Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 187 Monthly Subscription?

Chapter 187 Monthly Subscription?

With the opening of the live broadcast, more and more people entered the live broadcast room.

If a Douyin user follows a blogger who starts a live broadcast, he or she will see a live push after swiping a few videos.

Backed by 900 million fans, the number of people in the live broadcast room has been maintained at around 3 to [-].

Today, Liu Jing wears a short sleeve that shows her figure, and a pair of denim shorts underneath, revealing her slender thighs, which is particularly attractive.

So the fans admired Fang Lin's appearance while chatting with Liu Jing.

Of course, for netizens who are all gentlemen, it is normal to take a look at Liu Jing by the way.

And Liu Jing replied casually while reading all kinds of weird bullet screens.

"Yes, Kaka yells to go out to play every day. Originally, I should be watching TV series at home at this time."

"Are you still waiting for the substitute driver? Yes, I'm still waiting, but it should be here soon. I'll go to practice again another day."

"Why doesn't Kaka drive? His driver's license is still being tested, and he hasn't passed the test yet."

"Right Kaka? How many subjects have you passed?"

Said pointing the camera

The waiting time was extremely long.

Just when Liu Jing began to use the live broadcast room as a mirror to observe her skin condition, the substitute driver pushing the small electric car finally arrived late.

The surrogate driver wearing a small vest was accompanied by a security guard all the way to see each other off.

Liu Jing had already greeted the owner group before.

Given the security situation in Yunting Community, no outsider is allowed to enter the community alone, so the security guards will follow the whole process.

"Sister, someone brought it here for you."

"Hello, I'm XX's driver. My surname is Li. You can call me Xiao Li."


Xiao Li, wearing a blue helmet, looked at the luxury car slipping beside Liu Jing and secretly cheered up.

It looked like it should be this BMW, but luckily it wasn't the Rolls-Royce Phantom next to it, otherwise he really wouldn't have dared to take the order.

By the way, Xiao Li quietly observed Liu Jing, the temporary boss.

As a substitute driver who has worked in Sioux City for a long time, he has met many rich people and driven many luxury cars.

There are also several levels in his heart.

A car of 50, 100 million, and 200 million is a hurdle. If it exceeds 200 million, it is basically worth hundreds of millions.

Under normal circumstances, the price of a car driven by one person should be about the same as his annual income.

Xiao Li, who has been working part-time as a substitute driver for so long, naturally knows cars and has the car he wants. He thinks Yingbao is pretty good.

And the car of this beautiful rich woman in front of him was something he couldn't even dream of.

And it seems to be very kind, maybe you can give some tips when you are happy.

Liu Jing opened the trunk and asked the surrogate driver to put her small electric folding bike in, then set off to the People's Park.

People's Park, manage the general monitoring room.

Sitting in front of the electronic screen in the monitoring room, drinking tea, Yang Zhen tapped Erlang's legs with a relaxed expression.

Suddenly his cell phone rang, and he took it out to see that it was Jiang Baibai who had sent himself an emoticon pack of goats lining up to go back to the sheep pen.

Seeing this scene, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he pressed the headset and spoke.

"All units pay attention, all units pay attention."

"Received information from the informant that the target has already started to leave for the park and is expected to arrive in 10 minutes."

"Don't forget the role you play, who dares to give me the chain and go back to the No. 1 training plan and give me ten times!"




"I announce that the mutton kebabs home operation has officially begun."

As he said that, he looked at Xiao Yang who was standing next to him in a daze and said to her, "You go with this brother, and after he gives you the signal, you will act according to the original plan."

After Xiao Lan, who was standing on Gongsun Yun's body, translated in time, Gongsun Yun nodded repeatedly.

"Okay, you can take them with you."


The person who spoke was a member of the Special Affairs Bureau who had changed into the uniform of the park staff.

Because Liu Jing has met many members, such as Lin Shaohua, etc., Yang Zhen specially picked Liu Jing who is ordinary and clever.

After Gongsun Yun and Xiao Lan followed the member of the Special Affairs Bureau, Yi Fei next to him teased Yang Zhen: "Do you want to go home with mutton skewers? Why do you feel that you are full of energy now, and you are doing other tasks?" Times are different."

"What do you know, this kind of task is called life."

Liu Jing still took Fang Lin and the princess with her when she went out this time.

Originally, she didn't plan to take Jiang Baibai with her, but Jiang Baibai made such a fuss that she had no choice but to take it with her, while Xueqiu obediently stayed at home.

The reason is that the two cat owners in the family are extremely resistant to entering the cat bag, and Liu Jing can't manage it alone. If it weren't for Jiang Baibai's usual smart and obedient appearance, he wouldn't carry it at all.

The group has now arrived at People's Park and is walking along a slender tree-shaded road.

This is a fork road extending from the main road after entering the park. It is exclusively for pedestrians to enjoy the scenery and relax. It leads all the way to the center of the park. Because it is the weekend, there are many scattered pedestrians and tourists.

The fair and beautiful Liu Jing led Fang Lin and the princess along the road leisurely, while Jiang Baibai squatted firmly on Fang Lin's back.

The appearance of the good-looking group in the park immediately attracted the attention of many people.

There were many fans who recognized Fang Lin happily standing not far away and taking photos. Liu Jing walked forward and they followed all the way, exchanging excited eyes in whispers.

It is estimated that they are all waiting for the first warrior who goes up to ask for a photo to appear, and then follow behind and get a photo.

Now, with the passage of time, many young people in Sioux City basically know that Fang Lin is in the same city as them, and often want to go out for a short stay. Unfortunately, Fang Lin, as a new generation of house dog, rarely leaves the house.

"Let's go to the lake in the park now."

Liu Jing held up the selfie stick and said to the netizens in the live broadcast room. At the same time, she looked helplessly at the crowd around her and added something.

"Better row again."

If you start rowing, there should be few people watching, right?Or meet a store to buy a mask to wear.

After all, in the eyes of many people, cats, cats and dogs look the same. If you can't make the final confirmation through her, this will undoubtedly raise the threshold for most weak social tasks.

Finally, the first brave fan came forward, a cute girl wearing a sun hat, who seemed to be out in the park with her mother.

The girl walked up to Liu Jing with some embarrassment and asked if she could take a photo together. After getting Liu Jing's consent, she happily came to Fang Lin and squatted down. She hugged Fang Lin and took a photo without seeing anyone else.

Liu Jing looked at the other people around who had already begun to move around, and felt the feelings of those celebrities for the first time, and decided in her heart that she would never go out shopping with Kaka on weekends in the future.

There was also booing in the barrage in the live broadcast room.

"Haha, Sister Jing and Kaka are now in the People's Park in Sioux City, everyone go gank!"

"Are there so many fans? The surroundings are almost full."

"Hey, I also want to take pictures with Kaka."

"I'm already downstairs, I'll be there soon!"

Liu Jing saw that many people in the barrage were swiping their screens. She was already on the road, and the sidewalk was already congested. She quickly said to the audience around and in the live broadcast room.

"Thank you for your love for us, but it's better not to gather to take pictures. It has already affected other tourists."

"And the general is a little shy. I didn't bring a cat bag this time, so I will take a photo next time if I have a chance."

After speaking, Liu Jing hurriedly squeezed Kaka and the princess out of the crowd, and many fans understood and helped to make way for them.

Finally, she trotted all the way, picking the quiet fork in the road, and slowly finally became clean.

In fact, for Internet celebrities, offline fans are not as enthusiastic as they are for celebrities.

Even if you are a handsome guy or a beautiful girl with tens of millions of fans, it doesn't make any difference. At most, you can just say hello or ask for a group photo, and then leave soon, and there are very few onlookers.

But the situation is different for Fang Lin. The peace-loving and life-loving people of Longguo naturally have a good impression of furry and cute animals.

Not to mention that Fang Lin had several phenomenal exposures.

People may not want to take photos with Internet celebrity handsome men and women, but they will definitely not be able to resist taking photos with their favorite animals.

For example, now, almost no one thinks of taking a photo with Liu Jing, and everyone's goals are basically Fang Lin and Jiang Baibai.

When Liu Jing bought a mask from a small supermarket in the park and put it on, she finally calmed down and began to boldly walk into the crowd.

Soon, Fang Lin and his party came to the lake where they met Jiang Baibai.

There is a sparkling lake in front of you, and the warm wind slowly blows the weeping willows by the lake. With this scene, the steps of the surrounding tourists can't help but slow down.

Because Sioux City can be regarded as a top-tier metropolis besides Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen. In the beautiful place of People’s Park, there are also many people holding up their mobile phones to do outdoor live broadcasts. You can almost see this kind of scene in small third- and fourth-tier cities. missing.

But most people here are used to it.

"General, do you remember this place?"

Liu Jing turned her head and asked Jiang Baibai while walking slowly, and then looked at the camera and shared: "I was the general I picked up near here."

"Yes, right under that bridge over there."

She cut the camera to the back and pointed to the white bridge not far away.

Under the urging of the barrage, she told the story of that day.

"At that time, I brought Kaka and the others to play, and I happened to see the general and many wild cats over there."

"There are ornamental fish in this lake. Many tourists stand on the bridge and throw food into the lake. Those fish are crowded under the bridge."

"But it may be because of the pursuit of beauty. When designing, there is a round hole underneath, and many wild cats are fishing there."

When Liu Jing was telling the story to the audience, a man in a white shirt and tie walked towards Liu Jing.

"Ms. Liu, hello."

Liu Jing turned her big eyes outside the mask and said without changing her expression: "Ah, you must have mistaken someone."

The man smiled: "My surname is Li, and I'm the manager of the management department of the People's Park. I saw you broadcast live here and I'll show you around, just to promote our park. All purchases on the way will be free of charge. How about it?" ?”

Liu Jing was a little surprised: "Aren't the People's Parks free? What else is there to spend?"

"There are still quite a lot, such as the playground in the west park, and the newly built mountain garden in the east is a good place to enjoy flowers. The scenery at the turn of summer and autumn is also gorgeous, which is not inferior to that in spring."

"Everything you see on the road, such as various drinks, snacks, and ice cream, you can eat for free."

Liu Jing's eyes lit up when she heard that food is free: "Only this time? Can you pay for a monthly subscription?"

And the bullet screens that were being listened to all the time also swiped the screen one after another.

"Is this the face of Sister Jing? There are people giving benefits when you go to any park."

"I think sister Jing should be more reserved, isn't she just going to the park and eating for free?"

"Hey, I really want it to be free. I always feel that the ice cream and yogurt sold in the park are delicious but expensive."

Manager Li nodded decisively when he heard Liu Jing's words. Anyway, their funds are only for today, and then let the director discuss it with the garden. If it doesn't work, he can't be blamed anyway.

"of course can."

Liu Jing immediately pointed to a pavilion-like building not far away and said, "I want to eat that old yogurt."

"Come on, I'll take you there."


Liu Jing smiled happily, and the netizens in the live broadcast room were dumbfounded by her cute appearance in the sun.

"Tsk, can you buy a piece of old yogurt?"

"Sister Jing is so cute. She is beautiful, has a good figure and is rich. If only I were like her."

"I can't imagine what kind of man can marry her."

After eating the old yogurt, Liu Jing finally remembered that she still needs to cooperate with Manager Li: "Well, where shall we go now?"

"Come with me, let's go to the mountain garden first, and just take the sightseeing bus over there."

A viewing car was parked next to it, and the driver was ready to wave to Liu Jing.

"Are you so well prepared?"

"Oh, it should be."

Liu Jing didn't think too much, and got into the car with Kaka and the Princess, and Jiang Baibai also jumped on the seat.

The sightseeing car has three rows and is very spacious. Only Liu Jing and his team and the manager are in the whole car. The driver is driving at just the right speed, so you can enjoy the scenery leisurely.

Along the way, Manager Li talked about the history of the park very professionally, as well as some overviews of the mountain garden that he was about to go to, and praised it as a fairyland on earth.

There is a sea of ​​sunflowers in autumn, and now there are chrysanthemums that are ready to bloom, as well as hibiscus, tuberose, alpine snow, crape myrtle, purslane peony, etc., which are very suitable for tourists to play and shoot, and the ticket is only 30 And you can bring pets inside.

Sitting by the side of the car, Fang Lin stuck out his tongue in the wind, lazily listening to Manager Li's narration, and lamented the professionalism of the members of Qiankun.

Are so many words memorized?
It's still pretty good, so much so that he wants to go and see it.

In the mountain garden, in a corner where chrysanthemums were in full bloom and shaded by trees, a staff member was already standing next to the sign under construction nearby, ready to remove the sign at all times.

Gongsun Yun was already lying on the green grass next to the pile of chrysanthemums, while Xiao Lan couldn't wait to hover in the air.

(End of this chapter)

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