Chapter 181
When Yang Zhen brought the ingredients over, the beef roll boxes had already filled the table next to the hot pot, and there were quite a few piles on the ground beside it.

Gongsun Yun looked at the steaming hot pot curiously, not understanding what it was.

So under Jiang Baibai's strong recommendation, Yang Zhen dipped a slice of hot beef roll into the bowl in front of the lamb.

She took a sip, her delicious little ears shaking.

"Is it delicious? Don't worry, Zudi's is delicious, and this Coke is also delicious. When you come, I will bring you delicious and spicy ones."

Jiang Baibai sat next to the lamb with the head of a big sister, and Gongsun Yun nodded heavily, waiting anxiously for Yang Zhen to pinch the meat for him.

Fang Lin looked at Jiang Baibai's pretentious look a little funny, even if he went back to eat and drink spicy food, it was Yang Ma's decision, and she had a hammer relationship.

However, the meals at home are indeed varied and delicious, but this has nothing to do with the lamb.

It is impossible for Yang's mother to feed her meat. This is too far from the three views of normal human beings.

Although Fang Lin seemed to have seen a strange video, the goats were kept in a barbed wire fence, and the hens and chicks were on the other side.

As a result, a little chick accidentally got through the small hole at the bottom and was suffocated by the goat.

But this is an example after all.

Especially the lamb is so soft and cute, with fluffy hair all over his body.

If Liu Jing saw it, she would probably have to feed her spirit grass one by one by herself, just to see how cute she was while eating.

At this moment, Mu Xi opened the door and walked in, seeing that everyone was eating hot pot, his eyes lit up.

Yang Zhen was equally happy when he saw him.

The last time he ate hot pot, he was exhausted. These foodies ate so much meat, Yang Zhen had to keep opening the box to put the meat rolls in. Once it was cooked, he was stared at by several mouths.

Every time he stopped to take a bite, he would be stared at by several pairs of eyes, and finally a new victim came.

Yang Zhen enthusiastically moved a place for him, filled a pair of bowls and chopsticks, and then cared with a smile: "Are you hungry? Come and eat."

Mu Xi sat down and scratched his head, not understanding why Yang Zhen was so enthusiastic all of a sudden, but he nodded quickly without thinking too much.

The three meals at home are all rationed by a standard nutritionist, and he has been craving hot pot for a long time.

"By the way, it's not convenient for you to sandwich meat for them by the way."

"no problem."

Mu Xi, who was inexperienced in the world, readily agreed to the request, took the first to pick up the serving chopsticks, and helped Kaka put a lot in the bowl.

However, the development of things in the future was somewhat beyond his expectations.

Unexpectedly, the circle around him was full of big eaters, they looked thin and small, and they ate quickly and eagerly.

After he served this one, the other one started to shout, especially Jiang Baibai directly started directing, turning around Mu Xi's mobilization.

What made Mu Xi most uncomfortable was that Yang Zhen was eating slowly by the side, showing no intention of helping.

Seeing that Mu Xi's movements slowed down, Yang Zhen said with concern: "Are you tired? If you are tired, don't help them pick up food. Let them be hungry first, so you can eat more."

"It's okay, I'm fine."

"Oh, then you go on."


Because there was an extra lamb in this meal, he ate it for more than two hours at once, and it was not until the end that Mu Xi had the hot pot that he wanted so much.

After one o'clock in the afternoon, Yang Zhen, who had tidied up the office, first called Yang's mother, told her that she was safe, and promised to deliver Kaka and the others before six o'clock in the evening.

Originally, I thought that I would take it out for a day, and Yang's mother would be a little angry when I sent it back at six o'clock in the evening. Yang Zhen himself was ready to be yin and yang.

Unexpectedly, Mama Yang agreed very readily, and hung up the phone after speaking.

Yang Zhen put away his phone in surprise and said to Fang Lin who was sitting next to him lying dead: "Kaka, I didn't expect your mother to trust me."


Fang Lin didn't want to offend him and he agreed casually.

But what he didn't expect was that Xue Qiu took the initiative to ask Yang Zhen when he could complete the commission.

She told Fang Lin about this just now, and Fang Lin didn't have any opinion about it. It's not impossible to let the people of Qiankun use their supernatural powers. After all, they are also people who protect social peace and stability.

Although he himself is not worried about any security issues now, who doesn't like living in a peaceful and stable environment?

But Fang Lin was a little puzzled as to why Xueqiu was so active, maybe this little girl was a bit novel?
Fang Lin shook his head in his heart, he was still in a rush to work.

If he had to paddle for fish and procrastinate and procrastinate, he would almost kneel down to himself when Yang Zhen's urging failed, and then he would go to help.

Yang Zhen didn't have any objection to this, and quickly went out with Xueqiu to arrange specific matters.

He immediately thought of Yi Fei, and walked into Yi Fei's secretary's office with a smile.

Mu Xi heard that it was related to cultivation, so he followed the past and wanted to join in the fun.

And Jiang Baibai, who stayed behind, greeted Fang Lin's double row again.

She didn't know what happened before, she was very unlucky, and the strong early heroes she played could kill the opponent once or twice every time.

But the wronged jungler on his side has been pressed and beaten by the opponent. After being killed twice and crushed, he began to blame her for not supporting.

Most players in the silver segment are light gamers.

The so-called light game means that the first standard is for your own comfort rather than for winning.

So after he was upset, Jiang Baibai opened his mouth to refute and turned into a pianist directly.

Jiang Baibai was so impatient, she also started to play badly, and her laning was wrong, so she didn't care about anything, and just followed the jungler as a bodyguard.

After the jungle punishment was used up, he started to rob him of the wild monsters, but Jiang Baibai's operation of robbing the wild monsters was quite accurate, and he would always break the defense of the jungler with a bright expression and a taunt.

Anyway, after a few strokes, Jiang Baibai returned to Silver Two.

However, after she had played with Fang Lin before dinner, she finally knew what fairy treatment was.

The laning had just started to reach the second level, and Fang Lin, who was red, went straight to the middle lane and played the opponent's mid laner unreasonably.

Playing a prince's EQ, picking up the red buff, sticking to Jiang Baibai, and casually following the damage, he died. If he didn't pick Fang Lin, he didn't let Jiang Baibai take care of it.

Fang Lin didn't know whether he was losing money or not, but Jiang Baibai was happy anyway.

Facing Jiang Baibai, who was strong in the early stage of Lucian's mid laner, the opponent with residual blood basically could only hide under the tower and watch Jiang Baibai show off his power in front of the tower.

And Fang Lin, who only looked at the middle lane, would continue to lean in after clearing the two groups of junglers. If the opposing jungler came, he would fight a 2v2 with unequal blood volume.

The smile on Jiang Baibai's mouth, who was treated like a king, never stopped.

Especially after reaching the sixth level, after listening to Fang Lin's arrangement of Jiang Baibai, as soon as he went online, he used the big move of the Holy Light Baptism to fight against the opponent, and exchanged blood for no reason at all.

If the opposite side doesn't go home and tries to make up the knife with half blood or residual blood, the prince controlled by Fang Lin will walk over the tower with a spear on his shoulder.

In short, Jiang Baibai no longer wants to solo queue at all.

She found that the game solo and duo are two completely different games.

This time Jiang Baibai finally remembered his good sister Gongsun Yun, sitting next to her while playing and explaining to her casually that she didn't leave her alone.

It wasn't until after five o'clock in the afternoon that Yang Zhen brought Xueqiu back, packed his things and took Fang Lin and the others into the car to go home.

And because Gongsun Yun hadn't given Liu Jing the script yet, she could only stay in Qiankun's residence in Sucheng for the time being. She was very reluctant to say goodbye to Jiang Baibai, and Xiaolan, who was the translator, also stayed here.

On the off-road vehicle, Fang Lin looked curiously at Xueqiu, who had always had a very happy expression, and asked, "Snowball, why are you so happy?"



120 contribution points?

It was said that one contribution point can be exchanged for 120 dragon coins, which means that she earned [-] million in one afternoon? ? ?
How many people earn so much money in their lifetime?

"Isn't it ten o'clock in an hour?"

Faced with Fang Lin's question, Yang Zhen continued to explain: "The location is arranged in the underground aura training room, and there is a difference in the concentration of aura in it that is about three or four times that of the outside world."

"Although Lao Deng doesn't care about whether Snowball's supernatural power is leaked or not, it is still kept secret for the time being and no outsiders will know, so I arranged for Yi Fei to try it first."

"She bears the contribution points for opening the training room and the snowball rewards, but Mu Xi has to join in the fun. I told him that the burden of snowballs for one more person is very heavy. If you want to pay together, you have to pay double."

"I didn't expect this kid to take it out without blinking. It is probably his family's contribution points. You must know that although contribution points can be exchanged for [-] dragon coins, [-] dragon coins cannot be exchanged for [-] contribution point."

It means that if it is sold privately, it will be more than 120 million.

It's really cool for someone to want to be taken advantage of.

Xueqiu peeked at Fang Lin and said in a low voice, "Brother, Yang Zhen said that with 120 contribution points, he can exchange some cultivation resources. Do you want me to exchange some for him to bring to you?"

Hearing this, Fang Lin laughed dumbly: "No snowball, just change it for yourself first."

120 contribution points is definitely a drop in the bucket for a C-level player, so it's better to give Xueqiu a boost, who hasn't advanced yet.

Her supernatural powers are very important to me who can practice 24 hours a day.

If this is the case, Xueqiu should also go to the space to comprehend supernatural powers. If it can be upgraded, the growth rate of cultivation should be much stronger.

At this time, Jiang Baibai said sourly from the side: "That's right, Xueqiu, he has only been practicing for a long time and has reached C-level, so he needs your contribution points. Don't let you go when the gap is too big."

After finishing speaking, she leaned closer to Xueqiu's ear and whispered, "Don't worry, sister has enough spirit fruit here."

Jiang Baibai looked at Fang Lin, who was sitting in the co-pilot and did not respond, and groaned in his heart.

Afterwards, my mood was a little more complicated. I didn't expect Kaka's cultivation progress to be so fast, and it seemed that he was about to surpass himself.

Sometimes I really feel that my 100 years of cultivation is fake.

In the past, in the spiritual world, others were envious of my own cultivation speed, but I didn't expect it to be the other way around now.

At that time, when I read in some miscellaneous books about the deeds of the Tianjiao of the human race in ancient times, I would always be amazed. What happened when I was young, my parents died and I was bullied.

After so many years of cultivation, the ups and downs made those who looked down on him kneel down and admit their mistakes.

Although most of these are imagined and compiled, they also reflect the consensus of the human race's fast cultivation speed. Even if the spirit world and the ancestral land have been separated for so long, this concept still exists.

But why is Kaka so fast?
The genius who was favored by the luck of the ancestral land just appeared in front of him, and he didn't know whether it was good or bad.

Anyway, the benefits have already appeared, such a powerful space can choose him, maybe Kaka's credit is in it.

Alas, the downside is that I always get hit inadvertently.

I always feel that the sense of superiority I used to have in front of Kaka is almost gone.

Work hard, Jiang Baibai!

Yesterday in the Enlightenment Pavilion in the space, I realized my blood talent all night, and I have made great progress, so I need to work harder.

Besides, since I haven't practiced much for so long, it's time for Xueqiu to accompany me to practice and rub her supernatural power buff.

Eh, right?
When did Kaka practice?

Do you watch TV and play games with yourself during the day, and practice secretly all night at night?

The more Jiang Baibai thinks about this possibility, the more he feels that he has been fooled, and he is fascinated by the feasting and feasting of his ancestral land.

Make up your mind to go back and find a place where there is no one to practice. Although the concentration of aura in the ancestral land is a bit low, you can practice anywhere, right?

No, start now.

Jiang Baibai felt the supernatural blessing that Xueqiu gave him, and slowly closed his eyes.

At six o'clock in the afternoon, when Yang Zhen sent Fang Lin and others back home, Yang's mother had already picked up Xiaojie and Lin Yuqing.

"Hey, I miss Kaka, and you guys."

Liu Jing greeted them very warmly and hugged Fang Lin and the others.

"Oh, you are not at home, the house is deserted, and your mother and I are bored to death."


Fang Lin was speechless looking at the large and small shopping bags scattered on the sofa, such as Chanel and GUCCI.

If he didn't want to scare Liu Jing, he would definitely expose her.

Looks like you're having fun shopping.

And Lin Yuqing was nestling on the sofa in the living room, with a dark face and silent, Yang Ma sat beside her and watched TV leisurely.

Fang Lin came to the side curiously and sat down to hear what melons were available.

There's clearly something wrong with this situation.

At this time, Liu Jing poured a glass of water, walked over and handed it to Lin Yuqing, saying, "Hey, why isn't Qingqing happy that she did so well in the exam?"

Did well?

However, Lin Yuqing turned her head and buried her face in the sofa, still not saying a word.

Liu Jing put the water glass on the coffee table, sat down to comfort her: "It's okay, isn't it just that the math teacher asked for leave, did the other teachers forget to correct the paper?"

"It's just a weekly test. It's also a small test in each class. It's not that important. Besides, didn't you pass the No. 5 test?"

"But no math grades!"

Lin Yuqing immediately jumped up from the sofa.

"Godmother believes that you did well in the math test this time, and your mother also believes, right Qian?"

Liu Jing poked Mama Yang, motioning for her to speak.



Lin Yuqing said angrily: "Tomorrow is the monthly exam, and I will definitely get full marks in mathematics. Just wait!"

After that, he went upstairs.

Fang Lin was a little funny watching this scene. Is Lin Yuqing's math grades so ups and downs?
It sounds like she did well in the test this time, but the teacher asked for leave and other teachers forgot to correct their class papers, so the class's test scores were missing one class.

Tsk tsk, I don't know if this counts as a teaching accident, shouldn't it?
If it's a class test, it should be fine.

Liu Jing next to her complained, "Qian, you should encourage her."

"I said I believed in her, eh, it's okay, Qingqing is a bit like me, so maybe the potential can be stimulated. I was also my mother who didn't like me back then, so I worked hard and my grades improved."

"All right."

Liu Jing smacked her lips and said nothing.

She remembered that she seemed to be screwed right after being scolded by her mother.

(End of this chapter)

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