Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 185 God Level Delivery Staff

Chapter 185 God Level Delivery Staff

Time is like a naughty elf, always slipping away quietly when we are not paying attention.

Perhaps in a trance, we grow from children to adults.

Mingming dreamed yesterday that he had just taken the college entrance examination, and when he turned his head and opened his eyes, he had obtained a university diploma.

Fang Lin's college life in the past was very dark, except for weekly deadlines and final exams, he had no concept of time.

Now that I have become a husky, the time has become very wasteful.

During the few days when Papa Lin was not at home, Mama Yang didn't have any desire to go out to play.

In addition to the unshakable morning exercises and going out to buy groceries every morning, she also stayed at home with Liu Jing, watching dramas and watching movies.

After two or three episodes of TV series, one morning and one afternoon will pass, which can be called a sharp tool to kill time.

And Emperor Ha, who was following the two beautiful young women at home, was also forced to become a house dog.

During the day, they watch TV shows together and watch the whistle. Occasionally, they go up to play two games together, and at night they practice all night.

The small life can be regarded as very fulfilling, if it were him before, and if he was given a computer, it would be no problem to live like this to death.

But now Fang Lin felt a little bored, and there was a voice in his heart constantly urging him to go out and play.

He was tired of visiting the small gardens in the community downstairs. He could walk to the end of those pavilions and woods with his eyes closed, and he always went out early in the morning without meeting any interesting people or things.

Yang Zhen has repeatedly urged Fang Lin and Jiang Baibai to find a way to go out and have fun in the button. Now he is in a hurry to send Gongsun Yun to Fang Lin's house.

The reason is naturally not because the lamb is annoying, but because the blue-haired parrot is too jumpy.

No matter what Yang Zhen was doing, Xiao Lan would always quack and mock at the side, but Yang Zhen couldn't do anything about it.

You must know that Academician Lu is going to be the head of the Longguo Qiankunkun Department, and he is Yang Zhen's immediate boss.

At that time, the distribution of cultivation resources, the evaluation of indicators, etc. will all be a matter of Academician Lu's words. As Academician Lu's pet, Xiaolan can be regarded as a half-bedside person, right?

There is a saying that the king of Hades is easy to see, but the little ghost is hard to deal with. This Xiaolan is a good little ghost, right?

However, Fang Lin had nothing to do about it. He and Jiang Baibai had been arguing for the past two days.

Every morning at eight or nine o'clock, he ran around the door, and then ran to the cabinet at the door to dig out the dog's leash and put it in front of Yang Ma and Liu Jing.

Excuse me, is this hint obvious enough?
Not to mention that Fang Lin also stared at the two of them with "big eyes eager to go out and play".

However, Fang Lin may have used too much force. Although Liu Jing and Yang Ma were amused, they still lay on the sofa and did not move.

From this, Liu Jing also came up with the idea of ​​making a video.

"Kaka, go out and play~"

"Hey, do you want to go out and play? Go and get the rope."

"So smart~"

After Fang Lin cooperated twice, Liu Jing looked at the phone very satisfied, rubbed Fang Lin's head, and went up to edit the video.

Fang Lin expressed extreme dissatisfaction with this, which is a blatant deception.

He decided that he would not lie on Liu Jing's lap and watch movies for the next week, and he had to make her feel his mistake!
It can only be said that this is entirely because Fang Lin usually behaves too well. Both Yang Ma and Liu Jing know that he will not do excessive things such as demolition of the house.

But fortunately, after several days of urging and alienation, Liu Jing finally agreed to Fang Lin to take him to the park on Saturday, and at the same time successfully got her own husky pillow.

Therefore, the time when the lamb will be in place is basically determined.

The time is now 06:30 on Friday night, and Fang Lin is joining in the fun in Xiaojie's bedroom.

Lin's father has not been home for a week, but every day he will video with Yang's mother and family members to share the latest life.

From the video, it can be seen that the food is really good, and there are apartment-style single rooms.

The most exciting time for the family was when Papa Lin appeared in the video wearing an exoskeleton armor. Although Papa Lin said that this product was already somewhat outdated, Fang Lin and Xiaojie were still very happy.

Man, who doesn't love the romance of armor?

As a result, Xiaojie became extremely concerned about his invention competition. Every night when he got home, he would go to his bedroom to play with various components and circuit boards he bought.

Xiaojie's goal is to make a temperature and smoke alarm unit from scratch. Various original accessories such as single-chip microcomputer, smoke collection module, temperature collection module, buzzer, steering gear, etc. are all bought.

All he needs to do is to code on the microcontroller, and then call these modules to achieve the final function.

At the same time, because the purchased components are scattered components, he needs to use solder to solder them to a circuit board.

Although it sounds simple, it is not a small challenge for Xiaojie at this age, and many details need to be asked.

So basically when I come back, I will try to make a video call to Dad Lin for help when I have a problem, but because Dad Lin often needs to watch various experimental results and discuss cooperation details with Academician Lu.

So academician Lu assigned Liu Xuecheng to Xiaojie as a tutor, and as soon as Xiaojie made a video call, Liu Xuecheng went to help answer the questions.

As a Ph.D. in physics and a recipient of various talent program titles, Liu Xuecheng is naturally able to grasp these.

As for why Fang Lin wanted to join in the fun, it was because Liu Xuecheng, who happened to recognize Fang Lin when he saw him, often displayed some high-tech gadgets during the tutoring breaks.

This made Emperor Ha couldn't help being amazed. He felt a little out of date, and always felt that there were several generations between himself and the scientists.

When it was time to eat, Fang Lin and Xiaojie reluctantly said goodbye to Liu Xuecheng and went downstairs.

Fang Lin also became bored again.

After four nights, the cultivation of his third spiritual core has been pushed to 20%.

But a bad news also followed. Qi Ling told Fang Lin that the spirit crystal provided by Jiang Baibai had been exhausted.

Without the spirit crystal, Fang Lin had no motivation to practice at all. He switched from the high-speed rail to the No. 11 bus, and the distance was still so far from the northeast to Hainan. Who could bear it.

And Fang Lin was very skeptical about this. It didn't take much time for such a large piece of spirit crystal.

It must have been taken out of space.

But although Fang Lin had opinions in his heart, there was nothing he could do.

If there is no such ability as space to directly use transformation, he will not be able to use this spirit crystal, and directly supply him with energy for him to cultivate, break through, consolidate, and improve, and a little loss is justified.

If you can't save money, you can only open source.

Tomorrow is Saturday, so let's take a look at how her family is doing when I take the lamb home.

While Fang Lin was thinking to himself, he and Xiaojie had already gone downstairs to the dining table and took their seats.

Except for Lin Yuqing, everyone in the family has already prepared at the dining table, and Mama Yang also served today's dinner --- hot pot skewers.

A large Yuanyang iron pot was placed on a portable gas stove, and the aroma of bone broth and bright red spicy pot filled the air.

All kinds of side dishes around have been arranged, skewered.

Beef tripe, hairy tripe, beef and mutton, crispy bones, squid, enoki mushrooms, tofu skin, etc., can be seen in almost any delicious food.

At this time, Lin Yuqing came late, with a noble and indifferent expression like a princess.

She came to the seat next to Xiaojie, pulled out the chair very elegantly and sat down, looked at the delicious food on the table and nodded solemnly to express her satisfaction, quietly waiting for the meal to start.

Liu Jing looked at Lin Yuqing who was behaving strangely and asked curiously: "Qingqing, are you uncomfortable? Why don't you like talking today."

In the past, when Lin Yuqing saw hot pot skewers at night, he would definitely jump up and down happily, and then urged Yang Ma to start the fire and serve the dishes.

what is it today?
Yang's mother brought a bottle of orange juice and Sprite from the refrigerator, and took a few red wine glasses to share with everyone.

Then she sat down and glanced at Lin Yuqing who was opposite her, and said to Liu Jing with some amusement: "The results of the monthly exam on Wednesday came out. She passed the exam in grade [-] and ranked third in the class."



Liu Jing and Xiaojie looked at Lin Yuqing beside them in astonishment.

"Really? Qingqing? You are so good. Congratulations. I'm going to take Kaka to the park tomorrow to play with you?"

Facing the compliments from his family, Lin Yuqing held back the smile on his lips, and said calmly, "It depends on the situation."

Yang Ma secretly rolled her eyes.

Could it be that he was the first in the exam before and was like this in front of his mother?

It shouldn't be, I am still very humble.

Lin Yuqing definitely followed Lin Wenshao.

But even though she was slandering her from the bottom of her heart, as a mother, Yang Ma still affirmed her achievements.

Lin Yuqing, who was praised by Mama Yang, finally couldn't hold back a smile from the corner of her mouth.

This smile was accurately captured by Fang Lin beside the table, and he couldn't help grinning.

To be honest, he has no doubts about Lin Yuqing's ability to achieve this result.

Yuehua's effect on Lin Yuqing can be said to be big or small, but it can improve her energy, make her more focused in doing things, and maintain her attention for a long time.

But this also requires her own efforts.

In order to prove herself in front of Mama Yang, Lin Yuqing didn't even watch variety shows or read dramas when she returned home for a short time, and just sat at the desk and studied hard.

Fang Lin was taken aback by this posture.

In fact, the knowledge at this time is not too much, and if you really work hard, you can fill it up quickly, not to mention that she is only a little partial in mathematics.

Looking at Lin Yuqing who was laughing happily, Fang Lin also had the feeling of smiling like an old father.

Sioux City, in front of a somewhat cheap and small rental house.

A deliveryman in an orange uniform was opening the door. From the anxious movement of him inserting the key, it could be seen that he seemed to be in a very restless mood.

After trying twice, he finally got the word right, and he entered the room smoothly.

The first thing you see is a boxy space. There are no desks, beds, and TVs, and there is not even a bathroom.

As soon as the man entered the door, he couldn't wait to take off his helmet and hugged it in his arms. He looked at the phone that was talking and heaved a sigh of relief.

If Fang Lin was here, he would be able to tell at a glance that this takeaway boy was actually the man in windbreaker that he had met in the park before and he wrote it down in his notebook.

The man quickly answered the phone.

"Moses Moses?"

"Hey, Matsuda-kun, let's communicate in Chinese."

Matsuda's face darkened when he heard the frowning Chinese accent on the phone.

Are the people sent by the organization all fools this time?How dare you speak Chinese with this kind of accent, it can't be hidden in Longguo for a minute! ! !

However, he was forced to obediently and replied: "Okay, I finally got your call! Is there any new order from the organization?"

Matsuda Taketo, a D-level strength, a member of the Neon Sakura team, has a similar status to Yang Zhen in Neon's own jurisdiction.

Young and powerful, and his master Yamada Yuichi is one of the Neon Seven Heavenly Kings (Class C), so he has a bright future.

A few months ago, the secret line of the Sakura team got the news that Ruisi Technology in Sucheng, Longguo, has recently cooperated closely with the official, and has many cooperation projects. Recently, it is suspected that there will be a new major breakthrough that may also be related to Ruisi.

And the breakthrough direction is very likely to be the energy aspect that Neon urgently needs.

Coincidentally, it was the time when the Neon Sakura group was about to be reorganized, and a heavenly king was to be elected as the leader of the Sakura group on the bright side.

So Yamada Yuichi talked with Matsuda Taketo all night and sent him over to make a contribution. It happened that Matsuda Taketo had the experience of studying in Longguo, and his spoken language was false.

So the Sakura team spent a huge price to hide him and sent him here, although he was monitored by the intelligence team of the Special Affairs Bureau as soon as he came.

However, Taketo Matsuda, who was painted with big cakes and full of longing for the future, was blinded when he came to Sioux City.

Because the connector arranged by the fucking organization is gone! ! !
Because of the tight control of the Special Affairs Bureau, the Sakura team can only choose a very old-fashioned hierarchical organization model of connectors here.

Both the upline and downline do not know the other party's place of residence or their hidden identities, and they usually only communicate by phone.

The Dragon Kingdom has a large population, and no one would listen to the phone calls of normal people, and they also replaced special words.

If it is said that among the tens of billions of phone calls every day, his phone is being monitored closely, and he is probably not far from being caught.

But Taketo Matsuda felt that his upline had been caught.

The cherry blossom group gave him a forged identity as a rural unemployed person who graduated from a Sanwu school, and recently worked in the food delivery industry.

After struggling without online contact, he had to slowly start his food delivery career.

The key is not to send it away. The card is only 3000 yuan at the beginning, and if you don’t work, you will have nothing to eat.

And Taketo Matsuda didn't dare to apply for a visa to return to China by himself. Without the help of the organization, his identity could allow him to live a normal life, but he couldn't stand scrutiny and interrogation.

I have a bright future, but I don't want to be caught and arrested by the Dragon Country's Special Affairs Bureau. It is said that the Dragon Country's Special Affairs Bureau treats the enemy extremely cruelly.

As a D-level practitioner, Taketo Matsuda, who embarked on the road of food delivery, quickly adapted and gradually grew into an ace delivery man.

His superb physical strength and memory allow him to climb stairs, run, and touch alleys like a god, and his strong energy allows him to work more than ten hours a day.

Last month's monthly income directly exceeded [-].

To be reasonable, he sleeps and closes his eyes now to plan his order receiving route for tomorrow and the area during the peak period, so as not to fail to grab enough orders.

And just now, when he was still delivering food, he finally received the upline call he had dreamed of. When he first heard the code word, he thought it was the customer who was looking for trouble on purpose.

"Of course there is Matsuda-kun."


"What? Do you want me to die?"

"Hehe, this is the only way you can come back."

"Where's my master?"

"Yuichi Yamada? You're already a loser."


(End of this chapter)

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