Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 196 The Goddess

Chapter 196 The Goddess
Not long after the family finished lunch, Lin Yuqingyuan's grandmother in the northeast made a hasty video call.

(I made a mistake yesterday and have revised it.)
Yang's mother just sat down on the sofa to catch her breath after cleaning up the table, when she saw her mother's phone, she quickly picked it up.

Du Qingfeng's amiable face suddenly appeared on the screen of the mobile phone, and his eyes under the short hair with ears narrowed into crescents.

"Mom, have you eaten yet?"

"Just finished eating, where are my grandson and granddaughter?"

Facing Mama Yang's greeting, Du Qingfeng casually poked his head around looking for Lin Yuqing and Xiaojie.

It's as if she and Yang's mother just adjusted the angle of view through a window to see more.

Yang's mother saw that her mother was too lazy to deal with it and she didn't make too much fun of it, so she waved to Xiaojie and Lin Yuqing who were not far away.

Lin Yuqing and Xiaojie jumped to Mama Yang's side and greeted the video.


"Good afternoon, grandma!"

"Hey, it's fine."

Du Qingfeng's somewhat chubby and kind face immediately became a ball of laughter.

"When are you coming? Your grandfather and I miss you both so much."

Yang Ma took up the conversation: "I'll take the special plane back tomorrow, and everything has been packed. In the afternoon, Wen Shao will go to the company to make some arrangements and everything will be ready."

"That's fine, that's fine."

Du Qingfeng breathed a sigh of relief and then complained: "Why do children have so much homework nowadays? It seems that the winter vacation is only a week away after the Chinese New Year."

Yang's mother was a little helpless: "Mom, hasn't it always been like this?"

"Auntie, I will also celebrate the New Year this year."

Liu Jing next to him also interjected.

"Okay, everyone is coming, it's very lively and lively."

Du Qingfeng continued enthusiastically: "It's snowing heavily here, and the back mountain is closed, and there's not much popularity here every day. Your dad and I have to go down to catch the morning market."

Yang's mother took the opportunity to say: "If you want me to say, I will take you two over. We can meet every day when we buy a house downstairs."

Du Qingfeng immediately shook his head again and again: "No, no, no, I can raise fish, geese and sheep here, but I can't do anything with you."

At this time, Yang Tingxiang also came over with an old-fashioned porcelain cup with some peeling paint. He was wearing a thin sweater in the room, and his body, which was nearly [-] years old, was still vigorously hidden under the clothes.

Xiaojie greeted excitedly when he saw it: "Grandpa!"

"Hey, Xiaojie, have you had lunch yet?"

"I ate, grandpa, I want to go up the mountain to play tomorrow~"

However, upon hearing this, Yang Tingxiang and Du Qingfeng, who were originally smiling, fell silent for a moment, and they looked at each other in silence.

Fang Lin, who was lying on the carpet next to him and eavesdropping, was a little strange. Why did the atmosphere suddenly become subtle?
Xiaojie thought he had said something wrong, so he pursed his lips nervously.

Mama Yang raised her eyebrows and asked, "What's wrong, Dad? What's the matter?"

Du Qingfeng opened his mouth to say something but was interrupted by Yang Tingxiang waving his hand.

He sat on the kang, put the porcelain cup on the table, looked at the camera and said, "It's nothing serious, it's just that the animals in the mountains are not quite right recently."

"Is something wrong with the animals?"

Liu Jing couldn't help being curious, Fang Lin and Jiang Baibai looked at each other and listened carefully.

Yang Tingxiang took a sip of tea and began to talk slowly.

It turned out that Lin Yuqing's grandfather and grandmother lived in Mingyuan Town next to the Daxing Mountains in Heilongjiang Province. Mingyuan Town is a small town next to the stretching Nen River, and to the west is the endless virgin forest.

Generally speaking, today, when the scope of human activities is so huge, even some wild animals go to deep mountains and old forests, not to mention that it is still winter and many animals have already hibernated.

However, after decades of protection and the fact that the Northeast region, especially in remote areas, is becoming less and less populated, coupled with the fact that the world's aura has become more intense in recent months, these animals have become somewhat active.

"That's it."

"Except for the tiger that almost attacked the vehicle on the side of the national highway some time ago, the blind bear who was supposed to be hibernating also appeared for some reason, and his face, eyes and nose were gnawed off by two people who rushed into the mountain rashly."


Du Qingfeng next to him patted Yang Tingxiang hard: "Why do you keep talking more and more addicted?"

She gestured to Yang Tingxiang, already a little scared, his face turned pale Xiaojie and Lin Yuqing, Yang Tingxiang immediately closed his mouth.

Yang Tingxiang scratched his short gray hair and said to Xiaojie: "A man should have a bit of dignity. When you come, grandpa can take you to a safe place in the back mountain and take you on an adventure."

Xiaojie held on and said, "I'm not afraid! I have Kaka!"

Yang Tingxiang was stunned for a moment and said with a smile: "Yes, there is Kaka, but if you really encounter threats in the wild, you need to rely on a hunting dog that has experienced many battles."

"Kaka is also very good."

"Well indeed."

Yang Tingxiang looked a little hesitant and tangled, and he almost said that being big doesn't mean he has strong fighting power.

In his opinion, a pampered pet might be scared to death at the sight of a pig slaughtered, but he still had to take good care of it.

However, he also likes raising animals, and he is also very fond of and curious about Kaka. It is also a miracle that a husky can grow up big.

Yang Tingxiang was born and raised near Daxing for nearly 60 years and has seen many adult brown bears.

The body length of an adult brown bear is 1.98-2.24 meters, with an average of 2.12 meters. The size of an adult female bear is about 3/4 of that of a male bear, with a weight range of 95-215 kilograms, with an average of 150 kilograms. 1.66 meters.

Kaka was about the same age as some of the female bears he had seen. If he really trained it well, he might really be able to do something.

As a person who has also trained many hounds, Kaka is a perfect piece of jade in his eyes.

Especially when his body was growing amazingly, Yang Tingxiang even carefully studied all the videos about Kaka all night.

The amazing spirituality shown by Kaka in the military base made his heart itch. He also searched a lot of training materials about huskies.

However, most of them are sleigh pulling and so on from foreign experience, and almost all of them in China are Erha’s achievements at home.

Speaking of which, Kaka should be regarded as one of his grandsons. I don’t know that Kaka and his daughter are reluctant to let him train him.
Yang Tingxiang thought about it for a while, and made up his mind to pull Kaka and Xiaojie to practice at that time.

Especially Xiaojie, how could such a big man be as scared as Qingqing when he heard blind Xiong hurting others?

When he was this old, he didn't know how many times he drilled in the mountains.

Du Qingfeng sighed at this time: "I don't know what's going on recently, the animals are becoming more and more intelligent. Recently, squirrels often come to the house to beg for food, and they are quite obedient."

Xiaojie: "!!!"

Lin Yuqing: "!!!"

"Little squirrel, grandma?"


The three of them immediately had a heated discussion about how to feed the squirrel when it came next time.

Yang Tingxiang saw that the three of them were chatting enthusiastically, so he had nothing to say: "It may be that the mountain god has appeared. Recently, I feel that the mountains, rivers and trees are not the same."

Yang's mother rolled her eyes: "Dad! It's such a society now, don't indoctrinate the children with gods and ghosts."

"Why are there gods and ghosts? Even if you don't believe it, you have to respect it and know how to be in awe!"

"Yes Yes Yes."

"I have experienced this kind of thing myself."

"Hey, don't talk about your old past."

Du Qingfeng was dissatisfied.

But Xiaojie and Lin Yuqing's eyes lit up, they like listening to these stories from the past the most.

Lin Yuqing asked curiously: "Grandpa, have you told us this story before?"

"No, your mother didn't let me tell you before, saying that talking about it will affect your values."

Lin Yuqing clasped his hands together and acted coquettishly at Yang Tingxiang: "Tell me, tell me, we want to hear it."

Seeing Lin Yuqing's appearance, Yang Tingxiang patted his thigh: "Okay, I'll tell you about it today, anyway, you've grown up too."

He took a sip of the tea from the porcelain cup and began to talk about it with a straight expression. Fang Lin also pricked up his ears and listened carefully. Could it be that the spiritual energy recovered decades ago?
"That year, I should have been 20 years old."

"Your grandfather had five children in total, and I am the third child."

"At that time, the fourth and fifth children were just 16 years old, and the family was too poor. The eldest had not yet married a wife, and the family's ancestral home only had one homestead."

"Without a house, even the well-known matchmaker in the town finds it very difficult, and there is no way to find a wife."

"So my second brother, your second uncle and grandpa, and I decided to give up the family homestead to the eldest brother. It would be a joke if he didn't ask for a wife at the time and spread the word."

"Your second uncle and grandpa worked as a cook at the time, and I worked on construction sites. We will take care of the fourth and fifth children until they reach adulthood."

"When we made the decision, your second uncle and grandpa and I were so impassioned that we couldn't help ourselves, and felt that we were so powerful that we could take responsibility."

"But it's really difficult to actually implement it. When your grandpa heard this, he really didn't care about the four of us. We have to pay for the food at home."

"Your second uncle and grandpa and I had no choice but to go out before dawn to look for work. He was lucky. With some fake tricks, he was spotted by the chef of the state-run restaurant, so he left me alone."

"The reason is actually because of my arrogance."

"At that time, I was young and full of tendons. If I really went to do odd jobs for others, I would definitely have a job."

"But I really don't want to work for someone else."

"I realized this when I was an apprentice at the age of 18. First, the money is too slow, and second, it is difficult to get ahead. I will always eat other people's leftovers."

"So I used some people your grandpa had known all his life and some contacts I had accumulated in the past two years, and tried desperately to see if there was any work or resources for me."

"At the same time, I also searched for it myself. I almost went to several nearby towns, looking for houses that need to be built. I don't dislike Xiaodan."

"But I found two or three jobs throughout the month and earned some hard money."

"Your grandmother looked distressed, so she took two catties of pork to find a sorceress who is said to have just escaped from the capital and lived in seclusion with us."

"Because of the times, few people dared to approach her, so we visited her late at night."

"The sorceress said that she was 70 or [-] years old, but her ruddy complexion looked younger than me now. Seeing our sincerity, I guess we had been free for a long time and wanted to do some activities, so we came home with us."

"When I came home, let me close the iron door of the house, close my eyes and mutter for a while, and then open my eyes and say it's over."

"He said that he has invited God for me, just wait for the follow-up, and he left without stopping."

"I didn't believe it at the time either. Just like this, there will be no wind, rain, thunder and lightning, and it will be fine?"

"But that night I had a dream, dreaming that someone came to ask me to build a house."

"The dream is exactly the same as the real one. The layout and structure of the house, the size of the cellar that people asked to build, etc. are very clear."

"When I woke up and had breakfast the next morning, someone actually came to my door, and it happened to be exactly what I had in my dream."

"I was literally stunned."

"But I didn't tell anyone about my dream at the time. I was afraid that it would not work if I said it. I was really short of money at the time. I have lived my whole life until now, and I have never wanted to make money like I was 20 years old."

"I made a plan in my dream, and I would talk about it when people came. Everything was in line with other people's wishes, and it was settled at once."

"And this order is still a big one. I made a profit of 1000 at that time."

Yang Tingxiang paused when he said this, picked up his teacup and took a sip of water.

Lin Yuqing took the opportunity to praise: "Wow, 1000, wasn't it a lot at the time?"

"That's quite a lot."

"Grandpa is really amazing, what's next?"

Yang Tingxiang was overjoyed to see his granddaughter adoring her, and continued talking with a light cough.

"Later, I was like a tiger with wings added, like a duck in water, and slowly pulled up my own team, took more and more orders, and became more and more famous."

"One day three months later, I had a dream."

"At that time, I was standing in the courtyard of my hometown, and dreamed that a fairy slowly flew up to the sky from the iron gate and said to me: It's time, I left, and then disappeared."

"Since then, I haven't dreamed about these miraculous things, but the most difficult time is over and everything is better."

"It wasn't until your mother was born and raised and I retired that I didn't start telling the story at home."

At this moment, Lin Yuqing's grandmother Du Qingfeng rolled her eyes and said: "At that time, your grandfather talked about this every day when he started talking, and he talked about it more than ten times a day, which is enough for me to listen to."

"Hey old lady, what are you talking about?"

"Am I wrong?"

"Hmph, you should be hungry at night."

Lin Yuqing and Xiaojie laughed happily watching their grandparents bickering.

And Fang Lin thought about the rationality of this matter in his heart.

The main reason is that what grandpa said is too eloquent, and it is his own experience.

It can't be that Yang Tingxiang was schizophrenic at the age of 20, right?

If you really want to analyze it, it is that there were indeed a small number of people who were practicing at that time, and there were some very special supernatural powers or methods that could help others predict.

Or these are just tricks, and this sorceress came to give money with others.
It's impossible no matter what.

At this moment, Lin Yuqing suddenly asked, "Grandpa, where did that mother-in-law go?"

Yang Tingxiang shook his head: "I don't know. I was very busy at the time and didn't go to visit because of the continuous flow of work. I didn't go there until three months later when I dreamed that the fairy left again."

"But there was no one in that thatched hut. I only found out when I inquired during the day the next day. It turned out that no one had disappeared two months ago."

 I took a graduation photo today hehe, it’s a bit late my dears, I’ll make it up tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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