Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 179 A good show

Chapter 179 A good show

"The cadres have absorbed all the current practitioners of C-level and above. As the gathering place of the top combat power, the cadres will also arrange patrol officers to sit in the Kun Ministry, and also shoulder the responsibility of protecting the territory from the outside world, which is equivalent to mobile Team."

Fang Lin was thoughtful after listening.

This feeling actually separates the cultivator with personal power from the management system.

Although there will still be cadres with high-level combat forces sitting in the same place as before, it seems that there is no difference from before, but now they are just a mascot, and they don't need to be distracted to care about chores and just focus on cultivation.

Worrying about various affairs also slows down the cultivation speed of these geniuses.

In this way, it not only ensures a good cultivation environment for these talented practitioners, but also prevents some people with personal power from expanding their minds in the future.

It's the best of both worlds.

After all, not everyone can be as strong-willed as Deng Jiefu and others.

Deng Jiefu said before that, except for Academician Lu, the other five guardians of the Dragon Kingdom are all very popular in the special affairs bureaus of their respective provinces.

This is a good thing, but there are also hidden dangers.

When personal power and power converge at the same time, events tend to develop out of control.

And this change seems to happen to be led by Deng Jiefu and others. It can be predicted that the handover will be very smooth in the future.

If Deng Jiefu wasn't in Nan Province, wouldn't his thigh be gone?
Although power also represents power in a sense, it is still a bit troublesome if you really don't have an official position.

Just as Fang Lin was about to ask, Deng Jiefu said with a smile.

"I'm about to be the general manager of Qiankun, and concurrently the number zero of the cadres. Academician Lu will be the number zero of the Kun Department."

"At the same time, the Kun Department has only one headquarters in the Imperial Capital, dispatching the Kun Department of all cities in the provinces of the Dragon Kingdom, and they are still collectively referred to as Qian Kun to the outside world."

"These have little to do with you now, but what I'm going to say next is closely related to you."

"In order to deal with the problem that the number of cultivators will skyrocket as a new profession in the future, Qiankun will absorb cultivators with excellent qualifications and potential in the society to join the Kun Department."

"The Kun Department will be divided into honorary members, regular members and non-staff members. The non-staff members will be more free, and the official members will shoulder the responsibilities assigned to him by Qian Kun and handle various matters assigned to him."

"Of course, the treatment of regular members will naturally be better, whether it is the most important exercises or resources for cultivation, they can be better obtained."

"Non-staff members want to obtain these resources, they need to complete the corresponding tasks released by Qiankun."

After listening, Jiang Baibai asked his own question in Long Guoyu with some doubts: "How does Qiankun attract qualified practitioners? Many people may hide their qualifications, which is very common in the spiritual world."

"A full inspection will do."

"Comprehensive testing?"

Jiang Baibai couldn't help but laugh. She's not a novice who just came here and doesn't know anything about her ancestral land. Long Kingdom has a population of more than one billion people, and comprehensive testing?

Deng Jiefu nodded and saw that Jiang Baibai didn't believe it and didn't say more, but continued to say: "However, Qiankun is just an official organization established by Dragon Kingdom to deal with the recovery of spiritual energy, and it will not interfere too much with citizens' free will .”

"For students, Reiki training classes will be started in schools with good teaching quality in each city, and Reiki departments will also be set up in various colleges and universities."

"In this way, students will not lose their school life, but also can have more targeted training."

"For those who are awakened in the society, if they have excellent qualifications and are willing to join Qiankun, they will be staffed, provided with free housing, and paid for training."

"Of course they can choose not to join, but they need to go to the Qiankun branch in the city where they are located to report and conduct a practice level test every month."

"And of course you will all join Qiankun in the future."

Deng Jiefu revealed his final intention with a smile.

"Mu Xi can go back to your grandfather and ask him to inquire about the news, transfer to a school with a good quality of spiritual teaching, just go to school normally."

"As for the three of you, Kaka, Jiang Baibai, and Xueqiu, I have already applied for honorary members of Qiankun for you."

"Honorary members are specially issued to those creatures who have special talents and like freedom."

"In view of your current level and ability, there will be a wage subsidy of at least 2 dragon coins per month, as well as various basic training resources, but you need to complete a little task every month before you can receive it normally."

"For example, Kaka, you gave Mu Xi advice just now, and Xueqiu's words can borrow your supernatural powers for a day. In addition to the basic subsidy, there will naturally be additional rewards."

As he spoke, Deng Jiefu took out two small bottles: "These are two bottles of primary Yunling Pills, which are provided for those who have just awakened to practice. They have mild effects and are technologies obtained from the materials obtained by the research institute from the ruins."

"This is for Xueqiu. As for Kaka, I originally prepared two bottles of mid-level Yunling Pill for you, which are suitable for D-level cultivation, but I didn't expect you to break through to C-level, so I will leave it for Xueqiu first." Ball."

"I will apply for other rewards for you, and Yang Zhen will bring them to you."

"Okay, I'll leave the rest of the time to you. Things have been very busy recently, and it's good to see that you are free."

"Mu Xi, come with me."


With that said, Deng Jiefu called Mu Xi away and left the training room.

Fang Lin looked thoughtfully at Deng Jiefu's leaving back.

Is there really a Reiki training school?

When will Lin Yuqing be divided into classes after awakening, and then take the college entrance examination for spiritual energy? ?

It's kind of interesting.

But what Fang Lin is most interested in is the question of the honorary member of Qiankun, which sounds good but has no actual power.

How could this honorary member ask Yang Zhen to salute him? It is estimated that Yang Zhen is the head of the Sioux City Qiankun Branch again.

It seems that it will depend on the situation to become a full member in the future?

While Fang Lin was thinking, Jiang Baibai next to him patted Fang Lin: "Let's go and find Yang Zhen."

Fang Lin was a little puzzled: "Why are you looking for him?"

"A tablet!"

Jiang Baibai rolled his eyes and complained: "This is the main purpose of coming here, okay, it's not to compete with that silly boy or something, but let him break through."

While talking, Jiang Baibai became happy again: "By the way, Deng Jiefu just said that I am also an honorary member, and I will give you [-] Dragon National Coins a month!"

Xueqiu glanced at Jiang Baibai strangely and asked, "Sister Baibai, it's useless for us to ask for that money. The most important thing should be cultivation resources, right?"

"Hey Xueqiu, what do you know? After we have our own tablet, we can do everything conveniently. All online shopping needs money."

"For example, when I was playing games, I heard from my teammates that those skins need to be bought with dragon coins, but speaking of it, it seems that I don't need to buy them to unlock them all in the account."

"But it doesn't matter. We can buy whatever we want when we have money. We'll just do some research."

So everyone left the training room one after another under Jiang Baibai's urging.

After Fang Lin came out, he didn't see Deng Jiefu and Mu Xi, so he didn't know where they went.

So after they discussed it, they asked Xiao Lan to come forward and lead them all the way to ask the staff where Yang Zhen was.

Finally, Yi Fei who received the news brought her to Yang Zhen's office.

Yi Fei, who had short hair and a heroic figure, had a gloomy expression on her face at this moment.

Yang Zhen didn't know what was going on, and suddenly looked expressionless and in a very bad mood.

Usually when encountering unlucky things, Yang Zhen would complain to her no matter what, and it would be fine after a few curses.

But today she didn't say a word, and she didn't respond to her insinuations.

Although she was a little worried and wanted to comfort her, she didn't know what happened.

She and Fang Lin stood outside the door looking at the cats and dogs in front of them, hesitated for a while and finally did not ask.

"He's right inside, you guys go in, just call me if you need anything, I'm in the secretary's office next door."

"Quack, okay."

After Xiaolan finished speaking, Jiang Baibai immediately jumped up and opened the door.

In the office, Yang Zhen was sitting in front of the computer and tapping the keyboard as if he was typing, when he found Jiang Baibai rushing in, operating the mouse with his right hand and clicking twice.

"Yang Zhen Yang Zhen, what are you doing?"

Jiang Baibai jumped on the desk all the way, ran to him and squatted down.

Yang Zhen leaned back on the chair without saying a word.

Xiaolan flew over his head and quacked with a smile: "You are not stimulated, are you? You are only D-level, and Kaka is already C-level. Feeling dull?"

Yang Zhen snorted coldly and didn't answer.

Xiaolan continued to chase after him: "Oh, I see."

"Yesterday you just bullied Mu Xi with your realm pressure, but today you found out that his marksmanship has broken through, so you left early just now because you were worried that he would seek revenge from you?"

"You fart."

Yang Zhen finally broke his defense, and spoke out of embarrassment.

Seeing him like this, the surrounding Xueqiu and Xiaoyang were secretly happy.

Fang Lin coughed lightly and asked, "Yang Zhen, are you okay, I don't think you were very happy just now."

In fact, he somewhat guessed that Yang Zhen must be in a mood.

After all, in his opinion, he kept everything about his promotion from him, obviously he didn't trust him.

In fairness, Yang Zhen treats himself well, but there are some things that cannot be said.

Not telling Yang Zhen doesn't mean that he doesn't treat him as one of his own.

When Yang Zhen heard Fang Lin's question, he rarely answered him as positively as before. Instead, he turned his head and turned his chair around to give Fang Lin a back view.

The atmosphere at the scene suddenly became weird.

Everyone's eyes wandered back and forth between Yang Zhen and Fang Lin.

Fang Lin thought for a moment in his mind and said, "Yang Zhen, it's not that I don't want to tell you that I have made a breakthrough, it's that Master doesn't want me to tell you."


Yang Zhen frowned and turned the chair around.

Fang Lin found it useful, and decisively continued to pour dirty water on Deng Jiefu.

"That's right, I planned to tell you last time, but when he saw it, he called me out and told me to keep quiet, especially if I couldn't tell you, everything will be discussed after he breaks through."

"Why can't you tell me?"

Yang Zhen was a little puzzled.

"He said, you can't control your mouth, you are afraid of something happening."


Yang Zhen slapped the table and said angrily, "I'll ask him to make an argument."

Then he got up angrily and walked towards the door.

Fang Lin squatted quietly, watching Yang Zhen's back and waiting.

Sure enough, as he expected, Yang Zhen's pace became slower as he approached the door, and finally he turned around angrily and sat down again.

"Forget it, he probably has already left, I'll talk to him next time."

After Yang Zhen tried to save face, he looked at Fang Lin with dissatisfaction and said, "Kaka, even if this is the case, you can't keep me informed? Even if it's a hint?"

"Tell me, how do I usually treat you?"

"very good."

"Are you a qualified brother?"


"Although Lao Deng has not formally accepted apprentices, the high-level officials already know about your situation, so in essence, you are already my junior."

"Come on, call senior brother and listen."


"Hurry up."

Fang Lin looked at Yang Zhen speechlessly.

Such an adult, how can he still act like a child.

Fang Lin also planned to ask him to salute himself in the future.

However, considering that Yang Zhen was indeed a little sad before, since he awakened his extraordinary senses, he has also felt this kind of heart-piercing sadness from Liu Jing.



Yang Zhen suddenly became happy, and his folds burst into laughter.

Xiaolan jumped on top of Yang Zhen's head twice, and began to tease: "Kaka is already C-level, you are so embarrassed to let him call you senior brother."

"By the way, Team Deng seems to have said before that Kaka will be the senior, and then you will be the junior, right?"

Yang Zhen: "???"

Jiang Baibai and Xueqiu also nodded in a serious manner.

"Okay, okay, I won't mess with you anymore."

Yang Zhen suddenly got serious and changed the subject.

"Lao Deng and I explained about the lamb before."

Fang Lin, Jiang Baibai, and Xueqiu all looked at Gongsun Yun.


She couldn't understand Long Guoyu, and Xiaolan was too busy complaining that Yang Zhen didn't translate for her.

So Xiao Yang, who was happily watching the excitement all the time, became nervous when he found that the eyes of the people around him were all looking at him.

"The current decision is to let her live with you. After investigation by the Ministry of Intelligence, we decided to choose Liu Jing as her apparent breeder."

Jiang Baibai was a little curious: "Do you want to tell Liu Jing about the spiritual world?"

"Of course I won't tell. At present, these things are still blocked to ordinary people."

"What should I do?"

"After investigating Liu Jing's entire life history, we have produced a complete personality map for her."

"He has a kind heart and an innate goodwill towards animals, so it's good to take advantage of that."

Speaking of which, Yang Zhen paused for a moment and smiled mysteriously.

"We decided to ask you to help put on a play. When the time comes, you will go to Federal Park to play, and we will take the lamb there."


(End of this chapter)

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