Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 177 Are You C Rank?

Chapter 177 Are You C Rank?

"I won't lose."

Seeing no one around, Mu Xi put away his carbine gun and made a poss: "It's easy to come by."

The momentum of holding a gun and looking up at the sky makes people feel confident.

"Hey, okay."

Xiaolan laughed a bit and flew to rest on Gongsun Yun's head. The surrounding Xueqiu and the others looked at Fang Lin with suppressed smiles, wanting to see his reaction.

(Sorry guys, I typed the wrong surname yesterday, I even took a look at Lao Yang’s surname, and forgot it when I turned around)
Jiang Baibai quietly came to Fang Lin's side and poked him with his paws: "Is it possible? How about I give you the whole defense magic weapon? As long as your aura is not exhausted, his powerful attack will definitely be unbreakable."

magic weapon?

Before Fang Lin could react, Gongsun Yun next to him also stammered, "Brother Kakaka, I also have a magic weapon for you to use."

Jiang Baibai's little white paw patted the ground and said happily: "Yes, you don't know, Yunyun's family inherits forging, and Uncle Gongsun is the most famous forging master in the spiritual world."

"At that time, Uncle Gongsun can give you a whole body of natal spirit armor. After blending into the body, it will grow up with you without being visible, which is very amazing."

And this kind of thing?

In Fang Lin's mind, the phrase armor transformation suddenly popped up.

He asked with interest: "Can the appearance be customized? It's more stylish."

"Uh, Brother Kaka usually has a protective effect without being obvious."

The lamb next to him thought that Fang Lin didn't understand, so he quickly added.

"Yunyun, you don't understand now, what you Kaka brother cares about is pulling the wind."

"oh oh."

Gongsun Yun smiled embarrassedly and did not speak again.

Fang Lin rolled his eyes, Jiang Baibai's words are very problematic, don't think of yourself as a vulgar person who cares about appearance.

Before he could speak, Xueqiu quickly came over and added, not to be outdone, "Brother, my supernatural powers can speed up your recovery, if you can't beat you, just run around."


Fang Lin raised his increasingly thick paws and patted Snowball's head lightly.

Although it feels good to be cared about, doesn't that make him too weak?
Especially Xueqiu, who was endowed with supernatural powers by Fang Lin's awakening talent with Yuehua magical powers, in fact, there is a connection between Yin Yin and Fang Lin, similar to gods and gods.

So he must be able to feel a little bit of Fang Lin's strength, just to join in the fun.

So Fang Lin raised his head and said lightly: "It's okay, I can't hide it anymore, let me show you my true strength."

He decided to show off a little this time, because he was too good to hide.

And I also have an excuse to explain to Jiang Baibai, as long as she makes her mistakenly think that she is also one of the patrons of the space.

It's normal for him, a local genius, not to need a ticket in the space where he is rising for the cause of the human race?
But Gongsun Yun's attention was completely attracted by what Xueqiu said just now, and he didn't hear Fang Lin's words at all.

Now she was whispering to Xueqiu Tie Tie with a surprised and mysterious expression, her little ears were trembling, and she was shocked from ear to ear when Xueqiu said a word.

The four hooves moved restlessly, as excited as if she had a companion supernatural power.

And Mu Xi in the center of the field looked at the lively scene at Fang Lin's side and was a little puzzled. Can these animals chat with each other now?
He spoke so vigorously, meowing, blah, blah, he was a little curious all over.

Yang Zhen and Deng Jiefu didn't make him curious for long, and walked into the training room one after the other two minutes later.

When Mu Xi saw Deng Jiefu, he quickly stood up with a gun in a standard military posture, trying to show his full energy. His father told him to do this when he saw his elders since he was a child.

After bidding farewell to the adoring staff, Deng Jiefu closed the door and slowly walked forward to catch everyone's attention with a light cough.

"Hehe, have you all been waiting for a long time? Did you get to know each other first?"

Mu Xi was dumbfounded when he heard this, he looked left and right not knowing what Deng Jiefu meant, and he didn't dare to talk nonsense in front of his idol Zhan Tianjian, so he could only look at Deng Jiefu in a daze.

"Don't be nervous, didn't you talk first?"

Deng Jiefu looked at Mu Xi very gently.

What to talk about?
Mu Xi was dumbfounded.

But Deng Jiefu looked at himself, the most taboo thing at this time is not being able to hold a fart for a long time.

After thinking for a while, he opened his mouth and said, "Little Lanyunyun and I know each other. As for the other... other children, I didn't understand what they said."

Deng Jiefu couldn't help laughing, shook his head, turned to Fang Lin and said, "Come on, Kaka, let me introduce you. This is General Mu's grandson, Mu Xi."

"His grandfather is the highest officer in the Central War Zone. He is busy with affairs. Please ask me to say hello to you."

"Mu Xi, this is Kaka, my second apprentice."

"However, in view of the meeting just held before, the few of us cannot openly take the lead in nepotism, such as recruiting apprentices, so I will not explain it publicly, as long as you know it."

"Xiao Lan, why didn't you help translate before you both knew each other?"

Deng Jiefu clicked on Xiaolan, Xiaolan tactfully did not speak, subconsciously he was a little afraid of Deng Jiefu.

And Mu Xi was already in extreme shock.


A husky?

Can huskies also be Zhan Tianjian's apprentice?
Is something wrong with me or is something wrong with the world?

Looking at Mu Xi's expression of doubting life, Yang Zhen said dissatisfiedly: "Are awakened animals rare? They are all in the spirit world."


Deng Jiefu raised his hand to interrupt Yang Zhen's words, and stepped forward to pat Mu Xi's shoulder: "Our mutual contact with the spirit world is a historical trend, you are still young, and sooner or later you will deal with spirit beasts in the spirit world. "

"Some of them will be our allies, and some of them will be our enemies for the time being. You probably haven't met spirit beasts before, have you?"

"It's good for you to communicate with Kaka more."

Hearing Deng Jiefu's words of encouragement and feeling Deng Jiefu's warm palms on his shoulders, the young Mu Xi suddenly felt full of strength.

"Okay, Uncle Deng."

Yang Zhen interrupted with a smile: "It will be good for you to listen to your Uncle Deng."

But the same words came out of Yang Zhen's mouth, and Mu Xi curled his lips in a cryptic manner.

"Okay, Uncle Yang."

Yang Zhen:?
Mu Xi looked down at Kaka who was looking at him.

Eyes as clear as sapphires, sword-browed and star-eyed, just like an extremely handsome man.



Mu Xi's eyes widened immediately. He was too nervous when Deng Jiefu talked to him just now, so he didn't even react.

"Are you Kaka?"

"Oh yes, you are Snowball!!"

"I'm your fan Kaka!"

Mu Xi suddenly became happy. He was Kaka whom Fang Lin met when the video of Fang Lin at the military dog ​​base became popular all over the Internet.

It's just that he spends very little time playing with his mobile phone. If Fang Lin hadn't been called a phenomenon at the time, he wouldn't have noticed Kaka.

Later, I didn't have much chance to pay attention, and the discipline at home was extremely strict.

"Brother, so it's your fan."

Xueqiu yelled at Fang Lin and reminded him.

Jiang Baibai joked directly in Long Guoyu: "Are you a fan? Why didn't you recognize it just now?"

Mu Xi sneered twice and didn't speak, and he felt a little embarrassed thinking that he had said some strange things under Xiao Lan's inducement just now.

Fang Lin sighed in his heart, how did this become a fan meeting.

When promoted to C level, the bones of the whole body will be tempered, and the transverse bones of the spirit beast will naturally be refined as well.

This means that Fang Lin can actually talk now, but he hasn't tried it yet.

To be reasonable, he actually felt strange and terrified, and he hadn't tried it since last night.

He looked around and was a little hesitant in his heart whether to speak or not, since speaking would mean exposing the news that he had been promoted to C rank.

However, this idea only stayed in Fang Lin's mind for a second before he threw it to the back of his mind.

It doesn't matter, the showdown is a genius.

Fang Lin feels that at this stage, the C-level is enough to protect himself, let alone Deng Jiefu.

So Fang Lin paused, looked at Mu Xi and said, "Hello."

This male voice is very pleasant and not lacking in masculinity. When you don't see him and hear his voice first, you can hear him as a handsome guy.

After speaking, Lin Lin looked at Mu Xi quietly, with a very calm surface.

But in fact, there is a feeling that a secret that has been hidden for a long time has been exposed, waiting for the reaction of the people around him with posses.


Jiang Baibai's eyes widened, and he rubbed his ears with his paws in disbelief.

"Kaka, was that what you said just now?"


Jiang Baibai: "."

She took a deep breath and sank into self-doubt.

Impossible, it's only been so long since I just awakened, no matter how powerful it is, it's unrealistic?

However, the reality was clearly displayed in front of her, and she began to frantically search for a suitable reason in her mind.

Gongsun Yun next to her blinked and said in surprise, "Brother Kaka, you are so good, just as good as Sister Xueqiu."

She has just touched the threshold of C-level now.

Only Xueqiu didn't have any special reaction. In her eyes, no matter how powerful Kaka was, it was normal.

But her address to Gongsun Yun was a bit strange: "Yunyun, why do you call me sister?"

"The one who is powerful is my sister, and the one with the companion magic power is very powerful."

"Wait, I got it!"

Jiang Baibai suddenly thought of the reason, and asked Fang Lin quickly: "Kaka, have you actually awakened a long time ago?"

Before Fang Lin could answer, Jiang Baibai said to himself again: "No, it's not just that."

She wondered if Kaka had been selected by that space long ago, and she was the second?


So she began to gesture at Fang Lin, hula hula vividly depicting the scene in the black mist.

Then he drew a square and square cuboid, and then said: "Black? Fairy?"

Fang Lin saw what Jiang Baibai meant, and nodded slightly.

It turns out that Kaka must have got some opportunities in it, and there must be more than two buildings in such a powerful space.

Jiang Baibai breathed a sigh of relief, she wondered if Kaka also had the companion supernatural power, and the acting was too similar.

She has only lit up three spiritual cores in 100 years, and she can barely touch the threshold of the beast master.

Is it your own reason?So many geniuses in Zudi let me meet?

Jiang Baibai turned his head and took a look, his eyes locked on Yang Zhen, he thought for a while and approved his thoughts.

It may be that I was lucky enough to meet Kaka, the son of luck. Compared with Kaka and the others, Yang Zhen is very ordinary.

Although the recovery of the spiritual energy has reached D-level within a few years, it seems to be easy to accept now.

"Hehe, very good, I didn't expect you to be C-level, keep working hard, it seems that the gift I prepared for you will have to be changed."

Deng Jiefu nodded in satisfaction, and then looked at Yang Zhen with strange eyes: "Otherwise, you can just be Kaka's junior brother."


Yang Zhen looked at Fang Lin with complicated eyes, and the scenes of getting along with Kaka began to flood in his mind.

Suddenly, I felt that my previous protection was a bit like a joke. Was Kaka actually complaining about her redundancy in her heart from the beginning to the end?

The more I think about it, the more uncomfortable I feel.

He was silent for a moment, then turned and walked straight out the door.

Xiaolan quacked, "Yangzhen boy, where are you going?"

However, Yang Zhen still didn't look back, opened the door and left the training room.

Everyone looked at me and I saw that you didn't know what happened. Deng Jiefu warmed up the scene with a smile: "It's okay, he just saw Kaka's C-level was a little irritated, and he will be fine if he thinks about it."

"He has been a little slack since he was promoted to D-level, just to motivate himself, and he should shoulder some burdens, Kaka, remember to help him when the time comes."

"Okay, what, Mu Xi, you and Kaka have a discussion, and I will tell you some news about the upcoming changes in the situation, which should have something to do with you."

Fang Lin turned his head and looked at Yang Zhen's direction of departure, hesitant, he wanted to chase after him.

After getting along with Yang Zhen for so long, he has a very good impression of Yang Zhen, and just now Fang Lin felt that Yang Zhen seemed to be in a sad mood.

It should have nothing to do with me
Forget it, finish it early, go and see what's going on with him, don't let him lose his temper because he didn't tell first.

Hmm. I have to prepare some gifts or something. Ask Jiang Baibai for two spiritual fruits before going to him.

While Fang Lin was thinking wildly, Mu Xi was speechless when he heard Deng Jiefu's words.

Compete? ?
What a fart this is!
He can't even handle Yang Zhen's D-level.
C-level in some provinces and Deng Jiefu's official titles are the same and manage the Special Affairs Bureau of the entire province, although of course there is a gap in actual status.

"Forget it, Uncle Deng"

Mu Xi wanted to cry, but he didn't want to be beaten up by Kaka for nothing.

"Hehe, this is also an opportunity. Your sparring is not for winning or losing. Let Kaka teach you and experience what it's like to fight against a C-level spirit beast."


Mu Xi gritted his teeth.

What Deng Jiefu said was correct, the last time he was beaten up so badly that he couldn't get out of bed for a few days, and he got used to it when he practiced with his father.

Everyone dispersed one after another, leaving enough room for him and Kaka.


He suddenly didn't know how to address it.After hesitating for a moment, he continued, "Brother Kaka, please be merciful."

"Give him some pressure, Kaka."

Deng Jiefu spoke from the side.


Fang Lin looked at Deng Jiefu and responded.

All right, put more pressure on it.

With a thought, Fang Lin mobilized a tsunami-like coercion and directly attacked Mu Xi.

(End of this chapter)

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