Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 191 The Little Yellow Duck

Chapter 191 The Little Yellow Duck

At 01:30 in the afternoon, the outdoor sun is just right.

The bright sunlight penetrates the clear floor-to-ceiling windows in the living room and sprinkles in the room, illuminating the room brightly.

Liu Jing, who had already finished her lunch, rested leisurely on the deck chair on the balcony.

Mama Yang was sitting on the chair beside her. On the ground was a small pile of green grass exuding a fragrance. She held it in her hand and fed it to Gongsun Yun in front of her one by one.

The snow-white lamb with slightly curly hair sat peacefully in front of Mama Yang, chewing the spirit grass that Mama Yang handed over bit by bit.

The small mouth chewed continuously with a unique frequency, and the small eyes looked at Mama Yang very cutely.

Yes, spirit grass.

The color is green and the body is slender, almost like a reed.

At noon just now, Yang Zhen had assembled a large special black box, packed it full, and helped to move it in and find a place to put it away.

Fang Lin lay on the side and basked in the sun.

Today's sunshine is not as harsh as before, and the temperature is just right.

Liu Jing was lying on the recliner with a lazy look, turned her head to look at Mama Yang and said with a smile, "Why are you feeding them one by one?"

"Hey, the lamb is so cute."

Looking at the lamb that kept chewing, Mama Yang felt that she was healed.

It was when Xiaojie was a child that he liked watching others eat so much.

At this time, Liu Jing also watched Gongsun Yun eat the spirit grass, then shrugged her nose and muttered: "I also want to eat it a little bit, this grass smells very good and has a delicate fragrance."

As she said that, she got excited: "Hey Qian, I see that Yang Zhen has moved so much, why don't we try to cook some soup secretly at night?"

Yang's mother rolled her eyes: "What are you thinking, just a little, he said that it's when the lamb grows up, and this is just a week's worth."

"Well, all right."

Feeling that her life has become Buddhist again, Liu Jing lay down again.

"Here, give me the hoof."

After feeding a piece of spirit grass, she pointed at Gongsun Yun and pointed to her right hoof. Gongsun Yun looked at Mama Yang and raised her hoof and put it on Mama Yang's hand.

Yang Ma touched Gongsun Yun's hair with her little hoof and sighed, "This sheep is so clean and smart."

"Huh? How do you say it?"

Liu Jing, who was lying next to her, became interested again, meaning that she still picked up the treasure?
She sat up curiously and asked.

"When I was young, some relatives in the village also raised sheep. Although the wool is also white, you can always see dust on them."

"This sheep feels very clean just like Kaka and the General."

"Yes, yes, I feel the same way, it looks very clean at first glance."

Liu Jing nodded repeatedly beside her.

Mama Yang continued: "And she seems to understand what I say."

"Here, give me the other leg."

Yang Ma watched expectantly as Gongsun Yun pointed to the other hoof, and Gongsun Yun did not hesitate, and put another hoof in Yang Ma's hand.

"Wow! She really understands. You see, the general seems to be chatting with her."

Hearing this, Fang Lin glanced at Jiang Baibai, who was secretly translating for Gongsun Yun, and grinned. Gongsun Yun still came here for too short a time.

And in the few days before I came, I guess I was with Xiaolan every day, and I didn't have much chance to communicate with humans.

Besides, she didn't seem to like socializing very much. When she went to Yang Zhen's place to play that day, she was also sitting in the corner by herself.

She also smiles at you when you look at her.

Well, I feel like a kind little girl who is a bit introverted.

However, when he thought of this, he recalled the scene where Gongsun Yun raised his head to the sky for that little teddy this morning, and he felt that he still couldn't make a definition too early.

Liu Jing sat beside her with her chin in her hands and watched Mama Yang interact with Gongsun Yun. She suddenly said, "Qian, have you ever seen a very smart sheep before?"

Yang Ma held Gongsun Yun's hoof and shook her head as she recalled.

"I've never seen a very smart sheep, but I've heard a lot about animals with intelligence in the village when I was a child."

"And I also experienced it myself. At that time, my family raised a big goose, which was raised from childhood to adulthood."

"It was raised in the yard, and it used to bully me, but slowly it seems to be acting as a guard. Whenever someone I don't know comes to the house, it will go forward and drive away."

"Later, when winter came, my mother felt that it was almost ready to kill, but it shed tears when it looked at us in the kitchen."

"It was really tears, I saw it with my own eyes."

"Then my mother thought it might be alive and continued to raise it."

At this point, Yang's mother glanced at Liu Jing, who was listening to the story intently, and said with a smile: "Actually, there were many such things in the village at that time, such as old cows that had been plowing the land for many years."

"We have a lot of respect for these spiritual animals."

Liu Jing nodded thoughtfully and said enviously, "Oh, Qian, I think your life in your hometown was very interesting when you were young, and you could feed so many animals."

Yang's mother gave her an angry sideways glance: "I'm very tired, okay, how many people envy you when you lived in the city since you were young?"

"You actually like the quiet and comfortable country life, right? There's nothing wrong with that. I'll take you back to play if I get a chance."

"Or we can go to the farmhouse to have fun, but it doesn't make any difference."

Hearing this, Liu Jing nodded quickly: "Okay, okay, it's best to find a farmhouse, I don't dare to see my aunt hehe."

"Hey, it's better to experience planting rice seedlings or something."


Mama Yang felt a little helpless: "I know, I know."

Liu Jing smiled happily, stared at Gongsun Yun and sighed: "I feel that there are more and more smart animals now."

"They are also evolving. Didn't human beings come here in the same way?"

Yang's mother paused and said: "But I think it's just our luck, and we have a good relationship with these animals. If the lamb is spiritual, it will be convenient for us to raise it."


Yang Ma suddenly thought of something and turned her head to tell Liu Jing: "But! Don't adopt any more animals in the future. There are five animals in the family."

"If you adopt another one, do we have to buy them a house to live in?"

"Emmm, it's not that serious, my side is pretty empty."

Yang's mother didn't answer, she put down the lamb's leg and touched her head and said, "Let's go, let's go out and give her a bath, and think of a name for her by the way."

"Okay, do you want me to post a video to solicit opinions from fans?"

"It's fine. When you go to the pet shop to take a shower later, you can just take a picture and send it out. There is no need to edit it."

"it is good."

"By the way, do you know that you are on the trending search again?"


Today's Douyin is another very lively day.

In addition to the recent very hot gossip plots, the world situation seems to be in turmoil again, and various small countries seem to be gaining a sense of existence and doing a lot of regime exchanges.

The feeling for Longguo netizens is that the country is really good.

And those other countries that used to like to point fingers suddenly became low-key about these changes, and instead of pointing fingers, they launched a peaceful appeal like the Dragon Kingdom.

In addition to these, entries such as "Teddy", "Sheep" and "God" also rushed into the hot search.

For many official accounts that aim to attract people's attention, they find that they like Liu Jing more and more.

Every time there is a live broadcast, there will be many topics.

Take today as an example.

"The top tycoons swiped millions of dollars just for the sake of beauty, but they were brutally banned."

"Teddy took the initiative to provoke, the master was arrogant and unreasonable, and passersby came out as a substitute."

"Why do so many people hate Teddy?"

"Sioux City Pet Management Regulations."


Videos and discussions of countless related topics have intensified on Douyin.

As a good-looking pet blogger, whether it is because of Fang Lin or Liu Jing's good first impression on netizens, her popularity is very good.

The high number of fans also brings a huge topic heat, and it happens to have the gossip session that netizens love to see and the social hot spot of walking the dog without leash.

Although Liu Jing didn't post a video, the number of related video searches has rushed to the top, and there is a faint momentum of the military dog ​​base at that time.

He gave Fang Lin another wave of fans, and the number of fans has already approached the 1000 million mark.

So when Liu Jing took a video of a lamb enjoying a bubble bath in a bathtub in a pet shop and asking everyone for their opinions on naming, countless netizens who have been following her news poured into the comment area one after another.

"Is this the sheep that put Teddy in the sky? It's so beautiful."

"Jingjing seems to mean ewes, but do ewes have horns? But these two small horns are pretty pretty."

"Sheep can enjoy the bubble bath in the bathtub. I want to be a sheep in my next life."

"Is this considered a hero saving the beauty?"

"Hey, Sister Jing is really magical. Since I followed Sister Jing, I feel that I have become very popular with small animals. I picked up my own stray cat outside last night and just got vaccinated (smiley face)."

"Kaka has a younger sister again, hehe."

When Xiaojie and Lin Yuqing returned home at night, they rushed to Ouyang Yun happily.

They heard some news when they were at school during the day, and they were already impatient to go home.

Lin Yuqing wandered around the room with Xiao Yang and Fang Lin, and introduced to her all kinds of things that Yang's mother had prepared.

For example, a small blanket for resting feet, a small bowl for drinking water after eating, and a separate bathroom on the balcony.

During the period, I kept taking selfies with my mobile phone and sent them to Zhao Hanya.

Fang Lin yawned while dealing with Lin Yuqing while maintaining Yuehua's output for the princess.

It's almost time for the Princess to awaken her wisdom.

In Sucheng, in a small rental house, Taketo Matsuda was arguing with a merchant of a certain treasure on the chat software with an angry face.

"Why can't my knife be delivered?"

"Darling, I'm really sorry. Originally, this kind of goods were considered to be under the embargo of controlled knives. We only delivered them to you through our good relationship."

"But it's unfortunate that we don't know why today, our express delivery network was shut down by the authorities, and your goods were naturally deducted."

"Then return the money to me!"

"I'm really sorry."

! "What's the meaning?!!"

"You are not a friend of the other party, please add a friend first."

Matsuda Taketo: "???"


Angrily, he was about to raise his hand to slap his newly bought table, but he stopped when his hand touched the table.

He just bought this one for dozens of dragon coins, forget it.

Taketo Matsuda sat down helplessly, staring blankly at the little yellow duck on the table smiling at him.

He had screened a certain treasure for a long time before, and finally found a merchant that was almost reliable.

Even added the merchant's WeChat.

However, he didn't expect that the knives that cost him a whole month's salary were gone, and his money and goods were gone.

If I knew he would not be in a hurry to buy a good finished product, it would be better to buy a customized one and wait for a while.

At this moment, his phone rang suddenly, and Taketo Matsuda quickly glanced at the caller ID and answered the phone with a dark face.

As soon as the phone was connected, a smug laugh came over.

"Hahaha, Matsuda-kun, good evening."

"Hmph, what's the matter with you?"

"Of course you have Matsuda-kun. Many people in the Sakura team miss you very much, and have been asking me to help you."

"Hey, I really want to help Matsuda-kun, but you know, recently even the Bald Eagle dare not play tricks on the Special Affairs Bureau."

"During the meeting, the leaders of the external department were complaining, it was difficult for me, alas."

"But don't worry, after my arguments, the organization decided to give you great help."

"There will be a remittance of 50 dragon coins to your account soon. This is considered as the mission fund for this operation, and it is fully at your disposal. How about it?"

The corners of Taketo Matsuda's mouth twitched. His property in Neon was already 50.

But it is bound to be strong. He was silent for a while and said, "Okay, I understand."

"Oh, by the way, the money will be sent to you directly from the organization's international account, so it will arrive very quickly, so spend it and squander it, Matsuda-kun hahahaha."

"Well, is there anything else?"

There seemed to be some differences on the other end of the phone. Taketo Matsuda's reaction was so flat, so he was silent for a while and said, "Uh, no more."

Taketo Matsuda hung up the phone directly.

He sighed, threw himself on the bed and stared blankly at the old fan on the ceiling.

Maybe this is fate?
Then bloom the last light.

Let's look for that gentle female shop assistant again tonight, and say goodbye from a distance.

Taketo Matsuda put on his windbreaker, picked up his little yellow duck and put it in his pocket carefully.

Sioux City, Office of the Director of the Special Affairs Bureau.

"Dong dong dong."

"Please come in."

Wearing a black uniform, Li Mei walked in with her hair coiled up, and then closed the door.

"Cough cough, open the door, it happens that the room is a bit stuffy."

Li Mei smiled and ignored Yang Zhen's words, and walked to Yang Zhen's desk to report.

"Ju Yang, the abandoned son of the Sakura team, Taketo Matsuda, has gone out again, and the destination is unknown."

"Have you sent someone to follow?"



Yang Zhen was a little puzzled.

Li Mei shrugged and said, "That Taken Matsuda has been carrying the wiretapping locator we gave him for the past two days, so."

Yang Zhen was a little curious: "What did you use as a disguise?"

"Uh, a little yellow duck."

(End of this chapter)

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