Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 188 That's what I did back then

Chapter 188 That's what I did back then
When you arrive at the place, you can see a palace-style red door wall. On the huge double-sliding door is an antique plaque with three big characters, "Shan Garden".

The season for viewing flowers is generally spring, and there are not many places for tourists to choose in the season of the turn of summer and autumn at the end of September.

Therefore, there was an endless stream of people from Sioux City who came to the People's Park to enjoy the flowers on weekends. Although it was not crowded, it was still lively.

"There are so many people."

Liu Jing looked at the tourists queuing up to check the tickets to enter the park and couldn't help muttering in a low voice.

"Yes, there will be more people in the fall when the sunflowers bloom."

Manager Li explained with a smile beside him.

The audience in the live broadcast room watched the shot that Liu Jing specially showed them and launched a barrage.

"This place looks nice."

"Okay, I, an old otaku, actually enjoy flowers on the cloud on Douyin."

"Admiring the flowers is too boring. Didn't the manager say that there is an amusement park? Go to the amusement park and ride the roller coaster."

"Don't bark, love to see or not."

"Hehe, do you want to see the roller coaster? I don't even want to expose you."

Ignoring the barrage of chatter, Fang Lin followed Liu Jing and Manager Li to the park, while telling the princess not to run around.

The princess, the silly girl, probably hasn't gone out for a long time, and she was a little excited when she saw so many people and many pet dogs around.

Stretching the rope all the time to go far away, he finally calmed down under Fang Lin's frowning reprimand, and obediently leaned over to stand next to Fang Lin.

"Tsk tsk, the princess is quite smart."

Jiang Baibai, who was sitting on Fang Lin's back, saw this scene and communicated with Fang Lin with great interest.

"How to say?"

"Generally speaking, when the intelligence of animals does not reach a certain standard, they are collectively called beasts, and they basically act according to instinct in daily life, such as seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages."

"But the princess, I can feel that she has reached a certain limit, but her personality seems to be a little out of character. When she wakes up, I think you will feel better."


Fang Lin glanced at the princess who was standing next to him carefully peeking at him and shook his head in his heart.


Isn't it two?
But the princess can be regarded as his own younger brother in disguise, so he deserves to be favored.

I have to find time to wake her up quickly, this child is indeed a bit lonely at home.

At that time, if you really commit two beatings, you will be honest.

All the problems of bear children stem from the doting of their parents.

When he was young, he once took a huge sum of 50 yuan from his father's wallet to go to the game hall to play, and he had imagined in his mind how pretentious it would be to take out a green bill in front of his friends.

In the end, before he took any action, his father found out that the money was missing, so Fang Lin, who was frightened, deliberately bumped his head under the chair in the living room.

Hey Yo let out a cry of pain, took the money and ran to his father and said sincerely, "Dad, is this one? I just found it under the chair."

So Fang Lin's father took the 50 yuan in silence, closed the door and started to untie the belt after he put it away.
Since then, Fang Lin has understood what can be done and what can't be done.

So in the final analysis, he couldn't get used to this kind of problem since he was a child. Fang Lin glanced at the princess and made up his mind.

The princess next to her suddenly sneezed, and looked around vigilantly, feeling a little gloomy in broad daylight.

A group of people came to the ticket office for entering the hospital. Manager Li nodded to the staff at the door, and then took the lead to lead a few people in.

A young lady in uniform at the door gently asked Liu Jing: "Hello, welcome to the mountain garden to enjoy the flowers. If you bring pets, please tie the ropes all the way. Thank you for understanding."

"Okay, okay, no problem."

Liu Jing quickly tightened the retractable ropes of Fang Lin and the princess to ensure that they could only accompany her.

"Does my cat need it? She's very nice."

She scratched her head and pointed to Jiang Baibai who was sitting on Fang Lin's little vest and asked, if she needed it, she wouldn't be able to get in.

The little sister glanced at the little white cat sitting firmly on the back of a husky, and suddenly there were little stars in her eyes: "Ah, such a cute cat, cats don't need it."

After a pause, the young lady added: "However, other tourists in the garden also bring pets, so be careful not to let them scare the cats."

Fang Lin: "???"

He doesn't understand!
Are you not cute?

Why are they treated so differently?

It just so happened that this young lady lowered her head and met Fang Lin's gaze. She was more handsome than other huskies and immediately attracted her.

Especially a pair of sapphire-like eyes, deep and charming.

So she couldn't help but slightly bent down and reached out to touch Fang Lin's head. Fang Lin stepped back and walked around Liu Jing to avoid her.

"Ah heh heh, he's a little scared of strangers."

Seeing this, Liu Jing smiled awkwardly, and handed the young lady a step.

The barrage in the live broadcast room also started to ridicule.

"It turns out that the term dog licking is only used to describe myself. Kaka is always chased and licked by others."

"Hey, that's what Kaka has to do. Protect yourself outside, and love you when my sister steals you."

"To be fair, this young lady is quite pretty, if I will definitely let her touch (the dog's head)"

"Go upstairs and reincarnate directly, you can become a dog (dog head)"

"Maybe it turns into Teddy (laughs)"

Because there are internal tickets, a group of people who don't need to line up to buy tickets have already entered the park.

There are many forks in front of the road, and there are dense green plants on both sides of the cobblestone-lined road, so that tourists who come to play can enjoy the shade of the trees at all times.

For many people, this is definitely a very attractive place.

Fang Lin glanced around, not far away, a middle-aged woman was leading a little brown curly Teddy through the ticket gate.

Then he walked a little forward and found a corner, took off the dog leash and took it in his hand. The little Teddy who was unleashed immediately became active and ran around the woman.

Liu Jing also saw this scene, and subconsciously pointed at the mobile phone in her hand as her body turned.

Netizens in the live broadcast room raised question marks after seeing it.

"No, why did you remove the dog leash as soon as you came in?"

"Kaka is so obedient and still holding hands, people are more angry than people."

"Hehe, I can only say that walking the dog without leash, XXXXX."

Liu Jing looked at the barrage that suddenly became irritable and quickly turned the camera back, so that the front was facing her beautiful face.

How did she know that netizens reacted so fiercely to this question, and at the same time, she was a little guilty thinking about whether she was holding the rope when she went out.

Manager Li smiled and changed the subject: "Let's start? Explain to everyone while turning around."

"it is good."

So he took the initiative to lead the way and took Liu Jing, Fang Lin and the audience in the live broadcast room to play in the garden.

During the speech, Manager Li showed his deep understanding of the mountain garden, and explained clearly the various divisions, seasons, characteristics and beautiful places of various flowers.

And from time to time, there will be a few interesting historical stories, which firmly attract the attention of Liu Jing and his party and the audience in the live broadcast room.

Feeling the positive feedback from the audience, he became more and more diligent.

Fang Lin watched him talking endlessly and indulged in it, and suddenly felt that the universe seemed to have buried talents.

He could feel that this person was happy in his heart now.

Speaking of which, is a tour guide a profession that can satisfy the inner need of “being a teacher”?

Of course, Manager Li did not forget his mission while letting himself go.

Through the headset in the ear, the people in the action team over there have received his signal.

An area where the "under maintenance, no entry" sign was originally placed, quietly reopened the tourist passage.

And Manager Li took it all the way very naturally.

"This chrysanthemum looks a little different?"

"Yes, this is actually the latest researched species, it looks better and is easier to adapt to the environment."

"Oh I got it."

In front of a flower garden, Liu Jing asked curiously.

Suddenly she felt something furry rubbing against her bare thighs in shorts.

a little itchy.

Liu Jing turned her head strangely and was startled: "Ah!"

The lamb who had come to get close to Liu Jing according to the plan was also startled and jumped back for a while.

After seeing Gongsun Yun's appearance, Liu Jing breathed a sigh of relief: "Where did the sheep come from?"

Manager Li also shrugged pretending not to know.

Liu Jing pointed the camera at Xiao Yang, and the barrage in the live broadcast room began to flash again.

"Are there any sheep in the garden??"

"Is this sheep serious?"

"One thing to say, this lamb is quite cute, I don't know if it's a male or a female."

"You're wrong."

Jiang Baibai jumped directly onto Gongsun Yun's back.

Liu Jing was terrified by this sudden scene, the sheep came from somewhere, the general was too reckless.

She hurried over and cautiously reached out to hug the general, for fear that she would be kicked by the sheep.

"Hey, don't kick me."

Just after Liu Jing approached and stretched out her hand, Gongsun Yun obediently approached Liu Jing and rubbed her neck.

At the same time, to the surprise of the audience and Liu Jing in the live broadcast room, the general actually lay down on the back of the lamb very naturally, and at the same time meowed and seemed to be chatting with the lamb.

"Turtle, do you know the general and the lamb? They look so harmonious."

"Wow, what a cute sheep, could it be someone else's pet sheep?"

"Who has the brains to keep a sheep as a pet? As a food reserve?"

At the same time, after rubbing against Liu Jing, Gongsun Yun walked up to Fang Lin and the princess and stood next to him, and Fang Lin also greeted her.

Liu Jing couldn't help being amazed when she saw that the sheep got along well with Princess Kaka.

Manager Li stood up and began to control the situation: "Shall we continue?"

"Uh, okay."

Finding that Manager Li didn't care, then Liu Jing felt that she didn't have to care about why there were sheep in the park.

Anyway, Liu Jing, who looked cute, felt that she didn't need to drive her away.

So in the next period of time, Gongsun Yun managed to sneak into Liu Jing's side. Liu Jing watched the little sheep chatting and playing with General Kaka and Princess Kaka while admiring the flowers.

Many people in the live broadcast room were also discussing this lamb, arguing over her breed.

When Liu Jing and her group walked through a sparsely populated park again, a young woman wearing sunglasses and enjoying flowers alone walked past Liu Jing.

She glanced curiously at the various animals around Liu Jing and praised: "Is this sheep your pet? It's so beautiful."

"Oh no."

Before Liu Jing could explain, the woman walked away after complimenting her.

Liu Jing had no choice but to continue enjoying the flowers with Manager Li.

After a while, another young man came to meet him. After walking around Fang Lin and Gongsun Yun twice, he began to praise Liu Jing's aesthetics, saying that the pet is so beautiful. .

After that, without waiting for Liu Jing's consent, she took out her mobile phone and took a photo with Xiao Yang.

"Your pet sheep is not bad. I actually want to keep it too. Do you need a certificate of epidemic prevention or a pet certificate to keep it in Sioux City?"

"No, no, I don't."

"Ah, the secret, right? I understand."

As he spoke, the young man also directly interrupted Liu Jing, praised Fang Lin and the others for their good looks, and then left.

"Didn't these two people see that this is Kaka?"

"Sister Jing is wearing a mask, who can tell the difference just by looking at the husky?"

"I can tell the difference."

"Don't be ridiculous, I mean it's hard for people to see that the same animal looks different."

"Where did this lamb come from? Otherwise, sister Jing really brought it home to raise?"

A user who called himself cool when he put on sunglasses frantically swiped the screen in the live broadcast room: "Why don't you take this sheep back and raise it?"

This suggestion was quickly endorsed by netizens. After all, after such a long time, Xiaoyang seems to have identified Liu Jing or Kaka.

Unknowingly, they had been strolling together in the garden for more than 20 minutes, and they followed Fang Lin obediently, and Jiang Baibai was still lying on her body.

"Don't swipe the screen during the live broadcast."

Liu Jing looked at the frantic copying and pasting of this user ID, so she issued a warning.

Who knew that this netizen who becomes cool when he puts on sunglasses turned a deaf ear to it, and continued to swipe his screen persistently.

So Liu Jing decisively blocked his one-hour permission to post barrage.

"Is this method useful?"

In the monitoring room, Yi Fei looked at Yang Zhen with some doubts.

Yang Zhen was frantically copying and pasting on his mobile phone, and suddenly found out that he was banned, so he put down his mobile phone regrettably.

"Of course it works. Let me tell you, this is the method I used to chase class flowers when I was young."

"I asked my best friend to keep spreading the news that I was her boyfriend. It just so happened that I was handsome and easy going and we got together."

"This is called public opinion effect, understand?"

"Banhua? Hehe."

Yi Fei shook her head disdainfully, she didn't believe any of Yang Zhen's bragging.

"Anyway, look at it, when is the last step?"

"Wait a minute."

Yang Zhen looked at Liu Jing through the camera, pondered for a while and said.

"Hey, there seems to be a change?"

In the monitoring screen, Liu Jing and his group seemed to have an argument with a middle-aged woman, and they immediately began to listen to the audio from Manager Li's headset simultaneously.

"Wang Wang!"

"Wang Wang Wang!"


"Wow wow wow!"

On the road beside the flower garden, a curly-haired little Teddy who was not tied to a rope yelled at the princess and Fang Lin.

And the middle-aged woman next to her was the one they met at the door.

When they were walking along the road just now, the middle-aged woman just walked towards her with her teddy.

Because Teddy was not led by the rope, he ran around and just ran in front of the princess.

Some curious princesses stuck out their tongues very kindly, and leaned over to say hello.

But Liu Jing still restrained her and Fang Lin for safety, letting them stick to her body so as not to have any accidents with the puppy.

But to Liu Jing's surprise, the accident still happened.

Teddy seemed to feel that he was the boss of the same kind, so he took the lead in provoking the princess.

In addition, his master became more and more arrogant behind him, how could the princess bear it after a round of dog-speaking and cursing?
She also sprayed several golden retrievers alone in the pet shop back then, unable to lift their heads.

So he changed his mouth with awow, and Liu Jing reprimanded the princess in an instant, and the princess had no choice but to close her mouth reluctantly.

Unexpectedly, this actually fueled Little Teddy's arrogance, circling around several people and screaming fiercely.

Liu Jing looked at the obese middle-aged woman with a wry smile, and wanted her to take care of it.

However, what she didn't expect was that the middle-aged woman frowned and looked at Kaka and the Princess in disgust and said.

"Don't bring big dogs in this kind of public place, it scared my little one."


Liu Jing suddenly looked at the woman with a puzzled face, and the barrage in the live broadcast room exploded in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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