Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 195 The princess wants to play with the snow

Chapter 195 The princess wants to play with the snow (second update~)

"Do you believe?"

"A purebred husky with clear bloodlines, whose ancestors can be found for eight generations, has grown to the same size as an adult male lion!"

"With a body length of 1.8 meters, you must know that the adult horse, which was once the main means of transportation for human beings, is only about [-] meters in length."

"There is no doubt, this kind of thing that you dare not write in a novel happened like this, and he is also an internet celebrity husky, his name is Kaka, and he lives in the beautiful Sioux City."


"In summary, although scientists obtained Kaka's blood samples for analysis with the consent of Kaka's owner, the reason behind it is still an unsolved mystery. It can only be explained by genetic variation. The business of the pet home in the center is booming even now."

"Perhaps, this is like the huge yak on the Kunlun Mountains and the extraordinary wisdom eagle on the Changbai Mountains. They are all the result of our magical nature."

"However, the recent emergence of exotic animals seems to indicate that we humans have caused many irreversible impacts on the world. Only by protecting the environment and loving nature can our world become a better place."

On the sofa, Liu Jing was wearing a big red padded jacket, wrapped herself into a ball, curled up on the sofa, and played Douyin.

Fang Lin didn't feel fluctuated when he heard this video. He had seen too many in the past four months.

First of all, the number of fans of Kaka and Xueqiu's account has reached an astonishing 4000 million in four months. The reason for this is naturally related to his body size that surpasses his peers.

Longguo even issued a regulation specifically for this matter, "Regulations on the Management of Giant Pets for Urban Residents", which clearly divides the size of pets.

Pets with a body length or height of more than 1.5 meters should go to the pet resource bureau of their respective cities for testing on the first weekend of each month, mainly to test the physical and mental state of the pet.

In particular, the mental state test will be very strict. The pet will spend a day with a special person in the absence of the owner, and will be accompanied by a special psychological expert for review during the period.

Pet certification is granted after a full day of mock tests demonstrates that the pet is not antisocial.

At the same time, different cities have also introduced their own subdivisions. For example, the Imperial Capital stipulates that pets with a body length of more than three meters are not allowed to enter the third ring road, and pets with a body length of 1.5-3 meters are not allowed to live above the sixth floor. Houses above three meters can only live in villas and other personal residences. At the same time, it is temporarily prohibited to enter and leave the urban area from 8 to 22 o'clock during the day.

As soon as this policy was introduced, it was hotly discussed by netizens, and all kinds of praises for the policy were long-term.

After all, who knows if the Dragon Council will be able to raise brown bears and jaguars at home like polar bears or Dubai in 50 years.

And these special meanings are even more obvious in Fang Lin's eyes.

He seems to have become a typical example, just in time to pave the way for the people before the approaching spiritual recovery.

Maybe it is not certain that spiritual pets will become popular in the future.

But, Fang Lin reckoned that these policies would be useful to a limited number of people.
It's like the pet qualification test process that he has to go through every month now, some special person or psychological expert. It's basically the official practitioners, Jiang Baibai, Xueqiu and the others cameo.

Whether it is really a giant animal or a spirit beast that will cultivate in the future, the one who understands them best is naturally the spirit beast itself.

According to Jiang Baibai, the disgusting taste of idiots with strong desire to attack and violent personality can be felt through the flat screen.

And their appearance fee is 3 dragon coins once, and other miscellaneous expenses are counted. At present, only Fang Lin in the whole country charges 5 dragon coins for each project that Fang Lin is experiencing.

When this price was posted by Liu Jing in a video, the number of likes on the video reached 800 million.

In the video of "Exploring the Shop", the magnificent building of the pet fund bureau is dubbed by netizens as a pig-killing plate. The smiles and friendly performance of the staff inside make netizens wonder whether the salaries of these staff are all paid by Liu Jing .

When the fans saw Kaka lying on the ground with fluffy white hair and being leaned on by Liu Jing as a sofa, they were extremely envious.

Who wouldn't want to have a pet that is big, cute, safe and practical.

However, when the fans saw the testing fee of 5 yuan for this month, they all said that watching Liu Jingyang was the happiest. In each issue, some netizens commented below, "Why is there no advertisement in this issue? Is it going to sell Kaka to a dog meat shop next month?" ?"

And Fang Lin's status at home also plummeted, not because of money, but because it was too tiring to cook him a meal.

Especially when Mama Yang wanted to show her cooking skills to the family and cook some delicious food, she usually counted Fang Lin as one person, after all, she was her own child, so how could she not let him taste it?

Now I simply set up a giant oven on the balcony, bought a freezer, and asked Dad Lin to contact the supplier to deliver 400 catties of high-quality beef every week, and just roast it.

Before morning exercise, at ten o'clock in the morning, and at five o'clock in the evening, it is simple and convenient to directly throw a dozen catties into it for roasting.

And the basic Fang Lin, who usually makes delicious food, just tasted it and it was gone.

"Liu Jing, don't watch and come to eat!"

Yang Ma called out to Liu Jing while busy at the dining table.

"Know it!"

Liu Jing tightened her red cotton jacket, pulled her bare feet out from under the coiled cotton trousers and quickly stuffed them into cotton slippers, not wanting to stay outside for a second.

At this time, Fang Lin happened to pass by Lin Yuqing, who was sitting upright, like a silver wolf knight.

Kaka's 0.7-meter-long fluffy tail swayed behind her, which made Liu Jing's heart itch.

She quickly came to the side and wanted to ride on it, but facing the one-meter-tall Kaka, she had to stop before she could forcefully step on it.

But before it could be implemented, Yang's mother hurriedly stopped it.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

"Huh? I didn't do anything."

"How much is Qingqing, how much are you? Don't you have any idea? Then crush Kaka."

Liu Jing curled her lips, wrapped her arms around Fang Lin's big fluffy tail, muttering in her heart that she was petty, but she still didn't dare to talk back to Mama Yang.

When her somewhat cold hands touched Fang Lin's body, her eyes lit up: "After dinner, Kaka, watch a movie with me, you are like a giant warm baby."

Wearing thick cotton gloves, Yang Ma put a porcelain pot on a small shelf on the dining table, and joked, "As for it? You've already worn so many."

"Why can't it be January, we don't even have a heater here, I wake up from the cold in the morning!"

Lin Yuqing, who was sitting firmly on Fang Lin's body, smiled and was secretly happy when she heard this, because her bed had been moved away a long time ago, and now she was sleeping directly on the wooden floor with a soft bedding.

Every night, Kaka would also lie on the bed, and she and Xueqiu would sleep next to Kaka. The bed was like a large heater, and there was no such thing as cold hands and feet.

But Fang Lin was a bit reluctant to part with the bed. Although he weighed 196 kg when he weighed it, it didn't mean he slept on the bed.

The third gleaming spiritual core in his body was almost filled, and he, who had stepped into the B-level with one foot, would not bend even if he stood on a small grass.

If it weren't for the fierce gift Deng Jiefu prepared for him, he wouldn't have broken through to B level in four months, and the foundation would be as thick as an iceberg under the water.

Liu Jing looked at Lin Yuqing, who was laughing alone, and suddenly rolled her eyes: "That Qingqing, godmother, I'm a little scared to sleep alone at night recently, can you lend me the Kaka for two days, I'll take it The princess and the general will replace you first?"

"do not want!"

Lin Yuqing quickly shook his head, stretched out his hand and patted Fang Lin to signal him to run a few steps to the dining table, and then walked down to change the subject.

"Mom, what delicious food did you cook today?"

"The stewed chicken, eat it first when you're hungry, your father and Xiaojie should be down soon."

As she spoke, she lifted the lid of the porcelain pot, and the rich aroma immediately wafted into the room.

Fang Lin sniffed it. It was too fragrant, and there seemed to be many kinds of spices that must be delicious.

"Don't look at Kaka, your barbecue is on the balcony, let's go get it for you."

As she spoke, Yang Ma took off her gloves and came to Fang Lin's side and rubbed his head, wanting to take him to the balcony.

However, Fang Lin couldn't do what Yang's mother wanted. Fang Lin had his eye on the pot of chicken when it started to stew more than an hour ago.

And according to his long-term and rich experience, this chicken must be unusual, and it is very likely that it is a free-range chicken sent by his grandparents far in the northeast.

With a height of one meter, he came to the dining table, raised his head and tilted his head on the table, then stared straight at the porcelain pot, his ears drooped and began to play tricks.

"Let's go, this is not enough for you to stuff your teeth alone."

Yang Ma said and pushed Fang Lin with her body, but Fang Lin remained motionless.

"What did I do in my previous life to be a foodie like you?"

She helplessly patted Fang Lin's head lightly, then put on the disposable gloves prepared next to her and carefully broke off a big chicken leg with a lot of flesh attached to it.

"Hiss, it's hot, be careful when you eat."

Seeing that Mama Yang was a little unsteady, Fang Lin quickly stretched out his mouth to catch it, and chewed it up in two or three bites.

Yang Ma took off her gloves and blew on her hands, while leading the contented Fang Lin to the balcony.

At this time, Papa Lin and Xiaojie also went downstairs. Papa Lin was wearing a light and slim down jacket and smiled at Liu Jing who was wearing a red cotton padded jacket and trousers.

"Still wearing it? Is it so comfortable?"

Liu Jing rolled her eyes at him and said, "Well, don't you know Qian's mother's craftsmanship? I've only seen this big jacket in TV dramas before, but I didn't expect it to be really warm."

The big red jacket was mailed by Yang Ma's mother, Lin Yuqing, Xiaojie, and Fang Linyuan's grandmother in the northeast, Lin's father, Yang Ma and Liu Jing were all in one.

Xiaojie, who was wearing a thick sweater, looked at Liu Jing with some envy. He also wanted to wear this jacket, but he didn't know why grandma didn't post it for him.

Fortunately, my sister didn't have one, otherwise he would really be sour.

Liu Jing noticed Xiaojie's expression and deliberately teased him, saying, "Envy Xiaojie, your grandma said she doesn't like you anymore, so she didn't do it for you."

"I do not believe."

"If you don't believe me, you can ask her yourself when we get there in two days."

Xiaojie pouted and said nothing.

At this moment, Mama Yang came in with a dozen-jin-weight barbecue in both hands, and put it on a large stainless steel plate with a diameter of one meter beside the dining table.

For her, a family meal must be eaten together to feel good, so Fang Lin's previous rice bowl has been continuously upgraded to what it is now.

Next to Xueqiu, Jiang Baibai, Princess and Gongsun Yun are also in place.

Fang Lin looked at the yawning Jiang Baibai and asked, "Why are you so sleepy at noon?"

Jiang Baibai yawned and the slang words came out: "Spring sleepiness, autumn exhaustion, summer nap, sleepless winter March, do you understand?"

Fang Lin felt that Jiang Baibai, who was not awake, had a bad temper, so he opened his mouth to eat his lunch without asking for trouble.

Jiang Baibai, who was a little more sober, began to take the initiative to find something to say: "Why do you think you have to become so big? How good was your previous body shape."

Fang Lin used the answer he had answered hundreds of times to deal with this boring cat again: "I like big ones, they are mighty and handsome, and they are easy to eat."

The bloodline of spirit beasts will basically have a basic ability after stepping into the B-level, similar to the magic, sky, and earth in mythology, which can freely change in size.

It's just that there are subtle differences in the bloodline abilities of different levels. Some are just puffy when they get bigger, and some body strength and strength will increase exponentially when they get bigger, but it will only consume spiritual power.

However, because of the gift Deng Jiefu gave him, Fang Lin's foundation is too solid, whether it is his own spiritual core or blood, it can be called transformation.

Fang Lin has naturally mastered this ability now, and his current body shape is based on the premise that he doesn't think it will be too shocking to the world.

"Brother is right, I also want to become this big in the future."

The princess next to him agreed.

With the help of Fang Lin, the princess has also successfully awakened. Regardless of the sensation caused by it, the pressure on Xueqiu is quite great.

As soon as the princess wakes up, just like her, she follows Kaka's buttocks 24 hours a day and calls her brother. That kindness can kill Xueqiu.

So Xueqiu had an idea, and used his advantage of early awakening to forcefully suppress the princess and Fang Lin to worship together.

The princess accepted the reality after being beaten and suppressed, so brother Kaka, the second sister Xueqiu, and the third sister of the princess became all over the place.

"Brother~" This kind and sweet address was forcibly deprived by Xueqiu, and the princess could only call Brother Kaka, not brother.

"Hurry up and get promoted to D-rank. It's been four months, and you're still wandering around in the spirit beast stage. You don't do business every day."

Xueqiu showed the momentum of the second sister and pointed to the princess.


The Princess shook her tail, lay on the ground and rolled her eyes.

Now her mind is full of thoughts about going to her hometown in Northeast China to play, so she has no intention of cultivating.

When the family and grandpa and grandma were videotaping yesterday, it seemed that the ground was covered with thick snow.

That's snow!
She dreamed of jumping in.

(End of this chapter)

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