is less than one year old, are you in your 60s?"

"Hey, Miss Baibai! Don't report the age of others casually, okay?"

Xueqiu looked at Gongsun Yun vigilantly and then relaxed, no matter what Kaka would not like a sheep.

So she also warmly greeted Gongsun Yun, Jiang Baibai directly called Xueqiu to her side, and the three of them started chatting.

Girls don’t say it’s really easy to build relationships before, don’t care if they are plastic sisters or not, anyway, they will chat happily soon.

Coming to the second basement floor with a strong sense of technology, a staff member took the initiative to give Yang Zhen an electronic card.

"He's in the P-2-1 training room. By the way, Bureau Yang, Sister Fei told you to come and visit her in the agility room upstairs."

"Okay, I know, go get busy."


After the staff walked away, Yang Zhen took a look and handed the card to Xiao Lan, who let him grab it with his paws, and said to Kaka and the others: "P21, you go first, I'll be here as soon as I go upstairs. Lao Deng will come later."

After speaking, he left.

Xiaolan has been here several times, so she took Fang Lin and the others to the P-2-1 training room after she was familiar with the road. After swiping open the electronic door, Fang Lin and the others walked into the training room.

The whole training room is not small, about 30*30 square, and the surrounding walls are made of white material, but I don’t know what kind of material it is.

Except for some training equipment visited by the sidelines, it is actually a large open space, and there may be some high-tech functions, but Fang Lin has not seen it yet.

In the center of the arena, Mu Xi, who was wearing a black training suit, was practicing marksmanship. A long spear was waving and flipping in his hand, like a moving dragon with amazing momentum.

While the spear was swimming, there was an endless explosion.

If you perform on stage at the party, there will be applause from below.

While Fang Lin and the others were looking at Mu Xi, Mu Xi also noticed that someone had come in and stopped training.


Why did a bunch of animals come in?

He knew about Xiao Yang and Xiao Lan before, but what the hell are these two huskies? ? ?

Are there any Huskies here?
He didn't know the origin of Gongsun Yun. Yang Zhen told him that his pet was smarter. Although he could see that there was something wrong with this sheep, it was still inferior to Xiaolan who could speak human language.

So he didn't think about it, the aura was revived, what happened to the animals becoming smarter?
Especially the pets of these bigwigs.

However, these two huskies
He put away his spear and said to Xiaolan, "Why are you here?"

Xiaolan laughed twice and said, "Isn't this what you want to discuss? Let's take a look."


Do you still have to be surrounded by animals when you compete by yourself?

Mu Xi shook his head: "Okay, did you see Junior Brother Yang Zhen arrive?"

"It's here."

Mu Xi nodded and didn't speak again. It seemed that his opponent was coming soon. He took a deep breath and swung his spear again.

Fang Lin and the surrounding people looked at each other and silently came to the sidelines to watch him practice the gun.

That's right, these tricks are good for appearances, but well, they may not break my skin.

Fang Lin didn't feel any threat at all.

And this is still a minor, isn't it a bit too bullying?
It's better to let Yang Zhen compete with him.

Xiaolan's bad intentions came to her heart suddenly and she asked, "Boy, do you have confidence?"

There was a sudden explosion from the spear as if in response to him.

(End of this chapter)

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