192 next time

"Little yellow duck?"

Yang Zhen was stunned for a moment and was speechless.

He felt like vomiting but didn't know where to start, so he shook his head in the end: "You guys are quite creative."

"We didn't expect him to be so innocent."

Li Mei took a step forward, leaned sideways on Yang Zhen's table and continued, "What should I do now, be direct."

As she spoke, she made a side-cut gesture to Yang Zhen.

"Need not."

Yang Zhen found a document in a sealed bag from the drawer and threw it on the table.


Li Mei looked curiously at the orange information bag, reached for it, and flipped through it.

Yang Zhen leaned on the boss chair and spun around casually, explaining:
"Recently, the Sakura team at Neon is also planning to reorganize. Their so-called seven heavenly kings seem to be planning to find a leader to be the bright face."

"But their behavior is more like annexation and struggle for power. The teacher of Taketo Matsuda is one of the losers. Maybe soon there will be only five of the seven kings left."

Li Mei nodded, looked at the information in front of her and asked, "Then what do you mean?"

"Continue to observe first. There are too many things happening recently. Tomorrow, the Special Affairs Bureau will officially become a thing of the past. The official document will be issued tomorrow morning."

"From top to bottom, it will become a brand new universe."

Speaking of which, Yang Zhen stood up and walked to the tea table in front of the sofa to pour himself a cup of tea.

Li Mei glanced at it from the corner of her eye and put the document on the table. She smiled and walked over to snatch the teapot and winked at Yang Zhen.

Yang Zhen shrugged, sat down on the sofa, leaned against the backrest, waited for the tea and continued talking.

"The above seems to be preparing to make Qiankun a benchmark for the world in the new era, and at the same time, the Dragon Kingdom will also achieve a great revival."

"At the same time, Qiankun will also be an official organization in the public eye in the future, so Deng Jiefu explained to me that in the future, we must do things in line with the police station."

Li Mei raised her eyebrows: "What do you mean?"

"It means that in the future, when we do things, we must rely on evidence, pay attention to getting all the stolen goods, and not arrest people directly at the slightest sign."

"Pedantic, does Qiankun have that kind of underground secret department, which can be cut first and played later."

As she spoke, she put the brewed tea in front of Yang Zhen.

Yang Zhen glanced at her angrily: "Are you sick?"

"Why go back to the shadows when you can stand in the sun?"

"I was born in the shadows."

Yang Zhen froze for a moment, looked at the smiling Li Mei and said nothing.

The two were silent for a while, and Yang Zhen changed the subject and said, "Actually, our life is quite happy. You can see that the days in the southwest of us have been difficult recently."

"In the beginning, the popularization rate of knowledge was not high. Now that the aura revives, the theory of gods, ghosts and ghosts has appeared again. All kinds of gods and spirits are in the present world, and the trouble is dead."

"The Bald Eagle has already sent people there. For the time being, we all hope that the news can be hidden for a longer time. It can be regarded as a good deed for them to come forward."

Faced with such a big mess that Yang Zhen said, Li Mei nodded.

Seeing that Yang Zhen still wanted to say something, Li Mei interrupted with her arms crossed, "Okay, my Director Yang."

"I never complain about the unfairness of fate. This is the truth I understood when I faced that scum in the orphanage when I was young."

"You don't have to care about me, I love life very much."

Li Mei walked to the desk, picked up a bag of documents and hugged her in her arms: "I won't bother you, Mr. Director."

"I'll take the information about Taken Matsuda back and study it."

"Good night."

She blinked and shocked Yang Zhen, then turned and left the office.

"Ah, you mean Xiao Li?"

"Uh, it should be."

"Oh, she seems to be a college student. She only came to work part-time before, but she doesn't come to work now."

"Thank you."

"You're welcome."

Taketo Matsuda walked out of the convenience store a little disappointed.

"Hey, who was that person just now?"

"I don't know, maybe I want to chase Xiao Li."

"Huh? Just him?"

"Shh, you haven't gone far yet."

Outside the convenience store, Taketo Matsuda stopped in the crowd and looked up at the gloomy night sky, his thoughts drifted to the distance.

There are always many regrets in life. The perfect is a fairy tale, and the imperfection may be the reality, right?

That being the case, act tomorrow.

Taken Matsuda walked slowly towards the rental house with the blessed sword he bought from the "monk" for five hundred dragon coins in the square just now.

At seven o'clock on Sunday morning the next day, Lin Yuqing and Xiaojie happily went downstairs to have breakfast, fully dressed.

And Liu Jing has already taken Gongsun Yun downstairs who has become cleaner and more lovely after taking a bath yesterday, and Jiang Baibai and the princess are also following behind.

Fang Lin glanced at Gongsun Yun, and found that there was a pink bow on her neck, so he couldn't help asking curiously.

"Is this your magic weapon too?"

"No, Brother Kaka, this is a little decoration Liu Jing gave me."


Why didn't I.

Up to now, Liu Jing and Yang's mother have not seen any clothes for themselves.

And last night he heard Yang's mother complaining to Liu Jing that the summer was coming to an end, but unfortunately she didn't think of shaving Kaka, it must be very interesting to shave her hair.

It's just outrageous.

It's fine if you don't buy clothes for yourself, but you still want to make yourself bald!
It's too ridiculous.

Seeing Gongsun Yun deliberately stop in front of him and show off the bow, looking expectant, Fang Lin quickly praised.

"Not bad, good looking."

"Hey, thank you, Brother Kaka."

This compliment made the lamb so happy that he jumped up and down as he walked.

After bidding farewell to Fang Lin, Gongsun Yun continued to run to Xueqiu not far away, happily showing her the small gift she received.

Seeing all this, Fang Lin was a little puzzled and quietly asked Jiang Baibai who had just walked beside him.

"Why is she so happy?"

"Because you praised that bow tie."


"She likes that bow tie very much. It seems that no one has given her these things before. I haven't seen them anyway."

Fang Lin became even more curious after listening to this. Why does this son of the royal family sound like he was a lonely family back then.

"Isn't she also a royal family? Why didn't anyone give her some decorations?"

"Shouldn't a group of people around you follow suit, and be soft when you receive gifts?"

Jiang Baibai said with no surprise: "Aren't the mothers who can remember to take their daughters to buy clothes and jewelry in the ancestral land?"

"Besides, Uncle Gongsun's temper is quite violent, and he usually asks her according to the standard of a son, so the younger generations in her clan dare not give these."

What do you mean?
Fang Lin lowered his voice and approached Jiang Baibai: "So her mother?"

Jiang Baibai nodded: "Yes, the same as me."

"same as you?"

Fang Lin looked at her in astonishment.

"What? Didn't I tell you?"

Jiang Baibai was a little flustered, she accidentally said it smoothly, these things are the secrets she has been hiding in her heart.

Even if she is a royal family, not having a mother since she was a child is a scar that cannot heal in her heart.

"I never said that."

Looking into Fang Lin's gaze, Jiang Baibai shook his tail and responded nonchalantly: "Actually, it's nothing. Such a happy and harmonious family is very rare in the spirit world. Even the emperor himself has many enemies."

"My royal father also became close friends with Uncle Gongsun because of Yunyun's mother."

"Actually, if it wasn't because Yunyungui and I are children of the royal family, these things are just as common as eating and drinking. It is really hard to understand that you have lived in such a happy environment since childhood."

Listening to Jiang Baibai's eloquent talk as if it had no effect on her, Fang Lin shook his head.

"No, I'm actually the same as you."

Jiang Baibai was stunned for a moment, and then realized that what Kaka was talking about should be the real mother he had never met.

She shook her head: "It's different, you should have been here since you awakened your wisdom, right? These people are actually no different from your family."

"They could be your family too."

Fang Lin said with a smile.


"Hey, hasn't anyone given you a beautiful dress?"

"You fart! There are many in my space."

"All right, all right, if there is one, then why are you so impatient?"


In the living room, martial arts were staged immediately, and a snow-white cat was chasing a handsome husky and running wildly all the way.

And this husky also showed agility that is not a dog at all, on the sofa, on the stairs, on the wall, all kinds of tricks to escape in reverse.

Liu Jing quickly took out her mobile phone to record a video, and explained with a smile on her face.

"Kaka! General! Don't run around! Hey!"

An afterimage passed by Mama Yang who was holding a box of milk, startling her, she immediately put down the milk and aggressively arrested the two fuzzy children who had been rambunctious early in the morning.

"You two are just standing here, don't eat in the morning, hum."

In front of the familiar wall in the living room, Fang Lin and Jiang Baibai rolled their eyes at each other facing the wall.

"As for it? Look, are you out of food?"

"Isn't it your fault? Let you talk more."

"I didn't say anything. Could it be that you were in a hurry when you leaked your words from the beginning?"

Jiang Baibai didn't bother to pay attention to him, and turned his head to give him a back.

"You're my friend and I really think you can treat them like family."

"What's more, human beings are human beings, and family members are family members. At least I am treated as family members here."

When Jiang Baibai heard this, he couldn't help looking at Liu Jing who was smiling at the dinner table.

Every night since she came here, Liu Jing would whisper to her and the princess.

The grievances in my heart, the excitement of success, I miss my parents during the festival but dare not call, and even share with her when I find a handsome guy, etc. I don’t know if Liu Jing will die when she finds out that she has spiritual wisdom.

Jiang Baibai's mouth curled into a smile.

At the dinner table, the family is eating breakfast.

Lin Yuqing stuffed food into his mouth while chatting with his mobile phone.

She is wearing a lavender dress today, with a small and exquisite lady's watch on her left hand, a small silver chain on her right wrist, and a very chic necklace around her neck.

The whole person has the most beautiful appearance in his youth, and his hair is a little messy, which adds a bit of messy beauty.

Xiaojie, who was sitting next to Lin Yuqing, looked at his very beautiful sister who had already been born, feeling a little envious in his heart.

He also wants to grow up quickly, he is not as tall as Chen Chen!

Yang Ma took a sip of milk and glanced at Lin Yuqing teasingly: "You are so well-dressed, where are you going today?"

Lin Yuqing responded with a smile: "Today is Li Rui's birthday. We made an appointment to go to People's Park to play. Zhao Hanya quietly prepared a birthday present for him."

Yang's mother curled her lips: "They are so sweet, you can just be a light bulb and still look so good in it?"

"Of course I have to dress up, I can't embarrass my best friend."

Looking at the more mature Lin Yuqing in front of her eyes, Mama Yang couldn't help sighing, "You guys live a really happy life. I think we had these nice clothes when we were your age, right Liu Jing."

Lin Yuqing pretended not to hear, and continued playing with her mobile phone.

Liu Jing raised her head and looked at the mother-daughter pair, and said with a smile: "Hey, we were not as beautiful as you at that time, so we are not like you, the ones who grew up in junior high school are like little adults, prettier than me and your mother back then too much."

Mama Yang interjected immediately: "I don't agree with that. I was pretty good back then. I grew up beautiful. If I hadn't met your dad, the people chasing me would have lined up."

Liu Jing ignored Yang's mother's dissatisfaction, and continued to say to Lin Yuqing mysteriously: "How about I give you a good-looking hair later? I just learned it."

"Really? Okay."

"However, why don't you take off your necklace, it's not good to dress up too solemnly, it will put pressure on your friends."

Changing the subject, Liu Jing suggested sincerely.


Lin Yuqing thought for a while and listened to Liu Jing's words and took off the necklace.

Without the embellishment of the necklace, there is a piece of snow-white skin around her neck, which is even more youthful with the elegant skirt.

"Yeah, it looks better."

Yang Ma asked, "Have you prepared any presents for him?"

"I haven't done it yet, and Yaya didn't tell me what she prepared. I'll make another one tomorrow after she finishes delivering it."

Yang's mother nodded: "It's best to just give some of the notebooks that you often use. Children of your age are thin-skinned, and if you give them too expensive, they may make people feel uncomfortable."

"Hey mom, we are all good friends, we won't have these problems."

"Friends need to work hard, and you can't just do things casually just because you are a good friend."

"Know it."

"Go on your own later, I still want to watch TV."

"Don't! Mom, I still want to take Kaka with me. If you don't see us off, we'll have to take a taxi."

"Just find something for me, you have to trouble me on weekends."

"Hey, who made you the best mother in the world?"

"Tsk, my mouth is quite sweet right now."

Su Cheng, in front of a somewhat dilapidated neighborhood.

Clean and tidy, Li Rui glanced at his old cell phone, and hurried to the bus stop, he was about to be late.

After Li Rui left, a figure in a thin windbreaker also stood up at a breakfast shop on the side of the road in front of his house, paid the bill and left the restaurant.

After the man left, the breakfast shop closed the door directly.

"Hey, I haven't bought it yet."

"Next time, next time, definitely next time."

 Thanks to Yu Luyou for the reward of 300 starting coins, and thanks to Quanquan for the 500 starting coins that I really want to read.The 18000 starting point coins rewarded by Scarlet Hummer.

  Thanks Boss Boss Boss Daqi Boss is in good health!

  The recent update is not stable, understand and understand.

(End of this chapter)

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