Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 183 Yang Zhen is Really Reliable

Chapter 183 Yang Zhen is Really Reliable
Qin Yunfeng frowned after listening to Yang Zhen's narration carefully: "Didn't they inform you?"

"I told him to go there and explain the situation to you first. In order to prevent you from getting confused, he wrote a special note explaining the situation."

What do you mean?
Can this also be non stick?

After Yang Zhen finished listening, he spread out his hands to Yi Fei who was standing beside him, lip-synched his lips and replied with a smile.

"Then what General Qin means is that your subordinates don't listen to you and openly disobey your orders?"

"Then you, the chief of the Imperial Capital Bureau of Special Affairs, are not as good as my master. You can't manage your subordinates well. Do you want me to help you arrest them all now?"

Qin Yunfeng was a little speechless: "Okay, it's not Kaka who took away, why are you in such a hurry?"

"Hehe, I really hope that it was Kaka that your men took away."

A few miscellaneous fish that can't reach the D level, will they really be turned over when they encounter Kaka?

Qin Yunfeng thought that Yang Zhen meant that this way he could take the opportunity to go crazy and cause trouble directly, so he began to comfort Yang Zhen: "It's okay, okay, isn't this also a problem with your subordinates? If you really care so much, why is no one monitoring it?"

"And I forgot to tell you, which is a good thing."

"Academician Lu has made a major technological breakthrough in the neural unit network, which can be commercialized after the above research."

"He directly recommended Lin Wenshao's group, and isn't he the boss behind the scenes? A patriotic businessman, and more importantly, he has cooperated closely with Longguo recently and has not been listed abroad, which is very in line with the standard."

"After talking with the higher-ups, they also felt that it was appropriate, so they gave full authority to Academician Lu to make arrangements. Academician Lu found me and asked me to send someone to invite Mr. Lin to discuss cooperation."

"It is entirely in his favor. This technology can completely change the current situation."

After hearing this, Yang Zhen thought for a while and said with a happy smile, "Hehe, General Qin, just pray that Lin Wenshao is kind-hearted and doesn't sue Academician Lu."

"What do you mean?"

"What do you mean? Do you know how I got the news?"

"Lin Wenshao's wife called me and said that someone who claimed to be in the secret department had an arrogant attitude and said that he wanted to take his husband away to cooperate with the work, and he looked like he was escorting a prisoner."

"When did your subordinates become so arrogant? Even a heroic scientist back then could see his wife a few times, right? Do you really think that wearing that skin is a master?"

Qin Yunfeng was silent for a while: "I don't know about this."

"You don't know."

Yang Zhen paused and said, "Sun Chongxing is the one you are queuing for, right? Did you also casually tell your good confidant about Deng Jiefu accepting the card as a disciple?"

"He doesn't even have the courage to come to me to find a sense of existence. It's hard to be an ordinary citizen with a chicken feather as an arrow. You really have to learn from my master."

After speaking, he hung up the phone and breathed a sigh of relief.

To be fair, his hands are shaking a little now.

Yi Fei asked worriedly from the side: "Yang Zhen. He is Qin Yunfeng, you."

Yang Zhen also felt irritated in his heart. He was a D-rank, and he pointed at the nose of the guardian of the Dragon Kingdom and reprimanded him for a long time.

If he hadn't taken advantage of the reason now, and Deng Jiefu had just made a breakthrough, he really wouldn't dare to be like this now.

He pretended to be calm and said: "It's okay, people took it away anyway, as long as you know there's nothing to do."

"Hey, I can't deal with them, but it's cool to scold them to vent my anger."

"Okay, let me call Yang Nianqian, don't wait."

Yunting District, Fang Lin's home.

In the living room, Yang's mother was still curled up on the sofa with her legs crossed, her eyes fixed on the mobile phone on the coffee table.

Originally, she wasn't too worried, mainly because the information on the phone call was vague.

Cooperate?With what?
If it's a good thing, why is it this attitude?
Yang's mother began to wonder whether Lin's father had done something bad in her mind.

In case the assets are blocked, how can I take care of the children alone in the future.

Thinking of this, Mama Yang couldn't help but take a look at Kaka who was sitting beside Liu Jing interacting with the general.

It seems that the only way is to become an Internet celebrity. Fortunately, there is still Kaka, and I can survive by receiving a few advertisements.

Liu Jing next to her had no idea that her best friend had already started a brainstorming process, and "32-Year-Old Beautiful Young Woman Survived" had already been written more than half.

She silently sat with Yang's mother, watching TV, and swiping her mobile phone was not good, so she wanted to say something to comfort her, and she felt that Yang's mother didn't really need it now.

Jiang Baibai could also feel the anxiety in the atmosphere, she asked in a low voice: "Kaka, aren't you worried?"

"What to worry about. A legal society."

Fang Lin wasn't too worried. The most important thing now was to wait for the news and see what was going on.

It's not too late to think about what to do after you understand it.

Moreover, he felt that he was fully capable of protecting his family now. If something happened to Papa Lin, at worst, he would directly reveal his identity to the family and take them to seek refuge with Deng Jiefu.

After a period of time, after breaking through to B-level or even A-level, there is no problem in claiming the title of guardian animal, right?

At that time, there will be Deng Jiefu's relationship again, and it will not be easy to arrange a family by himself.

Just as Fang Lin was yelling secretly, Mama Yang's phone rang.

Mama Yang glanced at the caller and quickly answered the call.

"Hello? Ms. Yang? I'm Yang Zhen."

"how is the situation?"

Yang Zhen's relaxed voice came from the other end of the phone: "Don't worry, it's a good thing I asked."

"It's just that there was a major technological breakthrough at the research institute, and then the higher-ups decided to cooperate with your husband to establish a branch company. I can't tell you the specific technology for the time being, and I don't know much about business."

"Anyway, as long as people are fine, don't worry."


Mama Yang breathed a sigh of relief.

Liu Jing next to her finally became happy too. To be reasonable, she seemed to have returned to her childhood just now.

I went home happily and found that my parents were quarreling or angry because of something and didn't say a word. I could only reduce my sense of existence to avoid being scolded.

Now you can finally play vibrato.

"But why didn't you tell me any news about such a good thing, and my attitude made me think that something happened to Lao Lin."

"Hehe, you understand the people in the imperial capital department, don't worry, I've already scolded them for you, and their heads should soon intervene, there should be news tonight, rest at ease."

Mama Yang said sincerely: "Thank you, Yang Zhen. When Lao Lin comes back, I invite you to come home for dinner."


Yang Zhen on the other end of the phone smiled happily: "Okay, I'll bring someone over then haha."

"no problem."

"Don't disturb your rest, goodbye."


After Yang Ma finished speaking, she turned off her mobile phone, and her whole expression relaxed.

"Hey, I just said that Yang Zhen might be useful."


Fang Lin, who listened to the whole process beside him, was thoughtful. It seemed that he was really from Qiankun, from the imperial capital?

Why do we need people from Qiankun to help with the technical cooperation of the research institute?
Fang Lin thought for a while, probably it had something to do with Academician Lu. He used to concentrate on research and had no subordinates, and he was going to be the head of the Kun Department soon.

This can be regarded as ordering his subordinates in advance.

Hey, so it seems that if Yang Zhen is still in charge of the Sioux City Qiankun Branch, Academician Lu will be his immediate boss?

Imperial Capital, an underground laboratory in the controlled area.

This is an extremely huge laboratory, divided into several areas, a group of people in white coats are still working hard at night.

In a corner of the laboratory, three members of the Imperial Capital Bureau of Special Affairs in black uniforms stood by Papa Lin's side all the time.

Sitting on the chair, Father Lin looked helplessly at the three people around him.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, they came to the company to show their IDs to find him, and the governor of the southern province also called to confirm their identities, so Dad Lin followed them without thinking too much.

Originally, I wanted to call Yang's mother to explain the situation after getting in the car, but who knew that the mobile phone was confiscated as soon as I got in the car, and I can't contact my family until now.

I made a phone call in front of him before, but didn't tell him anything.

According to his understanding of Yang Ma, he is probably more worried now, so it is better not to fight.

I don't know if I'm not at home, those naughty buns at home are delicious.

Anyway, he hadn't eaten anything except a few sips of water, and was waiting for the leader they were talking about to appear.

Although he was a bit hungry, what made him feel a little more balanced was that these three people were also standing here with him, without a drop of water or a bite of food.

But even so, Dad Lin couldn't help but think about the meaning of his own business.

Not far away, a bushy-haired researcher in a white coat and glasses sneaked a look at Dad Lin's situation, took a bag without any information from his desk, and walked over here.

"Don't get close."

The leader of the three looked at him and frowned.

"This is a high-energy chocolate developed by the research institute itself. It is our usual snack. I don't think Mr. Lin has eaten lunch. Give him some."


The attitude of the person next to him was somewhat relaxed: "We haven't eaten yet. Our job is to bring him to see Academician Lu. Before meeting Academician Lu, we need to ensure his safety and the confidentiality of his actions."

The white coat pushed the glasses: "Are you ensuring his safety?"

He looked at his chocolate and continued: "If you are worried about being poisoned, you can try the poison yourself first. If you are poisoned to death, I will be responsible."

"We didn't eat either."

"What kind of physique do you have, can you be the same as Mr. Lin?"

The white coat was a little angry: "Before Academician Lu went to the meeting, he told me that Mr. Lin would be invited back. Did you receive the order to escort him?"

"Please come back."

The leader remained expressionless and indifferent.

Father Lin looked at the business card hanging on his white coat, and saw his name, Researcher Liu Xuecheng.

So he comforted him and said, "Researcher Liu, it's okay, I'll just wait for Academician Lu to come."


Liu Xuecheng looked at the members of the Imperial Beijing Special Affairs Bureau who were not looking at him directly, took a deep breath and remembered their faces.

Academician Lu will be the general manager of the entire Kun Department, and those who work under Academician Lu as graduate students and doctoral students will be taken by Academician Lu to be assistants.

These few people, he all had to wear small shoes.

It's a pity that Xiaolan is not here.

Just at this time, Academician Lu swiped his key card and walked into the laboratory, chatting with Deng Jiefu beside him.

Seeing them from a distance, Liu Xuecheng smiled and gave Papa Lin a look, then returned to his seat and waited to see the joke.

Academician Lu and Deng Jiefu walked along the corridor passing by several training warehouses, large transparent screens and the like.

After seeing Papa Lin, Academician Lu's eyes lit up and he increased his speed.

"Haha, Mr. Lin, I finally saw you this time."

Ten meters away, Academician Lu's voice came over.

Father Lin knew that this was the leader he was waiting for, and he stood up a little confused: "Have you heard of me?"

"That's natural. You don't know me but I know you. Many technologies that your company cooperates with Longguo are the results of our research institute."

"So we have been long-term partners. This time we have made a major breakthrough, and I immediately think of you."

Saying that the two had come to the corner where Papa Lin was, Academician Lu reached out and shook Papa Lin's hand.

The three members of the Special Affairs Bureau next to him had already stepped aside a long time ago, looking honest.

Deng Jiefu also stretched out his hand with a smile: "Mr. Lin, I have admired you for a long time."

Father Lin looked at Deng Jiefu, who looked very powerful and friendly, and couldn't help but feel good about him and asked Academician Lu: "Who is this?"

"Oh, let me introduce you. This is Minister Deng. Is there any relationship between you two?"


Father Lin was suddenly curious.

When did I have a relationship with this seemingly unfamiliar ministerial leader?
At most, I have some contact with business people.

Deng Jiefu responded calmly: "Yang Zhen is actually half of my student."


Father Lin suddenly realized: "It turned out to be Yang Zhen, so I should thank you, Yang Zhen has helped my family a lot."

"Ham, it should be."

Deng Jiefu shook hands vigorously with a gentle expression.

Father Lin raised his eyebrows.

When he chatted with Minister Deng, why did he feel a bit like meeting his in-laws?

Are you so talkative?
Father Lin didn't think too much and hurriedly said, "Academician Lu and Minister Deng, can you let me call my family? I haven't contacted them until now and I'm probably worried?"


Deng Jiefu frowned, and looked calmly and prestige at the three members of the Imperial Beijing Special Affairs Bureau standing at attention beside him.

"Is there still this?"

Academician Lu turned his head and shouted at Liu Xuecheng: "Xiao Liu, how can I explain to you?"

Liu Xuecheng pushed his glasses and began to complain: "Academician Lu, I can't help it. The three of them brought Mr. Lin here after five o'clock in the afternoon and let him sit in the corner."

"I didn't even eat dinner. I couldn't stand it anymore and wanted to give him something to eat, but they refused, saying it was to protect his safety."

"I call you and you don't answer, and I can't call them."

Liu Xuecheng practiced what he learned from Xiaolan for the first time, and his tone was extremely aggrieved, as if he had been wronged by the sky.

"Ha ha."

Deng Jiefu chuckled twice, and slowly came to the side of the three of them.

"Sun Chongxing?"


"cell phone."


Sun Chongxing glanced at the person next to him, and that person quickly took out Father Lin's cell phone from his pocket and handed it to Deng Jiefu with both hands.

Deng Jiefu patted him on the shoulder meaningfully: "Go back and report to Qin Yunfeng."


After finishing speaking, he ignored the three of them and returned Father Lin's cell phone.

Although Sun Chongxing's voice was loud, their legs were shaking.

When Deng Jiefu stood in front of him just now, he even felt that what he was facing was not a human being but a giant dragon.

Taking advantage of the two ignoring them, Sun Chongxing quickly left with two teammates.

"Call Mr. Lin first, your patriotism has been tested in previous cooperation, so we will not restrict your freedom."

"I heard that your company's cafeteria is famous for its delicious food and affordable prices. After you report your safety, I will show you my cafeteria and give you an evaluation by the way, haha."

"Okay, then I'll make a call first."


(End of this chapter)

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