Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 189 Please Be Reasonable

Chapter 189 Please Be Reasonable

"??? What's the situation, are there still such unreasonable people now?"

"It was obviously the little Teddy on the opposite side who provoked it first, and the princess didn't do anything."

"The bad guys are getting old."

"Sister Jing patted her face, why does the camera keep hanging on the ground?"

Just now Liu Jing happened to be holding the selfie stick to take pictures of the surrounding scenery, and then pointed at Fang Lin and the princess who were leisurely in front of him.

Therefore, tens of thousands of people in the live broadcast could clearly see the scene where the teddy came up to challenge the princess.

However, Liu Jing didn't expect Teddy's master to be so unreasonable and directly reprimanded the princess for scaring Teddy.

However, her perennially good moral values ​​made her immediately restrain the princess who was about to move.

So the hand holding the selfie stick naturally dropped again so that the middle-aged woman's face could not be photographed.

Liu Jing caught a glimpse of the noisy barrage, and even the words "Internet exploded her." So she wanted to switch the camera to herself.

But for a while, he had to hold the dog leash to appease the princess, and held the selfie stick with the other hand. He couldn't get free for the time being in a panic, so he had to lower the camera to avoid taking pictures of the middle-aged woman.

Just when she was about to appease the princess and then freed up her hand to switch the camera, Teddy with a small brown curly hair yelled at the group even more arrogantly.

"Wang Wang Wang!"

"Wow wow wow!"

What Jiang Baibai said before is not wrong, the wild beasts with undeveloped intelligence are basically doing things according to their own instincts.

And the instinct of wild beasts is to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages to bully the weak and fear the hard.

Teddy found that the hostess of the husky on the opposite side was completely suppressed by his side, so he became more excited.

Walking around the princess who was held by Liu Jing, she shouted, but the strange thing was that she didn't dare to mock Fang Lin.

Teddy's rambunctious voice made Liu Jing feel confused, she hadn't seen such a noisy pet for a long time.

But the middle-aged woman turned a blind eye to this scene. Seeing that Liu Jing didn't reply, she put her hands on her chest and continued to criticize: "Next time, don't bring a big dog here to play."

"There are old people, children and puppies here. You have big dogs and sheep. What if you scare them?"

"Look, you scared my baby."

Hearing the woman's insatiable words, Liu Jing responded angrily: "Obviously this Teddy rushed over by itself first, roaring and screaming, and why didn't you hold the rope?"

"What kind of leash is such a small dog? Who am I in the way?"

The middle-aged woman realized that Liu Jing dared to talk back, so she put her hands on her waist and began to output: "My baby is very good. If your dog didn't scare her, she wouldn't be like this."

The woman's nonsense made Liu Jing very angry. Wearing short sleeves that showed her figure and her chest heaving up and down made her angry even look very tasteful.

Manager Li frowned and looked at the woman and Teddy who suddenly appeared in front of him, quietly pressing the headset with one hand and waiting for instructions.

Originally it was time for another team to play as planned, but unexpectedly there was an accident in the plan.

People's Park monitoring room and special operations command center.

Yang Zhen was sitting in the middle of the town, Yi Fei was standing beside him, and in front of them, Li Mei, a sexy stunner in black silk OL, was directing in front of a bunch of pictures.

As the current intelligence director of the Sioux City Special Affairs Bureau, she was naturally caught by Yang Zhen.

Yang Zhen looked at Li Mei, who was giving orders to everyone, and said dissatisfiedly: "What is Li Ridong doing, is he a stupid pig standing there motionless? Can you do something?"

Manager Li, who heard that he was being scolded through the hidden headset at the scene, was a little helpless. How could he dare to make his own decisions with the leaders around him?

So he continued to wait for the order. He knew that although Yang Zhen kept calling, Li Mei would give him an order soon.

Sure enough, Li Mei's voice soon appeared in the headset.

"Li Ridong, don't worry, continue to observe the situation."

"The goal of our mission is to let Liu Jing bring Gongsun Yun back. The current situation is still under control."

Li Mei's serious but charming voice would make any man's heart itch.

However, Manager Li's heart trembled, he continued to watch quietly, and resolutely carried out the task.

After listening to Li Mei's order, Yang Zhen crossed his legs and looked at her with displeasure: "What do you mean?"

Li Mei smiled, her smooth and attractive legs in black silk were slightly crossed and she turned to look at Yang Zhen: "Director Yang, according to the analysis of Gongsun Yun's character in recent days, it may be beneficial to the mission now."

"Since you have entrusted me with command, you should trust me."

The beautiful and charming eyes looked at Yang Zhen without giving in, which suddenly made Yang Zhen lose his temper.

"Okay, okay, but this person."

Before he finished speaking, Li Mei interrupted him: "I understand."

What do you know?
Yang Zhen was a little speechless, he hadn't finished yet.

Looking at Li Mei who nodded at him and continued to pay attention to the scene, she was filled with slander.

I always feel that he, the bureau chief, has no confidence in front of Li Mei.

Damn it, Wen Yu's subordinates are some goblins, and now he sometimes dreams about the dark history of that year.

Back at the scene, the situation gradually became tense.

Liu Jing kept thinking about theories, but it seemed that she was no match for a middle-aged woman who was good at messing around, and she fell into a disadvantage for a while.

And this teddy kept barking around her as if it wouldn't get tired, looking fierce as if it was about to bite.

"Kaka, she's so noisy, rush up and bite her."

Jiang Baibai, who was lying on Gongsun Yun's back, teased Fang Lin and said.

Fang Lin turned his head and glanced at her speechlessly, then lowered his ear's reception of Teddy's voice again.

Lin's mentality has changed a little since he entered the C-level. He looked at the little Teddy in front of him, just like a scientist looking at those civil sciences who boasted about time in front of him, but couldn't write a formula for the black hole theory.

Means nothing.

It's this woman who annoys her. In the past, she was the type of unreasonable type that he would get angry when he was using Douyin.

That is to say, fortunately, it is still a society ruled by law.

But unlike Fang Lin, who felt mature and stable, Gongsun Yun, who was carrying Jiang Baibai, was full of anger.

Although she couldn't understand the conversation between Liu Jing and the middle-aged woman, she could understand the scolding of the teddy dog.

"Sister Baibai, she has been scolding the Princess."

When I was in Yangzhen's office a few days ago, Sister Baibai, Brother Kaka and Xiaolan all got together to play games.

And when I was alone on the sofa in a daze, the princess was always by my side.

She has a very good impression of this princess who has not yet fully awakened, but is very spiritual.

She is planning to wait until she wakes up and take her to play with her. In her heart, she also wants someone to call herself Sister Yunyun.

Facing Yunyun's worry, Jiang Baibai yawned.

She has been in the ancestral land for so long, and she is almost used to the rules of the ancestral land. This kind of quarrel between human beings is much simpler than seeking revenge and exterminating the clan in the spirit world.

Although she couldn't make a direct move if she wanted to keep a low profile, it wouldn't be difficult to wait until the time came to separate and secretly do some bad tricks to make this girl have a better memory.

So she didn't care and replied casually: "If you can't help it, you will kill her."

He even quoted his latest collection of emoticons. "Creating you to death (dog head driving)"

However, the lamb couldn't help moving his ears after listening.

Ah, Miss Baibai's temper is still so violent.

But, well.

In the spirit world, those who dare to attack the royal family like this will indeed die a miserable death.

"Princess Kaka, don't move around."

Liu Jing once again restrained the princess who started grunting threats in her throat again, and was about to leave here thinking she was unlucky.

However, at this moment, Teddy, who was taken aback by the princess who suddenly became fierce, became arrogant again after seeing the princess being suppressed again.

After scolding the princess, she still felt uncomfortable, and looked at Jiang Baibai, who was yawning and staring at him on the side of the lamb, and began to swear.

It has a cat at home, and it usually can't beat it by itself, and it gets annoying when it sees a cat.

"Wang Wang Wang!"

"Wow wow wow!"

Jiang Baibai frowned suddenly, she didn't expect this silly dog ​​to dare to provoke her.

"Meow. (Shabi)"

"Wow wow wow wow!"

The detonated Teddy began to greet Jiang Baibai's matrilineal relatives.

And Gongsun Yun who heard all this couldn't bear it anymore, she knew about Sister Baibai's life experience, and she also felt the same way.

So in everyone's field of vision, something unexpected happened.

Originally standing beside Liu Jing, the well-behaved lamb with white and fluffy hair who had no sense of existence in this scolding battle suddenly rushed out with Jiang Baibai on his back.

The four hooves slammed and appeared in front of the teddy in an instant.

Under Teddy's terrified eyes, Gongsun Yun lowered her head and worked hard.


"Meow! Yunyun! Don't be impulsive!"

Fang Linhe suddenly felt that he was on a roller coaster and Jiang Baibai was dumbfounded.

And Gongsun Yun, who heard the shouts of the two, quickly stopped, but everything happened too fast and there was no rush.

The brown curly-haired Teddy dog ​​was directly flew into the sky by Gongsun Yungong, and landed on the green belt not far away after a beautiful arc.

Liu Jing: "."

Fang Lin: "."

Manager Li: "."

Live audience: "!!!"

Middle-aged woman: "Σヾ(Д)!!"

Li Mei: "The second group will go over immediately, and the first group will act according to the original plan!"

"Sticky rice!"

The woman screamed and hurried to check the teddy dog ​​that had fallen on the green belt.

Before her, Fang Lin had already used his extraordinary senses to experience it.

Fortunately, Teddy probably has a little skin trauma.

Gongsun Yun seems to be very proficient in arching people. Just now, the Teddy dog, which should have been severely injured, was just thrown up.

The biggest damage is estimated to have fallen on some prickly green belts, and it hurts to poke some small spots.

Of course, there should be some panic psychologically, after all, who is not afraid of being pushed into the sky suddenly?

Looking at the eyes gathered around her, Gongsun Yun lowered her head in embarrassment, and slowly moved back to Liu Jing's side step by step.

"Miss Baibai, have I done something wrong?"


"You asked me to create her"


Jiang Baibai took a breath and replied: "Okay, she's fine, remember next time, the ancestral land is different from the spirit world."

"Human life is at stake here, whether it's human or these pets, if you really kill her today, nothing will really happen, but there will definitely be a lot of trouble."

"Don't be too ruthless in the future."


Gongsun Yun opened her mouth and finally closed it, her small black eyes felt aggrieved.

She is gentle, if Miss Baibai didn't speak, she would only intend to scare this teddy.

Even in the spirit world, she rarely bullies the weak.

At this time, Liu Jing's live broadcast room also exploded.

In the live broadcast room with as many as 4 people online, countless barrage scrolled crazily.

At the same time, the number of online users began to increase rapidly. Originally, according to Liu Jing's fans, there shouldn't be so many fans, but because many people came in to watch for a while and then slipped away to see the scenery.

Now that the barrage exploded, the people who had just arrived also took their places and began to talk about the situation.


"Damn it, didn't you expect the cute-looking lamb to be so fierce?"

"Hahahaha, I laughed so hard, just now Teddy was kicked into the sky by this sheep!!!"

"Ah, that Teddy seems to be fine, he jumped off the green belt and asked for comfort."

"Hehe, it's better to create a death. A silly dog ​​is stupider than its master. I was so angry just now."

"That's right, Sister Jing is so miserable. I couldn't spray the other side at all just now. I wanted to help her."

"Don't talk about it, it's the first time I feel that sister Jing is so stupid, she was already pissed off just now."

Liu Jing, who just wanted to be reasonable, was at an absolute disadvantage in the "confrontation" with the middle-aged woman, which made the audience in the live broadcast room furious.

Generally, viewers who watch live broadcasts, especially those who like the anchor, will put themselves in the same camp as the anchor, whether they are playing games or doing other things.

The tens of thousands of viewers in the live broadcast just now felt that they were madly angry.

"Come on, it's too exaggerated to really create death."

"There are Buddha brothers."

"It means you are Lord Yan?"

"Am I the only one who thinks this lamb is so handsome?"

"+1, she looks so cute, but she is so proficient in arching people, I feel like I know kung fu."

"Suddenly want to raise a sheep."

"If you can't raise a husky like Kaka, it's not impossible to raise a lamb similar to this one?"

"The woman is here!"

Seeing the middle-aged woman turn around and hold Teddy in her arms, thinking that she would walk over angrily, Liu Jing quickly lowered her mobile phone as if she was facing a formidable enemy.


Gongsun Yun called softly at the right time, and Liu Jing turned her head to look at her and Jiang Baibai on the lamb's back, and silently moved to the side to protect them behind her.

"What's the matter with you! Do you care about your pets! My Nuomi almost died just now!"

"Isn't it all right?"

Liu Jing looked at the teddy dog ​​begging for comfort in the woman's arms and responded.

"What's the matter?? Look at the skin, it's all punctured!"

As she spoke, the woman parted the teddy dog's hair and showed Liu Jing some red spots.

The teddy jumped out of the woman's arms, hid behind the woman and hesitated for a moment, then started yelling at Gongsun Yun again.

"Wang Wang Wang!"

Fang Lin: "."

Is this fucking puppy really not afraid of death?
"Yunyun, don't bump into her."


Gongsun Yun felt that she needed to restore her image in Fang Lin's heart, and she said aggrievedly: "Brother Kaka, I don't really like bumping into people."

"Yes, yes, yes, anyway, just don't bump into her, it doesn't have to be pitiful."


"What should we do with today's matter! If you don't solve it, you can't leave!"

Liu Jing responded peacefully: "You can do whatever you want."

The middle-aged woman looked at Liu Jing, who was wearing a famous brand and wearing a mask, and the more she thought about it, the more she thought about it, and she actually suffered such a big loss just now.

Taking a step forward, I stretched out my legs and wanted to kick the lamb.

"Hey, hey! Don't do it, you say how much you will pay, I will pay you, and I will be responsible for the medical expenses, okay?"

"My family's Nuomi was so frightened, a little medical expenses just want to send me away??"

"What are you doing with your phone? Are you live streaming? Give me your phone!"

"What are you doing! I didn't shoot you!"

"give me!"

"Wow wow wow!"

The woman spotted the picture of Liu Jing's cell phone at a glance and wanted to snatch it. Teddy behind her was inspired again by the sound of a war drum, and began to bark again.

Fang Lin watched this scene with a frown, and his hands had already exceeded the bottom line of his patience.

Just when he was about to mobilize the coercion, four or five people in uniforms suddenly appeared in his field of vision.

Fang Lin's mind moved, and he stopped moving.

"What are you doing! Stop!"

At the same time as one person stopped, a person with a long pole net bag stepped forward quickly, and immediately netted the teddy dog.

The woman was dumbfounded when she saw this scene: "Who are you? What are you doing???"

"The City Administration, Sioux City issued a security order very early on, and all public places that are not on a leash are treated as stray dogs."

"She's not a stray dog!"

But the staff ignored her at all while carrying the net bag, and walked out with the net bag.

The woman couldn't rush up and beat and kicked, but these uniformed men were like a wooden stake, allowing her to beat and scold without any response.

"Just go back and explain to us, please be rational."

"Put down my glutinous rice!"

"Wang Wang Wang!"

"Just follow us, please be rational."

"Sticky rice!"

Liu Jing at the scene looked at the sudden scene and didn't know what to do. Why did people suddenly walk away? ?
And the remaining one of the uniformed staff stepped forward with a blank expression: "Hello ma'am, is this sheep your pet?"

(End of this chapter)

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