Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 184 Just Use a Small Bucket

Chapter 184 Just Use a Small Bucket

It was nearly ten o'clock in the evening, and it was already dark outside.

Feeling that Mama Yang was indeed fine, Liu Jing took Jiang Baibai and the princess upstairs with confidence.

In fact, she was planning to stay and sleep with Mama Yang, but Mama Yang rejected her on the grounds that Liu Jing was dishonest in sleeping.

Isn't it because I like to sleep with her in my arms, not to mention how soft and comfortable I am.

But while Liu Jing was speechless, she could also feel that Mama Yang didn't want her to feel that she was too fragile.

Tsk tsk, stubborn woman, I like it.

After Liu Jing left, the living room suddenly became quiet.

Xueqiu had already gone upstairs to find Lin Yuqing to sleep, and only Fang Lin was left beside Mama Yang.

In a boxy tea set on the coffee table, a small cup of fragrant tea is poured.

Yang Ma leaned on the sofa and silently stared at the clock on the wall in a daze.

In the past, when Papa Lin came back late, such as working overtime or going fishing, Mama Yang would sit here and wait for him.

And Lin's father also knew that when he came home at night, Yang's mother would definitely keep the light on and wait for him, instead of opening the door and facing the dark room.

The tacit understanding between the two was formed after a long period of giving and changing each other.

Fang Lin looked up at Mama Yang's appearance, and sighed inwardly, a little envious of Papa Lin.

It's a pity, if only I had such a considerate girlfriend before.

Fang Lin decided not to go up and stay here with Mama Yang for a while. As a person who was used to being lonely before, he knew that this feeling was quite difficult.

When he was in high school, he also paired up with his classmates, and he had to go to the bathroom together.

But since his parents had an accident, he went to college to eat, go to class, go shopping in the supermarket, go out to eat hot pot, watch movies, all by himself.

Fang Lin got up and walked to Yang Ma's side and lay down next to her, the dog's head leaned against Yang Ma's thigh and closed his eyes.

Ten minutes later, Fang Lin was awakened by a sudden ringtone from the mobile phone.

After seeing the number, Mama Yang cheered up and quickly answered the call, but she held the phone to her ear but didn't speak for a long time.

"Hello, Qian, it's me."

On the other side of the phone, Dad Lin's relaxed and gentle voice came over.

".Well, you are over there, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, don't worry, it's because of an item"

"I know everything, I asked Yang Zhen to ask for help just now."

"Okay, that's good, invite him to dinner at home next time and thank him."


"How are the children?"

"It's nothing. I thought you were working overtime. By the way, I made beef noodles tonight."

"Ah, it's a pity. When I come back, you can do it again for me. It shouldn't be long."

"That can't be done. I'm exhausted from rolling the noodles. Xiaojie and Kaka both ate a big bowl and still haven't had enough. I won't do it again next time."

"Let me roll it for you."

"Do you know?"

"You teach me."


Fang Linzheng listened with gusto, and the chat between the two was full of the feeling of missing each other but suppressing emotions, which made him, a single dog, scratch his heart.

But suddenly both of them stopped talking, and Fang Lin looked at Yang Ma suspiciously.

Before there was no news, the mood was so heavy, but now you answer the phone and stop talking? ?

Tsk, it's so complicated.

Finally, Papa Lin spoke to break the silence.

"Is there anyone else around you now?"

Mama Yang looked around, there was no one else in the empty room, only Kaka looked at herself with the dog's head up with simple and honest eyes.

"no, what happened?"

"It's okay, I just miss you."

Mama Yang blushed, and looked up at the second floor to make sure the children were not eavesdropping, then crossed her legs and huddled herself in the sofa with great interest, and said in a low voice, "Hmph, how long have you missed me?"


"Before I cried tired again, I really don't understand you."

"My lady, isn't this the beauty of distance?"

"Then you can go to sleep in the study when you come back."

"No, too much beauty has been produced now, and it needs to be made up for at a close distance."


Mama Yang's fair face was already a little rosy.

She was about to say something private, when she suddenly looked up and found Kaka's bright eyes looking at her curiously like eating a melon, she swallowed the words in her heart immediately.

Then he turned to the other side and started chatting in a quieter voice.

This scene made Fang Lin roll his eyes in his heart.

what the hell?

Even a handsome husky?Isn't it just to listen to some little secrets between husband and wife, how stingy.

But I didn't expect it, I can hear it no matter how soft it is, hehe.

Fang Lin closed his eyes and pretended to be sleeping to lower Mama Yang's vigilance, but listened intently with a pair of ears.

"Where do you live over there?"

"There will be a special single room. I will take pictures for you to see when the time comes. I will go to the cafeteria of the institute for supper later. I will send you some delicious food."

"Don't eat too much at night."

"Yeah, I know, you should go to bed earlier."

"Good night."

"Good night."

After finishing speaking, Mama Yang hung up the phone with a smile on her face.

She sat up and looked at Kaka with her ears upturned and rolled her eyes: "Stop pretending, go back to sleep."

Fang Lin was taken aback, can this be seen?

Imperial Capital, Bureau of Special Affairs.

In the director's office, Qin Yunfeng sat behind the desk and stared expressionlessly at the three people in front of him.

The three people headed by Sun Chong looked at the floor without saying a word.

"Sun Chongxing."


"Recap the mission."


"Arrive in Sioux City before four o'clock today, and escort Lin Wenshao to the Imperial Secret Research Institute after handing over with the local Secret Affairs Bureau."

"Then how did you do it?"

Sun Chongxing fell silent.

A person next to him suddenly said: "Director, Brother Sun is also apologizing for you, and I want to vent my anger on you."


Qin Yunfeng patted the table angrily, and a fierce aura immediately permeated the entire office.

"Sun Chongxing, who do you think?"

"The results of countless high-level meetings, Deng Jiefu and I have been preparing for such a long-term reform. I need you to give me pointers, do I need you to fight for me? Huh?"

"To fight against injustice, go to Yang Zhen, Deng Jiefu's apprentice, and bully a patriotic entrepreneur!"

"Do you really fucking think you're someone?"

"Others keep saying that the people in the Imperial Capital Secret Affairs Bureau are full of arrogance. I don't care. I thought you would have a degree, but now I think you have been kicked by donkeys."

"Remember, it is the Imperial Capital Bureau that made you, not you!"

"That is to say, it is fortunate that you are not in the army now, otherwise I would have killed you for disobeying orders on the battlefield!"

Qin Yunfeng's eyes were full of disappointment, he was silent for a moment, adjusted his mentality, and then said lightly: "I don't think the entire Imperial Capital Bureau is worthy of joining the universe."

The three of Sun Chongxing's eyes widened immediately.

However, Qin Yunfeng continued to look at them calmly and continued to speak: "The concentration of spiritual energy has continued to increase recently, and perhaps the final recovery of spiritual energy is coming soon."

"In some places on the border, the ZF has lost control of the situation, and many countries that are staring at us are also ready to send people to infiltrate there."

"Tomorrow morning, I will take all of you to the border."

"It's just right, there are enemies who are plotting evil in front of you, and your motherland is behind you. I hope you can be as tough as you are today when facing them."

Qin Yunfeng looked at Sun Chongxing indifferently and said, "Sun Chongxing."


"Only by dying on the battlefield can I value you again."


Early the next morning, Yang's mother still got up early and woke up Fang Lin to start morning exercises.

Fang Lin stretched his waist and felt Yang's mother's mood, and it was indeed a lot easier.

So he no longer worried.

In this life, he will protect his family well.

If you have time another day, ask Yang Zhen who did it, and he must return it.

He felt his own space, in which Jiang Baibai was still squatting in Wudao Pavilion and practicing.

Tsk tsk, this little girl doesn't know what stimulated her.

Could it be that he was stimulated by himself?
As soon as he went back last night, Jiang Baibai came to the space and tapped on Qi Ling to find out about Kaka.

As a result, Qi Ling only told her that she would not disclose information about other patrons.

Jiang Baibai was waiting in front of the stone tablet over there. After waiting for a long time, he didn't see Kaka coming in. He had no choice but to go to practice first.

It is estimated that Jiang Baibai will ask himself this matter today, haha.

The corner of Fang Lin's mouth curled up.

Of course he didn't go in last night, and it's useless for him to go to the space. When Jiang Baibai's comprehension is finished, he can also get her comprehension, and he doesn't need to come by himself at all.

What's more, the large piece of spirit crystal she gave to Qi Ling before has not been consumed. Fang Lin practiced again last night.

The progress of the third aura core has been filled to 5.00%.

Feeling this progress, Fang Lin felt a little uncomfortable. The speed of hundreds of times was only filled to 5.00% in one night.

According to Fang Lin's calculations based on this progress, if he hangs up and practice 24 hours a day, it will take 20 months to fill up the third spiritual core!

20 months!

The last aura core is only two or three months away.

Isn't the third one bigger, and the aura filled with it changed from gaseous to liquid?

This is too outrageous, no wonder Jiang Baibai only got C level after 100 years.

It will take more than a year before his talent is so perverted.

However, recently, Fang Lin also felt that the concentration of aura around him was gradually increasing, which meant that the speed of cultivation would also increase accordingly.

When it really recovers, maybe the concentration of the surrounding aura can also become liquid, so it is estimated that the speed will be greatly improved.

But no matter what, it's not as good as using the genius treasure to open it!

It would be great if there were a few more spirit crystals, the space can just use this energy to transform itself into aura.

It seems that there are a lot of people who have been tricked.

That Mu Xi seems to be from a wealthy family?
I don't know if there will be some good things on hand.

Fang Lin was lost in thought.

At nine o'clock in the morning, Fang Lin was watching a TV series with Yang Ma and Liu Jing in the living room.

Upstairs in Lin Yuqing's room, Jiang Baibai and Xueqiu were browsing the online store and discussing what to buy.

It can only be said that the desire to buy does not distinguish between species, and a woman cannot resist it.

No, Fang Lin was sent by the two of them to watch Yang Ma and Liu Jing.

Moreover, Yang Zhen has already been bought by Jiang Baibai to act as a dedicated courier. As for why he, the dignified person in charge of Sucheng Qiankun, would do such a part-time job.

It can only be said that Jiang gave too much for nothing.

She made an agreement with Yang Zhen on the button that she would give Yang Zhen a space storage item. After she bought anything, she would first send it to the Qiankun branch in Sucheng, and then Yang Zhen would send it over.

This made Fang Lin itch in his heart.

Spatial props, things that only exist in novels!

He is short of a space prop right now.

If you have this, you can carry your own tablet with you, instead of keeping it with Jiang Baibai all the time.

The main reason is that Fang Lin's face is a bit thin, and if Jiang Baibai asks for it, she might give it to her, but Fang Lin is a little embarrassed.

I can only figure it out slowly.

Liu Jing was watching the video with a boring face on her mobile phone, muttering incessantly: "Idea, Idea, where are you?"

She doesn't know what to shoot now, and it's a bit monotonous to just shoot videos.

To be honest, the previous video of going to camp was quite popular.

And that Mid-Autumn Festival blessing video.

Speaking of which, the five lucky ones who got the mooncakes have already appeared, but there are four mooncakes for each person, and the 20 mooncakes owed have not been settled yet.

The previous ones were all shown off by Liu Jing and a group of foodies at home.

"Qian, where shall we go to play this weekend?"

"Okay, you can think about it first, if you don't have any special ideas, we can just find a place to camp."

"If Lao Lin comes back, he will just find a place with water this time. He has always liked fishing, and going out to play will also make him happy."

Liu Jing smiled when she heard Mama Yang's words: "Hey, do you agree with him to go fishing now?"

"Hmph, I've never objected to it, but the main thing is that it takes up too much time."

"If he's going fishing, he'll set off at eight o'clock in the morning to catch something, and then adjust until it gets dark at night."

"There is a complete set of all kinds of equipment, especially the fish guard, which is a square and long net for the fish caught."

"He bought all kinds of professional fish guards and threw them in the warehouse. As a result, he couldn't catch a few in a day."

"If you want me to say, it's just the small bucket that Xiaojie used to play with sand when he was a child."

Liu Jing listened to Hehe Zhile, which sounded quite interesting.

She thought about the picture of Kaka watching Papa Lin's fishing, so she said, "Why don't we choose a reservoir with a cleaner environment? Or the combination of fishing and camping is also fine, in the suburbs It should be quite a few."

"OK, no problem."

"Hey, what are you filming today, so many people sent private messages to remind me to update, I'm so annoying."

Liu Jing complained, then reached out and pulled Kaka who was lying on the sofa towards her, and then lay down on the pillow.

Lie on your back and watch the video.

Suddenly, a video appeared in front of her eyes.

"Please, Pan Zhoudan~"

As some passionate voices came out, an imposing man walked sideways in an S-shape behind the two of them.

Because the action contains a certain sense of rhythm, it is very good.

In addition to the original version, this video also posted many imitations by netizens. Liu Jing's eyes lit up when she watched it.

"Go Kaka, let's shoot this!"


I reject.

Fang Lin lay down and pretended to be dead.

 Thank you Yusheng Tingfeng, Yu Luyou, and Toolman for the 2020-point starting coin rewarded in 100, thank you for the 1000-point starting coin that I just want to live, thank you for the 5000-point starting coin that everything can be rewarded, and thank you Xieyang Liushui The reward of 2000 starting point currency, thank you ** really can't do it for the reward of 500 starting point currency!

  Thank you to the rudder owner who rewarded the glory of the hunter!!!
  Draw tomorrow at 12 o'clock.

(End of this chapter)

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