Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 180 Today's Hot Pot Has Lamb...Uh

Chapter 180 Today's Hot Pot Has Sheep. Uh

"Probably so."

In the office, Fang Lin and the others sat in a circle in front of Yang Zhen's chair and finally finished the discussion.

Since Yang Zhen and Fang Lin communicated directly in Long Guoyu, the little sheep Gongsun Yun couldn't understand at all just a few days after he arrived.

So she stood beside her foolishly and listened to the scriptures like an outsider. After waiting for a while, Yunyun, who didn't want to disturb them, slowly wandered around the office with the princess.

Now she was lying quietly on the sofa beside her with the princess, staring at the floor in a daze, her small pure black eyes lost focus.

Mengmeng's appearance gives people a feeling of wanting to protect her.

A few days ago, when Xiaolan was not in the other world, she also found a place to be in a daze like this, but today is fine, and the princess is also by her side to accompany her.

Jiang Baibai, who had just finished the discussion on how Yunyun was adopted by Liu Jing, also breathed a sigh of relief, and began to ask Yang Zhen for a tablet.

"Yang Zhen, have you prepared my tablet? There is also Kaka's, oh, and Xueqiu's. There are three in total."

Yang Zhen smiled, and took out three brand-new tablet computers from the cabinet on the table and placed them on the table.

"It's been prepared a long time ago. This is the Bureau. It should be called Qiankun."

"This is a special offer from Qiankun, and the battery life is very long. At the same time, I also used the identity information of the three of you to register a phone card and a bank card. The phone card has already been inserted into the tablet."

"Old Deng should have told you about the subsidy, and it will be directly transferred to your card every month from now on."


Jiang Baibai happily walked to the tablet on the table and looked at it.

The tablet is silver-gray as a whole, and the screen is black and shiny, as if some kind of protective film has been pasted on it. She gestured on it with her paw and felt that it should be just right for operation.

She picked the tablet and said casually: "By the way, did he say that the subsidy of honorary members needs to complete some tasks?"

"Oh that."

Yang Zhen sorted out his language and explained to her: "Honorary members are actually arranged for animals like you who come from the spirit world or will awaken locally in the future."

"Of course we want you to join Qiankun, but you who have never been in touch with rule management must not be able to bear many constraints, so there is a category of honorary members."

"The tasks are actually quite loose. We will arrange tasks that can be easily completed according to each honorary member's own ability, and the subsidy will be issued."

Speaking of this, Yang Zhen spread his hands indifferently: "You will distribute it every month. This thing is reviewed by Qiankun branches in various places, and then the person in charge needs to sign. Naturally, I am the person in charge of Sioux City."

Jiang Baibai immediately became happy after hearing it. Who doesn't like that Baigan can get paid for his work.

"Sure, Yang Zhen, I didn't see it."

"This is a small problem, but sometimes some reward tasks are still very good."

"For example, the supernatural power that assists cultivation like Snowball is equivalent to a cultivation accelerator, and the strength will be graded after being tested by the person in charge of each place."

"There is this kind of reward task in Qiankun. Use your own ability to assist members in their cultivation, and pay in units of hours according to the intensity of the test."

"Snowball, I've already set one for you. Currently, Qiankun charges 10 contribution points per hour for your supernatural powers. One contribution point can be exchanged for 1 dragon coins."

"Both regular members and non-staff members of Qiankun can obtain contribution points by performing tasks, and the contribution points can be used to enjoy various cultivation resources."

Xueqiu, who was squatting on the table, nodded ignorantly.

She planned to ask Kaka about it at that time, and she didn't know how effective Yang Zhen's contribution rate was.

If Kaka agrees, she can earn some money, and it will be convenient to save some gifts for Kaka in the future.

Xueqiu saw such a statement when watching various idle videos with Liu Jing before going to bed at night.

If the opposite sex wants to further develop the relationship and take the initiative, they must have their own cards.

If a successful woman has her own career and is a rich woman, then with a wave of her hand, little boys will throw themselves into their arms and bow down under her pomegranate skirt.

If she becomes a rich woman, I don't know if Kaka will accept nurturing.


Thinking of this, Xueqiu couldn't help but sneak a glance at Fang Lin under the table, because his heart beat a little faster because of some strange thoughts.

She is very envious of Jiang Baibai, Jiang Baibai can take out the cultivation resources that Kaka needs every time, but she can only provide Kaka with a magical buff to speed up her cultivation.

Still have to work hard, strive to comprehend the supernatural powers stronger.

Xueqiu, who quietly set her ambition to become a rich woman, cheered herself up in her heart.

Jiang Baibai, who was beside her, chose a tablet at random and touched the screen with his paw.

There is no password on the tablet, and it is unlocked with a slide of the claw.

After unlocking it, a picture of a handsome husky with sunglasses paragliding in the air suddenly appeared in front of her eyes.

She froze for a moment: "This."

Yang Zhen glanced at it and said: "Oh, this is Kaka's. Everyone's tablet screen saver is their own photo, and the phone card and bank card account passwords are all recorded in the notepad inside. Be careful not to disclose it to netizens. of."

Thinking of this, Yang Zhen decided to find time in the afternoon to teach the three of Kaka various fraud prevention courses. Although their accounts are under the protection of Qiankun, they can be easily recovered if there is a problem.

But isn't it bad to be cheated?
In Yang Zhen's heart, although Kaka and Jiang Baibai are already more powerful spirit beasts than him, they are still like children when it comes to the Internet.

It takes good care and nurturing.

When Fang Lin heard that there was a photo of himself, Fang Lin jumped onto the table lightly. Compared with Xueqiu and the other two, his huge body directly occupied half of the table.

Fortunately, the desk of the previous chief was very spacious in order to impress, otherwise it would not be as big as Xia Lin.

Seeing that Kaka had already planned a route and raised his paws to walk on his desk, Yang Zhen hurriedly stopped him: "I'll take it down for you to have a look, don't knock the things on my desk."


Fang Lin rolled his eyes, he is not a husky who likes to tear down houses.

Forget it, anyway, I look handsome in any photo, so I can look at it when I go back.

So he simply jumped down directly.

On the table, Xueqiu and Jiang Baibai were happily operating with their tablets.

Because Xueqiu had never played with this thing, Jiang Baibai, who had just learned it for two days, happily became a teacher and began to teach Xueqiu how to use this new technology called a tablet.

Xiaolan was also yelling and pointing at the side. He has been in the laboratory all year round, and he knows these electronic devices very well under the influence of his ears and eyes.

In fact, he has long wanted to have a tablet of his own, especially a personal account that can be spent on his own.

Unfortunately, he hinted at Academician Lu several times, but Academician Lu changed the subject with a smile.

Looking at the two little white cats playing with the tablet, while she can only point her mouth at the side, Xiao Lan decides to go back and spend a while with Academician Lu, she really doesn't need these two things, does she?

Why not use it for your own tablet?

If it doesn't work, I will secretly use the mobile phone of the new research institute, and then I will be able to send messages and chat with Kaka Xueqiu and the others.

Thinking of this, Xiao Lan happily quacked: "You two have registered a QUQUAN number."

"How to register?"

"I'll teach you."

Yang Zhen also made fun: "Kuukou? I haven't used it for a long time, but you can register and add me as friends, 75******"

"Is it you who can't forget the pain?"

"Uh yes."

Ignoring the embarrassing Yang Zhen, Fang Lin looked around casually in boredom.

His eyes turned around the room at will, and stayed on Gongsun Yun who was lying on the sofa.

Gongsun Yun is like a very quiet corner in the once noisy class, no different from Xiao Transparent.

Fang Lin looked at the lamb in a daze and was a little curious.

This little meat skewer sounds like Jiang Baibai is also directly related to the royal family. Judging from the aura fluctuations he felt, it is also at the D-level level, but why does it look so shy?
Isn't this kind of princess and the like supposed to be extremely savage?
No matter how bad it is, you have to be a little more lively and cheerful like Jiang Baibai.

However, Fang Lin can accept it after thinking about it carefully. Under the overall cruel feudal social structure of the spirit world, it is true that only well-protected noble children can have the same personality as the little girls in the Dragon Kingdom.

Gongsun Yun, who was in a daze, seemed to sense that someone was looking at her again, so she raised her head and met Fang Lin's eyes in a daze.

Seeing that it was Fang Lin, Gongsun Yun smiled at Fang Lin innocently.

Seeing this, Fang Lin walked straight towards her.

When the lamb saw Kaka walking towards him, looking like he wanted to chat, he suddenly became a little nervous.

Heiliang's small eyes looked left and right, moved to the side and left a place, and then lowered his head to look at the ostrich on the floor.

Fang Lin just walked to the general and was going to chat with Xiao Yang. After all, it's not good to be left out alone.

At this time, Jiang Baibai suddenly laughed loudly and called Fang Lin: "Come on Kaka, hahaha, look at Yang Zhen's Koukou space."

Yang Zhen next to him glanced at it and wanted to rush up to snatch the tablet, but Jiang Baibai held the tablet with his strong front paws and jumped down.

Come to Fang Lin and show him.

Fang Lin turned his head and saw that the picture seemed to be Yang Zhen before enlisting in the army.

The time should be summer. Yang Zhen's long hair and bangs covered his eyebrows, and he was looking at the sky at a 45-degree angle in short-sleeved flip-flops and big pants.

The accompanying text is: I'm going to save the world, don't read it.

Fang Lin glanced at Yang Zhen strangely after reading it: "Save the world?"

Xiaolan Gaga laughed and was about to taunt, Yang Zhen hurriedly left the table and walked out: "It's almost noon, what do you guys eat? Let's eat hot pot, I'll get it."

After speaking, he quickly left the office.

Jiang Baibai smiled, and flexibly manipulated the screen twice with his paws, chose to take a screenshot and save the photo.

She was so happy looking at her new baby, the tablet was such a good thing.

"Wow Kaka, play two games with me in the next game."

"Alright, I'll register an account."

"Hey, then your signal will not be able to rank with me, I sometimes see people chatting in the lobby saying that there is a difference in points and I can't match."


Fang Lin was a little speechless: "What is the difference between your silver and silver? I might skip a stage after finishing the qualifying match."

"It's all the jungler's fault."


Gongsun Yun, who was on the sofa next to her with her head down, raised her head quietly, and was relieved to find that Kaka had jumped onto Yang Zhen's chair and played some kind of tablet with Sister Baibai.

Silver, difference?what is this?
Gongsun Yun looked at the bustling people, and continued to lie down and stare at the floor in a daze.

The princess beside her looked up at Gongsun Yun and continued to stay beside her.

The princess is already very aura now, although not so aura, but she also has her own little ideas.

She felt very kind to the lamb, so she planned to accompany the lamb.

After all, during the period after Kaka left, the Princess herself felt very uncomfortable without friends.

"Come on~"

After a while, Yang Zhen brought the ingredients and the stove over again with the logistics from last time.

"Let go of eating today, eat as much as you want."

"Eat hot pot~"

Jiang Baibai was a little happy. Last time he ate hot pot, he didn't dare to show off. He still enjoyed eating here in Yangzhen.

This time the meat roll boxes must be piled up in the house~
"It's still the same as last time. I took a lot of mutton, beef, and vegetables."

Speaking of which, Yang Zhen suddenly noticed Gongsun Yun sitting on the sofa.
Fang Lin and the others also reacted and looked at each other.

If the lamb is here, lamb. . .Or forget it.

Although it is indeed delicious, the beef is not bad either.

Fortunately, Gongsun Yun couldn't understand what she was talking about.
Yang Zhen coughed lightly and said, "Then what, I took this back and exchanged it, can Yunyun eat beef?"

Xiaolan finally remembered her responsibilities, and after some translation, she brought back a reply: "It can be eaten, but it is best to have vegetables."


Yang Zhen left the office again after finishing the arrangement.

After he left, Fang Lin suddenly became curious, and asked Jiang Baibai quietly: "Don't sheep eat grass? They also eat beef?"

"Spiritual beasts are different from ordinary animals. Naturally, they can digest meat, but they still like to eat spiritual fruits and spiritual plants the most, and they don't usually eat barbecue."

"What will she do when she gets to Liu Jing's house? How to solve the problem of eating?"

"The royal family all have secret techniques similar to mine, and Uncle Gongsun sent her over on his own initiative. He must have considered the problem of eating. I guess Yang Zhen will send her over by then."

Fang Lin thought about it for a while, and it did make sense.

If someone provided it, it would be very simple. This lamb can be adopted by Liu Jing. It is not unacceptable for Yang Zhen to recommend some delicious and nutritious plant meals by the way.

It's just that Liu Jing feels a little uncomfortable being played in the palm of her hand.

But it was also an opportunity for her.

Eh, it seems to me too.

If there is another lamb in the video, will more fans pay attention?
The more people pay attention to him, the more people like him, Fang Lin has sufficient self-confidence.

(End of this chapter)

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