Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 182 Looking for trouble?

Chapter 182 Looking for trouble?

When it was time for dinner, Mama Yang was already humming a song and preparing dinner in the kitchen.

After a day of shopping, Yang Ma, who bought a lot of favorite clothes and was in a good mood, showed her skills and showed her superb white case skills.

I saw that the dough was flattened and rounded under her hands, and soon it took off in the air and was gradually stretched into many thin strips.

The delicious, soft and delicious beef in the pot next to it has also been stewed, and the aroma began to gradually permeate the room.

Just cook the noodles, take them out, pour beef and soup, sprinkle with green onion, and a bowl of delicious beef noodles is ready.

At this time, the time has come to 07:30 in the evening, Jiang Baibai, an internet-addicted girl who is temporarily unable to find a place to play games at home, has been practicing on the sofa for an hour.

And Fang Lin, who practiced automatically, accompanied Liu Jing to watch TV dramas and saw the present.

Lin Yuqing and Xiaojie had already gone downstairs, their eyes lit up when they smelled the aroma, they went to the kitchen and asked, "Mom, what are you having for dinner?"

"Beef noodles, come down when your dad comes back, go watch a TV series on the sofa and wait."


The two children were very happy, because the noodles made by Mama Yang were very strong and delicious, but usually she always found it troublesome, after all, ramen noodles were really hard work.

Yang Ma would only do this once when she was in a good mood. It is said that she learned it from Yang Ma's grandma.

Everyone sat on the sofa and waited for dinner to start.

Half an hour later, Father Lin still hadn't come home.

But Lin Yuqing and the others' stomachs had already started to protest, and Fang Lin had already closed his eyes and chose to calm down.

Moreover, the strong smell of meat in the pot that has been simmering on a low fire is always tangy, and several foodies can't stand it anymore.

So under Lin Yuqing's constant urging, Xiaojie asked, "Mom, is the meal ready?"

Yang's mother came over with her mobile phone frowning: "What's your hurry because your father hasn't come back yet, can you starve to death if you eat later?"

"I'll just ask."

Xiaojie laughed twice, and looked at his sister helplessly.

Jiang Baibai, who was also waiting for the news, continued to lie on the sofa like Lin Yuqing after hearing the news.

Liu Jing looked up at the wall clock on the wall and asked suspiciously: "Could it be that Lao Lin worked overtime? Didn't he call you?"

Yang Ma shook her head, took off her apron and threw it aside, revealing a black dress.

She stroked her black hair and sat down on the edge of the sofa, her figure perfectly outlined by the dress.

Even though she was wearing the beautiful clothes she just bought, this beautiful young woman had a worried expression on her face.

In her memory, Dad Lin almost always came home from get off work on time, and would call her in advance if there was anything to do, it is impossible to not have any letter by now.

Liu Jing looked at Mama Yang's comfort and said, "Why don't you call him?"

"I called just now, and his phone was turned off."


Liu Jing was also a little numb at this time and didn't know what to do.

"Forget it, I'll call his secretary and ask."

"Yes, yes, you can ask."

Yang's mother took out her mobile phone and looked in the address book for a look at the children. She went straight to the balcony and dialed the number. The call was quickly connected.

Fang Lin mobilized his hearing and listened carefully.

"Hello? Xiao Liu? I'm your sister Yang."

"Oh, good evening, sister Yang, what's the matter?"

"Lin Wenshao hasn't come home until now, are you still working overtime?"

"Uh, yes, Mr. Lin and we are working overtime."

Yang's mother continued to ask with a blank expression: "His phone is turned off now, don't lie to me, if there is a problem, I have to find someone to solve it."


Xiao Liu smiled awkwardly: "Well, I was indeed working overtime, but Mr. Lin had two people come to him at four o'clock in the afternoon, and they didn't come back after that."

"Okay, let me know if you have any news."

"Ok Sister Yang, don't worry, nothing will happen."

"hope so."

After Mama Yang finished speaking, she hung up the phone and came back.

Fang Lin's ears moved, but he didn't feel anything after listening to the whole process.

Men, what's the point of turning off your phone for two hours, right?
Two old classmates come to play together, go out for a drink, sing a song and wash their feet
cough cough.

Anyway, it depends on how Papa Lin manages when he comes back.

Mama Yang hid her worries in her heart for the time being, walked to the living room and said with a smile, "Let's go, your dad is working overtime, let's eat first."

"Wuhu~ eat beef noodles."

Xiaojie yelled happily and ran to the restaurant. On the way, Yang's mother caught him and twisted his ears for the reason of running too fast.

When Mama Yang walked into the kitchen, the tall and flexible noodles were quickly lined up and thrown into the bubbling hot water, rolled three times before being fished out.

Because it was hard to make beef noodles once, Mama Yang also made some for Fang Lin's hairy kids.

Especially Fang Lin, who gave extra chunks of beef.

Fang Lin used to be considered a northerner, and he usually likes to eat handmade noodles such as beef noodles and casserole noodles. What he eats is the steaming feeling.

Mama Yang's craftsmanship made her feel a little bit like she used to.

One does miss the cuisine of one's hometown.

Xueqiu and Jiang Baibai sucked their breath beside Fang Lin and ate the noodles in small bites, saying it was delicious.

"Is this noodles? What are they made of?"


Fang Lin thought for a while, and he didn't know this kind of thing very well. He recalled and said, "It should be made of wheat flour. How do you feel?"

Jiang Baibai thought for a while: "How should I put it, it tastes very chewy, just right."

Fang Lin nodded approvingly. Whether this kind of pasta is good or not depends on whether the noodles are strong or not.

This is also the reason why many people like to eat hand-rolled noodles in old shops on the side of the road. The noodles made by machines always feel that they lack some soul.

Jiang Baibai took a bite of the beef and said, "When Yunyun comes, this should be edible."

Hearing this, Fang Lin laughed and said, "By the way, didn't you tell her that you wanted to take her to eat delicious food? Could it be that you want to cook?"

"What? No?"


Fang Lin was startled, really want to cook?
Jiang Baibai glanced around mysteriously, leaned over and said, "A few days ago, Liu Jing bought a few of those on the Internet. Make fuel."

"I've seen her use it, and it feels quite simple."



Fang Lin understood that what Jiang Baibai was talking about was probably the kind of portable gas stove used by many UP masters to shoot videos.

But then what?
Jiang Baibai continued: "I asked Yang Zhen to take dozens of boxes of beef rolls in my space today."


Fang Lin was shocked.

"Hey, got it? Let's try tonight first? When they fall asleep, you sneak to the balcony, and I'll come down to find you."

"How did you get down?"

"I'll just jump down, the balcony has no windows."

Fang Lin couldn't help turning his head to look at the balcony, and the small open garden came into view.

He imagined that he and Jiang Baibai were setting up a hot pot on the balcony at two o'clock in the morning, and then he was caught by Yang's mother who came down to get food from the refrigerator.

Fang Lin shook his head: "Forget it, and we don't have hands, how can we get it?"

"There is a colander, just hold it and fish it out."

"Let's talk about it when Yunyun comes."


Jiang Baibai pouted and didn't insist anymore.

And the atmosphere at the dinner table was a little dignified. Father Lin was not at home, and Mother Yang kept a sullen face while eating, making Liu Jing and the two children afraid to show their anger.

Suddenly, Mama Yang's cell phone rang.

Mama Yang quickly picked it up.


"Hello, is Yang Nianqian?"

"Yes, I am."

"I'm a staff member of a special secret organization in Longguo. Your husband Lin Wenshao needs to cooperate with us in some work matters, so he can't go home for the time being."

"What do you mean?"

"literal meaning."

Mama Yang frowned: "What exactly is it?"

"No comment, I have already informed, goodbye."

After speaking, the other party hung up the phone.


Mama Yang was speechless.

Because the voice of the mobile phone was not too low, the people around heard the conversation and immediately looked at each other in blank dismay.

"Is it a liar, Mom?"

Lin Yuqing was a little puzzled.

"No, the attitude is so bad, it looks like a liar there."

Yang Ma shook her head and said casually: "You guys eat first, I'll ask someone to ask."

Then he went to the living room alone with his mobile phone.

He quickly found a number on his phone and dialed it.

Under Fang Lin's extraordinary hearing, he heard that Yang Ma seemed to have made a phone call with the city lord of Su City, and the city lord asked him to wait for the news and ask for help.

Is this the great entrepreneur?

Fang Lin couldn't help being speechless, the city lord's private phone call was made as soon as he said it.

But Dad Lin was taken away by a secret department?Why do you feel this saying is so familiar?
It can't be Qiankun, can it?

But Qiankun shouldn't care about this kind of thing, Fang Lin shook his head to dismiss his thoughts.

Next, Mama Yang sat in the living room and waited. Liu Jing and the two children looked at each other after eating and did not bother her.

Liu Jing asked the two children to go back to the room by themselves, cleaned up the scene by herself, and then quietly sat beside Yang Ma and waited with her.

At 09:30 in the evening, after Yang's mother called for more than an hour, the phone finally rang again.

Yang Ma glanced at the phone number and responded, "Hello, City Lord? How are you doing? Any news?"

The male voice on the other end of the phone was a little embarrassed: "Uh, that Ms. Yang, I have already asked my old leader in the Imperial Capital, but there is still no news. The old leader called me just now to ask me not to meddle in these things."


"Okay, thank you."

"It's okay, it's okay, I didn't help you this time, just come to me next time if you have something to do, I will definitely help if I can."

Mama Yang hung up the phone and sighed.

Liu Jing looked at Yang's mother worriedly and said, "Is there no news?"

Mama Yang shook her head.

"It's okay, it should be a very confidential matter, so you don't have to worry too much. Didn't Lao Lin say there was some technological breakthrough before?"

"Well, it's possible."

However, although Mama Yang said so, she still felt a little uncomfortable in her heart.

That person's attitude just now was too bad, no matter how you say, he has made a lot of contributions to his family.

"No, I'll call the Governor of the Southern Province and ask for help."


Liu Jing thought she had heard wrong.

Governor of Southern Province?
"Forget it, Qian."

Liu Jing's instincts were a little hypocritical.

"What's the matter, just ask if you have anything."

After talking, Mama Yang found the number and dialed the phone.

When the phone beeped, Liu Jing beside her also became nervous.

To be honest, she has never seen such a high official title.

"toot toot"

"The number you dialed is temporarily unanswered, please try again later."

Mama Yang felt a little helpless: "Why is no one answering the phone?"

"There should be a secretary at this level, and the private calls for meetings and the like are placed with him."

Seeing that Yang's mother was about to call again, Liu Jing thought for a while and said, "Wait a minute, why don't you try calling Yang Zhen first?"

"Yang Zhen?"

Mama Yang raised her eyebrows: "Why are you calling him?"

"Isn't he also from some special department? When I was camping at the campsite, the two subordinates said it was the Security Bureau or something. Anyway, try it first, if it doesn't work, you can fight if you want to."

"Maybe the Governor's phone call will get through after a while?"

Yang Ma thought for a while and said, "Okay, let me try."

Sitting next to join in the fun, Fang Lin and Jiang Baibai Xueqiu glanced at each other, feeling that the call should be fine.

What special department can be special than the universe?
"toot toot"

"Hello? (Hiss, don't move around, I'm calling you stupid bird), ahem, what's the matter, Ms. Yang?"

Yang Zhen answered the phone quite quickly, but Yang's mother always felt unreliable when she glanced at Liu Jing next to her.

But under Liu Jing's urging eyes, Yang's mother still said, "That Yang Zhen, I want you to help me with something."

"Help? No problem, you say."

"Just now I got a call telling me that he is a staff member of a special confidential agency, and informed me that my husband has something to cooperate with them and can't go home."

"But when I asked about something, he didn't tell me, so I was a little worried."

At this time, Liu Jing interjected: "Yang Zhen, you don't know, the other party is so arrogant and rude. I have nothing to say. I just came to inform you. I feel like we are suspects."

Yang Zhen's voice on the phone seemed a little taken aback: "Special security department?"


"Are you sure you're not a liar?"

"Probably not, he didn't mention money or anything, he just told me that Lin Wenshao had something to cooperate with them."

"Okay, I see, don't worry, I will call you in 10 minutes."


"Don't worry, hang up."

After hanging up, Liu Jing looked at Yang's mother with a smile and asked, "Look, I said it's useful, right?"

Yang Ma sighed and put the phone on the coffee table, hugged her legs to her chest and waited quietly for the call.

"Hello? Sister Yu, have you found it?"

"I found it. It was taken away by the people from the Imperial Capital Bureau of Special Affairs. I'm already communicating with you."

The call suddenly fell silent, and after two seconds, Yang Zhen's gloomy voice came over.

"Hehe, Wen Yu, it was you who said that you would help take over the safety of Kaka's family. Now that he has been taken away, I don't know anything. What do you mean?"

"Yang Zhen, do you have this attitude in front of me?" "I have this attitude today, if you don't give me an explanation from the intelligence headquarters, I will not be able to make it through today. If it is not for Lao Deng's face, what do you think you are? "

Yang Zhen hung up the phone with a snap.

"Yang Zhen, you are too impulsive, Sister Yu is one of my own."

"It's because she's one of my own, I'm so angry, what kind of intelligence department, are they all trash? Tomorrow, we will replace the security work of those people around Kaka with ours, and let her go to the sidelines." .”

"Okay, I see, don't be angry, what should I do now?"

"What else can I do? I'll go straight to their heads, come to my territory to ask people to give me no news, what do you mean?"

"Do you think it's aimed at us? It's aimed at Old Deng. It's obvious that Old Deng is going to be the general manager of Qiankun soon, and the subordinates at Dijing are not happy about it."

"What the hell? The master hasn't spoken yet, the dog below can't sit still?"

Yang Zhen patted the table angrily, flipped through the address book and dialed the number.

Dijing, the current Office of the Director of the Special Affairs Bureau.

Five, no, one of the four B-levels, one of the five guardians of the Dragon Kingdom, Qin Yunfeng, is sitting in the office drinking tea and looking at the internal work records.

Suddenly the phone rang and he answered the call.

"Hello? Xiao Yang, why are you free to call me?"

"Hehe, Qin, what do you mean? Are you looking for trouble?"

A trace of astonishment flashed across Qin Yunfeng's face: "What?"

"If you don't like my master, you can just say it, if you can't, you can fight with him, don't use these schemes to plot against me."

Qin Yunfeng felt a little helpless when he heard Yang Zhen start to talk about the tiger: "What can you say first? If you mess around here again, I'll go over and beat you up."

"Hmph, well, let me save you first."

"Your men"

(End of this chapter)

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