Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 186 I Still Seal You

Chapter 186 I Still Seal You

Hearing the mocking tone on the other side of the phone, Matsuda Taketo couldn't help clenching his fists.

The scene of having a long talk with Master all night before he set off came to mind again.

When I go back, I will avenge you.

What we have to do now is to try our best.

Taketo Matsuda took a deep breath, and said into the phone in a flat tone: "It seems that I have to follow your orders if I want to go back."

"I am willing to follow the organization's arrangement. Let's find a place to discuss in detail. Where are you?"

"Ha ha ha ha."

Hearing Taketo Matsuda's words, the person on the opposite side laughed unabashedly.

Taketo Matsuda frowned: "What? Is there any problem?"

"Matsuda-kun, you are so naive."

"Long Kingdom's Special Affairs Bureau has recently released rumors that it will reorganize into a brand new organization. At this juncture, they must strictly guard domestic security."

"Excuse me, why did I go to Sioux City to cooperate with you at this time? Friendly reminder, Wen Yu, the intelligence team leader of the Southern Provincial Special Affairs Bureau, has been stationed in Sioux City very early~"

"What? Wen Yu? That smiling viper?"



For a moment, Taketo Matsuda's face turned pale.

Before he came to Sioux City, he had received some news from the master in the southern province, especially those who needed to be kept out of the way.

Wen Yu is definitely the number one target to watch out for. As for Deng Jiefu, he doesn't care.

But Wen Yu was different. According to the top-secret information, the Sakura team extradited two spies who infiltrated the southern province and were caught by Wen Yu.

The sluggish expressions of the two of them in the data and the mention of Wen Yu's panic and incontinence gave Taketo Matsuda goose bumps all over his body at that time.

However, it was unexpected that Wen Yu, the evil star, would have arrived in Sucheng long ago.

Matsuda Taketo was panicked and at the same time frightened. Fortunately, he was very honest during the time when he lost contact.

Serving food delivery conscientiously, with a 99% praise rate, he is an excellent citizen who is dedicated to his work and loves his job.

If Wen Yu's minions found out that he was causing trouble during this period of time, wouldn't he be
and many more
Matsuda Taketo, who had reacted, suddenly became furious: "Baga! You're not in Sucheng, what did you use to call me???"

"Hahaha, of course it's an international call, Matsuda-kun."


Finally, Taketo Matsuda couldn't hold back the anger in his heart, and slapped his palm on the small wooden table where he usually ate, and the small wooden table shattered immediately.

The helmet on the table immediately rolled to the ground, and a duckling on the table was also thrown to the side.


Long Guo has tens of billions of phone calls every day, so he doesn't need to worry much.

However, it is different now.

Wen Yu came to Sucheng, and the intelligence department of the Longguo Special Affairs Bureau will definitely be very vigilant during this special time.

He, an out-of-work delivery man who couldn't stand the scrutiny in the first place, has received international calls for so long.

Matsuda didn't dare to think at all, maybe now Wen Yu's minions have already been secretly eyeing him.

So many task details just mentioned, now it seems that they are all reminders.

"What the hell do you mean?"

Matsuda gritted his teeth fiercely and choked out a word.

"Dear Matsuda-kun, of course the organization wants you to complete the task and contribute."

"Don't worry, our international dedicated lines are all encrypted, and the Longguo Special Affairs Bureau can't find out."

"It's getting late too. I'll notify you of the start of the mission when the boss behind Ruisi Technology returns home."

"I look forward to your good news when the time comes, I wish you prosperous martial arts, Matsuda-kun."

After speaking, the phone was hung up.

Neon, Tokyo.

Sakura Group External Affairs Office.

Inoichiro put down the landline phone with a smile, and lay down on the boss chair with Erlang's legs crossed.

Next to him, an OL secretary in a black silk skirt with a hip wrap came up to him with a teacup, put his arms around his head to cushion him, and at the same time slowly fed the tea into Ichiro's mouth.

After Inoichiro finished drinking the tea with an expression of enjoyment, the black ol said with some concern: "Ichita-san, if we don't help him, he may not be able to complete the task. Will this affect you?"

"Haha, I didn't want to finish it."

Jing Shichiro looked at Hunyuan beside him, touched it, and said with a smile: "You know, just to get the news that the boss behind Ruisi Technology went to Dijing and Lu Zhou, how many times have we lost our white-washed identities and hidden them for more than ten years?" Spy?"

"Many of them are already in high positions."

"If you think about it with your feet, you know that when Lin Wenshao returns home, everything about him will be more strictly protected. Touch him? I'm afraid I don't want to live."


The black ol was a little puzzled: "Then why did you ask Matsuda to kidnap Boss Ruisi's daughter, Mr. Jingxia?"

Inoichiro sighed: "After all, Yuichi Yamada was one of the seven heavenly kings in the past. A centipede is dead but not stiff, so it still has influence."

"There are already some voices in the Sakura team who want to have Yamada Yuichi's disciple Matsuda come back."

"Taking advantage of the loss of Yamada Yuichi's unintentional swordsman without a leader, it is a good opportunity to get rid of Matsuda. As long as he dies there, the teacher can completely annex everything Yamada Yuichi has."

"This plan kills three birds with one stone. It not only temporarily appeases the shouting members, but also takes the opportunity to solve Matsuda. It can also help Master."

"Hehe, Yuichi Yamada, like Matsuda, is a fool without a brain. He actually sent his disciples to do missions in the Dragon Kingdom. The master was worried that he would not have the opportunity to do so."

"You are amazing, Inoka-kun."

"The more powerful ones are yet to come."


Compared to Inoichiro's laughter and laughter, Matsuda Taketo's time here seems to have fallen into silence.

In the small and simple rental house, Taketo Matsuda's hand holding the phone fell to the side feebly.

The whole person lowered his head as if standing in the shadows.

What is the reason for all this?
Everything was fine before coming here, but in the blink of an eye, he has already fallen into the abyss.

A newborn calf is not afraid of tigers. As a person of high status in the Sakura Group in the past, he naturally knows what cruel things these secret agency intelligence personnel can do.

Matsuda knelt down on the ground slowly, exhausted all his strength, and those passionate words in the past seemed more like irony now.

Master, I may not be able to go back alive to avenge you.

Taketo Matsuda saw the little yellow duck fading from the helmet with empty eyes, and stretched out his hand to hold it in the palm of his hand and looked at it.

Seeing the cute look of the little yellow duck, Taketo Matsuda suddenly felt moved.

Maybe there is still a chance, as long as I get the technical information, there is no need to follow the organization's plan to send me to death.

Think about it, think about it.

Matsuda slowly closed his eyes.

Soon, however, he gave up.

Forget it.

Wuxin Yidaoliu believes in going forward indomitable, and does not engage in these conspiracies and tricks.

He despises kidnapping.

I heard that Yang Zhen, the disciple of Longguo Zhantianjian, is in Sucheng.

Since fate cannot be changed, let yourself shine the last light.

Matsuda carefully put the duckling away in his pocket.

This little yellow duck was given to him by a cashier at a convenience store when he first had the most difficult time delivering food.

Since then, with a little yellow duck strapped to his helmet, he has been going forward indomitably, grabbing orders and delivering orders smoothly.

Because he was afraid that the little yellow duck would be lost accidentally, he put the little yellow duck on the table of the rental house.

Every time he went out to work and came home tired, he was filled with strength when he saw this little duck, and he thought of that lovely shop assistant.

He has no relatives in a foreign land, and only these gadgets can give him some comfort.

Matsuda took off his takeaway uniform, took out the windbreaker he had brought from the closet, dressed up, and went out with the duckling.

His gaze was firm and sharp.

It was too late today, Matsuda was going to go to a Sichuan-style hot pot restaurant not far from the rental house to have a delicious meal.

Before coming to Longguo, I had no money and was reluctant to eat, but later I made money and was afraid of being exposed, so I had to take a little back to the rental house to make do.

Now, he who has forgotten life and death no longer cares about these details.

After he finished eating hot pot, bought knives and made a plan, he went to Yang Zhen to discuss it.

It is a matter of life and death.

This can be regarded as worthy of the inheritance of Wuxin One Sword Style.

"Ordinary we hold up a party of fireworks under the eaves

No matter how many vicissitudes and changes in the world

I wish you ride through thousands of waves

can stay by the lover's side
when mom gets old

Listen to her speak slowly about her childhood
I also wish you never forget your youth
Not afraid of the gray hair
Ruo Nianhua will eventually be forgotten, forget you and me
love like fire
The world is worth it. "

Saturday, early in the morning.

Yang Ma and Liu Jing were sitting on the sofa watching the latest TV series Human World.

Because it described the life of ordinary people in Northeast China in the past, Mama Yang read it very kindly.

The actors in it are also capable, so the overall shaping is very good, both Liu Jing and Fang Lin are fascinated by watching.

However, after watching only one episode, Fang Lin's once sensitive glass heart has already started to frantically warn.

Familiar feeling, familiar taste.

Warmth first, then knife.

I'm afraid this TV series is like the ordinary world again, it looks good but it doesn't end well.

Whenever the protagonist's family makes their life better through hard work and is full of expectations for the future, some accidents will be arranged, such as car accidents and cancers, which will take turns.

The so-called tragedy is to destroy a beautiful thing.

So Fang Lin decided not to watch this TV series, and he stopped when he stopped.

Immediately after the end of an episode and the ending song started to play, he started to make a fuss, took a dog leash and put it in front of him, squatted and howled.

It was already nine o'clock on Saturday morning. According to the plan, Yang Zhen had already taken the lamb to the park to take his seat, so he had to hurry up.



Faced with Fang Lin's howling, Yang's mother patted Liu Jing's buttocks lying on her side, and shouted at her who was pretending to be dead.

"Hurry up and take Kaka out to play, don't let him bother me here."

"Ah, Qian, I also want to watch this TV series."

"We'll see when you come back."

"When the time comes, you will see the back, and I won't be able to keep up."

Liu Jing rolled her big eyes: "Will you come with me?"

"Don't go, the sun is quite bright outside, and I just looked up."


Liu Jing thought for a while: "No, Qian, you have to drive us to Sucheng People's Park."

(Before the federation was replaced by the people, it was originally named randomly to make it empty, but because someone reported that the author had the audacity to change the sky, so it was changed.)
"Don't you have a driver's license, Nuo, the car key is on the cabinet at the door."

".It's been a long time since I got my driver's license."


The new episode has already started, Yang's mother turned her head and stared ferociously: "Hurry up, don't bother me like Kaka, just drive slowly on the road."

"If it doesn't work, just call a driver and go for a walk."

"Good good."

Liu Jing stuck out her tongue, a little reluctant to watch the TV series, packed up her equipment and set off with the fur kids.

"Good morning, good morning, good morning, everyone."

In the underground garage, Liu Jing looked at the screen full of good morning in the live broadcast room and greeted the fans.

She was standing in front of Mama Yang's BMW with a selfie stick, waiting for the driver to come over.

Just about to go out to play, Liu Jing thought of starting a live broadcast by the way. It would be quite interesting to chat while watching the scenery.

"My sister is so beautiful today, I want to see Kaka!"

"Where is this? The garage?"

"It should be the garage. Isn't that BMW in the back belongs to Sister Jing's family?"

Liu Jing looked at the barrage and responded with a smile: "I'm going to go to the People's Park and chat with everyone by the way. I'm waiting for the driver to come and drive in the underground garage of the community."

The barrage immediately began to refresh the screen.

"What do you mean, there are millions of cars that can't drive?"

"These luxury cars are all manual transmissions, right? Can't this drive?"

"I finally found something better than Sister Jing."

Liu Jing looked at the bullet screen and said embarrassedly: "The car is not mine, but Qian's. She is too lazy to come out while watching TV at home."

"I actually have a driver's license, but the cab of her car is too different from the cab of the driving school. If I can't understand it, I'll just find a substitute driver."

At this time, an ID with a high brand level no longer drinks and sent a barrage: "Why is the tipping function not enabled?"

The gentleness who missed you happened to be in the live broadcast room, and immediately sent a barrage: "Yes, sister Jing, start a reward."

The rest of the melon-eating netizens also got together and started to follow the screen.

Liu Jing smiled and said proudly: "I just found out that there is a live broadcast room that has this function, so we can just chat and don't need to give gifts."

Fang Lin, who was squatting next to her, yawned and was a little confused about Liu Jing's brain circuit. Someone was rushing to give a reward and he was not happy.

Forget it, anyway, it's not bad for this little money, it's really better to earn some reputation.

So Liu Jing stood next to the BMW and chatted with the fans while waiting for the replacement driver. At the same time, at the request of the fans, she also got in the car and showed everyone what the inside of the BMW bought for more than 300 million yuan looked like.

Just when many netizens were lamenting that they had learned a lot, Missing your tenderness sent a barrage: "Sister Jing, are you afraid that I will make a fool of myself when you take me for a ride someday? I am so touched, woo woo woo."

And he never drank any more and quickly refused to be outdone: "Do some people stay up all night and get confused, and they always daydream in broad daylight."

"What does it matter to you if I talk to Sister Jing? Who are you?"

"My father."

All of a sudden, the rhythm of the live broadcast took off again.

Seeing this scene, Liu Jing frowned, always feeling that these two people had bad intentions and wanted to miss her.

She said dissatisfiedly: "There is something wrong with you two, don't you have any bad intentions? I still block you two, so don't worry about it."

"I shared four or six points with the platform at the time for your tip. Remember to send me a private message with your bank account number, and I will return my share to you."

Pointing fingers while speaking, directly banned the two Shenhao who had swiped hundreds of thousands in the live broadcast room from speaking.


"Fuck, it's really sealed!"

"Sister Jing is better than her, and the elder brother is also named. She really doesn't like money."

"I now really believe that bloggers just want to chat with us."

Countless official accounts who watched the live broadcast seemed to have seen the traffic code, and began to quickly edit the video.

And the staff of Douyin Guild, the media subsidiary of Lin's father, Liu Jing joined, also dropped their jaws in shock when they saw this scene.

Usually when the other female anchors in the guild see the shining eyes of the Shenhaos, they almost kneel down and lick them.

When it came to Liu Jing, the two big bosses who had spent hundreds of thousands of dollars were banned directly because they revealed some intentions to make friends.

Find that reasoning?

The person in charge of the guild standing next to the staff also looked helpless. What can they do with the person whom the big boss told him to care about?

The contracts are all 0 restrictions and there are a lot of benefits and promotion resources, it feels like they are working for Liu Jingbai.

"Forget it, let those video accounts of the guild quickly make relevant videos, and describe her on the Internet's once-in-a-millennium Qingliu, and the speed must be fast."

"Well, got it, boss."

(End of this chapter)

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