Chapter 178
Mu Xi, who was standing opposite Fang Lin, suddenly felt a mountainous pressure coming towards him.

This heavy pressure is invisible, oppressing his spirit and will from all directions, he feels that his reaction has been delayed a lot.

What is this?
He has never felt this kind of power before, and an inexplicable sense of fear is constantly generated in his heart.

He gritted his teeth and mobilized his will to withstand the pressure.

C-rank is strong, but I can't miss a single shot, can I?
Mu Xi waved his spear a little sluggishly, ready to attack under pressure.

Seeing his appearance, Fang Lin raised his eyebrows, because Mu Xi seemed to be in the same camp as himself in terms of relationship, so it was hard for him to overwhelm him with blood coercion all at once.

Even if they were of the same rank, creatures whose blood was not as good as Fang Lin's would be severely weakened standing in front of him.

This is the power of the beast.

After advancing to C-level, Fang Lin's blood pressure was naturally stronger.

Moreover, some wonderful things in the bloodline seem to gradually become prominent with the improvement of strength. This may be the characteristic of bloodline improvement, and it will not be revealed all at once.

So Fang Lin was very careful with the pressure at the beginning, but now seeing that Mu Xi had adapted and wanted to attack, he immediately increased his blood pressure.

Mu Xi: "???"

He had just raised his toes, and the sudden increase in power pushed him back. The wooden gun in his hand was like a weight, and he couldn't lift it up at all.

What the hell is this? ?
When he sparred with the second uncle, why didn't the second uncle use this ability?

Damn, I kept a hand to make myself ashamed to come out, so I have to ask him when I go back.

The people watching around stared at everything that happened in the field with different expressions.

Fang Lin's coercion was controlled very delicately, and almost no power was leaked. Except for Deng Jiefu, whose eyes were glowing with gold, everyone else was a little strange.

Why did the two of them stand motionless facing each other, Kaka was full of calm, but Mu Xi had a suffocated expression on his face.

"Xiao Xizi, what are you doing? Holding shit? Quack~"

Xiaolan couldn't help mocking.

As for Mu Xi, who was at the center of Fang Lin's coercion, he couldn't even turn his head. Facing Xiao Lan's ridicule, his face was bruised and his mouth held back for a long time, saying: "Get out!"

Can you still talk?
Fang Lin chuckled and increased his power a little more.


Mu Xi couldn't bear the pressure directly and spread out on the ground, lying motionless on the ground.

Seeing this, Fang Lin withdrew his blood coercion, squatted down and looked at Deng Jiefu with questioning eyes.

Is this stressful?
Deng Jiefu nodded calmly, with a very satisfied expression.

Seeing that the battle was actually over, Xiao Lan flew straight to the top of Mu Xi's body lying on the floor, and his wings settled on his head, bouncing around.

"Quack, why did you just fall to the ground? You didn't do anything."

".You can do it."

Mu Xi uttered a word weakly, and then closed his eyes.

It seems to be realizing something.

Jiang Baibai, who were watching by the side, also gathered around, curiously asking Fang Lin in animal language.

"What happened to you?"


Fang Lin responded to Jiang Baibai, and looked at her suspiciously: "Don't you?"

"I have, but forget it, I don't want to ask."

Jiang Baibai directly chose to shut up.

As a direct descendant of the two emperors, of course she has such things as blood pressure, but this thing can only be mastered slowly at the C level.

When it was released, it was AOE. Why didn't she feel it just now?

Just now, Kaka's laid-back look obviously didn't use his full strength. How powerful is the bloodline coercion when he just reached the C-level?
At this moment, Mu Xi, who was lying on the ground with his eyes closed, opened his eyes directly, and rushed to Fang Lin dancing with excitement on his face.

"Kaka, hurry up!!!"


what's wrong with this kid?
Was he a little too aggressive just now? ?

"Are you OK?"

Fang Lin asked worriedly, and at the same time took a step back calmly.

"No, no, I'm fine."

Mu Xi calmed down his excited mood a little bit, and still said eagerly: "As far as the ability just now, you can use it on me again, it's better to gradually increase it, okay? I feel like my marksmanship is about to break through!"


The people around looked at each other, and then at Fang Lin at the same time.

Fang Lin was a little speechless, why are you looking at him?

Can he break through under pressure from him?

Do you mean shaking M?

Seeing this, Deng Jiefu, who was standing not far away and was about to come over, stopped again and looked at all this with a smile on his lips.

"Kaka, please, hurry up!"


If it weren't for so many people watching, he would have to charge some fees.

Jiang Baibai and the others retreated again and left the venue to Fang Lin and Mu Xi.

Mu Xi took a solemn look at Fang Lin, made a gesture of raising the spear in a beautiful arc, and then nodded at him.

Fang Lin understood, and carefully controlled his strength according to the experience just now, mobilizing the blood pressure.

A familiar feeling of pressure descended again.

Mu Xi's eyes lit up, the strength was just right.

With a serious look in his eyes, he began to practice the basic spear style that he had practiced thousands of times.

Under the coercion of Fang Lin's blood, he seemed to have regained the feeling that his father had just started teaching him to practice guns and enlightened him when he was a child.

It's been a long time since I felt that tense and exciting pressure.

"Holding the gun must be stable and flexible, and the front barrel is locked at the back."

"Hold guns in both hands, keep steady but not dead, live but not slippery."

"Siping is the most important thing in holding a gun. The so-called Siping means leveling the top, leveling the shoulders, leveling the feet, and leveling the gun."

"Ping the gun, the king of the gun, one of them is the most difficult to block!"

"Idiot, wrong again!!"

Scenes from deep in his memory began to emerge in his mind one after another, and the spear waving in his hand became more and more chic and freehand.

It is obviously a very basic point, a stroke, a poke, and a sweep all start to bring a kind of artistic conception.

Mu Xi slowly closed his eyes, the spear in his hand seemed to become a part of his body, and his whole mind began to devote himself to it.


Hearing Mu Xi's shout, Fang Lin increased his blood pressure again.

In his senses, Mu Xi was already condensing his own aura, his energy and spirit merged into one, and he was slowly fighting against himself.

It's just that this momentum is still very weak, and he can destroy it with a snap of his fingers.

With the help of his keen senses, Fang Lin took the initiative to increase his power little by little, and every time he just reached a certain limit of Mu Xi.

Let the coercion become the nourishment for Mu Xi's growth.

Mu Xi felt Kaka's tacit understanding and was overjoyed.

He hurriedly concentrated more on the spear in his hand.

Breakthrough, leaving only a layer of window paper.

At this time, the door of the training room suddenly opened.

Yang Zhen walked in with a blank expression.

He thought about it just now, and it was true that he had made up too much. Maybe Kaka didn't care about these details at all, after all, he didn't ask.

And he himself hoped that Kaka would become better, but it was a bit abrupt for a while.

After entering, Yang Zhen looked at everything that happened in the field with some doubts.

Still learning?

Kaka's C-level didn't just end right away?

Before he could ask, Deng Jiefu who was next to him waved his hand to signal him to come over, shut up, and keep silent.

In the middle of the training ground, Mu Xi seems to have reached a very critical stage.

The momentum of his whole body rose, and a long spear became more and more artistic.

In the eyes of those around him, he seems to have become a painting.

His spear was getting slower and faster, and two very conflicting feelings appeared on Mu Xi at the same time.

A long spear is sometimes strange and unpredictable, and sometimes it is fast and unstoppable.

When it's fast, it's like a torrent rushing down from the nine heavens, and when it's slow, it's like a breeze blowing on your face.

However, Mu Xi frowned more and more.

Still not perfect.

just a little short,
Just a tiny bit short.

But this trace is the difference between heaven and earth.

It represents whether he really understands the long spear in his hand, whether he is integrated with it, and whether he is one with the sword.

Fang Lin, who was exerting coercion next to him, sighed helplessly in his heart. He could feel the aggrievedness in Mu Xi's heart.

Is the technique so difficult?

Ink is dead.

With a thought in his mind, a moonlight that only he could see directly appeared out of thin air and shone on Mu Xi.

Mu Xi in the arena suddenly felt blessed, and he pierced the window paper that had been stuck in front of him for a long time.

In his feeling, he was like a river that broke through the narrow bay and began to flow into the sea, mighty and mighty.

Mu Xi walked to the side of the armor pile of unknown material, lifted the spear in his hand, and twisted his whole body.


A sound wave suddenly spread from the tip of the gun to the surroundings, and the armor was directly pierced by the wooden gun.

"I broke through!"

Mu Xi shouted excitedly.

After years of practicing guns, I have finally come to this point!
Watching all this, Yang Zhen's face became extremely dark again, and he turned his head and left the training ground in silence.

It is estimated that I was really stimulated.

"The power is good."

Fang Lin spoke in praise.

After all, Mu Xi has not yet reached level D, so he is considered an apprentice on the road of cultivation.

He can feel the power of this subtle technique, the aura that integrates the whole energy and spirit can easily launch an attack far beyond his own level.

The potential is great, and when Mu Xi's level is a little higher, he might be able to break through his own defense.

"Thank you so much, Kaka!"

When Mu Xi came to Fang Lin, his face was flushed and he didn't know what to say.

Fang Lin said lightly, "You're welcome."

But I sighed in my heart that this child is still too young, and I have to take practical actions to be grateful.

"Let's try again now!"

Mu Xi's eyes were full of fighting intent, and he felt like he was full of courage after the marksmanship breakthrough.

The spiritual will has also been greatly improved, and I feel that I can completely resist Fang Lin's coercion.


this kid.


"bring it on."

At this moment, Fang Lin found that he liked staying with young and energetic beautiful girls more and more.

Needless to say, it is good-looking and seductive, and it is also very gentle and considerate.

Watching TV allows me to lean on my lap, eat fruit and feed it into my mouth intimately.

And what about Mu Xi?

After thanking myself just now, I have to compete with myself.

These stupid teenagers with simple minds and muscles are better to stay as far away from themselves as possible.

When the two were ready to fight again, Fang Lin had no intention of bullying Mu Xi with mental coercion.

His current spirit is still too weak and boring.

Fang Lin's mind moved, and the spiritual core in his body suddenly became active.

In the huge and stable spiritual core that was shining with golden light, there flowed liquid spiritual energy that was almost condensed into substance.

These represent that Fang Lin's aura reserve and aura output efficiency are far superior to those of the same level.

An aura light shield appeared in front of Mu Xi directly out of thin air.

This is a small skill that Fang Lin naturally learned in his blood after he was promoted. It was originally a kind of protective aura, which can resist the long-range firepower of those extremely weird creatures.

Fang Lin changed it casually, and a light shield was formed.

The aura inside the light shield runs along a very simple and stable structure, blooming with blue light.

When Jiang Baibai and Deng Jiefu saw this scene, a trace of surprise flashed in their eyes.

The release of aura means that the quality of aura in the body has reached a high level and can affect the display.

Generally, those who are new to C-level can attach their own weapons. When the third spiritual core is lit and filled, the first three spiritual cores can be connected to form a small cycle.

At that time, things like sword light and saber energy came easily.

"Try if you can break it?"

Fang Lin squatted down and looked at Mu Xi and said.

Mu Xi suddenly became disbelieving, and picked up a long gun with a flooded tip on the weapon rack to attack directly.

"Cough cough."

Ten minutes later, Deng Jiefu coughed lightly and stood in the middle of the venue. In front of him were people listening carefully, birds, cats, sheep and huskies.

"Mu Xi, congratulations on your breakthrough in marksmanship. You should have gained a lot from today's experience, and you must absorb it when you go back."

Mu Xi, who was sitting cross-legged on the ground, nodded lightly, his hands twitching from time to time.

He stormed for 10 minutes just now, and the light shield didn't even show signs of breaking
Although he felt a slight gap, Mu Xi knew that it was because his level of aura cultivation was too low, and he couldn't use his marksmanship well.

Spear technique is like a buff, increasing attack power by 300, 500, or even [-], [-] percent.

However, if the attack strength itself is not enough, there is no way for these to realize their full potential.

"Then now, I will tell you some changes that will happen in the future."

"You should all know that the official agency of our Dragon Kingdom in terms of spiritual energy is the Special Affairs Bureau."

"However, the Bureau of Special Affairs, whether in terms of personnel or management, is too military-style, absolutely obedient and absolutely confidential."

"Obviously, this model cannot cope well with the awakening of spiritual energy that will sweep the world in the future. By then, we will inevitably introduce a large number of fresh blood absorbed from the society."

"So a more universal, applicable, and classified official institution of security and confidentiality is particularly important."

"After discussions some time ago, we have decided to promote a new Reiki processing institution——Qiankun" across the country."

"The current staff of the entire Special Affairs Bureau will be divided into cadres and the Kun department, with the cadres in charge of the outside and the Kun department in charge."

"All active-duty members of the Special Affairs Bureau above C level will be unified into cadres and will not directly participate in local management."

"So the current powers will be assigned to the Ministry of Kun, and even ordinary people with management experience will participate."

(End of this chapter)

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