Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 193 What will you do?

Chapter 193 What will you do?

Sioux City, the gate of Ninth Middle School.

Li Rui was standing on the side of the road with his mobile phone, looking up from time to time at the pedestrians and vehicles passing by, as if looking for something.

He was wearing a simple white short-sleeve and black sports trousers, and his clean white sneakers were still on his feet.

At this time, a black BMW slowly stopped in front of him. The streamlined and cool appearance gave off a tough feeling, and Li Rui couldn't help pursing his lips.

The dark and bright car window reflected Li Rui's nervous face, and soon the car window was lowered, and a beautifully dressed woman poked her head and waved to him.

"Li Rui?"

"Uh, yes."

"Come up Li Rui, I'll be waiting for you."

The windows of the back seat were also lowered at this time, and Zhao Hanya greeted Li Rui happily.

"Come up."

Yang Ma thoughtfully helped him open the co-pilot's door.

"Oh, good."

Li Rui's throat rolled slightly, and he got into the co-pilot cautiously.

As soon as he got in the car, a pleasant fragrance flooded into Li Rui's nostrils. He didn't know if it was the fragrance in the car or the perfume of the beautiful aunt beside him.

The distinctive interior of the luxury car made Li Rui clearly feel the expensiveness of the car he was sitting in, as if he had entered a new world.

Although he didn't know much about it, the BMW logo made him feel that it was very different from the taxis he usually took occasionally.

So much so that he was even careful with the hand that closed the car door.

Because of some nervousness, his strength made it too small, and he just gently brought the door over.

Just when Li Rui was about to stretch out his hand again, he found that the door was sucked shut by itself.

After Li Rui looked in surprise and found that it was indeed locked, he quickly sat up straight with his legs together, his waist straightened and his eyes not daring to look around.

"seat belt."

Mama Yang's gentle voice reached Li Rui's ears.

"oh oh."

Li Rui quickly turned around to fasten his seat belt, and he was relieved when Yang's mother finally started to start.

Just now he felt that everyone was looking at him, and he felt very stressed.

To be reasonable, Li Rui felt that he might have a psychological shadow on the co-pilot position in the future.

But there's no way around it. He can't be allowed to sit in the back seat. It's not suitable for any girl to sit in the front.

"Li Rui, Auntie always hears them praise you, did you get the first place in the exam again this time?"


Familiar interrogation environment.

Li Rui adjusted his sitting posture slightly, and said cautiously, "Uh, it seems so."

Yang's mother smiled slightly, glanced at Li Rui, looked at him and nodded in her heart, she really looked like a very good boy.

After all, Zhao Hanya can be regarded as the one she saw growing up since she was a child, so she still has to help check it out. It is best to do what should be done at this age.

It's okay to be friends, but it's too early to fall in love, but if you really help each other learn and restrain each other as the two said, then there is really no problem.

Entrance exams are very stressful, and it is definitely helpful to have someone around you to encourage and relieve stress.

But the vast majority of people who fall in love early put their minds on love itself. At this time, love itself is young and immature.

Jealousy, study pressure, teacher pressure, parent pressure, each will become the fuse of conflicts.

As long as there is a conflict, it will definitely not be possible to listen to the class these few days.

"Qingqing's grades in this exam have improved a lot. I heard that you have helped her a lot. Thank you both very much. Would you like to come to Auntie's house for lunch?"

"No, no, in fact, it's mainly because of her own hard work."

"Haha, don't I know my daughter well? If Yaya didn't come to the house every weekend to urge her to study, she could lie in bed all day."

"Mom! Don't talk about everything."

"Damn, isn't Li Rui one of our own?"

own people?
Li Rui felt something was wrong when he heard this, and suddenly became flustered.

Doesn't Lin Yuqing's mother know something?
The atmosphere in the car became a little awkward for a while.

Yang's mother realized that she had slipped her tongue, coughed lightly and started the car honestly.

So, in the silence, the BMW drove slowly towards the People's Park.

At the same time, behind the BMW car several parking spaces away, a man in a windbreaker with a "sword" at the waist and hips was hanging steadily behind him on a shared electric car.

This person is none other than Matsuda Taketo.

According to the plan that Matsuda was told at the time, he would start with Lin Wenshao's family and kidnap his children to threaten them in private. Specifically, he wanted to lure Lin Yuqing or Xiaojie's friends out by coercing Lin Yuqing or Xiaojie's friends.

When Matsuda heard about this extremely crude plan, he couldn't believe that it was made by the Sakura team.

From that moment on, he knew that he had no hope of going back.

So today Matsuda intends to step on the spot first, and when he seizes the opportunity to successfully kidnap, he will directly notify Yang Zhen to lead the person and have a century-old showdown.

As for why not go directly to the gate of the Special Affairs Bureau to block Yang Town.
Because he didn't know where the Sioux City Special Affairs Bureau was at all.

Matsuda just sneaked into Sioux City to obtain his own identity, then lost contact with the upline, and delivered food for a whole month, he knew what a fart.

However, this plan is quite good. He believes that the Lin family must already be under the protection of the Special Affairs Bureau, so it can effectively attract the attention of the Special Affairs Bureau.

It's a good way to die.

Taketo Matsuda looked up at the BMW not far away, then silently lowered his head and accelerated the speed of his bicycle.

Sioux City Special Affairs Bureau, Director's Office.

Li Mei knocked on the door and walked in. Yi Fei and Yang Zhen were discussing something.

Seeing that Yi Fei was also there, Li Mei smiled at the two of them, and then said with a straight face: "The secret report said that Taken Matsuda followed Lin Yuqing's classmate Li Rui."

"And today happens to be Li Rui's birthday, and now Yang Nianqian is driving Lin Yuqing and two of her classmates to People's Park."

When Yang Zhen heard the news, he stood up with a serious face: "Okay, let him continue to follow and be careful not to expose him. The D-class is very sensitive to some special gazes. Pay attention to the distance when following."

"Let's set off now and inform the action team to gather downstairs immediately."


Li Mei thought for a while and added: "According to the news that we have recently added security around the Yunting community, Kaka also followed."

"Okay, I see."

Li Mei saluted and left the office with strides.

After Li Mei left, Yang Zhen sat back on the chair and drank the freshly brewed tea.

"Let's go, weren't you still in a hurry just now?"

"Don't panic, don't panic, Kaka is here, ten Matsuda Takeshi can't make any waves."

"Besides, this is the best Dahongpao I secretly got from Sister Wen. It's a pity that it's cold."

Yi Fei raised her eyebrows: "That's Sister Wen's gift for Team Deng's promotion, are you going to die?"

"Hey, I just secretly opened the box and took a little."

Yi Fei glanced at a small bag next to her and shook her head: "You wish for luck, I'll go down first and let them form a team, hurry up."

"it is good."

People's Park.

Fang Lin had followed Lin Yuqing and the others to the park, and they were walking together on a tree-lined path.

Today's weather is fine, and the blue sky can be seen from the gaps in the trees above.

Lin Yuqing hummed a little tune and led Fang Lin to the side, Zhao Hanya walked in the middle, and Li Rui walked on the other side.

Fang Lin looked at Zhao Hanya and Li Rui who were a little awkward and embarrassed, and could only sigh that this age was still too naive.

Why are you suddenly shy offline this time?
Don't you usually have a good chat when you are at the same table online?
Zhao Hanya was carrying a white schoolbag. After picking each other with both hands in front, she took off the schoolbag and carried it on her chest.

"Hey, that Li Rui, today is your birthday. I wish you a happy birthday. I have prepared a small gift for you."

"Ah, no need no need."

Li Rui quickly waved his hand.

"Hey, I bought them all, promise, here you are."

Fang Lin looked up, and it seemed to be a black watch.

"Look, I also bought a white one for myself, hehe, the style is exactly the same."

"I bought it in the small store in front of our school. It's not expensive. Take it quickly."

Li Rui, who was originally worried that the gift would be too expensive, was relieved. He looked at the electronic watch and felt that he had indeed seen it in a small shop.

After hesitating for a moment, I reached out and took it: "Thank you, I will also prepare a gift for you on your birthday."

"Okay, take it quickly."

So under the urging of Zhao Hanya, both of them put on the same watch, the difference is that one is black and the other is white.

After wearing it, the two looked at each other and smiled, their faces were a little red.


Lin Yuqing next to him curled her lips and couldn't stand it any longer, so she took Kaka and took a few steps back.

She didn't want to see the tacit expressions of the two, but she didn't want to miss any gossip, so she chose to walk behind the two and just look at their backs.

However, Fang Lin kept grinning and confiscated it all the time, and he suddenly felt the sweetness of this young love.

It seems that Zhao Hanya and Li Rui haven't held hands once from the beginning to now. Perhaps this is a difficult hurdle for the two Xiaobai?

But no matter what, Fang Lin could feel that both of them were happy and sweet in their hearts.


This is the case with love in student days, especially in middle and high school, without any other factors at all.

Like is like.

Things have changed a bit since college. Although Fang Lin doesn't fall in love, one of his roommates has been talking about it for two years and finally broke up after graduation.

There is no way, love cannot be eaten as a meal, and it must return to the real material life after all.

It's good to be young, I think he had a vigorous love affair when he was in high school.

Grinning, Fang Lin quietly turned his head and glanced at the empty path behind him.

There is only the sound of the wind blowing on the tree-covered path, and the occasional laughter of tourists outside the woods on both sides.

Fang Lin quickly turned his head back, as if casually glanced back.

"What's the matter, Kaka?"

Lin Yuqing who was beside her noticed Fang Lin's actions, stopped and turned her head curiously to look back.


Fang Lin responded softly.

Lin Yuqing didn't see anything, but the gloomy environment gave her goosebumps a lot, and she felt a chill all over her body.

It is said that dogs can see many things that humans cannot.

She shook her head hastily, and followed the two people in front with Kaka.

"Let's go to the playground, it's lively there."

"Okay, it happens to be Li Rui's birthday today, let's challenge the roller coaster!"


Ignoring the excited Lin Yuqing and the others, Fang Lin smiled lightly when he sensed a scent cloud in the blind spot behind him.

Tsk, it seems that an old friend in the notebook delivered it to your door.

I feel happier.

The Starlight Amusement Park in People's Park is a project specially prepared and constructed by the park.

It contains almost all kinds of entertainment facilities, except for the expensive 3D large-scale giant screens or dinosaur islands in those professional large-scale playgrounds, which are all here.

From the exciting roller coaster to the big pendulum, from the haunted house and secret room suitable for couples to play, and even opened a recently popular script killing.

It caters to the aesthetics of young people from various angles.

No tickets are required to enter the park. Come to the park to enjoy the scenery, boating, and pigeon feeding. If you are interested, you can experience thrilling rides in two steps.

This kind of design really rejuvenated the People's Park a lot. I think it was a memory for many people back then.

In the era of lack of entertainment, it is crowded with people every night.

At this time, Lin Yuqing, Zhao Hanya and Li Rui had already lined up in front of the roller coaster.

Because it is Sunday, although there are not as many tourists here as those specialized playgrounds, there are not a few of them.

Generally, the hot items can be played within five or six minutes.




The aggressive roller coaster speeding across the sky brought up the shouts of passengers.

When he came to him, Lin Yuqing suddenly became a little scared.

She exchanged eyes with Zhao Hanya and asked hesitantly, "Yaya. Do we really want to play?"

"Otherwise, let's play with that pirate ship, it's also very interesting."

Faced with Lin Yuqing's weak suggestion, Zhao Hanya pondered for a moment, looked at Li Rui beside him, gritted his teeth, and said, "No, it's all here."

"And today is his birthday, we must play something we haven't played before, so it makes sense."

Lin Yuqing wanted to cry but had no tears, the words were exactly the same as what she said when she was dragged to bungee jumping by Yang's mother.

Finally, there were three people in line. After Lin Yuqing showed the three tickets he had bought, the three began to board the roller coaster.

Fang Lin naturally stayed below and was cared for by the staff members.

Unlike Lin Yuqing, who had a heavy complexion and looked like he was going to die bravely, Fang Lin was very comfortable.

There are both awnings and seats in the rest area, and the girls recruited by the park nearby also brought ham sausage and other snacks and happily fed them.

Fang Lin never refuses anyone who comes, she eats as much as she feeds, and even cooperates with her when she has nothing to do, so that the little sister Le's mouth can't close.

However, Fang Lin's extraordinary senses were always locked on the man outside the crowd, and Fang Lin's perception of this man was as obvious as if he had no clothes on.

what will you do

Fang Lin was a little curious.

(End of this chapter)

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