Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 190 I was wrong!

Chapter 190 I was wrong!

Liu Jing froze for a moment facing the expressionless and somewhat fierce staff.

But without waiting for her to speak, Manager Li next to him said, "This is not her pet. We came here by ourselves as we were strolling here."

"Oh, do you still keep sheep here?"

"I don't know the specific situation, I'll find someone to ask."

"Well, you can ask now. I think it's dangerous to have the desire to attack just now. It can be dealt with as soon as possible."

As if understanding the conversation between the two, Xiao Yang shrank back behind Liu Jing again.

Just now, to some extent, the sheep had vented its anger for herself, and now Liu Jing felt that the lamb was rubbing against her thigh, as if afraid to seek protection.

Her heart softened and she quickly said, "Hey, big brother, I don't think this sheep is that dangerous. It should have been scared by that Teddy just now."

The staff member in black uniform raised his eyebrows: "Who's the big brother? I haven't been working for a long time, so I shouldn't be as old as you."


Liu Jing was a little speechless, and suddenly felt that her heart had been hit violently. Who did she provoke at the age of 29?

"And this is not your sheep, it has nothing to do with you."

Netizens burst into laughter when they heard the conversation between the two in the live broadcast room.

"Laughing to death, probably not as old as you."

"I see that in the information, Sister Jing says that she is 29 years old, which is not too old."

"I'm 18 and I like 29 years old."

"You're 18 years old, what's the use of a fart? 18cm is about the same."

At this time, Manager Li had already called the administrator of the mountain garden, and within 2 minutes a chubby man ran over with his belly puffed out.

According to visual estimates, it weighs at least 200 kilograms, and the chubby and round face looks very friendly.


"What's the matter with this sheep?"

"Oh, so it came here."

After Fatty's dancing and dancing, everyone finally understood why there was a sheep in the mountain courtyard.

It turns out that because today is the weekend, some staff members of the People's Park decided to find a free room to have a barbecue and have fun at night when the tourists are scarce.

And Pangpang’s family has relatives who happen to be engaged in breeding, so they packed a head in advance and shipped it over. The relative’s son, who knows how to butcher, also wanted to come to Sioux City for sightseeing, so he drove the sheep over directly, and prepared to show it at night. Eat freshly slaughtered.

It was originally tied up somewhere behind the office area, but it was not tied up and lost without checking for a while.

Manager Li smiled and said to the staff of the Urban Management Bureau who was frowning next to him: "This is the situation. This sheep will be slaughtered at night. Can you accommodate me?"

"Okay, I don't think it is a mad sheep, so please pay attention and don't let it sneak away."

"Yes, yes, why don't you come and have something tonight?"

"I'm working, let's talk."

"Hey, don't worry when you get off work."

"Let's talk again, let's go."

"You walk slowly."

As he said that, Manager Li sent off the black uniform with a smile on his face, and then walked back.

"Let's go, Ms. Liu, I will continue to show you around."

"Uh good."

When the two were talking, the fat man next to him was about to step forward and grab the lamb's head.


The lamb struggled immediately.

"Hehe, I laughed at that."

"What a joke, get the sheep away quickly."

"Yes Yes Yes."

Fatty said and looked at Liu Jing with some hesitation: "Well, why don't you take your cat away first, I'm afraid it will scare it in a while."


Liu Jing walked towards Gongsun Yun slowly, and gently picked up Jiang Baibai from her back.

The moment their eyes crossed, she seemed to see the pleading and crystal tears in the sheep's eyes.

She even thought she was wrong.

How could she read so many emotions from a sheep's eyes.

"Okay, I'm relieved now."

While Liu Jing was hesitating, Pangpang was already gearing up to grab the lamb's small horns and dragged her around.

While resisting weakly, the lamb turned to look at Liu Jing sadly.

Netizens who watched the whole process in the bullet screen were blown away.

"Am I dazzled? Did the sheep cry just now?"

"Ah, does she know that she is going to be killed, and she is asking sister Jing for help?"

"Fuck, I seem to have bought the lamb."

"Sister Jing, why don't you buy it."

"Buy and keep a sheep at home? You look like a fucking Madonna bitch."

"Sister Jing, you can buy it, I will raise it, and I will give you money later."

At this time, the user whose ID called Miss You Gentle, started a speech.

"Damn it, Brother Rourou is here on the trumpet?"

"The local tyrants carry the belt."

"What's the use of having money? No, I still have to open a small account to catch up with bloggers."

"How do people care about your shit?"

The tenderness of missing you didn't care about those users who were sour, but launched a barrage with some helplessness.

"I can't help it. Sister Jing has no temper after being sealed, and she won't reply to my private messages."

"To be honest, I really like this sheep. Sister Jing, you can buy it for me, and I will keep it."

Liu Jing glanced at these bullet screens and was in a state of confusion. She ignored the person who had been blocked by herself and opened a trumpet again. She gritted her teeth and made up her mind to talk to Manager Li beside her.

"Manager Li, are you going to kill and eat this sheep tonight?"

"Well, it should be. I heard them talk about this event. Why do you want to come to play at night? Of course."

"No, no, no, I mean, can you sell it to me."


"Sell it to me."

For a moment, Manager Li's facial expression was very rich, and even his eyelashes were filled with surprise.

However, he quickly reacted and called to Pangpang who had walked ten meters away: "Guo Yun, come back."

"Huh? The manager called me?"

"Yes, Ms. Liu wants this sheep. What is the normal price for your relative?"

"Ah, what about the evening activities?"

"Can't we go to the vegetable market to buy something?"

"It's different."

"Don't talk nonsense with me, hurry up."


Liu Jing could see that the park employee named Guo Yun was a bit reluctant, but she scratched her head and said because of Manager Li's face.

"If you really want it, I'll tell you a wholesale price, 1288."

"Okay, I want it."

"Okay, you can add me on WeChat, and I will send you the quarantine report of this sheep. The vaccines are all complete and safe."


"Mission successful, teams can return."

Li Mei's voice sounded on the communication channel. After she finished speaking, she put down the headset and turned to look at Yang Zhen with a smile.

At this time, there were only a few intelligence team members left in the monitoring room except Li Mei, so Yi Fei went to the park to explain.

Yang Zhen felt a little uncomfortable being watched by her and began to change the subject: "Ahem. Well done."

"Thank you Director Yang for your compliment."

"How did that woman deal with it just now?"

"Oh, let me go after paying the fine."


After he finished speaking, Yang Zhen didn't know what to say, and sat upright on the chair, looking thoughtfully at the monitoring screen on the wall.

And Li Mei, who was wearing a black silk OL, walked slowly to Yang Zhen's side with sexy steps.

After looking around and finding that Yi Fei was not there, he leaned down and whispered in Yang Zhen's ear, "Director Yang, I heard you scolded my old boss?"

Yang Zhen, who was sitting on the chair, felt a scent pouring into his nostrils, and at the same time his ears were itching.

He coughed lightly and turned his body slightly: "It's nothing."

Li Mei chuckled, and moved closer again, Yang Zhen could already feel the temperature around him.

"You are amazing. You have done what I have always wanted to do but dare not do."


Yang Zhen was a little surprised: "You shouldn't be angry, right?"

Li Mei rolled her big eyes: "Why should I be angry? That's how she educated us back then, not to mention you are my leader now."

She stretched out her hand and lightly pressed Yang Zhen's shoulder and continued: "I will rely on you to support me a lot in the future, right? Bureau Yang?"

The warm and sweet breath blew on Yang Zhen's cheeks, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

No wonder I heard that some foreign forces call Wen Yu a female devil, and even train their subordinates so that they have the courage to find fault with themselves?

It's really a femme fatale.

The heart of intelligence is dirty.

Just when Yang Zhen was about to reply, Yi Fei opened the door and walked in.

Seeing that Li Mei was about to stick to Yang Zhen, she walked over with a blank expression: "Liu Jing took Gongsun Yun home."

Yang Zhen didn't know why, but subconsciously stood up in a panic: "Oh, fine, then I'll call her quickly."

"Not in a hurry, let's go first if you are busy?"

"What am I busy with?"

"How do I know what you're busy with?"

The members of the intelligence department sitting in front of the three of them staring at the screen stared intently at the monitor in front of them, as if some important secret was about to appear on it.

In the BMW, Liu Jing looked at the lamb beside her with a complicated expression.

It's 11:30 am and she's on her way home.

It was still the driver's car, Kaka was sitting in the co-pilot, and she was sitting in the back seat with General Xiaoyang and the princess.

As for the live broadcast, she has already turned it off, and now she is not in the mood to start any live broadcast.

What's the matter?

I was going to go out to stroll around the park happily, but I almost got into a fight with a passer-by, and I even brought a sheep home.

She felt that her current mood seemed somewhat similar to that of the general, and even the plot was similar.

Is this fate?

Do you have an inexplicable connection with animals?
When I go back later, how should I tell Qian that I brought a sheep home to raise?

Raising a pet is very complicated. Although Kaka and the others are obedient enough at home, they usually have a lot to worry about.

Diet, rest, excretion, exercise, medical treatment.

And most of these were done with the help of Yang Ma. When I went back this time and found that she had an extra mouth while eating, would Qian smash her own ass?
Liu Jing seemed to have no strength in her body, she leaned back straight on the backrest and looked out the window blankly.

Oh yes, sheep should eat grass.

Then Qian will have to prepare extra food for it.

Very good, Qian's anger is getting bigger.

In the future, the excretion of the lamb will be responsible for itself, and I hope it will not mess around.

"Woo, you must be obedient in the future."

Liu Jing turned her head and looked at the lamb who was lying on the seat with her legs folded honestly, a little wanting to cry.

Although Gongsun Yun couldn't understand what Liu Jing was saying, she still stuck out her tongue and licked Liu Jing's palm.

The cute and cute appearance made Liu Jing feel a lot better.

"Hey, today we are destined, and we will be a family in the future. Let's take you to the pet shop for a bath in the afternoon. I don't know if they have such experience."

Although what the sheep did today shocked her a lot, she was quite relieved, and fortunately the teddy was fine.

Otherwise, I will probably see you at the police station today.

Just as she was thinking about the steps to go home, her cell phone rang suddenly.

She glanced at the caller ID and answered the call.


"I, Yang Zhen."

"Well, why are you calling me at this hour?"

"Hehe, I watched your live broadcast this morning, so I'm here to help you."

"Don't mention it, I was quite speechless this morning."

"Indeed, that person is a bit unreasonable. Let's not talk about that first."

"Aren't you going to take that sheep home and raise it?"

"Yes, I feel that she and I are destined for each other, just like the general. I hope she will behave like the general when she returns home."

"Sure, don't worry. Hehe, you don't know how to feed her, do you?"

"Of course I don't know, go home and check, Qian might know."

"It's okay, I have good fodder here, I'll bring you some later and use it first."

"Ah? Where are you from?"

"Of course it was developed by the research department. Breeding is also a very important aspect in China. As far as I took Kaka and the others to the place before, in addition to studying the nutritional diet of military dogs, there were also simulation experiments such as cattle and sheep."

"I won't tell you so much anymore, anyway, you don't understand, and I will send it to you later and you will know."

Liu Jing, who was nodding repeatedly in front, rolled her eyes when she heard this, why does she feel so stupid?
Obviously he is very good, right?
"Okay, thank you in advance."

"You're welcome, hang up."

Liu Jing quietly breathed a sigh of relief, this solved a key problem, Qian should not be so angry, right?

Yunting District.

Liu Jing, who had arrived at the door with Fang Lin and others, said to Xiao Yang furtively: "You wait for me here first, and I will pick you up later, Kaka, translate."


Fang Lin was a little confused.

Did Liu Jing know something?Or is he born so nervous?

Seeing that Kaka didn't respond, Liu Jing repeated it twice very slowly.

Fang Lin felt that if he didn't help, this woman would be able to blah at him all the time at the door of the house, so he reluctantly spoke to Gongsun Yun.


"Shh, be quiet."

Liu Jing coughed lightly, opened the password door and led Fang Lin and the others in.

In the living room, Mama Yang was sitting on the sofa watching TV dignifiedly, when she saw Liu Jing coming in, she asked with a smile.

"came back?"


Liu Jing untied Fang Lin and the princess as if nothing had happened, stretched her waist and came to Yang Ma's side to hold her arm.

"I'm so hungry, have you cooked yet?"

"Not yet, why don't you close the door?"

Yang Ma pointed to the half-closed door.

"Uh, let's ventilate, it's a bit hot in the house."


Mama Yang rolled her eyes when she felt the central air conditioner that was open 24 hours a day.

"Okay, bring that sheep in, I watched your live broadcast this morning."


Liu Jing covered her mouth in shock.

"Did you see it all?"

"Why not?"

"Then you agree, Qian?"

"What else can I do after you brought it back? Go and bring it in, and let me see if the sheep flying that teddy is as good-looking as in the video."

"Hee hee, thank you, Qian."

Liu Jing squeezed Yang Ma's arm against her plump place and kept shaking it.

Mama Yang felt the softness that was much bigger than her own, and she immediately attacked with malicious intent.

"Ah~ah, don't scratch me, I was wrong!"

"Ah ah ah ah."

"Woo woo woo, really wrong!"

(End of this chapter)

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