Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 194 Kaka's Growth

Chapter 194 Kaka's Growth

The noisy playground is full of people.

A temporary worker of a college student was wearing a brown teddy bear and was dangling on the road with flyers. His cute and fluffy appearance made the surrounding children want to go up and cuddle.

The temperature in Sioux City at the end of September was still 27 degrees Celsius, but the doll bear still seemed to be enjoying it, and the children were amused by their wriggling body as they walked.

An uncle security guard with a round belly is wearing a hat and smiling around the area. Sometimes he will take the initiative to say hello when he sees children. It can be seen that he does not rule out his work and seems to enjoy the atmosphere here.

In this sea of ​​joy, a towering tree stands proudly in the golden sunlight, and spots of light are scattered on the ground from the dense and numerous branches.

Next to the root of the tree surrounded by several people is a round marble seat around it, and Taketo Matsuda in a thin windbreaker is looking down at the ground with his hands on his legs and thinking.

At this time, Yang Zhen, who was wearing black sunglasses, black military boots, and the latest design of cool black combat casual clothes, slowly walked towards Taketo Matsuda from a distance.

Behind him hung a long knife with a black sheath engraved with dragon patterns in a special bag, looking like a cosplayer.

Followed by two members of the action team who wore the same style but did not wear sunglasses and looked heroic.

The temperament of the three of them was outstanding, and from time to time, a little girl with bright eyes looked at them quietly, and Yang Zhen, who was aware of this, walked more gracefully.

However, despite the noisy surroundings, the sound of military boots stepping on the ground was clearly captured by Taketo Matsuda.

At this moment, in Matsuda Taketo's heart, the whole playground seemed to become a quiet and empty world, and he and the footsteps were the only characters that existed.

He kept his head down until the sound came closer.

Finally, the black military boots came to a smooth stop in front of his eyes.

Taketo Matsuda raised his head with a chuckle, revealing his face that had been buried in the shadows before, and his somewhat vicissitudes of pupils became deeper amidst the laughter and laughter around him.

"We finally met, Yang Zhen, but I didn't expect it to be in this kind of place."

Yang Zhen put his hands in his pockets, looked up at the surrounding scenery, and exchanged greetings as if reminiscing with an old friend: "This place is pretty good, have you been in Sucheng for more than a month? Didn't you come here for fun?"

Taketo Matsuda shook his head.

"Oh, yes, you are busy delivering food, and you really don't have much time."


After Yang Zhenchong waved to the two girls who were looking at him not far away, he sat down beside Taketo Matsuda and said in a controlled voice.

"How do you feel over the past month? Is Sioux City as prosperous as Tokyo?"

Taketo Matsuda looked at him and said nothing, and couldn't help recalling the cherry blossom trees at the entrance of the dojo and the master who used to practice tea ceremony under the cherry blossom trees in his mind.

But soon Yang Zhen's words interrupted his memory.

"Okay, I don't think you want to chat, so come back with me."

"When did you guys find me?"

"Before you came, I received the news."

Matsuda Taketo was stunned, had the news of his master leaked before the accident happened?
He was a little surprised: "Do you have spies in the Sakura team?"

"Ha ha."

Yang Zhen smiled and looked at the blue sky in the distance. He didn't answer and asked instead: "Aren't you worried about things other than cultivation?"

Taketo Matsuda nodded.

Yang Zhen made it clear: "Like the Eagle Kingdom, if we cut off their arms, do they have other options besides scratching their heads and trying to find a way to use a more secretive method? Could it be that they will give up because of this? "

Taketo Matsuda imagined how Eagle Country has always been doing things and shook his head.

"That's why we mainly keep watch on you pawns sent in from abroad, and you people are even more observant of social rules than some citizens of our country. You don't even cross traffic lights, and you have created a lot of social value. "

Taketo Matsuda: "."

"These are all unspoken rules formed in the previous situation, but the situation is different now."

"Qiankun now has the ability and confidence to ensure domestic security. We will send you back to the people of your various organizations who are staying in Longguo. When the time comes, you will really stay."

Matsuda Wuren felt the great confidence hidden behind Yang Zhen's words, as if the Dragon Kingdom had once again become the celestial dynasty with a majestic and powerful attitude.

He couldn't help but feel a little tired. Although the Sakura group were all stupid pigs, he was still a neon person. Seeing the rise of the Dragon Kingdom was more uncomfortable than his master's sudden death.

"You sound very confident, but it's a pity that if your Dragon Kingdom doesn't have an A-level for a day, the balance of force in the world will not be broken. The Sakura team has also started to reorganize, and it will be soon."

"Stop, stop."

Yang Zhen plucked his ears impatiently: "Longguo Zhantianjian was promoted to A-level hundreds of years ago, you seem to have just connected to the Internet."

"Oh, I'm sorry, it seems that your master failed in the infighting of the Sakura group. You won't be an abandoned child, right? The organization doesn't even contact you anymore?"

"This is a good D grade, how did it get mixed up like this?"

"Look at the World Security Bureau of the Eagle Country. Those people sent here are cannon fodder. You are the first D-class to come here as a spy."

Sky Zhanjian A level?

Taketo Matsuda fell into a daze.

Grade A.
Once a cultivator enters the A-level, he has his own domain. The B-level can sense the power of heaven and earth, and can fly into the sky and escape from the earth. This is like a joke in front of the A-level.

Below A level, they are like poor ants without any resistance.

This is the state that his master longs for day and night, and it is also the source of motivation for him to practice Wuxin One Sword Style day and night.

However, was it so easily achieved by others?

Or the master of the person in front of him?

Matsuda Taketo looked at Yang Zhen who was sitting beside him, and his heart was full of unwillingness.

He also wants to hold power like Yang Zhen, and he also wants to live in the sun well. He is obviously a D-rank, why does fate play such a big joke on him?

In the past two days, the already precarious psychological defense collapsed directly. At this moment, he no longer has a trace of nostalgia for this disgusting world.

Seeing that Taken Matsuda was stunned, Yang Zhen patted his legs and stood up and said, "Okay, come with us. If everything goes well, we can send you a special plane to send you back today."

Taketo Matsuda shook his head slightly.

"Yang Zhen, look around at these tourists with mobile phones."

Hearing this, the three of them seemed to look around.

"Not half an hour after the battle between you and me, news of the reappearance of extraordinary power will sweep the world from Dragon Kingdom."

"The truth that all of you try to hide will be laid bare in front of all of you."

"And I, as the pioneer who presented all this to the world, will always be remembered in history."

"Even if I become a thorn in the side of your privileged class because of this, it doesn't matter, because I never thought of leaving here alive today."

Ok?Is there such a large amount of information as soon as it comes up?
"The target's mood is abnormal. The original plan was aborted. Wen Department has been notified and will arrive in 5 minutes."

Li Mei's calm and feminine voice came from Yang Zhen's headset. He raised his eyebrows calmly and looked at Taketo Matsuda, who was sitting on the stone chair and looked up at him, and laughed a little.

"What privileged class?"

"Isn't it? You, like them, are the beneficiaries of these secrets, and you all want to keep the information firmly in your own hands."

"I used to be one of you, but I'm not as lucky as you, Yang Zhen."

"You have a master with extraordinary strength, your subordinates admire you, and your friends care about you."

"And I have been abandoned."

While speaking, Taketo Matsuda's eyes became deeper and his face was determined. He silently put his hand into the windbreaker.

Seeing this action, the two action team members who followed Yang Zhen in casual combat uniforms immediately wanted to rush forward, but Yang Zhen waved his hand to stop him.

To him, if Taketo Matsuda actually pulled out a pistol, there was no threat at all.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Taketo Matsuda took out the Demon Subduing Sword bought from Monk Wubaiyuan in the square, and placed it on his knee steadily.

Action team members: "???"

Yang Zhen opened his mouth to speak but stopped: "You" gestured twice with both hands.

Taken Matsuda took a deep breath and replied calmly.

"I bought it, 3 yuan, and the express delivery was seized."


Yang Zhen stretched out his hand and pushed the sunglasses, not knowing how to answer the conversation.

From this point of view, this Matsuda Taketo is really miserable.

No matter what, it's a dignified D-rank.
But it doesn't matter, for senior D-ranks like him and Matsuda Taketo, the aura can already pass through the body to the weapons in their hands, even a piece of thatch can become a sharp sword.

It's just a question of transmission efficiency.

Yang Zhen actually wanted to ask why he didn't go to the supermarket to buy a kitchen knife, but seeing Taketo Matsuda's solemn attire, he probably wouldn't want to take a kitchen knife even if he was empty-handed, right?
Noticing that the tourists around had noticed the few people gathered here, Yang Zhen shook his head and said: "Okay, Wu Ren, go back with me to accept the review of Qian Kun, you still have a chance"

Before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Taketo Matsuda.


"The Special Affairs Bureau has been reorganized."


After answering, he stood up slowly, holding the demon-subduing sword in his left hand and looking at Yang Zhen.

"You're afraid."

"At the end of the day, it's just that I'm afraid that I'll expose these secrets to ordinary people. It's no different from those dirty bugs in the Sakura group."

"It's not the time yet, it's a guarantee of social stability."

"Ridiculous, how do you know they don't want to experience the evolution of this level of life?"

"In Dragon Kingdom, anyone can do it as long as they are talented, but it's just not the time yet."

Taketo Matsuda smiled contemptuously: "Okay, I'm too lazy to argue with you, whether you Qiankun, Sakura Group, and World Security Bureau are willing or not, I will reveal these secrets to the world today."

Yang Zhen frowned: "You have to think clearly about the consequences if you do this."

"I don't want to go back alive today. If Deng Jiefu comes, he can stop me, but it's just you? Hehe."

Yang Zhen's hand silently moved to the handle of the knife.

The development of the matter was a little out of control. I didn't expect that the D-rank Taketo Matsuda didn't have any desire to survive.

Could it be that he was pissed off?
These damn bugs should have been eradicated long ago. I really don't know who made the policy before.

Now I can only take him down as soon as possible to minimize the impact.

In an instant, Yang Zhen's aura was on the sidelines, and his aura began to accumulate.

Just when he was ready to go, Taken Matsuda pulled out his sword to fight against demons and roared to the sky: "Everyone! Keep your eyes on me!"

Under the blessing of spiritual energy, the sound was like a bell, even overshadowing the screaming sound from the nearby entertainment equipment. The tourists were startled for a while, and they all searched for the source of the sound.

"Today, I, Taketo Matsuda, will take you into a new world hidden by the power class that you mortals have never seen before!"

"I'll show you what real power is!"

"Yang Zhen, fight me!"

The high-spirited voice echoed over the amusement park, but the tourists were not afraid after seeing the situation clearly, and picked up their mobile phones to take pictures curiously.

"What is this man holding?"

"It seems to be the wronged sword sold by those fake monks in the square."

"Is there a new program in the amusement park?"

Taketo Matsuda didn't care too much when he heard everyone's discussion, as long as someone picked up their mobile phone to record, because soon their three views would explode.

He looked at the big tree surrounded by several people behind him. Since Yang Zhen was reluctant to make a move, he should cut off the huge tree to create a little atmosphere.

"It's ugly!"



"Uh uh uh that, everyone, I'm sorry, this is a patient who accidentally escaped from our Nanshan Hospital. Excuse me, excuse me, hurry up! Take it away!"

"Kaka! Kaka!"

In a daze, Fang Lin opened his eyes and the world gradually became clearer.

The bright floor-to-ceiling windows, the warm air from the central air conditioner, the dry branches outside the window due to the winter, and the dim sunlight during the winter.

All this made him wake up from the dream.

Fang Lin patted his heavy head twice with his claws.

How can I dream about what happened four months ago after sleeping, bad luck, really bad luck.

"Sleeping in broad daylight again, you must have gained weight again!"

Lin Yuqing squatted down next to Fang Lin, and his clear and sweet voice reached Fang Lin's ears.

Fang Lin raised his head to look at this 1.61 girl who had become more and more youthful, and stretched out his head to rub her Tigger small cotton slippers.

"Hey~ It's time to eat, come over to me, rush~"

Speaking of which, Lin Yuqing laid herself on Fang Lin's broad back like an octopus, buried her face in the white and warm hair and kept rubbing against it.

"You smell so good, Kaka."

Alas, there is no way.

Fang Lin shook his head, and when Lin Yuqing was ready, he stood up abruptly from the ground, revealing his huge oppressive body immediately.


Lin Yuqing laughed happily, then adjusted her body and sat up.


After four months of development, in the life cycle of ordinary huskies, they have entered adulthood.

He also took advantage of the opportunity to grow his body into the shape he wanted, with a body length of 1.8 meters, a height of 1 meter, and a weight of an astonishing 200 kilograms. His hair is no less than that of a male lion.

And this naturally aroused huge public opinion.

 And at night

(End of this chapter)

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